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==== Pitbull ====
==== Pitbull ====
Pitbull is an enforcer for the Marcone Family in Port Oakes.  You've agreed to help the Marcones with a few problems they've been having, and Pitbull has been sent along to assist you.
Pitbull is an enforcer for the Marcone Family in Port Oakes.  You've agreed to help the Marcones with a few problems they've been having, and Pitbull has been sent along to assist you.

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[[Image:SuperStrength_Haymaker.png|22px]] '''Haymaker''' Melee Smash, Knockback<br>
[[Image:SuperStrength_Haymaker.png|22px]] '''Haymaker''' Melee Smash, Knockback<br>
The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.
The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.

=== Elite Bosses ===
=== Elite Bosses ===

Revision as of 02:44, 26 February 2006



The Family loyalists work for Emil Marcone, de facto governor of Port Oakes. They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliore, Guido 'the Mooch' Verandi.


Inherent Brawl.png Brawl Melee Smash
When all else fails, use your own 2 fists.

AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png Revolver Ranged Lethal, Med Dam
Small caliber side arm. Not very accurate.

Marcone Blackjack

The Family loyalists work for Emil Marcone, de facto governor of Port Oakes. They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliore, Guido 'the Mooch' Verandi.


MedievalWeapons MaceSwing.png Blackjack Disorient
The Blackjack has Disoriented you.

AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png Revolver Ranged Lethal, Med Dam
Small caliber side arm. Not very accurate.

Inherent Brawl.png Brawl Melee Smash
When all else fails, use your own 2 fists.

Marcone Gunner

The Family loyalists work for Emil Marcone, de facto governor of Port Oakes. They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliore, Guido 'the Mooch' Verandi.


AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png Burst Lethal DoT, -DEF
Your defense has been reduced by the Tommy Gun.

Inherent Brawl.png Rifle Butt Melee Smash
A smash with the butt of your rifle.

Marcone Muscle

The Family loyalists work for Emil Marcone, de facto governor of Port Oakes. They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliore, Guido 'the Mooch' Verandi.


AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png Revolver Ranged Lethal, Med Dam
Small caliber side arm. Not very accurate.

Marcone Buckshot

The Family loyalists work for Emil Marcone, de facto governor of Port Oakes. They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliore, Guido 'the Mooch' Verandi.


AssaultWeapons ShotgunBuckShot.png Shotgun Cone Lethal, Knockback
Good at close range. Fires a cone of buckshot pellets and can knock some foes down.

Inherent Brawl.png Heavy Brawl Melee Smash
When all else fails, use your own 2 fists.

Fighting Kick.png Kick Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback
A modest kicking attack that has a small chance to knock opponents down.

Button Man Buckshot

Organized crime has always had plenty of competition in Paragon City, but that doesn't stop young street toughs from wanting to swear allegiance to their Don and live like a wiseguy. It helps to be a stone cold killer with a gun, like these guys.


AssaultWeapons ShotgunBuckShot.png Shotgun Cone Lethal, Knockback
Good at close range. Fires a cone of buckshot pellets and can knock some foes down.

Power Missing.pngNo Melee attacks
This mob doesen´t have any Melee attacks at all

Button Man Muscle

Organized crime has always had plenty of competition in Paragon City, but that doesn't stop young street toughs from wanting to swear allegiance to their Don and live like a wiseguy. It helps to be a stone cold killer with a gun, like these guys.


AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png Automatic Pistol Ranged Lethal, Med Dam
Small caliber side arm.

Fighting Boxing.png Boxing Disorient
You have been Disoriented.

Fighting Kick.png Kick Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback
A modest kicking attack that has a small chance to knock opponents down.

Button Man Gunner

Organized crime has always had plenty of competition in Paragon City, but that doesn't stop young street toughs from wanting to swear allegiance to their Don and live like a wiseguy. It helps to be a stone cold killer with a gun, like these guys.


AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png Burst Lethal DoT, -DEF
Your defense has been reduced by the Tommy Gun.

Power Missing.pngNo Melee attacks
This mob doesen´t have any Melee attacks at all


Capo Gunner

Each Capo controls his own crew of Button Men. It's a kind of authority you don't earn unless you've proven yourself both ruthless and lucky. Capos save the best weapons and women for themselves and are inevitably smart, tough fighters.


AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png Burst Lethal Damage, -Defense
Your defense has been reduced by the Tommy Gun.

AssaultWeapons ARFullAuto.pngFull Auto DoT Lethal Damage
You are taking Lethal Damage over Time from the Tommy Gun.

Power Missing.pngNo Melee attacks
This mob doesen´t have any Melee attacks at all

Capo Muscle

Each Capo controls his own crew of Button Men. It's a kind of authority you don't earn unless you've proven yourself both ruthless and lucky. Capos save the best weapons and women for themselves and are inevitably smart, tough fighters.


AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png Automatic Pistol Ranged Lethal, Med Dam
Small caliber side arm.

