Missions:The Hearts of Darkness - Price of Victory: Core Values: Difference between revisions

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* [[Omnicore]] {{Named|Faction=Hearts of Darkness|Type=Omnicore|Text=Boss}}
* [[Omnicore]] {{Named|Faction=Hearts of Darkness|Type=Omnicore|Text=Boss}}

{{divbox|sandstone| |{{Character}}. Be advised that Omnicore's base is currently draining a large amount of power from the Aeon City grid.<br />
{{divbox|saddlebrown| |{{Character}}. Be advised that Omnicore's base is currently draining a large amount of power from the Aeon City grid.<br />
I do not know what she has planned for you, but I expect that it will not be pleasant.<br />
I do not know what she has planned for you, but I expect that it will not be pleasant.<br />
As with Zephyr, please set aside any rivalries you harbor with Omnicore. She would be a valuable asset in your campaign against Graves.}}
As with Zephyr, please set aside any rivalries you harbor with Omnicore. She would be a valuable asset in your campaign against Graves.}}

{{divbox|skyblue| |So, {{Character}}! You have finally arrived. Allow me to greet you... personally.}}
{{divbox|grayblack| |So, {{Character}}! You have finally arrived. Allow me to greet you... personally.}}

{{NPC Text|title=Omnicore Dialogue|text=
{{NPC Text|title=Omnicore Dialogue|text=
Line 224: Line 224:
:'''Omnicore:''' Come here, {{Character}}! Let me BREAK YOU!}}
:'''Omnicore:''' Come here, {{Character}}! Let me BREAK YOU!}}

{{divbox|sandstone| |It is as I feared. She has created shield generators that prevent all incoming harm.<br />
{{divbox|saddlebrown| |It is as I feared. She has created shield generators that prevent all incoming harm.<br />
If you wish to defeat her, {{Character}}, you must first destroy the generators. Then she will become vulnerable to your attacks.}}
If you wish to defeat her, {{Character}}, you must first destroy the generators. Then she will become vulnerable to your attacks.}}

Revision as of 22:36, 20 July 2014

Core Values


The next target in your murderous victory lap will be Omnicore. You should know that I specifically requested that she become your next target. I'm sure the wait has been killing you.

Unfortunately for us, it seems that Omnicore has gone into hiding. I am not aware of her current location. However...

For a moment, you see a flash of what might have been a smirk from Dr. Graves.

It is much harder to disappear in the Rogue Isles than most realize.

  • Oh? Do you have a way to track her?

Not quite. I simply know what would be necessary for someone to truly vanish in this lawless place.

For instance, in order to not be discovered, Omnicore will likely attempt to change her appearance, if she has not already done so. Thus, she would be drawn to the services of the Facemakers, whose surgical skills are nearly on par with my own.

Seek out the Facemakers, and I am sure you will find Omnicore's trail. Pursue it relentlessly, trace it to the end, and when you find Omnicore...

Dr. Graves's face remains motionless, but his eyes glint with murderous glee.

Kill her. Slowly.

Speak to the Facemaker

Unnecessary Solicitation

If you tarry, the trail may run cold. I would suggest you speak with the Facemaker before Omnicore eludes your grasp entirely.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Speak to the Facemaker

Contact Small The Facemaker.jpg
The Facemaker


Welcome to Facemaker! We have averything on hand it takes to make a new you!

  • I bet you say that to everyone that comes in here.

Well of course I do. Did you expect that I would treat you extra-special just because you-

The Facemaker stops short, eyeing you suspiciously.

Wait... you're not here for a makeover, are you? What do you want? Why are you here?

  • I need to know of someone named Omnicore has requested your services.

And why would I tell you something like that? I happen to respect a little thing called doctor-patient confidentiality!

Besides, if I went around blabbing about every operation I've ever done, then Villains like you wouldn't ever use my services, then, would they? No sense in getting a new face if everyone knows what it looks like!

  • Villains like me?

Of course! Some come in wanting to flee the authorities, others just want to look more imposing... whatever it is, I can make it happen. My surgical team is the best in the business, and you can take that to the bank!

Well, you probably wouldn't want to... the bank here in Cap keeps getting robbed. But that's not the point, is it?

What I'm getting at is that I don't reveal patient history. To anyone. Got it?

  • Let's start over. Hi, I'm the Face Unmaker. I'm about to unmake your face...

Now, now, there's no need for that. Calm down.

The Facemaker ponders her predicament. After a moment she grins at you.

