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Mileerolje ParagonWiki.PNG This user looks like an edited sprite of Eugene Chaud.

Globalchat.png This user's global chat handle is @Tidbit Jr..
Globalchat.png This user's Official Forum name is Tidbit_Jr.

Badge history 01.png This user used to share an account with his father.
Badge vr months 027.png This user is Dedicated.
V badge HistoryBadge.png This user joined City of Heroes in September of 2005.

File:BA Vangaurd Medal.png This user lives in California.
BA Geas Of Kind Ones.png This user's time zone is PST.

CoX Game Icon.png This user plays both City of Heroes and Villains on the Liberty server.
Archetypeicon tanker.png This user's main main hero is a Tanker.

V archetypeicon mastermind.png This user's main villain is a Mastermind.

BA Elusive Mind.png This user wants to correct all incorrect power icons.
Nictus.png This user is advocating Nictus for villains.

Badge villain outcasts.png Megaton

Earth Titan
Archetypeicon tanker.png Tanker Originicon magic.png Magic
StoneArmor StoneSkin.png Stone Armor
SuperStrength Taunt.png Super Strength
Fitness Stamina.png Fitness Teleportation Teleport.png Teleportation
EarthGrasp Fossilize.png Earth Mastery

Megaton's Information 

War Megaton.pngFlight CombatFlight.png Guardian Spirit of the Earth Flight CombatFlight.png
Real Name Eric Michael Hermosura
Race/Species Titan
Home Dimension Realm of the Titans
Power Origin(s) Inherent earth and metal control, super strength, tough skin, weapon: Megaton Axe.

Badge villain crey.png Erikyten

Defective Clone
Archetypeicon scrapper.png Scrapper Originicon natural.png Natural
DualBlades FollowUp.png Dual Blades
Willpower MindOverBody.png Willpower
Jump LongJump.png Leaping Fitness Stamina.png Fitness
WeaponMastery Shuriken.png Weapon Mastery

Erikyten's Information 

Erikyten.pngDarkArmor SelfBuffDefense.png Master At Arms DarkArmor SelfBuffDefense.png
Real Name Paragon Protector: Model E-18-9-3: Experiment 10
Race/Species Human (Titan clone)
Home Dimension Primal Earth
Power Origin(s) Dual-blade-wielding skills, natural willpower, thrown-weapon skills.

V badge FreedomPhalanxBadge.png War Megaton

Earth Titan
Archetypeicon tanker.png Tanker Originicon magic.png Magic
Invulnerability TemporaryInvulnerabilty.png Invulnerability
BattleAxe Taunt.png Battle Axe
Fitness Stamina.png Fitness Jump LongJump.png Leaping
EarthGrasp Fossilize.png Earth Mastery

War Megaton's Information 

War Megaton.pngTeleportation Ouroboros.png Guardian Spirit of the Earth and Mender of Time Teleportation Ouroboros.png
Description Eric Hermosura, better known as the hero Megaton, has come back in time through Ouroboros to assist Paragon City in preparing for the Coming Storm. He is a much stronger and fiercer opponent than his younger counterpart, especially with his signature weapon: the War Megaton Axe.

War Megaton seems a tad callous compared to his younger self, and even Megaton questions where War Megaton's allegiences lie: his family and friends, or Ouroboros and its precious Causality Curve.

Badge winter event 02.png Coldshoulder

Archetypeicon blaster.png Blaster Originicon natural.png Natural
IceBlast IceBlast.png Ice Blast
EnergyManipulation BuildUp.png Energy Manipulation
Fitness Stamina.png Fitness Flight TravelFlight.png Flight
IceArmor IceArmor.png Cold Mastery

Coldshoulder's Information 

StormSummoning Fog.png Ice Spirit StormSummoning Fog.png
Real Name Geara Taila Hermosura
Race/Species Amazoness
Home Dimension Realm of the Green Worlds
Power Origin(s) Fighting, ice powers taught by a legendary ice king.

Badge villain devouring.png Thornbow

Forest Titan
Archetypeicon controller.png Controller Originicon natural.png Natural
PlantControl Strangler.png Plant Control
TrickArrow Immobilize.png Trick Arrow
Fitness Stamina.png Fitness Jump LongJump.png Leaping
PsionicMastery MindOverBody.png Psionic Mastery

Thornbow's Information 

PlantControl SpiritTree.png Forest Titan PlantControl SpiritTree.png
Real Name Aiden Hermosura
Race/Species Amazon-Titan Mix
Parents: Megaton and Mood-swing
Home Dimension Realm of the Titans
Power Origins Inherent earth and psychic powers, signature plant control, self-made plasma arrows.

Badge villain lost.png Mood-Swing

Archetypeicon blaster.png Blaster Originicon natural.png Natural
PsychicBlast MentalBlast.png Psychic Blast
Power Missing.png ???
Fitness Stamina.png Fitness Flight TravelFlight.png Flight
ForceMastery TemporaryInvulnerabilty.png Force Mastery

Mood-swing's Information 

Gears SmokeGrenade.png Seer Gears SmokeGrenade.png
Real Name Cecelia Hermosura
Race/Species Amazoness
Home Dimension Realm of the Green Worlds
Power Origins to be added...

Notes to Self