Talk:Super Pack/Heroes and Villains: Difference between revisions

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== Complete List ==
== Complete List ==
Based on combining the information on the various AT IOs from Rare and Very Rare, I have compiled a complete numbered list.  It appears as though the order (numerically) is maintained across both of the rarities, so it was just a matter of filling in the gaps in one section with the non-gaps in another.  Now, any suggestions on formatting and usage of the table?
Based on combining the information on the various AT IOs from Rare and Very Rare, I have compiled a complete numbered list.  It appears as though the order (numerically) is maintained across both of the rarities, so it was just a matter of filling in the gaps in one section with the non-gaps in another.  Now, any suggestions on formatting and usage of the [[User:Thirty7/Projects/H&V Table|table]]?

[[User:Thirty7/Projects/H&V Table]]
—[[User:Thirty7|Thirty7]] [[File:Talk-Icon.jpg|link=User talk:Thirty7]] 08:37, 5 February 2012 (UTC)
—[[User:Thirty7|Thirty7]] [[File:Talk-Icon.jpg|link=User talk:Thirty7]] 08:37, 5 February 2012 (UTC)

Revision as of 04:42, 5 February 2012


o.o I was compiling the set info for sticking in the 'contents by rarity' section when I realized... all the recipes are duplicated.. for example "Blaster's Wrath Dam/Rech" is Card #57 and Card #134. At first I thought there might be 2 versions, one that's rare, and the other VR, with the VR having higher stats, but they're the same thing.. <.< and the really screwy bit is, your more likely to get the VR card of it instead of the R... --Sleepykitty 00:09, 2 February 2012 (UTC)

I noticed that too, when I was compiling my list, I saw the same one at 60 and 137 and stopped, because I was sure there was an error... but if that's what you have too... than I guess it is right. —Thirty7 04:30, 2 February 2012 (UTC)
>< I'm wondering about it to.. but basically, each whole set is in the VR section, and about 2/3rds of said set are in the Rares.. which strikes me as a bit pointless, as while you can get to Rares, I've yet to ever get 2 enhancement rares out of the hundreds I've opened... and that also effectively means that with 3-4 of each set duplicated.. we only really have about 157-164 cards, not 205... --Sleepykitty 04:43, 2 February 2012 (UTC)


Should all of that info be rolled into ONE sortable table? I should think so... because having two mega-long tables is a bit ridiculous. —Thirty7 14:10, 31 January 2012 (UTC)

As an example:

Name Number Type Rarity
Blaster's Wrath: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
137 of 205
Very Rare
Enhancement Unslotter
27 of 205

Then the title of the section can merely be labeled: == Contents ==. —Thirty7 14:29, 31 January 2012 (UTC)

I am always a fan of reducing the number of tables we have to maintain when possible. --Eabrace 14:36, 31 January 2012 (UTC)
I have already begun the process of consolidation: User:Thirty7/Project/H&V Table, feel free to add in, alphabetize, whatever! —Thirty7 15:30, 31 January 2012 (UTC)
Hmmm, ran into a slight snafu with my awesome idea, is there a way to force a sortable wikitable to NOT sort like an idiot (1, 10, 124, 2, 20, 205, etc.) without listing all the numbers as 002, 003, 025, etc? —Thirty7 15:41, 31 January 2012 (UTC)
Numbers will sort as numbers as long as the contents of all cells in that column are purely numerical. The "of 205" makes your numbers not numbers, which is what's breaking it. You'll either need to pad with invisible 0's or drop the extra text. Follows is an example of invisipadding (using some dummied data). Notice that in addition to using the span with display:none, I also had to use 1= to explicitly specify the parameter for {{center}} due to the equal sign in the span tag. -- Sekoia 15:50, 31 January 2012 (UTC)
Addendum: The reason your table at your project page is failing for sorting is because some cells contain "?" which is not numerical. Try maybe leaving those cells blank? -- Sekoia 15:53, 31 January 2012 (UTC)
Name Number Type Rarity
Blaster's Wrath: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
137 of 205
Very Rare
Enhancement Unslotter
027 of 205
Blaster's Wrath: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
138 of 205
Very Rare
Enhancement Unslotter
028 of 205
Thanks, sir! Yeah the ?? will be removed, eventually anyway, so that should fix it me thinks. I also switched the {{center}} out for alignment instead, so the actual cell contents should be pure numerical soon. —Thirty7 16:01, 31 January 2012 (UTC)

