Wolf Spiders

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Wolf Spiders are the soldiers of Arachnos and are little more than legalized thugs. Lord Recluse recruits legions of desperate souls to fill their ranks.

Enemy Types


Wolf Spider

Wolf Spiders are little more than legalized thugs. Lord Recluse recruits legions of desperate souls to fill their ranks, then puts them through a rigorous training program that emphasizes loyalty, brutality, and discipline, in that order.


Pistol Ranged Lethal, Low Damage
Small caliber side arm.

Pulverize Melee, High Damage (Smash), Minor Disorient
You attempt to Pulverize your opponent. This attack is slower than Bash but causes more damage. It also has a chance of Disorienting your opponent for a brief time. Damage: High, Recharge: Moderate.

Pummel Minor Smash Damage
When all else fails, you have only your two fists to depend on.

Wolf Spider Enforcer

Wolf Spiders are little more than legalized thugs. Lord Recluse recruits legions of desperate souls to fill their ranks, then puts them through a rigorous training program that emphasizes loyalty, brutality, and discipline, in that order.


Heavy Pistol Ranged Lethal, Medium Damage
Small caliber side arm.

Pulverize Disorient
You have been Disoriented.

Pummel Minor Smash Damage
When all else fails, you have only your two fists to depend on. (Lvls 20 and up)

Wolf Spider Assault

Wolf Spider Assault troops are armed with submachine guns to hose down pesky super-types who stick their nose in Lord Recluse's business.


Burst (Ranged, Lethal) Foe -Defense
Your Defense has been reduced by the Submachine Gun.

Heavy Burst (Ranged, Lethal) Foe -Defense
Your Defense has been reduced by the Submachine Gun.

Brawl (Melee) Minor Damage, Smash
When all else fails, you have only your two fists to depend on.

Pulverize Melee, High Damage (Smash), Minor Disorient
You attempt to Pulverize your opponent. This attack is slower than Bash but causes more damage. It also has a chance of Disorienting your opponent for a brief time. Damage: High, Recharge: Moderate.


Wolf Spider Tac Ops

Wolf Spider Tac Ops

Tactical Operators are Wolf Spiders who have shown keen tactical sense and lead small detachments of Wolf Spiders.


Mace Beam Ranged, Moderate Damage (Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback
The Nulifier Mace is capable of firing a tremendous bolt of Force from the end of it. Arachnos Troopers call this the Power Blast. The Arbiters who invented it scoff at this simple term.

Poisonous Ray (Only level 10+) (Ranged), Damage over Time, Toxic, Foe -Defense
You have been poisoned and your Defense has been reduced.

Pulverize Melee, High Damage (Smash), Minor Disorient
You attempt to Pulverize your opponent. This attack is slower than Bash but causes more damage. It also has a chance of Disorienting your opponent for a brief time. Damage: High, Recharge: Moderate.


Wolf Spider Huntsman

Wolf Spider Huntsman
Cape detail

The most brutal and effective members of the Wolf Spiders are eventually promoted to Huntsmen. They're armed and armored for many situations, so tread lightly when they are around.


Frag Grenade (Ranged) Targeted Area of Effect, Lethal/Smash, Foe Knockback
Launches an M30 grenade at long range from under the barrel of your Assault Rifle. The explosion of this grenade affects all within the blast and can knock them back.

Wide Area Web Grenade (Ranged, Area of Effect) Foe Immobilize, -Fly, -Recharge
You have been caught in a web. You cannot move or fly and your attack speed is reduced.

Venom Grenade (Ranged, Damage over Time, Toxic) Foe -Damage, -Recharge
The poisonous gas has severely weakened your attacks and Slowed your attack speed.

Shotgun Ranged, Cone, Lethal damage, Foe Knockdown
Good at close range. Fires a cone of buckshot pellets and can knock some foes down.

Rifle Butt Melee, Smash
A smash with the butt of your rifle.

??? Melee, Smash