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m (→‎Speak with Arbiter Daos: finished mission)
m (→‎Story Arc: added more info, title was "A wind called Serafina" this time.)
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== Story Arc ==
== Story Arc ==

=== A mysterious thief ===
=== <font color="orange">Story Arc name</font> ===

Scirocco welcomed you to his camp among the fractious upper echelons of [[Arachnos]], and immediately assigned you a task.  Some unknown force had attacked a base where Scirocco had stored a minor mystic artifact, and he wanted you to investigate.  You arrived to find the base in shambles, Scirocco's items stolen, and the Arachnos personnel at the base blathering about how much they loved the unknown female thief, and how she's warned them you were coming.  The only clue was security camera footage of a woman in a genie-costume searching the base at her whim and using some kind of mind-control on the troops.  Scirocco seemed to have an idea of what was going on, but wanted to keep it to himself for the moment.
Scirocco welcomed you to his camp among the fractious upper echelons of [[Arachnos]], and immediately assigned you a task.  Some unknown force had attacked a base where Scirocco had stored a minor mystic artifact, and he wanted you to investigate.  You arrived to find the base in shambles, Scirocco's items stolen, and the Arachnos personnel at the base blathering about how much they loved the unknown female thief, and how she's warned them you were coming.  The only clue was security camera footage of a woman in a genie-costume searching the base at her whim and using some kind of mind-control on the troops.  Scirocco seemed to have an idea of what was going on, but wanted to keep it to himself for the moment.
To confirm his suspicions, Scirocco sent you to ask [[Arbiter Daos]] if there had been any similar incidents at other Arachnos bases.  He also warned you not to make an enemy of Daos, because of his great power among Arachnos' arbiter corps.  Arbiter Daos confirmed that there had been similar attacks by the mystery woman, and that they had all occurred at bases where Scirocco had stored mystic items in the past.  In exchange for this information, Daos sent you to cleanse one base that had recently been put under the mystery thief's control.  There you learned from the last uncontrolled Arachnos soldier in the base that the mystery woman had a name, and that name was [[Serafina]].  Scirocco was expecting that, but not pleased.  It seems that this Serafina had been the one to grant him his powers, and now she most likely wanted them back.


Revision as of 13:17, 10 September 2006



Scirocco is an Arch-villain who serves Arachnos under Lord Recluse. He also awards the patron power, Mu Mastery to villains who complete his patron arc.

Heroes can face him in Recluse's Victory as one of the signature villains that show up as reinforcements.


Imad Malak was not always an evil man. Evil came to him from without. He was traveling in the deep desert near the Baka Valley deep in the Middle East. There he discovered an ancient tomb and stumbled inside. The tomb was that of a long-dead desert hero, and contained several objects of power including the bottle of the djinn Serafina. Also within was the hero's scimitar that granted the weilder incredible powers. Malak took the sword and donned the mantle of Scirocco. Unforunately, he fell under a curse and was driven to commit acts of great evil. He sold the other objects off to the highest bidder, the bottle ending up with the Circle of Thorns. Once a hero of the people, he is now a dark stain on their proud heritage. Imad wishes nothing more than to find some way to rid himself of the curse and find redemption.


Badge defeatscirocco.png Sandblasted

You have helped defeat Scirocco in Recluse's Victory.

See Also

  • Scirocco's Arachnos profile for a list of his powers


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)


Arachnos Patron

Imad Malak was not always a villain. Once he was a Freedom Fighter, battling against tyranny in the Middle East. But evil came to him from without. He was traveling in the deep desert near the Baka Valley deep in the Middle East, fleeing mercenary death squads when he discovered an ancient tomb and stumbled inside. The tomb was that of a long-dead desert hero, and within Malak found the hero's scimitar, an ancient weapon that granted the wielder incredible powers. Malak took the sword and donned the mantle of Scirocco, the Desert Wind. He intended to use the power to free his people, but unforunately, in taking the items he fell under a curse. Everything he did was now tainted, and only brought greater evil to the world. Once a hero of the people, he is now a dark stain on their proud heritage, and was cast out. Scirocco continued fighting, earning a grim reputation both for his phenomenal powers, and for retaining some vestige of Imad's old principles. He soon came to the attention of Arachnos, and accepted the invitation to join Lord Recluse's inner circle.

Initial Contact

I am told that you have chosen me as your patron. I am glad to hear this, for I have watched you progress for some time, and believe that you may be the destined one for whom Lord Recluse awaits. Allow me to make a proper introduction: I am called Scirocco, the Desert Wind. I serve Lord Recluse and Arachnos, and hold the reins of the Mu Mystics. Unlike some of my fellows, like the mercenary Black Scorpion or the Monstrous Mako, I believe that we do not need to be soulless beasts to achieve our aims. The ends may justify the means, but that does not mean we must end up as madmen. Now, there is much to do. I am in the midst of a great work, and will require your aid.


  • Teir 1 Inspirations
  • Level 40 Single Origin Magic Enhancements

Badge Mission

Story Arc

Story Arc name

Scirocco welcomed you to his camp among the fractious upper echelons of Arachnos, and immediately assigned you a task. Some unknown force had attacked a base where Scirocco had stored a minor mystic artifact, and he wanted you to investigate. You arrived to find the base in shambles, Scirocco's items stolen, and the Arachnos personnel at the base blathering about how much they loved the unknown female thief, and how she's warned them you were coming. The only clue was security camera footage of a woman in a genie-costume searching the base at her whim and using some kind of mind-control on the troops. Scirocco seemed to have an idea of what was going on, but wanted to keep it to himself for the moment.