I've had a change in policy. I still won't reveal my patient history, but technically the lady you're talking about wasn't ever a patient. She came in for a consultation, that's all.

  • Really? Do tell.

She wanted me to make her unrecognizable. She said she had some nasty people after her - I assume that's you - and she needed to disappear for a while.

I told her I could do it, but when we reached the point where she had to take off her gear, she refused. The crazy woman threw a fit right here in my studio, screaming about how we were trying to 'take her power away' or something. She's a loony, that one.

After that, she stalked out muttering something about robbing a bank. That's the last I saw of her.

  • Hmm. Alright. See you around, Facemaker.

The Facemaker wrinkles her nose at you.

Yeah? Well, next time maybe you can get some work done. I don't much care for traffic that isn't business. Understand?

  • Whatever.

Icon clue generic.png
In various locations in the Rogue Isles, you will find Tailors that can help you change your costume. You can edit your existing costume, or unlock additional costume slots so that you can have multiple different styles to choose from! Starting at level 20, Tailors also have select missions for you that will reward you with additional costume slots.

With the help of the Tailor, you can make sure you always look your very best!

Find Omnicore's Liaison

Unnecessary Solicitation

So, Omnicore's pride has prevented her from partaking in the Facemaker's services. This is convenient for us, but we still do not know her current location.

Even for Omnicore, assaulting a bank vault is no easy task. She must have gained assistance from someone. Find that person, and I'm sure you'll find Omnicore.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Find Omnicore's Liaison

Contact Small Boris the Russian.jpg
Boris the Russian


Ya? What do you want? I do not know you, and I am not sure what you want from ME.

  • I'm here fore information, Boris. I'm looking for a woman named Omnicore.

Omni...core? I do not know this name. I know many names, but I do not know this one.

I am sorry that I could not help you further.

  • Maybe if I describe her? Silver armor, perpetual scowl, bad temperament...

Hmm... Silver armor...?

Boris's brow furrows in concentration. He looks up suddenly, and bursts into bellowing laughter.

Ha HAAAA ha ha ha! You are talking about my little Lapushka!

  • Your little... Lapushka?

Yes, yes! I have known her for a very long time. I did not know she gave herself a name, but her demeanor is unmistakable.

The person you describe, it must be her!

  • And she let's you call her that?

HA ha ha, no! She tells me she will kill me every time I call her this. And yet I am still here, so she must not hate it as much as she says, yes?

Lapushka was here very recently, in fact. She told me that she needed money quickly, and when you need money quickly, you speak to Boris!

Boris's chest puffs up with pride.

  • Right... so you gave her some money?

No no no no! I do not give money so easily, ha ha! What I give are jobs!

My Lapushka and I, we have an... understanding, yes? If I see a good opportunity, perhaps a good heist, this is when I speak with her. I give her job, she brings back the money, and we both take our share. It is... how you say... mutually beneficial arrangement.

  • I see. So she needed money, robbed a bank... then what?

Boris shrugs at you.

We split our shares and she went on her way. I am sure she needed the money for all the little gizmos she is constantly making. Terrible little things, things that could make a grown man soil hilself! Ha ha ha...

Boris shakes his head, smiling fondly.

My Lapushka is always making these things. One time she...

  • I'm pretty sure I'm done talking with you.

Icon clue generic.png
Brokers and the Newspaper
Players that speak with a Broker will obtain a Newspaper, which will allow them to play their own criminal activities in a city zone. After completing enough Newspaper Missions, a player can speak with their Broker to acquire a Mayhem Mission.

Mayhem Missions send the player to rob a bank in Paragon City! Players will be tasked with breaking into the vault, grabbing the loot, and making their escape. They may even face off against a Hero in the process! Mayhem Missions also contain a number of side missions like destroying porperty or breaking other Villains out of jail that the players can undertake for extra rewards.

Speak to the Technology Quartermaster

Unnecessary Solicitation

As amusing as Omnicore's relationship with Boris may be, it still doesn't indicate where she might be.

You said she left to purchase... 'gizmos'? If she intended to acquire advanced technology, she would have needed Arachnos's help. See if you can trace her purchases.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Speak to the Technology Quartermaster

Contact Small Technology Quartermaster.jpg
Technology Quartermaster


Speak, citizen. What is it that you want from me?

  • I, uh, I was wondering if an armored woman came by recently to purchase parts from you?

Yes, there was a woman of that description who purchased from me recently. I believe her name was Omnicore.

  • Oh! Well then. That was easier than I thought.

No problem, citizen. I'm happy to share my transaction history with you, free of charge.

