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The Council are a villain group.

Villain Types


New Council recruits are place in the ranks of the Nebula, the lowest of the organization's Outer Bands. There they will either prove themselves worthy to learn the secrets of the Council, or else they will die in combat. Either way, they serve the Council's purposes.

Nebula Buckshot


Shotgun Cone Lethal, Knockback
Good at close range. Fires a cone of buckshot pellets and can knock some foes down.

Brawl Melee Smash
Council brawling attacks

Nebula Cor Leonis Marksman

A Cor Leonis is a Council soldier who has undergone a long and painful regimen of super solider treatments. The Nebula Cor Leonis are the most numerous of these medical marvels, but that doesn't mean they're common. They've had extensive training and thousands of dollars worth of drugs pumped into them. It's an investment that usually pays off, since the first rank Cor Leonis is stronger than five normal men.

Nebula Gunner


Submachine Gun DoT (Lethal), -DEF
Your Defense has been slightly reduced by the Submachine Gun.

Brawl Melee Smash
Council brawling attacks

Nebula Pistol


Automatic Pistol Ranged Lethal, Med Dam
Small caliber side arm.

Brawl Melee Smash
Council brawling attacks

Nebula Rifle


Submachine Gun DoT (Lethal), -DEF
Your Defense has been slightly reduced by the Submachine Gun.

Brawl Melee Smash
Council brawling attacks

The Penumbra is the Council's special operations division, tasked with covert ops, assassinations, and espionage. Even the lowest level recruits receive some special training, particularly in stealth and evasion techniques. New recruits must have some military or law enforcement experience before being accepted into the Penumbra.

Penumbra Buckshot

Penumbra Gunner

Submachine Gun DoT (Lethal), -DEF
Your Defense has been slightly reduced by the Submachine Gun.

Penumbra Rifle

Adv Submachine Gun DoT (Lethal), -DEF
Your Defense has been slightly reduced by the Advanced Submachine Gun.

Brawl Melee Smash
Council brawling attacks

Once a soldier has proven his total commitment to the cause, he is transferred into the ranks of the Elite. Only one in five soldiers survive long enough to achieve this promotion. Nebula Elites receive first stage super soldier serum that improves their physical prowess to the level of Olympic athletes. They also go through training courses before being put back into the battle lines. After all, the Council has made an investment in their success.

Nebula Elite Buckshot

Shotgun Cone Lethal, Knockback
Good at close range. Fires a cone of buckshot pellets and can knock some foes down.

Brawl Melee Smash
Council brawling attacks

Nebula Elite Gunner

Submachine Gun DoT (Lethal), -DEF
Your Defense has been slightly reduced by the Submachine Gun.

Nebula Elite Rifle

Adv Submachine Gun DoT (Lethal), -DEF
Your Defense has been slightly reduced by the Advanced Submachine Gun.

Brawl Melee Smash
Council brawling attacks

Vortex Cor Leonis Fire

Every member of the Council aspires to become one of the Vortex Cor Leonis, but few of them achieve this lofty goal. They are the spiritual and philosophical leaders of the Council - totally devoted to its goal of world domination. Like any good soldier, they lead by example. Their intense training and physical enhancements make them perfect soldiers. In battle, they servee as an inspiration to all who fight at their side.

Vortex Elite Fire

Elite members of the Vortex have not only proven their loyalty to the cause, they've also shown themselves capable of bringing new members into the fold. Olnly those who have achieved Elite status are allowed to interact directly with potential recruits. Their fanatical devotion ensures that they'll either convert the potential member or kill him. Either way, the secrets of the Council remain secure.

Zenith Mech Man

Vandal, the genius behind the Council's technology, created his first robots during the 1940's. He's been improving on them ever since. Now known as the Zenith Mech Men, these tough and deadly machines are 100 times more dangerous than their predecessors of 60 years ago. Mondern Mech Men have tough, thick armor, redundant systems that resist damage, and a powerful onboard AI that makes them faster and smarter than most human soldiers.


Galaxy Adjutant

The Galaxy Band of the Council has been trained by Arakhn in stealth and infiltration. They have also been conditioned by Kheldian mind control techniques to be loyal to her above all others.


Nebula Elite Archon

The leaders of the Nebula Elite are near perfect soldierly specimens. In addition to the normal super soldier serum, they receive a special formula that enhances intellect and problem solving skills. An Elite Archon is utterly devoted to the Council's plans for world domination, and he can finally be trusted to lead his soldiers without direction from above.


Thunder Kick Disorient
You have been Disoriented by a Thunder Kick.

Frag Grenade Targeted AoE Lethal/Smashing, Knockback
This explosion from this Fragmentation Grenade affects all within the blast and can knock them back.

Elite Bosses

Lt. Blechley

Though the Vampyri of the Council are not undead, they are certainly monsters. Lt. Blechley is typical of them. His body has been modified by grotesque surgeries and chemical treatments into a super-human killing machine, and his mind has been altered to match. It's no wonder Old Man Marcone didn't allow them in Port Orleans

Named Bosses

  • Archon Volder
  • Archon Turney