Water Control

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Water Control is a primary power set for Controllers and Dominators.

"You have total control over the power of water. Water Control grants you superior control over large groups and the ability to deal a good amount of damage to single targets. Your powers have a chance to inflict drowning on a target; while under this effect Deluge, Suffocate, Hypothermia, Turbulent Aura, and Tidal Wave will deal more damage and these power's secondary effects are increased."

Power Table

The Water Control power set is available as a primary set for Controllers and Dominators. The following table shows the level at which each power is available:

Power Level Effect
WaterControl Deluge.png Deluge 1 Ranged, High DMG (Smashing/Cold), Foe Knockdown, -Speed
WaterControl Suffocate.png Suffocate 1 Ranged, Moderate DoT(Cold), Foe Hold, -Def
WaterControl Hypothermia.png Hypothermia 2 Ranged (Targeted AoE), Sleep (Foe) -Movement(Foe), Chance for Drowning(Foe)
WaterControl GeyserBurst.png Geyser Burst 6 Ranged (Location AoE), Minor DMG (Fire) Knockup (Foe), -Movement(Foe)
WaterControl TurbulentAura.png Turbulent Aura 8 PBAoE (Toggle), Minor DMG (Cold), Knockdown(Foe), Heal (Self), Chance for Drowning (Foe)
WaterControl Riptide.png Riptide 12 Ranged (Location AoE), Minor DMG (Cold), Forced Movement (Foe)
WaterControl TidalWave.png Tidal Wave 18 Ranged (Cone), Light DMG (Smashing/Cold) Knockback(Foe), Stun(Foe), -Movement(Foe), Chance for Drowning(Foe)
WindControl DrowningPool.png DrowningPool 26 Ranged (Targeted AoE), Hold (Foe), -Def(All)(Foe)
WindControl WaterGolem.png WaterGolem 32 Summon Water Golem


WaterControl Deluge.png Deluge

You cause a torrent of water to crush your foe causing High Cold and Smashing damage knocking them off their feet and reducing their movement speed. This power has a small chance to place the Drowning effect on its target. Deluge deals additional over time and has improved movement speed reduction against foes suffering from drowning.

Damage High (Smashing/Cold)
Recharge Moderate
Minimum Level Archetypeicon controller.png 1 (Controller)
V archetypeicon dominator.png 1 (Dominator)
Effects Ranged, High DMG(Cold/Smash)
Foe Knockdown, -Speed
Chance to inflict drowning
Enhancements TO Training Accuracy.png Enhance Accuracy
TO Training Damage.png Enhance Damage
TO Training KnockBack Distance.png Enhance Knockback Distance
TO Training Attack Rate.png Increase Attack Rate
TO Training Endurance Cost.png Reduce Endurance Cost
TO Training Range.png Enhance Range
TO Training Slow powers.png Enhance Slow
IO Knockback Distance.png Knockback
IO Slow.png Slow Movement
IO Ranged Damage.png Ranged Damage

WindControl Vacuum.png Drowning Pool

You release all Pressure to create a vacuum space around a target. With a foe target, the foe is held. Nearby foes may also be held. Foes in the field suffer lethal damage and persistent movement, attack speed, and chance to hit debuffs that grow stronger the longer they are in the field. If centered on an ally, the main target is not held, but foes are affected as normal. For each Pressure released, the Vacuum field persists for 2 seconds more. At your highest Pressure level, the main target will take extra damage and the field will persist long enough to reapply its hold. If Vacuum is targeted on your Vortex, you will gain the Clear Skies boon, but at the expense of using the power to harm foes. The boon lasts 5 seconds more for each Pressure released. Both Vacuum and Vortex are required to unlock Clear Skies.

Damage Minor (Lethal)
Recharge Very Long
Minimum Level Archetypeicon controller.png 26 (Controller)
V archetypeicon dominator.png 26 (Dominator)
Effects Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect)
Foe Hold, -Movement, -Recharge, -ToHit
Summon Vacuum
Self Pressure Consumer
Enhancements TO Training Accuracy.png Enhance Accuracy
TO Training Damage.png Enhance Damage
TO Training Attack Rate.png Increase Attack Rate
TO Training Range.png Enhance Range
TO Training Endurance Cost.png Reduce Endurance Cost
TO Training ToHit DeBuffs.png Enhance ToHit Debuff
TO Training Slow powers.png Enhance Slow
TO Training Hold Duration.png Enhance Hold Duration
Set Categories IO Damage.png Targeted AoE Damage
IO To Hit DeBuff.png ToHit Debuff
IO Accurate ToHit Debuff.png Accurate ToHit Debuff
IO Slow.png Slow Movement
IO Hold Duration.png Holds

WindControl KeeningWinds.png Geyser Burst

You create a sphere of variable speed winds that generate strong friction within the turbulence of the air. This creates odd echoes and sounds that confuse foes caught within the burst. The loss of confidence your foes suffer due their confusion causes them to lose endurance over a few seconds, while you gain endurance due to a boost in confidence you enjoy from seeing your foes struggle. This power builds Pressure.