A sinister grin appears on the Quartermaster's face.

Of course, Omnicore made some very high-end purchases from me. She seemed to be putting some dangerous tech together. Why, if I were you, I would think twice about confronting her.

At least, equipped as you are now.

  • As I am now? What do you mean?

Why, I merely meant to suggest that, since Omnicore spent a small fortune on the devices I sold her, she probably has something very sinister planned. You might not be able to handle whatever she's got in store for you.

On the other hand, I have a number of devices that might be able to bolster your own power. With these, you might become a match for Omnicore, and you might be able to survive your upcoming encounter.

  • Wait, are you serious? You're trying to get me to buy from you?

Well, I suppose if your powers don't interact properly with my inventory, another Quartermaster mights be more appropriate for your needs. And, truly, you're not required to purchase anything from anyone.

I'm merely stating that your chances would be greater if your powers were operating at optimum capacity. If you don't enhance them properly, then you won't stand a chance.

  • Okay, okay, I get it. Can you tell me where Omnicore went after she bought from you?

Luckily for you, I plant tracking devices on all my merchandise. I'll even give you her coordinates, free of charge. Now all you have to worry about is not dying when you meet her.

Remember, citizen. If you need the strength to succeed, Arachnos can help... for a price.

  • Yeah. I've been hearing that a lot lately.

Icon clue generic.png
Arachnos Quartermasters
Many mid- to high-level city zones have specialized Quartermasters that sell origin-specific Enhancements. The Quartermasters in Cap au Diable sell Dual Origin Enhancements, while Quartermasters in Sharkhead Isle and beyond will also sell Single Origin Enhancements.

Dual Origin Enhancements (or DOs) start at level 15, and are twice as powerful as Training Enhancements. However, each DO can only be used by characters with one of the two origins that match the type of DO.

Single Origin Enhancements (or SOs) start at level 25, and are four times as powerful as Training Enhancements. Each SO is associated with a specific origin, and only players of the correct origin can equip the SO.

Find and Defeat Omnicore

Unnecessary Solicitation

So, the Quartermaster has given you her location, has he? Excellent.

I would be wary, Character. Based on Omnicore's recent activities, I would not be surprised if she were expecting you.

Mission Objective(s)

Map: P_TECH_30_LAYOUT_07_01

This place isn't as roomy as Omnicore's last base, but it's just as high-tech.

  • Find and Defeat Omnicore
    • 3 generators to destroy to make Omnicore vulnerable
    • Defeat Omnicore
    • Speak to Omnicore

You managed to recruit Omnicore to your cause... for now.


V badge Heart.png Hearts of Darkness

Notable NPCs

Omnicore Dialogue 

Combat Start:

Omnicore: HA! There you are.
Omnicore: Come here, Character! Let me BREAK YOU!

Omnicore Dialogue 

Upon Defeat:

Omnicore: Nooooo! This... cannot be!

Finally, you have brought Omnicore to her knees. Unfortunate that you cannot finish this here and now.

Contact Small Omnicore.jpg


Finish it, Character. I will not sit idly by while you gloat over my defeat.

  • I don't recalll ever taking orders from you, Omnicore.

Hrmph. So you insist upon delaying your triumph so that you may insult me further? Typical. I shall never understand how I could be beaten by someone so trivial as you..

  • Tempting, to be sure. But, alas, I did not come here to kill you.

Omnicore falls silent, genuinely shocked by your statement.

I would suspect you of trickery if I though you had any further advantage to gain, Character. Explain yourself.

  • How do you feel about Dr. Graves, Omnicore?

My hatred for Dr. Graves is overshadowed only by my hatred fro you, Character. That the two of you combined efforts to see my downfall is the greatest shame I have endured.

  • That's what I thought. How would you like to kill him for me?

How would I-

Well, Character. You are more devious than I originally thought. If the price of my life is participation in the murder of Dr. Graves, I will gladly accept.

You can feel Omnicore's glare from behind her faceplate.

But knew this, Character. The moment Graves falls, you and I will be sworn enemies once more. Do not expect me to forget your transgression against me.

Mark my words: I will be the last thing you ever see.

  • I wouldn't have it any other way, Omnicore.


So. The deed is done.

I trust you sufficiently enjoyed yourself? I freely admit, I never had any fondness for Omnicore. I regret I was not present to witness her demise.

More important, I think, is the fact that your petty rivalry with her can no longer distract you from your tasks. Your next target will be the most dangerous by far. I hope that you are prepared.