Not to be a jerk, but I don't think that table looks very nice. Why not just put the card number after the listing in the existing tables already created? ~ AGGE talk/cons 20:53, 31 January 2012 (UTC)

Mainly? Because I don't like the look of the tables currently in use on that page. The current table has no precedent in terms of organization... and, personally, I think making a table of a full "card set" listing sortable trumps whatever kind of aesthetic value folks feel the existing table has. Also, there seems to be agreement that it needs a change.
Did you have anything specific that you didn't like about the above table so that it could be rectified? A suggestion, mayhap? —Thirty7 10:39, 1 February 2012 (UTC)
Another suggestion for the table: Would it be worth it to use the card background colors to indicate the rarity? For example:
  • Common
  • Uncommon
  • Rare
  • Very Rare
Alternately, if there's some concern that those icons would be too small, we could go this route:
  • Common
  • Uncommon
  • Rare
  • Very Rare
(Colors taken from Costume Colors/Palette, adjustments to the actual selected colors welcome.) --Eabrace 04:31, 1 February 2012 (UTC)
o.o are we talking about doing the entire background of that table cell in those colors, or just sticking the image in? if its just sticking the image in, you might want it to be before the name, not at the very end. course.. are we using the above table or the one on the page? --Sleepykitty 07:29, 1 February 2012 (UTC)
My suggestion was just to add a quick visual reference of some form. I didn't really have changing the entire background of the table cell in mind. For instance, using the table currently on the page:
Card # Item Type Rarity
1 Rejuvenate Dual Inspiration Common
Card # Item Type Rarity
1 Rejuvenate Dual Inspiration Common
Alternately, using the table above:
Name Number Type Rarity
Blaster's Wrath: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
137 of 205
Very Rare
Name Number Type Rarity
Blaster's Wrath: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
137 of 205
Very Rare
--Eabrace 07:40, 1 February 2012 (UTC)
I Like this one:
Name Number Type Rarity
Blaster's Wrath: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
137 of 205
Very Rare
Though I did make the image just a touch wider (and taller), which I think helps its visibility a lot. —Thirty7 10:39, 1 February 2012 (UTC)
o.o need the text slight farther away from the circle, its cutting off a couple pixels when in the graph... either one would probably be okay, but visually its a bit... err.. odd? distracting? having the purple or yellow on the far right just draws the eye over to there first, I'd really recommend moving the rarity cell to the left if your using color coding.--Sleepykitty 18:11, 1 February 2012 (UTC)
If I'm interested in seeing what a card's rarity is, I can read it. If I'm interested in finding cards of a given rarity, I can sort them. So I don't think we need to make them more visually distinct, especially if it will make them unnecessarily eye-catching (as Sleepy points out). And I really don't think it's worth putting Rarity all the way to the left just so we can include the icons. If we do use it, I prefer seeing us use the icons based on the card images since they're actually what's seen in game. -- Sekoia 18:49, 1 February 2012 (UTC)
Also, looking at User:Thirty7/Project/H&V Table, I'm going to recommend you drop the centering on the columns. I think it makes the Rarity column look really bad with the icons included. Even without the icons, I think it'll be visually easier to follow and more consistent if all columns were left-aligned. -- Sekoia 18:53, 1 February 2012 (UTC)
The more I look at it, the more I agree... so no rarity image, and no centering... I can do that, afterall, the reason I am making it in user space is because of just how work in progress it is. —Thirty7 21:50, 1 February 2012 (UTC)

Cards by Number

>_> starting to list the Packs cards here, Generilisk said he has about half on googledocs, but no link, so hopefully the overlap will cover a decent amount of them. --Sleepykitty 14:43, 31 January 2012 (UTC) Generilisk 23:37, 31 January 2012 (UTC)