SuperStrength Punch.png Punch Melee Smash, Knockback
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.

SuperStrength Haymaker.png Haymaker Melee Smash, Knockback
The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.

SuperStrength Jab.png Jab Disorient
You have been disoriented.

Marcone Hitman


AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png Automatic Pistol Ranged Lethal, Med Dam
Small caliber side arm.

Inherent Brawl.png Heavy Brawl Melee Smash
When all else fails, use your own 2 fists.


Marcone Capo

The Family loyalists work for Emil Marcone, de facto governor of Port Oakes. They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliore, Guido 'the Mooch' Verandi.



In Paragon City you don´t become one of the most trusted advisors without a little super-powered expertise. Consiglieres have far more subtle powers than their Underboss counterparts, which match their more subtle responsibilities within the Family.


GravityControl Propel.png Propel Ranged Smash, Knockback
The Family Boss can open up a portal and pull in a heavy object that her can then levitate and Propel at foes.

GravityControl Crush.png Crush Immobilize, -Fly
You have been crushed to the ground. You cannot fly and are Immobilized.

GravityControl GravityDistortion.png Gravity Distortion Hold
You are being held by a located Gravity Distortion and cannot move.

SuperStrength Jab.png Jab Disorient
You have been disoriented.

SuperStrength Punch.png Punch Melee Smash, Knockback
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.

SuperStrength Haymaker.png Haymaker Melee Smash, Knockback
The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.


The Underbosses report directly to the Don, and each has control over a number of Capos. In Paragon City you don´t rise to the top without a little super-powered help, and many Underbosses have heightened abilities or access to specialized gear that helps them stay on top in their cutthroath business.


AssaultWeapons ARM30grenade.png Frag Grenade Targeted AoE Lethal/Smashing, Knockback
The explosion from the Fragmentation Grenade affects all within the blast and can knock them back.

AssaultWeapons ARFullAuto.pngFull Auto DoT (Lethal)
You are taking Lethal Damage over Time from the Tommy Gun.

AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png Burst Lethal Damage, -Defense
Your defense has been reduced by the Tommy Gun.

SuperStrength Jab.png Jab Disorient
You have been disoriented.

SuperStrength Punch.png Punch Melee Smash, Knockback
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.

SuperStrength Haymaker.png Haymaker Melee Smash, Knockback
The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.

Unknown Self Buff

(Note: These use a blueish buff I have been unable to identify. Some say it could be Focused Fighting, but I have no means to know if this is the case or not)

Named Lieutenants



Pitbull is an enforcer for the Marcone Family in Port Oakes. You've agreed to help the Marcones with a few problems they've been having, and Pitbull has been sent along to assist you.


AssaultWeapons ShotgunSlug.png Slug Ranged Lethal, +KB
Fires a large slug at a single target at a very long range. This very accurate weapon hits hard, and can knock down foes.

AssaultWeapons ShotgunBuckShot.png 12 Gauge Cone Lethal, Knockback
Good at medium range. Longer range and more deadly than most shotguns, the 12 Gauge shotgun fires a cone of buckshot pellets and can knock some foes down.

SuperStrength Jab.png Jab Disorient
You have been disoriented.

SuperStrength Punch.png Punch Melee Smash, Knockback
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.

SuperStrength Haymaker.png Haymaker Melee Smash, Knockback
The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.

Elite Bosses

Emil Marcone

Emil Marcone is the son of Manuel Marcone, the former Governor of Port Oakes. When Manuel was arrested by Interpol, Guildo 'The Mooch' Verandi stepped up to take control, much to the chagrin of Emil. Emil is now doing whatever he can to seize control from Guido.


SuperStrength Jab.png Jab Disorient
You have been disoriented.

SuperStrength Punch.png Punch Melee Smash, Knockback
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.

SuperStrength Haymaker.png Haymaker Melee Smash, Knockback
The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.

AssaultWeapons ARM30grenade.png Frag Grenade Targeted AoE Lethal/Smashing, Knockback
The explosion from the Fragmentation Grenade affects all within the blast and can knock them back.

AssaultWeapons ARFullAuto.png Full Auto DoT(Lethal)
You are taking Lethal Damage over Time from the Tommy Gun.

AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png Burst -DEF
Your defense has been reduced by the Tommy Gun.

Leadership Assault.png Assault +DMG
Assault is an inherent power of Guildo, which increases the damage of all of his surrounding allies.

Named Bosses

  • Buster (Underboss)
  • Denny Marcone
  • Draco (Consigliere)
  • Draco (Underboss)
  • Falco Marcone
  • Frankie Frost (Underboss)
  • Joey "The Shirt" (Underboss)
  • Mr. Crowe (Consigliere)
  • Mr. Fawkes (Consigliere)
  • Mr. Wolfe (Underboss)
  • Paolo Marcone
  • Sammy The Man (Consigliere)
  • Tommy One Eye (Underboss)