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Added Crey Sharpshooter
Added Crey Protector
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====Crey Voltaic Tank====
====Crey Voltaic Tank====
Crey's perfected Voltaic Armor can turn any soldier into the proverbial irresistible force. Voltaic Tanks can generate almost limitlesselectrical current, which they can hurl at great distancies.
Crey's perfected Voltaic Armor can turn any soldier into the proverbial irresistible force. Voltaic Tanks can generate almost limitless electrical current, which they can hurl at great distancies.

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====Crey Protector====
With their powerful force fields, heavy weapons and advanced training, these armor clad leaders carry enough firepower to stop a tank. They're also almost as hard to hurt, though they are vulnerable to mental assaults.
{{Power|[[Image:IceBlast FreezeRay.png|22px]]| Cryo Rifle| Ranged, Cold, Foe -Recharge, -Speed, Sleep| The Crey Cryo Rifle deals nominal damage, but this freeze ray can lock its target in a fragile block of ice as well as slow an opponent. The ice is fragile, however, and the target can break free if disturbed. Recharge rate is slower than the pistol }}
{{Power|[[Image:Fighting_Boxing.png|22px]]| Boxing| Melee Smash, Foe Disorient| A decent punch that has a small chance to Disorient foes. }}
{{Power|[[Image:Inherent_Brawl.png|22px]]| Brawl| Melee Smash| Crey brawling attacks.}}
{{Power|[[Image:ForceField DispersionBubble.png|22px]]| Dispersion Bubble| Team Area of Effect toggle + Resistance (Special)| Creates a large bubble which protects all allies inside.  While active, the Dispersion Bubble gives all allies within increased defense to all attacks except psionic.  The Dispersion Bubble also protects allies inside from immobilization, disorient and hold effects. }}


Revision as of 13:03, 7 February 2006


Villain types


Riot Guard

Crey's Security Agents have become an almost ubiquitous sight in Paragon City, especially in any Crey owned facility. They are armed with standard law enforcement weapons, from riot batons to assault weapons.


Automatic Pistol Ranged Lethal, Moderate Damage
Small caliber side arm.

Riot Baton Melee Smash, Foe Disorient
Riot Baton deals minimal damage, but can Disorient a whole lot.

Brawl Melee Smash
Crey brawling attacks.

Mob Specialist

Crey's Security Agents have become an almost ubiquitous sight in Paragon City, especially in any Crey owned facility. They are armed with standard law enforcement weapons, from riot batons to assault weapons.


Submachine Gun Ranged Lethal, Low Damage, Foe -Defense
Rapid fire rifle. Can reduce target's defense.

Boxing Melee, Smash, Foe Disorient
A decent punch that has a small chance to Disorient foes.

Kick Melee, Moderate Damage, Smash, Foe Knockback
A modest kicking attack that has a small chance to knock opponents down.

Brawl Melee Smash
Crey brawling attacks.

Patrol Guard

Crey's Security Agents have become an almost ubiquitous sight in Paragon City, especially in any Crey owned facility. They are armed with standard law enforcement weapons, from riot batons to assault weapons.


Assault Rifle Ranged, Lethal, Foe -Defense
Quickly fires a burst of rounds at a single target at very long distance. Damage is moderate, but the fire rate is fast. Can also reduce target's defense.

Brawl Melee Smash
Crey brawling attacks.


Crey industries believes firmly in hands on, frontline research, and they demand more from their scientists than most companies. Indeed, Crey Scientists often venture into the field, armed with cryo weapons to help them collect samples - and do serious damage to anyone who get in their way.


No Ranged attacks
Crey Radiologists do not have any ranged attacks at all.

Radiation Infection Targeted Area of Effect,Toggle, Foe -Defense, -Accuracy
Infects a targeted foe with deadly radiation. All foes the target comes in contact with will also become infected. The Radiation Infection will last as long as the Crey Scientist can keep this power toggled on or when the original infectedtargeted dies. Infected foes have severely reduced Accuracy and Defense.

Brawl Melee Smash
Crey brawling attacks.


Crey industries believes firmly in hands on, frontline research, and they demand more from their scientists than most companies. Indeed, Crey Scientists often venture into the field, armed with cryo weapons to help them collect samples - and do serious damage to anyone who get in their way.


No Ranged attacks
Crey Medics do not have any ranged attacks at all.

Brawl Melee Smash
Crey brawling attacks.

Hypo Ally Heal, Ressistance to Effects
Heals a single targeted ally of some Hit Points and frees an ally from any Immobilization, Sleep, Disorient and Hold effects and leaves them resistant to such effects for a brief time. Should be performed away from combat as this power can fail if interrupted.


