Missions:Vickers - The Ghouls Are Coming!

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The Ghouls Are Coming!


It's well known here in the gumbo that going into the underground is pretty much a death sentence. The place is infested by Ghouls and they've started to crawl out onto the streets at night, making it even more dangerous than it is already with Dreg slavers and D.U.S.T. kill teams stalking around.

Well, it's about to get even worse. Reports from Imperial City have suggested that a wave of Ghouls has been spotted migrating south through some old Lethe channels. We sent some observers down to watch the tunnels for Ghoul activity. They've all reported back except for Team Four.

I can't be positive what has happened to Team Four, but I don't want to lose hope for them. I want you to go down and see if you can find them and get them back topside. Nobody deserves to be eaten by Ghouls.

  • Rescue Team Four in the tunnels.

Mission Acceptance

These are the last known coordinates for Team Four. If you run into Ghouls there are a few things I need you to do. First, if you can eliminate the Alpha Ghoul it will disrupt them as they fight for dominance and choose a new one. Second, our Resistance allies are jacked into the Static, if you can find a Static box in the area and relay a message, that will help us pinpoint where the Ghouls are. Third, I want you to get Team Four out of there.

We'll be busy topside preparing for the onslaught. Information and time are what we need, but if you can put a dent into those Ghouls, all the better.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I've seen a pack of Ghouls strip a man down to a pile of bones inside of five minutes, best you hurry.

Mission Objective(s)

As the old saying goes: If you can hear the Ghouls roaring you're probably okay. Unfortunately their roars stopped just a few seconds ago...

  • Find the Ghouls, Rescue the Observers
    • Relay a locator message through the Static
    • Rescue the Team Four survivor
    • Defeat the Alpha Ghoul
    • Escort the Team Four survivor to safety

You rescued the only survivor of Team Four, delayed the Ghouls by killing their Alpha Ghoul, and relayed their position through the Static!



Notable NPCs

  • Alpha Ghoul

Alpha Ghoul Dialogue 

Before Combat:

Alpha Ghoul: Smell!
Alpha Ghoul: Food!!

Combat Start:

Alpha Ghoul: Grr... Strong!
Alpha Ghoul: Kill!
Alpha Ghoul: Feed!?

Team Four Commando Dialogue 

Before Combat:

Hunter: Kill!
Manslayer: Mine!

Combat Start:

Team Four Commando: I...
Hunter: More to kill!
Team Four Commando: Powers Division...?
Hunter: More to eat!
Manslayer: Grrr... back off!

Upon Rescue:

Team Four Commando: I've never been...
Team Four Commando: ...so happy...
Team Four Commando: ...to see one of you guys...
Team Four Commando: ...in my life...