Recharge Long
Minimum Level Archetypeicon controller.png 18 (Controller)
V archetypeicon dominator.png 18 (Dominator)
Effects Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect)
Foe Confuse, EndDrain
Self +End
Enhancements TO Training Accuracy.png Enhance Accuracy
TO Training Attack Rate.png Increase Attack Rate
TO Training Range.png Enhance Range
TO Training Endurance Cost.png Reduce Endurance Cost
TO Training Confusion Duration.png Enhance Confusion Duration
TO Training Endurance Modification.png Enhance Endurance Modification
Set Categories IO Confusion Duration.png Confuse
IO Endurance Modification.png Endurance Modification

WindControl Downdraft.png Hypothermia

You gather air above your target before forcefully pressurizing it into a downward flowing vortex. The force of the downdraft prevents your target from moving, effectively holding them in place and preventing flight. The force of the downdraft leaves the target winded, reducing their movement and attack speeds for a short time while they recover. This power builds Pressure.

Recharge Moderate
Minimum Level Archetypeicon controller.png 1 (Controller)
V archetypeicon dominator.png 1 (Dominator)
Effects Ranged (Smashing)
Foe Hold, -Movement, -Recharge, -Fly
Self Pressure Builder
Enhancements TO Training Accuracy.png Enhance Accuracy
TO Training Damage.png Enhance Damage
TO Training Attack Rate.png Increase Attack Rate
TO Training Range.png Enhance Range
TO Training Endurance Cost.png Reduce Endurance Cost
TO Training Slow powers.png Enhance Slow
TO Training Hold Duration.png Enhance Hold Duration
Set Categories IO Ranged Damage.png Ranged Damage
IO Slow.png Slow Movement
IO Hold Duration.png Holds

WindControl Thundergust.png Riptide

You unleash a powerful gust of wind in the direction of your foes. This gust has enough force to deal minor smashing damage to your foes and knock them to the ground. The debris blown at your opponent temporarily blinds them, reducing their chance to hit. This power builds Pressure.

Damage Minor (Smashing)
Recharge Very Long
Minimum Level Archetypeicon controller.png 8 (Controller)
V archetypeicon dominator.png 8 (Dominator)
Effects Ranged (Cone)
Foe Knockdown, -ToHit
Self Pressure Builder
Enhancements TO Training Accuracy.png Enhance Accuracy
TO Training Damage.png Enhance Damage
TO Training Attack Rate.png Increase Attack Rate
TO Training Endurance Cost.png Reduce Endurance Cost
TO Training ToHit DeBuffs.png Enhance ToHit Debuff
TO Training KnockBack Distance.png Enhance Knockback Distance
Set Categories IO Damage.png Targeted AoE Damage
IO To Hit DeBuff.png ToHit Debuff
IO Accurate ToHit Debuff.png Accurate ToHit Debuff
IO Knockback Distance.png Knockback

WaterControl Suffocate.png Suffocate

You trap your foe in a watery sphere causing them to helplessly gasp for air. While affected by this power your target will suffer Moderate Cold damage over time, be rendered Held and be unable to attack and have reduced defense for a short time. This power has a moderate change to place the Drowning effect on its target. Suffocate deals additional damage and has improved movement speed reduction against foes suffering from Drowning.

Minimum Level Archetypeicon controller.png 1 (Controller)
V archetypeicon dominator.png 1 (Dominator)
Effects Ranged, Moderate DoT(Cold), Foe Hold, -Def
Moderate chance to inflict Drowning
Enhancements TO Training Accuracy.png Enhance Accuracy
TO Training Damage.png Enhance Damage
TO Training Defense DeBuff.png Enhance Defense Debuff
TO Training Attack Rate.png Increase Attack Rate
TO Training Range.png Enhance Range
TO Training Endurance Cost.png Reduce Endurance Cost
TO Training Hold Duration.png Enhance Hold Duration
Set Categories IO Accurate Defense Debuff.png Accurate Defense Debuff
IO Hold Duration.png Holds
IO Ranged Damage.png Ranged Damage
IO Defense DeBuff.png Defense Debuff

WindControl Updraft.png Tidal Wave

You gather air at the feet of your target before forcefully pressurizing it into an upward flowing vortex. The force of the updraft pulls your target into the sky. When the updraft dissipates, your target falls to the ground and suffers moderate smashing damage. The affected target is also unable to fly for a short time. This power builds Pressure.

