Threatening Arachnos Message

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Threatening Arachnos Message
Zone No physical location
Level Range 50+
Introduced By None
Introduces +++ Missing Information +++
v  d  e

Threatening Arachnos Message is a City of Villains contact. Its level range is 50 and above. The Threatening Arachnos Message appears by popup to eligible characters and is investigated directly from the Contact window.


Contact Introduced By

None; Threatening Arachnos Message is introduced by contact pop-up at the appropriate level. It is only available to VIP Players, level 50 or above, who have earned the Alpha Unlocked badge and/or can otherwise earn Incarnate experience.

Contact Introduces


None. This contact does not have any information other than what is provided by reading it.

Contact Unlocked

You receive an odd threat from Arachnos...

You're sent a message by an operative in Arachnos, threatening your life. You'll have to read over the message to figure out what exactly to do about yet another threat against yourself.

The Arachnos Threat contact has been added to your active contacts.

Initial Contact

You look over the message from Arachnos that you received. The letter is stamped with an Arachnos insignia, showing that either it was officially approved by Arachnos, or someone is using Arachnos resources for their own purposes.

  • Open the threatening letter.

(Opening the letter begins the initial briefing, below)

Story Arc

Eye of Judgement


+++ Missing Information +++

Eye of Judgement


You read through the letter...


You have been running through my dreams. I see you and the horrors you've committed. Arachnos has sat by and allowed this to happen. Heroes have tried to stop you, but to no avail. In all my dreams, you end up killing me. I see you appearing out of the corner of my eye during the day, as if you are stalking me.

No more! I know the monsters that you are part of. They are worse than anything Arachnos has. I will destroy you, Character, and this letter of mine intends to show just how serious I am. I do not care how powerful you are, I will defy what my dreams predict. Once you're destroyed, I will find peace in my dreams, and no longer will I hear the whispers trying to beckon me back to Dark Astoria.

Operative Castrin

  • Hrm...
This Operative Castrin seems like he's trying to act on his own, outside of Arachnos approval. You could always just ignore him; judging by his letter, he isn't a Bane Spider or a Fortunata, perhaps just one of the lower class operatives of Arachnos. However, even the smallest threat could appear at an inconvenient moment to stop you.
You decide to find out where this operative is by speaking with Arbiter Daos. He should know the location of most Arachnos operatives. If he has any qualms with what you're doing, then he can see what it's like trying to deal with someone fueled with the power of an Incarnate.
  • Leave
  • Look into other matters
(Choosing this option brings you back to the initial dialogue)

Unnecessary Solicitation

You set out to speak with Arbiter Daos.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Speak with Arbiter Daos

Arbiter Daos


Character. You wish to know the location of Operative Castrin?

He is one of our newer operatives. Why would you wish to know his location?

  • He threatened to kill me.
+++ Missing Information +++ Note: this ends the dialogue
  • He may be a Longbow spy.
+++ Missing Information +++
  • Just tell me what I need to know, Daos.
And why should I tell you his location, Kael Marduc?
  • I'm an Incarnate, Daos. Do you want to say no to me?
+++ Missing Information +++

Mission Objective(s)

  • Find Castrin in Grandville

You spot Castrin going into one of the buildings in the slums.

Castrin Fleeing
There was no operative at the platform when you arrived. You looked around and spotted an operative watching you from the slums. He stumbled into one of the buildings after seeing you. This must be the operative that's seeking to destroy you!

Mission Objective(s)

You step into the old apartments in the slums to see Castrin fleeing down the hall. You hear a door open and shut. You'll have to be careful, as it's possible this could all be some sort of trap.

  • Capture Operative Castrin
    • Track down Castrin
    • Investigate the apartment
    • ???

You've somehow ended up in Dark Astoria!

The man in the forest


The man in the forest speaks to you, though he does not look at you.

It begins again. The ebb and flow, back and forth. More march to the slaughter which we all hoped to stop. But we were cast out, called insane, after our work was done.

No one would try to remember the past, how hard we fought to save the future.

  • Where is Operative Castrin?

Castrin. I saw the man, he fell into here too. He went mad and was destroyed. He kept muttering a name, over and over again.

He is like all the others who had been chosen. He could not bear it, the nightmares took him over. It chose something he despised and used it to devour his essence.

If you were after Castrin, you will only find him in the next life.

  • Who are you?
No one. I was someone, once, but now, I am no one. I was cast out for what I did, for what we all did. They called us crazy, they couldn't believe what we said.
We tried to save the world, and we were destroyed for it. Now, the world is paying for the sins of the past, for the sin of forgetting the past.
  • What do you mean?
The man remains silent, refusing to answer your question. You notice that he is somewhat ethereal, a ghost.
  • (Leave)
  • Where am I?
The border of life and death. Its world, or rather, part of it. I've been here before, when we first fought.
If you're here, it means it wants you, just like it wanted me so long ago. There's no turning back now. If it wants you, it will find a way to get you closer and closer. That's what happened with me, but it wasn't expecting what I did, not that it mattered, in the end.
  • What is this 'it'?
The man remains silent, refusing to answer your question. You notice that he is somewhat ethereal, a ghost.
  • (Leave)

Bug! As the character proceeds past the man in the forest, then the tunnel, they will fall into Dark Astoria. If two instances of Dark Astoria are present at the time, the journey is interrupted mid-transit, and the character may be marooned 'down the rabbit hole'. To escape, fly upwards until the destination window appears.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Look around for clues
    • Look for any clues nearby

You found some documents in the car and spotted a figure in the distance!

{{Mission Clue|Name=Astoria Documents|Text= You searched an abandoned car and discovered documents that detail what city you're in. It seems you've somehow ended up in Dark Astoria, a part of Paragon City that was abandoned some time ago when a group called the Banished Pantheon took it over.

You look around and spot a member of the Circle of Thorns nearby. He seems to be cowering in fear at something. Perhaps you can get information out of him regarding what exactly is going on here.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Get information from the Circle of Thorns

Lost Ruin Mage


This member of the Circle of Thorns seems to be terrified, either of you or someone else. He stutters when you approach him.

It's... it's Character! Stay back! The others are gone, inside of it now, but I won't be taken!

  • Calm down, I'm just here for information.
You don't understand, there's no calming here! The beast has awakened, the end of the world is upon us!
No one is safe, not the Circle, not you, no one!
What are you talking about?
We failed, that is all I know. Some were trying to stop this, but they failed, and now, it has spilled over!
The power here... it can consume us all! There's nothing like it in this world...!
Can this power be harnessed somehow?
I... I suppose any power can be used, if you knew how to bind it. But it would take an incredible amount to just do it! Whatever is awakened is too powerful now, you'd need to weaken it, somehow, but I wouldn't even know how to begin to do that!
There has to be someone here trying to stop this.
There is another mage nearby, named Maharaj. I think he's here to stop this, but it's hopeless! He'll never stop the lumbering beast! Even if you wanted to take its power for yourself, you would have to weaken it, which is impossible!
If what this mage is saying is true, then the power of whatever has awakened can be harnessed if it's weakened. You'll just need to acquire an item to actually use its power, which is something you can look for along the way. In the meantime, you'll have to see what you can do about getting the creature in a state where you can take its power.
It shouldn't be too difficult to accomplish; after all, when it comes to world-shattering events around here, people seem to be incredibly willing to work together with villains for the 'greater good'. You'll just go along until the time is right and then make your move!
I'll find Maharaj, then.
How can this power be stopped?
+++ Missing Information +++
  • Rough up the mage)
+++ Missing Information +++