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Razak awakens in the care of the local townspeople, when he is fit to walk again they lead the White Knight back to the cemetery, where he finds a metal slab stating that only one knight can lift the slab and that this knight's name is written beneath it. Due to his enhanced strength Razak is able to lift it and discovers that his name is, in fact, Lance Du Lac.
Razak awakens in the care of the local townspeople, when he is fit to walk again they lead the White Knight back to the cemetery, where he finds a metal slab stating that only one knight can lift the slab and that this knight's name is written beneath it. Due to his enhanced strength Razak is able to lift it and discovers that his name is, in fact, Lance Du Lac.
Niniane appears behind him and states that Razak is the reincarnation of the greatest Knight to ever have lived…. Lancelot the White Knight.
Niniane appears behind him and states that Razak is the reincarnation of the greatest Knight to ever have lived…. Lancelot the White Knight.
=== World War Two ===
[[Image:Legislateww2.JPG|thumb|left|152px|Legislate during WW2]]Razak returns to Primal Earth during the outbreak of World War Two, in an effort to better coordinate the allied heroes he forms The Stormers super group alongside Captain Europe. The Stormers immediately deploy to the frontline and actively begin making a difference. Unlike many Super Groups the Stormers take up the role of safeguarding supply lines  and evacuating the local population, this built up a strong source of good will between the group and the people.
With D-Day in full motion it was the time when the fledgling Stormers were almost wiped out. The Nazi’s super soldiers lead by the villain Blitz Creek shifted their efforts and instead began raiding the isolated communities which the Stormers were protecting. Stretched thinly the heroes were overwhelmed, Captain Europe led the civilians and heroes in a break out but Razak and a few surviving townspeople found themselves cut off. Sealing the people inside a small church Razak waited outside defending the doors against the oncoming super soldiers.
When the fighting had stopped the surviving townspeople emerged to find George’s near lifeless body slumped on top of a huge mount of dead villains. Over the next few days they helped nurse the hero back to life. News of the heroic stand spread and Blitz Creek himself sought Razak out. The hero was still unable to fight but the small group of people rallied around him, with their help George keeps the arch villain at bay long enough for the rest of the Stormers to find them. Together they repel the treacherous Blitz Creek.
The people name George 'Legislate,' the man who brought law to the lawless when all hope had gone. Razak takes the name as his own and thus after World War Two George Razak became known as the hero Legislate.

==Alter egos==
==Alter egos==

Revision as of 09:08, 25 September 2008

Legislate is a super hero that appears on the Union server in the City of Heroes game. Legislate is the reincarnation of Lancelot the White Knight and is thought by many to be the martyr Saint George himself,. He is the founder of the super group The Stormers and an incarnation of the titan Prometheus. Armed with Arondight the fabled blade wielded by Lancelot and also the twin sword of Excalibur Legislate is a modern day knight-errant.


Birth of a hero

During a harsh winter night in 1887 as man named Brandin Razak discover a young baby on the streets of London, not more than a few months old Brandin is amazed that the child had not frozen to death in the cold snow. Always longing for a child he and his wife Yvonne adopted the boy and named him George. George’s early life is mostly unknown, it is widely claimed that Brandin made no secret of the fact that he was not his real father, the dissimilarities between the two were clearly obvious, while Brandin himself was dark haired and 5 foot 8, George was blond and 6 foot 5. It is thought that in his mid teens George tried to find his birth parents and discover his real name, he failed and instead decided to follow in his adopted Father’s footsteps by joining the military with his best friend Malakai Kroenen, the two had become close friends at an early age and it seemed they complimented one another exactly. Malakai however was deep into the occult and just prior to 1914 he leaves the service to hunt for the Dread Demogorgon, a God so terrible it was deemed unlawful to know it even existed.

In the outbreak of World War One George volunteers for the test trails of the English super soldier project. For some unknown reason he is the only one of the 23 people to volunteer to survive the testing. Razak gained monumental strength and endurance as well as keen senses. During the War George fought on the front line and was actively making a difference. However due to the lack of funding and the high cost of lives the project was shut down. Some believed that playing God was not for mankind and it seemed that those who fought for the project to be shelved were right. Towards the end of World War One the very project that had gifted Razak with his powers soon began to slowly kill him. In a hope to find out what was happening to him George’s old friend Malakai Kroenen returns. With Kroenen’s help they managed to persuade the Army to reevaluate the Super Soldier Project. It was discovered that Razak’s body was starting to reject the changes effectively degenerating itself. Malakai refused to believe that there was nothing anyone could do and he revealed to George that he had located the mystic prison of the Demogorgon.