Crey industries believes firmly in hands on, frontline research, and they demand more from their scientists than most companies. Indeed, Crey Scientists often venture into the field, armed with cryo weapons to help them collect samples - and do serious damage to anyone who get in their way.


No Ranged attacks
Crey Geneticists do not have any ranged attacks at all.

Brawl Melee Smash
Crey brawling attacks.

Reanimate Ally Rez, Special
Reanimates a fallen ally into a killing machine! The reanimated ally is extremely powerful, although these genetically altered subjects burn out fast, and will colapse dead after a short while. Should be performed away from combat as this power can fail if interrupted.

Researcher Assistant

Crey industries believes firmly in hands on, frontline research, and they demand more from their scientists than most companies. Indeed, Crey Scientists often venture into the field, armed with cryo weapons to help them collect samples - and do serious damage to anyone who get in their way.


Cryo Pistol Ranged, Cold, Foe -Recharge, -Speed, Light Sleep
The Crey Cryo Pistol deals moderate damage, but this freeze ray can slow an opponent. Repeated blasts from this pistol may encase the target in fragile ice. Even if a target is captured in this fragile ice, he can break free if attacked or disturbed in any way.

Brawl Melee Smash
Crey brawling attacks.


Crey industries believes firmly in hands on, frontline research, and they demand more from their scientists than most companies. Indeed, Crey Scientists often venture into the field, armed with cryo weapons to help them collect samples - and do serious damage to anyone who get in their way.


N2 Cannon (Ranged) Cone, Cold, Foe -Recharge, -Speed
The Crey N2 Cannon can blast foes with a cone of Liquid Nitrogen. Enemy targets within the cone of freezing gas will take cold damage and will be slowed. Very accurate and very deadly at medium range.

Brawl Melee Smash
Crey brawling attacks.


Crey industries believes firmly in hands on, frontline research, and they demand more from their scientists than most companies. Indeed, Crey Scientists often venture into the field, armed with cryo weapons to help them collect samples - and do serious damage to anyone who get in their way.


Cryo Rifle Ranged, Cold, Foe -Recharge, -Speed, Sleep
The Crey Cryo Rifle deals nominal damage, but this freeze ray can lock its target in a fragile block of ice as well as slow an opponent. The ice is fragile, however, and the target can break free if disturbed. Recharge rate is slower than the pistol

Brawl Melee Smash
Crey brawling attacks.

Field Agent

The stone-faced, suit clad Field Agents are Crey's main investigative branch. They can be found carrying out a variety of missions, from espionage to assasination ops. They carry the latest weapons and receive intense close combat training.


Adv Sub Machine Gun Ranged Lethal, Low Damage, Foe -Defense
Rapid fire rifle. Slightly more accurate than a standard submachinegun. Can reduce a target's defense.

Brawl Melee Smash
Crey brawling attacks.


The stone-faced, suit clad Field Agents are Crey's main investigative branch. They can be found carrying out a variety of missions, from espionage to assasination ops. They carry the latest weapons and receive intense close combat training.


Automatic Pistol Ranged Lethal, Moderate Damage
Small caliber side arm.

Energy Punch Melee, Smash/Energy Damage, Moderate, Foe Disorient, Moderate
Powerful focused punch that may Disorient your opponent! .

Barrage Melee, Smash/Energy Damage, Foe Disorient
Barrage is a short, quick one-two combo punch. Deals little damage, but is quick and has a chance to Disorient the target.

Bone Smasher Melee, Smash/Energy, High Damage, Foe Disorient
The Bone Smasher is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage. Has a greater chance to Disorient than Energy Punch.


The stone-faced, suit clad Field Agents are Crey's main investigative branch. They can be found carrying out a variety of missions, from espionage to assasination ops. They carry the latest weapons and receive intense close combat training.


Automatic Pistol Ranged Lethal, Moderate Damage
Small caliber side arm.

Thunder Kick Melee Smash Damage, Disorient
You are Disoriented.

Storm Kick Melee Smash
Unleashes a flurry of quick attacks to pummel you foe.

Crane Kick Melee Smash, High Damage, Knockback
A slow, high damage kick that can send your target flying! .


Chief Cryo Scientist

The leaders of every Crey research team receive special training in leadership, tactics and combat techniques. They also have access to the latest advanced weaponry, making them especially dangerous.


