Talk:Enhancement Sets

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Revision as of 20:33, 10 April 2007 by imported>PARAGON-Resonance
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Just to let people know where I'm going with this page. The intention is to shift what colors mean on the enhancement list tables. (Not the bonus tables) Currently the only things that colors mena on those lists is Proc and Globals. I've already shifted Proc to text labels, and will do the same with Globals. The intention is to then start adding the new color templates I recently created, {{Template:IOUncommon}}, {{Template:IOPoolA}}, {{Template:IOPoolB}}, {{Template:IOPoolC}}, and {{Template:IOPoolD}}. The names should give a hint as to their intent. But just in case it is not, the intent is to eventually color each IO to show it's origin and pool. - Sister Leortha 10:15, 10 April 2007 (PDT)

  • Can I suggest a Green / Blue / Orange / Red color system instead for PoolA/PoolB/PoolC/PoolD to better indicate difficulty of obtaining the enhancement? -- Resonance 17:33, 10 April 2007 (PDT)