Confirmed rarity range so far:
common (grey) 1-33
uncommon (yellow) 36-43
rare (orange) 47-115
vrare (purple) 128-205

001 Rejuvenate (Dual Insp, Med +HP/+End)
002 Guarded (Dual insp, Med +Def/+Res)
003 Tactical (Dual Insp, Med +Acc/+Dmg)
004 Luck Imbuement (Team Insp, Med +Def)
005 Sturdy Imbuement (Team Insp, Med +Resist)
006 Insight Imbuement (Team Insp, Med +Acc)
007 Endurance Imbuement (Team Insp, Med +End)
009 Rage Imbuement (Team Insp, Med +dmg)
010 Protection Imbuement (Team Insp, Med +Res)
011 Rejuvenating Imbuement (Team Insp, Med +hp/+end)
012 Guarding Imbuement (Team Insp, Med +Def/+Res)
013 Tactical Imbuement (Team Insp, Med +Acc/+Dmg)
014 Protected (Dual Insp, Large +Def/+Res)
015 Invigorate (Dual Insp, Large +HP/+End)
016 Precise (Dual Insp, Large +Acc/+Dmg)
017 Good Luck Imbuement (Team Insp, Large +Def)
018 Rugged Imbuement (Team Insp, Large +Resist)
019 Keen Insight Imbuement (Team Insp, Large +Acc)
020 Greater Endurance Imbuement (Team Insp, Large +End)

022 Focused Rage Imbuement (Team Insp, Large +Dmg)
023 Greater Protection Imbuement (Team Insp, Large +Resist)
024 Invigorating Imbuement (Team Insp, Large +HP/+End)
025 Protecting Imbuement (Team Insp, Large +Def/+Res)
026 Precise Imbuement (Team Insp, LArge +Acc/+Dmg)
027 Enhancement Unslotter (*1)
028 Enhancement Booster (*2)
029 Revival (*1)
030 Restore (*1)
031 Experienced (*1)
032 Prestige Booster (*1)
033 Reward Merits (*25)

036 Enhancement Unslotter (*2)
037 Enhancement Booster (*5)
038 Revival (*2)
039 Restore (*2)
040 Experienced (*2)
041 Windfall (*1)
042 Reward Merits (*50)
043 XP Booster (*1)

047 Enhancement Unslotter (*3)
048 Enhancement Booster (*8)
049 Experienced (*3)
050 Windfall (*2)
051 XP Booster (*2)
052 Reward Merits (*75)

057 On Table Already

060 On Table Already

062 Will of the Controller (AT Enhance, Acc/Control Duration)

068 On Table Already

071 On Table Already

074 On Table Already

079 On Table Already

081 On Table Already
082 Might of the Tanker (AT Enhance, Acc/Dmg/Rech)

094 On Table Already

097 Brute's Fury (AT Enhance, Rech/Fury Bonus)
098 On Table Already

101 Malice of the Corruptor (AT Enhance, Dmg/End/Rech)
102 Malice of the Corruptor (AT Enhance, Acc/Dmg/End/Rech)

108 On Table Already
109 On Table Already

113 Command of the Mastermind (AT Enhance, Dmg/End/Rech)

115 Command of the Mastermind (AT Enhance, Rech/Pet +AoE Defense Aura)
116 Stalker's Guile (AT Enhance, Acc/Dmg)
117 On Table Already

122 Dominion of Arachnos (AT Enhance, Acc/Dmg)

124 Dominion of Arachnos (AT Enhance, Acc/Dmg/Rech)
125 On Table Already

128 Reward Merits (*100)
129 Enhancement Catalyst (*1)

133 On Table Already
134 Blaster's Wrath (AT Enhance, Dmg/Rech)
135 Blaster's Wrath (AT Enhance, Acc/Dmg/Rech)

137 On Table Already
138 Blaster's Wrath (AT Enhance, Rech/Chance for Fire Dmg)
139 On Table Already

141 Will of the Controller (AT Enhance, End/Rech)
142 Will of the Controller (AT Enhance, Acc/Control Duration/End)
143 On Table Already
144 On Table Already
145 Defender's Bastion (AT Enhance, Acc/Dmg)
146 On Table Already