Heavy Cryo Rifle Ranged, Cold, Hold, Low Damage, Foe -Recharge, -Speed
Heavy Cryo Rifle can Hold your opponent frozen solid in a block of ice. The victim can be attacked and will remain frozen and helpless. After the ice thaws, the victim emerges chilled and slowed. Heavy Cryo Rifle deals minimal damage.

Brawl Melee Smash
Crey brawling attacks.

Chief Plasma Scientist

The leaders of every Crey research team receive special training in leadership, tactics and combat techniques. They also have access to the latest advanced weaponry, making them especially dangerous.


Flamethrower Ranged, Cone, Fire Damage over Time
Spews forth a cone of flames and sets a foe on fire. Very accurate and very deadly at medium range.

Brawl Melee Smash
Crey brawling attacks.

Elite Security Agent

The leaders of Crey's security teamsare experts at identifying threaths and picking them off from a distance. With the latest in advanced assault weaponry at their disposal, these agents are a force to be reckoned with.


Adv Assault Rifle Ranged Lethal, Foe Knockdown
Fires a large slug at a single target at very long range. This very accurate weapon hits hard, and can knock down foes.

Brawl Melee Smash
Crey brawling attacks.

Special Agent Vigilant

The Special Agents are the best of Crey's field operatives. They have superb training, the best weapons, and a seemingly preternatural focus on the task at hand. They often carry heavy weapons, since Crey trusts them enough to use them discreetly and appropiately.


Automatic Pistol Ranged Lethal, Moderate Damage
Small caliber side arm.

Energy Punch Melee, Smash/Energy Damage, Moderate, Foe Disorient, Moderate
Powerful focused punch that may Disorient your opponent! .

Barrage Melee, Smash/Energy Damage, Foe Disorient
Barrage is a short, quick one-two combo punch. Deals little damage, but is quick and has a chance to Disorient the target.

Bone Smasher Melee, Smash/Energy, High Damage, Foe Disorient
The Bone Smasher is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage. Has a greater chance to Disorient than Energy Punch.

Focus Self Toggle, +Defense
Crey Agent can Focus his mind to evade many melee and ranged attacks.

Special Agent Infiltrator

The Special Agents are the best of Crey's field operatives. They have superb training, the best weapons, and a seemingly preternatural focus on the task at hand. They often carry heavy weapons, since Crey trusts them enough to use them discreetly and appropiately.


Automatic Pistol Ranged Lethal, Moderate Damage
Small caliber side arm.

Thunder Kick Melee Smash Damage, Disorient
You are Disoriented.

Storm Kick Melee Smash
Unleashes a flurry of quick attacks to pummel you foe.

Crane Kick Melee Smash, High Damage, Knockback
A slow, high damage kick that can send your target flying! .

Focus Self Toggle, +Defense
Crey Agent can Focus his mind to evade many melee and ranged attacks.

Crey Eliminator

With their heavy chain guns and advanced training, these armor clad leaders carry enough firepower to stop a tank. They're also almost as hard to hurt, though they are vulnerable to mental assaults.


Chain Gun Ranged Lethal, High Damage over Time, +Accuracy (Self)
Sprays a massive burst of lead at a target. Lots of damage and a bonus to hit, but slow to reload.

Boxing Melee Smash, Foe Disorient
A decent punch that has a small chance to Disorient foes.

Brawl Melee Smash
Crey brawling attacks.

Crey Crisis Unit

Crey sends these specialized units to handle big problems. Their grenade launchers can fire a variety of munitions, making them well-equiped to handle any situation. These armor clad leaders carry enough firepower to stop a tank. They're also almost as hard to hurt, though they are vulnerable to mental assaults.


Grenade Launcher (Ranged) Targeted Area of Effect Lethal/Smashing, Foe Knockback
Launches an M30 grenade at long range from under the barrel of your Assault Rifle. The explosion of this grenade affects all within the blast and can knock them back.

Sleep Gas Targeted Area of Effect, Foe Sleep
Crey Sleep grenades can knock out foes in the affected area. Affected targets can awaken if disturbed.

Boxing Melee Smash, Foe Disorient
A decent punch that has a small chance to Disorient foes.

Brawl Melee Smash
Crey brawling attacks.

Crey Juggernaut

With their powerful personal force fields, missile launchers and advanced training, these armor clad leaders carry enough firepower to stop a tank. They're also almost as hard to hurt, though they are vulnerable to mental assaults.


Missile Launcher Ranged, Lethal/Smash, Foe Knockback
This devastating weapon has extreme range capabilities. Its slow recharge and high endurance cost is compensated by its massive explosion and Knockback.

