Global Chat Channel
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The Global Chat System is a separate server that is tied into City of Heroes/Villains in order to allow special chat channels that connect each server with its siblings. Once a player joins a channel, they're able to talk to anyone else in said channel regardless of where they may be (barring arena matches, which are blocked from all chat channel, both global and local to cut down on cheating) located in game and on whatever server.
Global channel membership is based on account, not character, so if you join a channel on one character, all other characters will be members. Additionally, non admin accounts are limited to 5 channel memberships. To join a new one after you hit your 5th, you must first drop one of your current channels.
When you talk in a Global Chat Channel, you use your Global Chat name/handle, instead of the name of whatever character your currently on (which is still used in your local channels, i.e. team, sg, broadcast, request, coalition, local, etc). At this time, the only way to select the Global Chat Channel your talking in is by clicking in the lower right hand section of the char screen where the channel is listed (default is often local), which brings up a list of all the channels your a member of.
Global Chat Channels have 3 ranks and 4 color codes representing ranks.
White - a normal member, they have permissions only to talk in channel
Blue (add star photo) - channel operator, they can invite to channel, kick members, silence members, and swap the channel from public to private (invite only mode) as well as chat
Red (add uberstar) - channel Administrator, they can do everything that a channel operator can, in addition to kicking/silencing operators, and are able to see channel members that are also on global hide. Currently, this rank is only held by those with a special flag on their accounts (GMs, Developers, and other Admin), and the rank is auto assigned by joining the channel.
Green - Players currently on Global hide, they can only be seen by Channel Admin, and they appear as having green names in order to represent that they are on hide, their rank insignia is still present though.