Missions:Tip - Under-the-Table Job

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Tip Mission
Type Alignment
Place Paragon City
Available to Rogues
Level range 20–29
Choice Hero
v  d  e

Under-the-Table Job

Alignment Mission

You get a rather intruiguing email from an old... associate... in the Rogue Isles - Miss Thystle:

So look, Character, I know your schtick lately. Schmooze with all the capes so they get to like you, then when it comes time for them to swing their hammer, you don't get hit so much. Nice gig. You always were a wuss, you know that?

I got a good gig, too. One that pays a lot. You remember what that was like? Gettin' paid in cold, hard cash rather than warm fuzzies and unicorns or whatever crap those heroes are handing out these days.

Let me get to the point. I need your skills. You do this job with me, I give you half, and I don't say a word to your hero friends, okay?


The letter then goes on to describe the details of the plan. It involves that Ice Queen, Polar Shift. Maybe you can not only teach her to quit acting so high-and-mighty, but also make some secret cash under the table.

HERO: Go over the plan and what your role in it is.


You know that you can't really trust Miss Thystle. But that's what you can trust about her - she's untrustworthy. However, she knows not to go back on a deal - everyone worth their salt knows bad things happen to people who back out on deals. And for some spare cash, it might be worth it.

The thing that sells you the most about the job is that you get to knock Polar Shift down a peg or two. It seems all you have to do is lure her to some caves below and hit her with some of Thystle's numbing toxin to make her all giddy and dumb.

Heh... make Miss Priss act giddy and stupid? You're in!

  • Do this easy job and make some fast cash!

You agree to the job and get the details of when and where to meet with Polar Shift in tow. Seems Thystle is working with those weirdos, the Lost. She's given you a vial of her chlorotoxins to use on Polar Shift.

Stick her with the needle, and you're done. This should go smoothly.

Unnecessary Solicitation

If you wanna get paid, you're gonna need to get Polar Shift over to those caves. Thystle has given you a vial of her chlorotoxins to use on Polar Shift.

Stick her with the needle, and you're done. This should go smoothly.

Mission Objective(s)

Well, that was easy enough. You lured Polar Shift here under the pretense of 'saving' some baby seals inside the caves. It took you forever to ditch her friend, Flambeaux. The hothead was threatening to call the 'police' the whole time... Even though she's a super, herself. What an airhead.

  • Knock Polar Shift down a peg!
    • Ambush Polar Shift and administer the serum
    • Find Miss Thystle so you can get paid
    • Talk to Miss Thystle
    • Rescue Polar Shift from a horrible fate!
    • Lead Polar Shift to safety

You managed to get Polar Shift to a safe place, even though she never knew that it was you that rescued her.


Badge villain skyraiders.png Sky Raiders
Badge villain lost.png The Lost

Notable NPCs

Polar Shift guards combat dialogue 

Before combat

Polar Shift: That sound... It's... Confusing me....
Sky Raider Rescue Team: We've got to get her out of here! She's not looking so good.

Combat start

Polar Shift: Who... Who's there?
Sky Raider Rescue Team: Character? You're in on this? But... but I thought you were going straight...

Guards defeated

Polar Shift: What... What did you do to me?
Polar Shift: I have to fight... The... The music... It's calling me...

Miss Thystle rescue dialogue 

Combat start

Miss Thystle: Where in the hell is Character? Character!!! I'm in a bit of some trouble here!
Sky Raider Rescue Team: Look, lady - we're being paid to get her to safety. We'll take down anyone else in on your operation for free if you get in our way.
Miss Thystle: There you are! If you want your money, get over here and help me!
Sky Raider Rescue Team: Bring it, Character, bring it.

Miss Thystle conversation 

Speaking with Miss Thystle

You know, I'm thinking I might have to lower your cut on this gig. I've been the one doing all this work here, you know.
  • Shut your trap and give me my cash, Thystle.
What?! Oh no no NO!...
You're not getting paid until the WHOLE job is done, got it? Don't think you can fool me the way you're fooling all those heroes.
  • There's more to the job?
Of course there is! You didn't read the whole email, did you?!
Look, you got little Polar-Wolar under the Lost's sway and - uh - I handled the mercs hired to rescue her, right? Now we do the real job, got it? We hold off any other rescue attempts while the Lost transform that poor wittle giwl into a breeding host to create genetically modified... well, I don't know what they are.
Look - All I know is that when they're done with her, she'll be popping out those creatures like an Octo-mom or something. But you know what I care about? All I care about is ALL the CASH they're offering me - er... - us, I meant - to do this.
  • Hold on! They're going to turn her into a... breeding machine?
Oh don't start getting all high and mighty on me now, Character. I know perfectly well what kinds of things you've been up to in the Rogue Isles. Just because you're hanging out with heroes Doesn't - Mean - You - Are - One.
You'll never be heroic, Character got it? You're a sick, disgusting mongrel like all the rest of us. Once you start acting like you're more than dirt is when one of those heroes comes along and makes you look real stupid, you know.
Now listen up... if you go back on our deal, I'll get Arachnos down your throat.
AND you won't get your half of the cut!
  • But... I was never THAT bad...

After conversation

Miss Thystle: I'm serious. You don't show up and you don't see one red cent, got it? Now meet me in the back of these caves!!!

Subdued Polar Shift rescue dialogue 

Combat start

Subdued Polar Shift: Please... don't... I don't... want...
Miss Thystle: I knew that Character had gone soft and didn't have the guts to do a real job anymore...
Subdued Polar Shift: Is that you...
Miss Thystle: Oh, you're not serious...
Subdued Polar Shift: Manticore?
Miss Thystle: You're going to SAVE her?
Subdued Polar Shift: Are you... here to save... me?
Miss Thystle: You have reeeeally lost it, you know that, Character?

Once freed

Subdued Polar Shift: You're not... Manticore...
Subdued Polar Shift: whoever you are... please help me... I think I'm hurt...

Subdued Polar Shift escort dialogue 


Subdued Polar Shift: Why is it so dark... where are my friends?


Subdued Polar Shift: I'm having a very bad nightmare... right now...

Mission exit

Subdued Polar Shift: Thank you... Hero.


Even though you didn't get paid for that job, it doesn't matter, okay? What they had planned for her is something even that stuck up Queen Bee doesn't deserve.

But the thing she said to you at the end? Well, it's kinda weighing on your - lack! - of conscience...