Boxing Melee Smash, Foe Disorient
A decent punch that has a small chance to Disorient foes.

Brawl Melee Smash
Crey brawling attacks.

Personal Force Field Self Toggle Invulnerable, Special
The Force Field is virtually impenetrable to all attacks. The impact of some powerful attacks may occasionally rattle you, however the Force Field will hold, and you will not suffer any damage or effects from the attacks. The Force Field works both ways, and while active, you can only affect yourself with other powers.

Crey Cryo Tank

Crey's perfected Cryo Armor can turn any soldier into the proverbial irresistible force. Cooled with liquid nitrogen, the Cryo Tanks can absorb almost limitless heat and hurl great chunks of ice at their foes.


Ice Bolt Ranged, Minor Damage , Cold/Smash, Foe -Recharge, -Speed
Ice Bolt quickly pelts an enemy with small icy daggers; their chill slows a foe's attacks and movement for a time. Fast, but little damage. Damage:Moderate, Recharge: Fast.

Freeze Ray Ranged, Cold, Low Damage, Foe Sleep
Although this power deals very little damage, the Freeze Ray encases your foein a block of ice, holding him helpless in place for quite a while. The ice, however, is fragile, and the victim can break free if attacked.

Frost Cone Cold Damage over Time, -Recharge
This power emanates a very short cone of Frost from the Crey Cryo Armor's hands, chilling all those in its arc. This attack slowly chills the target over time, slowly dealing damage and slowing his attack speed.

Frozen Fists Melee, Minor Damage Cold/Smash, Foe -Rechage -Speed
Frozen Fists encrust your hands in ice, giving them the ability to quickly inflict minor damage on villains. The foe's attack and movement speed is slowed, due to the chills caused by the cold blows. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Fast.

Crey Voltaic Tank

Crey's perfected Voltaic Armor can turn any soldier into the proverbial irresistible force. Voltaic Tanks can generate almost limitless electrical current, which they can hurl at great distancies.


Charged Bolts Ranged Energy, Foe - Endurance
The Crey Voltaic Tank can quickly hurl small bolts of electricity at foes. Charged Bolts deals light damage and also drains some endurance.

Ball Lightning (Ranged) Targeted Area of Effect, Energy, Foe -Endurance
Hurls a highly charged ball of lightning that explodes on contact. Ball Lightning deals good damage in an area and also drains some endurance from each target it hits.

Charged Brawl (Melee) Foe Sleep, -Recovery
You are rendered helpless by the electrical attack. Any form of damage will free you from this state.

Havoc Punch (Melee) Foe Sleep
You are rendered helpless by the electrical attack. Any form of attack will free you from this state.

Thunder Strike Melee Smash, Foe Disorient, Area of Effect Knockback
A massive attack. The Crey Voltaic Tank smashes his foes with all the power of the lightning to deal a blow. The pummeled victim may be Disoriented and all nearby foes may be knocked down and take additional damagefrom the resulting violent release of energy.


Special Agent Sharpshooter

The Special Agents are the best of Crey's field operatives. They have superb training, the best weapons, and a seemingly preternatural focus on the task at hand. They often carry heavy weapons, since Crey trusts them enough to use them discreetly and appropiately.


Sniper Rifle Ranged, Sniper, Lethal, Foe Knockdown
Sniper Rifle is a powerful piece of hardware. It is very accurate and has a verly long range. The impressive round can knock down its target.

Brawl Melee Smash
Crey brawling attacks.

Focus Self Toggle, +Defense
Crey Agent can Focus his mind to evade many melee and ranged attacks.


Crey Protector

With their powerful force fields, heavy weapons and advanced training, these armor clad leaders carry enough firepower to stop a tank. They're also almost as hard to hurt, though they are vulnerable to mental assaults.


Cryo Rifle Ranged, Cold, Foe -Recharge, -Speed, Sleep
The Crey Cryo Rifle deals nominal damage, but this freeze ray can lock its target in a fragile block of ice as well as slow an opponent. The ice is fragile, however, and the target can break free if disturbed. Recharge rate is slower than the pistol

Boxing Melee Smash, Foe Disorient
A decent punch that has a small chance to Disorient foes.

Brawl Melee Smash
Crey brawling attacks.

Dispersion Bubble Team Area of Effect toggle + Resistance (Special)
Creates a large bubble which protects all allies inside. While active, the Dispersion Bubble gives all allies within increased defense to all attacks except psionic. The Dispersion Bubble also protects allies inside from immobilization, disorient and hold effects.


Named enemies