With little to lose the two set off to a frozen island in the Arctic circle, there they uncovered the Dread God’s tomb. The Demogorgon surprisingly agrees to aid them and grants George eternal youth and the ability to fly in order to counteract the damage done to his body. The Demogorgon however had betrayed them. The God had been imprisoned eons ago and was bound never to leave, when Razak and Kroenen had entered they had upset the balance and effectively become a part of the prison itself. The Demogorgon possesses George, using him as a mobile prison as such and attempts to escape. Malakai despite his best efforts is slain trying to stop the God leaving. However the psychic back lash at having made Razak kill his best friend expells the Demogorgon from it’s host’s body. Using his new powers Razak is able to destroy the wards and seal the God back in it’s prison.

The return of the White Knight

Following the death of Malakai, Razak goes into hiding. With the pain and the guilt slowly eating him away George drove himself into deep isolation, what happened to him during these dark years none are sure however it wasn’t until November 1931 that a mysterious stranger seeks him out. Identifying herself simply as Niniane the traveller claims that George had been misguided and that he had strayed from the path that fate had set him. Not only had he lost sight of what he was but also who he was. Niniane spoke of an age of heroes and that should Razak wish to discover who he really was then he must travel to Glastonbury, Cornwall and perhaps there he might find the answers he so deeply craved.

Razak soon becomes embroiled in the quest to recover the fabled sword Arondight, the twin blade of the legendary Excalibur. Instructed by Niniane he enters the ruins upon Glastonbury hill and descends into the lake concealed deep within. The lake acting as gateway to the fabled island of Avalon the source where all magic in the material realm is drawn from. Evil however had recently returned, dressed in a suit of fine white armour Razak fights his way though the haunted cemetery of Canaan, Arondight lay at the centre planted hilt first in an alter of black stone. His objective is barred by a hulking demonic armoured warrior… The Copper Knight. The two clash, despite his enhanced powers the demon is still stronger, he refers to Razak as The White Knight and that his return was ill advised. With his armour smashed open the Copper Knight plunges it’s demonic sword deep into George's gut, this however is not the end. With a twist of his torso Razak disarms his diabolical opponent, reaching out he rips Arondight from the alter and slams the blade down cleaving the Copper Knight from shoulder to pelvis. Both collapse one dead and the other overcome by his injuries.

Razak awakens in the care of the local townspeople, when he is fit to walk again they lead the White Knight back to the cemetery, where he finds a metal slab stating that only one knight can lift the slab and that this knight's name is written beneath it. Due to his enhanced strength Razak is able to lift it and discovers that his name is, in fact, Lance Du Lac. Niniane appears behind him and states that Razak is the reincarnation of the greatest Knight to ever have lived…. Lancelot the White Knight.

World War Two

Legislate during WW2

Razak returns to Primal Earth during the outbreak of World War Two, in an effort to better coordinate the allied heroes he forms The Stormers super group alongside Captain Europe. The Stormers immediately deploy to the frontline and actively begin making a difference. Unlike many Super Groups the Stormers take up the role of safeguarding supply lines and evacuating the local population, this built up a strong source of good will between the group and the people.

With D-Day in full motion it was the time when the fledgling Stormers were almost wiped out. The Nazi’s super soldiers lead by the villain Blitz Creek shifted their efforts and instead began raiding the isolated communities which the Stormers were protecting. Stretched thinly the heroes were overwhelmed, Captain Europe led the civilians and heroes in a break out but Razak and a few surviving townspeople found themselves cut off. Sealing the people inside a small church Razak waited outside defending the doors against the oncoming super soldiers. When the fighting had stopped the surviving townspeople emerged to find George’s near lifeless body slumped on top of a huge mount of dead villains. Over the next few days they helped nurse the hero back to life. News of the heroic stand spread and Blitz Creek himself sought Razak out. The hero was still unable to fight but the small group of people rallied around him, with their help George keeps the arch villain at bay long enough for the rest of the Stormers to find them. Together they repel the treacherous Blitz Creek. The people name George 'Legislate,' the man who brought law to the lawless when all hope had gone. Razak takes the name as his own and thus after World War Two George Razak became known as the hero Legislate.

Alter egos



The twisted praetorian version of the hero Legislate. Decimate is the combination of Razak and the Demogorgon, a soulless creature that rules over Great Britain, he founded the Dark Stormers to act as his personal bodyguards.

Decimate recently crossed the plains and into our world, he was driven back by the Stormers after he gained entrance to the mythical land of Avalon. Currently there are dark whispers of Decimate trying to track drown Malakai Kroenen. It’s rumoured that both Demogorgons are trying to unite into one God and finally shake off their prisons of flesh and bone in an unholy dark awakening.


Decimate has all the powers of Legislate apart from the abilities of Prometheus, despite this he is still at least twice as strong due to his bonding with the Demogorgon. Decimate is also armed with the sword Arondark, the twisted version of Arondight.


Not a lot is known about this mysterious character, it is rumoured he aided in the downfall of Romulus as well as a host of other great deeds. Some claim that this warrior is none other than the fabled martyr Saint George himself. It was assumed he was killed for his beliefs however some have linked this individual to an incident involving Legislate’s disappearance though time. Many Scholars now believe that Saint George and Legislate are one and the same. How and why is unknown for Legislate himself has never spoken of the events Many also point to the obvious time paradox however it would explain why there are no early records of Saint George, it is also thought that the sword Ascalon (in some stories a spear) is none other than Arondight. But the implications of having a man who could essentially be a living martyr walking around in today's world can only be guessed.