148 Defender's Bastion (AT Enhance, Acc/Dmg/End)
149 On Table Already
150 On Table Already
151 On Table Already
152 Scrapper's Strike (AT Enhance, Dmg/Rech)
153 Scrapper's Strike (AT Enhance, Acc/Dmg/Rech)
154 On Table Already
155 On Table Already
156 Scrapper's Strike (AT Enhance, Rech/Critical Hit Bonus)
157 Might of the Tanker (AT Enhance, Acc/Dmg)
158 Might of the Tanker (AT Enhance, Dmg/Rech)
159 Might of the Tanker (AT Enhance, Acc/Dmg/Rech)

162 Might of the Tanker (AT Enhance, Rech/Chance for +Res(all))

164 On Table Already
165 Kheldian's Grace (AT Enhance, Acc/Dmg/Rech)
166 On Table Already

168 Kheldian's Grace (AT Enhance, Rech/Form Empowerment)
169 Brute's Fury (AT Enhance, Acc/Dmg)
170 On Table Already
171 On Table Already
172 On Table Already
173 On Table Already
174 Brute's Fury (AT Enhance, Rech/Fury Bonus)
175 Malice of the Corruptor (AT Enhance, Acc/Dmg)
176 On Table Already

178 On Table Already

180 Malice of the Corruptor (AT Enhance, Rech/Chance for NEgative Energy Dmg)

182 Ascendency of the Dominator (AT Enhance, Control Duration/Rech)

184 On Table Already
185 Ascendency of the Dominator (AT Enhance, Acc/Control Duration/End/Rech)

187 On Table Already
188 Command of the Mastermind (AT Enhance, Dmg/End)
189 Command of the Mastermind (AT Enhance, Acc/Dmg/Rech)

190 Command of the Mastermind (AT Enhance, Dmg/End/Rech)
191 Command of the Mastermind (AT Enhance, Acc/Dmg/End/Rech)

197 Stalker's Guile (AT Enhance, Acc/Dmg/End/Rech)
198 Stalker's Guile (AT Enhance, Rech/chance to hide)
199 Dominion of Arachnos (AT Enhance, Acc/Dmg)
200 On Table Already

202 On Table Already
203 On Table Already
204 On Table Already

I should think that Super Pack/Heroes and Villains#Contents by Card Number might be of interest to ya. Thirty7 15:30, 31 January 2012 (UTC)
>.o could swear that wasn't there when I started this this morning...
>.> its quicker to initially add it here though then convert to table script, I'm going through hundreds of these packs right now so stopping to convert first would not just slow me down, but I have limited monitor space.. --Sleepykitty 15:51, 31 January 2012 (UTC)
By all means, do what works best, I just wanted to make sure you knew that that was there. —Thirty7 16:01, 31 January 2012 (UTC)
<.< zoom! just need to mark what we already have to save time... --Sleepykitty 16:16, 31 January 2012 (UTC)
Some of the AT Enhancements, I didn't get the details for. (I know there's a few in Dominion of Arachnos, for example) So you may not want to mark those as "On Table already" Generilisk 22:57, 31 January 2012 (UTC)
>.> on table refered to the main page's one.. but yeah.. looks like 3 of them are partials that I skipped without reading.. bother ^^;; no way to know if I got them or not already.. >_> if you want to add your ones to the main pages table, I'll go through a few dozen more packs in the meantime and see.. --Sleepykitty 02:24, 1 February 2012 (UTC)

Complete List

Based on combining the information on the various AT IOs from Rare and Very Rare, I have compiled a complete numbered list. It appears as though the order (numerically) is maintained across both of the rarities, so it was just a matter of filling in the gaps in one section with the non-gaps in another. Now, any suggestions on formatting and usage of the table?

Thirty7 08:37, 5 February 2012 (UTC)