Rogue Isle Protector

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Revision as of 16:21, 24 October 2005 by imported>TonyV
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Arachnos Seeks Spy!


A loser named Perry Miller has been squealing to Longbow. The Mooks got him first. Nab him and the reward should be quite large.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Kidnap Perry Millner
  • Escape with Perry Millner

Circle of Thorns Terrorizes Neighborhood


They think Dilanis is terrifying? Wait'll they get a load of you.

Eulogy Versus You


Eulogy of the Skulls has called you out right in front of everyone. You'd best not let something like that slip.

Fayng Spotted in Recent Heist!


Looks like a guy you did time with is now a leader in the Snakes. You didn't like Fayng in the can, and you don't like him now.

Fire Fist Rules Downtown!


Like spit he does. This crap ends now.

Havoc in Dockside!


A four-eyed pencil-pusher named Dr. Plotnick recently ran from the Skulls through the streets of Port Oakes. They caught the little run after tearing up Docside and are holding him somehwere. If they were desperate enough to be that public about catching him, he must know something worthwhile.

Long Lost Relic Recovered!


A secretary named Jesse Montoya just inherited a minor artifact long thought missing. The Hellions moved in quick and kidnapped her last night, but you have a pretty good idea where they likely took her.

Lost Involved in Gang War


The Lost made a powerful enemy lately. Bashing a few of their heads in might win you some point with their enemies.

Louie Big Eyes Terrorizes Neighborhood!


Louie Big Eyes of the Mooks has been getting a lot of press lately. You figure beating him like a dog in front of his own men ought to show everyone who runs this town.

Luigi Spotted in Recent Heist!


Looks like a guy you did time with is now a leader in the Mooks. You didn't like Luigi in the can, and you don't like him now.

You set out to bust some heads.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Luigi and Guards

Mooks Involved in Gang War


The Mooks made a powerful enemy lately. Bashing a few of their heads in might win you some points with their enemies.

Musician Missing


Larry Croft is a backup guitarist for Johnny Sonata in St. Martial. He went missing two days ago, which explains the weird music you've heard coming from a local Snakes hideout. Rescuing this loser would probably win you some points with Arachnos.

New Research Shows MMOs Are Good for You


A message has been inserted into your newspaper. It reads: When Captain Mako tore apart Scrapyard a few years back, he suffered more than a few hits from the hero's hammer. One of his teeth got knocked out and a local wharf rat grabbed it and sold it to the Mooks. Mako wants his tooth back, and thinks you're the guy to fetch it. I highly recommend you complete this little errand for us. Mako isn't exactly a patient fellow.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Get Mako's Tooth

Clue: Mako's Tooth

That is one big freaking tooth. You'd hate to feel a mouthful of these.

Nigel Whitley Killed in Car Accident


Nigel Whitley is a famous occult novelist. He's not dead though. A friend of yours said he saw him being taken into one of the Hellion's hideouts the night of the crash. Whatever they want him for ought to be juicy.

Morricone Inventions Set to Debut Nanotech


Giovani Morricone is a brilliant inventor who's been researching nanotech for years. Most villains won't touch him because he's got protection from Aeon, but if he's close to unveiling working nanotech, it might be worth grabbing him and his secrets after all.

Obituary: Razorbeam, 1968 - 2005


Razorbeam was a high-tech villain who fired narrow 'slices' of light from his eyebeam. It was said they buried him with his eyebeam, but your sources say that's not true. While every other villain group stakes out the cemetary, you can find his daughter, who you think is about to step into her dad's boots.

Mission Acceptance

You head out to capture this punk and show the Rogue Isles who's boss.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Kidnap Razorbeam's daughter
  • Escape with Razorbeam's daughter

Obituary: Thomas Pyle, 1920 - 2005


According to your sources, Pyle was a reporter during World War II. He mostly worked the Italian front. For some reason, the moment his name surfaced in the paper a bunch of creeps from the Mooks raided his house. They took something and told the surviving family to keep quiet or they'd be back. But you found out about it, and you want to know what they were after.

Mission Objective(s) Activate Object

  • Get Pyle's keepsakes

Clue: Pyle's keepsakes

The box is full of keepsakes from a reporter who served in WWII. He died recently and these notes were discovered by his grandson. In it is an interview with none other than Lord Recluse himself, and a note on the side that says 'Stefan Richter.' Could that be Recluse's real name?

=== Prominent Attorney Missing


Several organizations made the mistake of trusting an attorney named Norman Washburn with their information. He's kept his bargain with the law, but seems to be selling secrets to his clients' rivals. This must not go unpunished. A coded ad in the paper reveals that the Circle of Thorns have him, and where they're located.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Kid nap Normal Washburn

Sea Creatures Attack Ships Off Rogue Isles


The Circle of Thorns have been using a rare artifact called the Sea Lute. It gives the user control over certain sea creatures if you know how to play it. You don't care so much about that, but would sure like to sell it to those who do.

Mission Acceptance

You set out to complete your scheme.

Mission Objective(s) Activate Item

  • Get the Sea Lute

Clue: the Sea Lute

The Sea Lute is an actual instrument, though it looks as if it were carved from coral. You play it, but hear only low, mournful sounds--like that of dying whales. The music gives you a creepy feeling. Like you just stepped in dead fish.

Shipment of Uncut Gems Hijacked by Mooks


Diamonds. The Mooks just stole some. These impure stones aren't particularly valuable in the traditional sense, but they're near priceless for things like lasers and other death rays. And you know how your friends here in the isles like to build their death rays. Bogart the gems and you'll make a fortune the next time you hear of a mad scientist with a doomsday device in need of crystals.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Get the diamonds

Clue: the diamonds

Hello, beauties. These diamonds are huge. Flawed, but huge. You gotta think they'd look better as bling than powering some oversized doomsday device though.

Skelter Strikes Again!


The paper is full of stories about Skelter of the Skulls. Maybe it's time someone brought him down a peg.

You Are Dead!


That's news to you. The reporter here is Nellie Fine. Wonder what her angle is in making people think you're dead?

Mission Acceptance

You head out to capture this punk and show the Rogue Isles who's boss.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Kidnap Nellie Fine
  • Escape with Nellie Fine

You Are Selling Secrets to Longbow!


What the-- no way. Someone's setting you up with Arachnos. Someone who's gonna pay. Hard. Maybe if you put one of the Mooks in the morgue they'll learn not to spread lies about you.

You Steal Ancient Gemstones


What? Someone has framed you. Not that you wouldn't have pulled the job, but this also means whoever set you up has a big bag of fat loot. Shouldn't take you long to track the imposter down though.