The Stormers

The Stormers

Co-founded by Razak in the wake of World War Two, The Stormers quickly established themselves as a highly effective super group. Over the years the Stormers evolved and it’s powerbase grew, the super group worked heavily with both NATO and the UN and they became deeply respected for their efforts in averting wars. However the Rikti War soon changed all of that.

With the majority of heroes fighting with Vanguard in America other countries were left considerably weakened. When the aliens invaded Avalon Legislate petitioned for aid from many sources however there was none to be given. A bitter row emerge between Legislate and Statesman when the White Knight removed the Stormers from Vanguards services and headed off to England. With no support the Stormers came to the rescue of Avalon

Only five Stormers survived the tragic fighting. Legislate, Sureshot, the Battler, the Shadow Stalker and Titaness. There was no joy with the coming victory for no one outside the surviving five would ever know of the bravery in which the Stormers had fought and died so that the material realm could continue calling on the powers of Magick.

To date the Stormers are trying to rebuild their numbers but the lack of heroes following the Rikti War has made it impossible, Captain Europe has returned to the super group bringing Core Alloy and the spirit Summerwind with him. Legislate and Sureshot have returned to Paragon City to discover the fate of Hero 1. Razak himself despite returning to Vanguard has never forgiven them or Statesman for condemning the Stormers for aiding Avalon, the guilt at the loss of so many heroes has also created a wedge between himself and the surviving Stormers.

Current members

  • Legislate (Co-founder, Tank)
  • Captain Europe (Co-founder, Tank)
  • Sureshot (Defender)
  • Core Alloy (Defender)
  • The Battler (Tank)
  • The Shadow Stalker (Teleporter/Blaster)
  • Titaness (Size shifter/Tank)
  • Summerwind (Controller)

Costumes From Left to right.

1: The White suit of armour worn when first recovering the fable Sword Arondight.

2: Worn during World War 2

3: Worn during the 70's and 80's

4: The 'Saint George' costume, worn in the 90's

5: The Mark 2 White Knight armour, worn several times while in Avalon.

6: The Vanguard armour, worn during the start of the Rikti War.

7: The 'Saint George' mark 2 costume. Legislate's current costume.

Creating Legislate

Legislate with Arondight

As you may have noticed Legislate has many duel powers that can’t be combined in the game, in order to get around this I had to create a couple of toons ( a scrapper and a tank) in order to make a complete character. The idea behind Legislate was to basically create an Errant superhero. However due to the fact that he wears the Saint George’s Cross people automatically think he’s a type of ‘Captain England.’ (Which he isn’t and point of note, George is the patron Saint of many countries not just England.) The character has evolved quite a lot, originally I wanted him to be armed with Excalibur but since that was already taken I had to do a bit of research into other famous swords which lead me to Arondight and Legislate’s connection with Lancelot. At his heart I wanted Legislate to be a type of diplomat, someone capable of uniting people to fight a common enemy, this was enabled by making him a prominent figure in Vanguard however I didn’t want him to be flawless and made sure that his personal problems balanced out with his noble deeds. The fact that he is a mesh of different power sources means his body is almost at breaking point, every action he takes to correct the problems ends up with further repercussions down the line. I didn’t really want Legislate to be too ’super,’ there are many heroes in CoH that claim to be able to deflect bullets and what not, I just find that boring. Despite all his powers I was adamant that Legislate could still easily be killed from a single gunshot to the head/heart, this combined with his self sacrificing nature will most likely be his downfall.

In general I tend to created comical characters in CoH and Legislate is the first real attempt I’ve made to make a serious superhero and it’s worked out quite well. It’s great standing under the Atlas status and having people come up to you saying they love the character (be it the look or the profile.) He's become quite well known on the server due to he’s look and people like the similar helmets that he and Statesman have. (Though Legislate’s is a full roman helmet and Statesman’s is really just a face plate, I think it’s the colour that people are remarking on.) Personally I prefer the white Knight mark 2 costume but I’ve been told the Saint George’s Cossie make’s him look more like a superhero….. Nothing wrong with that I guess.

As for the Stormers supergroup, it's simply a collection of some of my characters, nothing more really. The Stormers have been around for a while but I'm quite happy just having my toons in the group for now, maybe if I had more spare time....


Dark Awakening
Contact Legislate
Zone Atlas Park
Minimum Size 8 players
Coordinates (?, ?, ?)
Level Range 45-50
Enemy Groups Rikti
Circle of Thorns
v  d  e

The Dark Awakening Task Force is a set of missions that will becomes availible with the realise of Issue 13 detailing the return of the Demogorgan as well as Legislate's twisted praetorian alterego Decimate and his Dark Stormers