Damage Moderate (Smashing)
Recharge Fast
Minimum Level Archetypeicon controller.png 1 (Controller)
V archetypeicon dominator.png 1 (Dominator)
Effects Ranged
Foe Knockup, -Fly
Self Pressure Builder
Enhancements TO Training Accuracy.png Enhance Accuracy
TO Training Damage.png Enhance Damage
TO Training Attack Rate.png Increase Attack Rate
TO Training Range.png Enhance Range
TO Training Endurance Cost.png Reduce Endurance Cost
TO Training KnockBack Distance.png Enhance Knockback Distance
Set Categories IO Ranged Damage.png Ranged Damage
IO Knockback Distance.png Knockback

WindControl Microburst.png Turbulent Aura

You release all available Pressure to create an extremely powerful blast of air that descends from the skies and spreads out over a large radius. Any foes caught within the burst are immediately stunned by the force of the wind and suffer smashing damage.Flying foes are knocked out of the sky, while all foes suffer reduced movement speed that lingers for some time. The damage done increases in proportion to the amount of Pressure released when using this power. Also, Microburst can reduce your target's defenses when the highest levels of Pressure are released.

Damage Minor/Variable (Smashing)
Recharge Long
Minimum Level Archetypeicon controller.png 12 (Controller)
V archetypeicon dominator.png 12 (Dominator)
Effects Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect)
Foe Stun, -Speed(All), -Fly, -Recharge, Chance for -DEF(All)
Consumes Pressure
Enhancements TO Training Accuracy.png Enhance Accuracy
TO Training Damage.png Enhance Damage
TO Training Attack Rate.png Increase Attack Rate
TO Training Range.png Enhance Range
TO Training Endurance Cost.png Reduce Endurance Cost
TO Training Defense DeBuff.png Enhance Defense Debuff
TO Training Disorient Duration.png Enhance Disorient Duration
TO Training Slow powers.png Enhance Slow
Set Categories IO Damage.png Targeted AoE Damage
IO Defense DeBuff.png Defense Debuff
IO Accurate Defense Debuff.png Accurate Defense Debuff
IO Disorient Duration.png Stuns
IO Slow.png Slow Movement

WindControl Vortex.png Water Golem

You can create a true Vortex cloud to assist you in battle. This Vortex will build Pressure along with you as you use your powers. This will allow its attacks to have a chance, proportional to current pressure, for critical damage. However, at higher pressures, the Vortex will be unable to use some of its powers. The Manipulation of Pressure on this pet through the use of Vacuum upon it will grant you the Clear Skies buff. Both this power and Vacuum are required to automatically unlock Clear Skies.

Recharge Very Long
Minimum Level Archetypeicon controller.png 32 (Controller)
V archetypeicon dominator.png 32 (Dominator)
Effects Summon Vortex
Vortex Powers WindControl Vortex BlastOfDebris.png Blast of Debris (Ranged, Moderate DMG (Smashing), Minor DoT (Lethal), Foe -Fly, -Jump)
WindControl Vortex Whirlwind.png Whirlwind (PBAoE, Minor DMG (Smashing), Foe -ToHit, -Fly)
WindControl Vortex HailOfDebris.png Hail of Debris (PBAoE, Moderate DoT (Smashing/Lethal), Foe -Speed(All), -DMG(All), -Fly)
WindControl Vortex CrashOfThunder.png Crash of Thunder (Ranged (Foe Targeted AoE), Moderate DMG (Energy), Foe Chance for Stun)
WindControl Pressure.png Pressurization (Pressurization)
WindControl Vortex Resistance.png Resistance Res( S100 L100 F30 C30 E30 N30 P100 T30 )
Flight TravelFlight.png Fly
Enhancements TO Training Accuracy.png Enhance Accuracy
TO Training Damage.png Enhance Damage
TO Training Attack Rate.png Increase Attack Rate
TO Training Range.png Enhance Range
TO Training Endurance Cost.png Reduce Endurance Cost
TO Training ToHit DeBuffs.png Enhance ToHit Debuff
TO Training Disorient Duration.png Enhance Disorient Duration
TO Training Immobilization Duration.png Enhance Immobilization Duration
Set Categories IO Pet Damage.png Pet Damage
IO Recharge Intensive Pets.png Recharge Intensive Pets
IO To Hit DeBuff.png ToHit Debuff
IO Accurate ToHit Debuff.png Accurate ToHit Debuff
IO Disorient Duration.png Stuns
IO Slow.png Slow Movement