To confirm his suspicions, Scirocco sent you to ask Arbiter Daos if there had been any similar incidents at other Arachnos bases. He also warned you not to make an enemy of Daos, because of his great power among Arachnos' arbiter corps. Arbiter Daos confirmed that there had been similar attacks by the mystery woman, and that they had all occurred at bases where Scirocco had stored mystic items in the past. In exchange for this information, Daos sent you to cleanse one base that had recently been put under the mystery thief's control. There you learned from the last uncontrolled Arachnos soldier in the base that the mystery woman had a name, and that name was Serafina. Scirocco was expecting that, but not pleased. It seems that this Serafina had been the one to grant him his powers, and now she most likely wanted them back.


Investigate base

(Part one of A mysterious thief)


Do not mistake me, I am gratified that you have decided to join my particular branch of our organization. It's just that I am being kept very busy at the moment working on an important project, so I may have to ask you to do certain tasks for me that I cannot otherwise get done. I know well enough that I can trust you to complete any mission I may have for you, and I will have to rely on this trust in some very important matters. Your power is great, and I will need it brought to bear against all manner of foes.

But let us start with something that should prove little problem for you. There is a base where I was storing some items that has stopped responding and sealed themselves off. I want you to find out what's happened there. Vanquish any foes you have to, but most importantly find the base's logs to find out what happened and see what's become of the item I had there.

I had charged this base to look after a trinket I had acquired. Some mystical bauble, nothing more. While you're looking for the cause of their silence, I would be well pleased if you could look for that as well.

Mission Objective(s)

There's a strange feeling of peace and contentment in the air here. It's really kind of creepy.

  • Investigate base
    • Find Base Logs
    • Locate Scirocco's 'Item'

You found images of the intruder, and that Scirocco's item was missing.

Primary Enemies

V badge ArachnosBadge.png Arachnos

Template:Clue Video logs

The visual logs of the Arachnos base are full of the tedium of normal Arachnos life until the last few days. The routine of weapons checks and drills is suddenly interrupted by the appearance of a beautiful woman in strange diaphanous clothes walking through the base, disappearing and re-appearing at her whim, as she's clearly looking for something. You watch a section of the tape where two Mu Mystics soldiers try to stop her, then after a few words they start following her around like obedient servants. In minutes, the whole base is under her thrall and helping her look. The Arachnos troops didn't even get off a shot.

Template:Clue Whispers on a scented wind

When you opened this storage vault, you saw that whatever Scirocco had stored within it was now gone. There were traces on the interior where it looked as if some mystical seals had been burned out. As you peered in to get a closer look, a sudden breeze blew by your face from within the empty vault. The warm dry wind carried the scent of perfume and spices, and as it wrapped around you, you heard the distant lilting voice of a woman. She said:

'I have come to take back that which you bear, and that which you took, and all that is mine.'

The wind was gone without a trace, and you were left looking into an empty Arachnos storage vault.


The base all under the spell of some strange woman, you say? I'll have to review the footage you found, but I do have a suspicion. But it could not be. She wouldn't be here, not now, not yet. But who else could have known?

Ah, but you must forgive me, my loyal ally. I apologize most humbly, it is rude of me to get so lost in thought in front of you. I will review what you found, and determine the proper course of action.

Speak with Arbiter Daos

(Part two of A mysterious thief)


I have reviewed the scenes that you recovered, and I have a strong suspicion about what was happening, but I must have confimation lest I act rashly. Thus, I would charge you to speak with Arbiter Daos to see if there have been any similar incidents at other Arachnos bases. As I am suer you are aware, Daos is a very powerful man. As one of the highest ranking arbiters, he has the ear of our Lord Recluse himself. If Arbiter Daos suggests you do something, place yourself at his disposal and attend to it. I can wait to hear about it when you are done.

Remember that though Daos lacks the might of one such as you and I, his power within Arachnos is vast, and more than enough to make his requests worth heed.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Speak with Arbiter Daos

Briefing Arbiter Daos

Yes, I've been briefed on why you're here. The incident you ran into isn't the first such case, and it hasn't been the last, either. We've had several bases fall under the influence of this mystery woman, and thus far we have found no defense against her power. The contamination appears to be magical and non-infectious, but is also permanent or nearly so, and strong enough to even overcome Bane-Spider indoctrination. We have also found evidence of a correlation between the locations this mystery woman has struck and bases where Scirocco has secured some of his mystic items in the past as part of his ongoing research. I suspect that this may be a casual relationship, and you may tell Scirocco that. However, first I have been charged to cleanse the site of the latest attack by this mystery woman by my Lord Recluse himself, who is growing annoyed with these events. My Lord Recluse wants them stopped, and if I am correct about the casual link, then I will have to ask for the authority to sever the casual link any way I see fit. However, I prefer it if the great powers among Arachnos stay in balance, and if they can clean up their own messes, all the better. So, I will hold off on my conclusions if you can lighten my workload. Cleanse the latest base to fall to this mystery woman, and I will give you and your patron more time to fix this problem yourselves.

Mission Objective(s)

That same weird feeling of peace is everywhere here.

  • Cleanse suberted base

You cleansed the base.

Primary Enemies

V badge ArachnosBadge.png Arachnos

Notable NPCs

  • Crab Spider Webmaster (Hostage/Ally)

Template:Clue 'It might be some kind of psy-op...'

After you rescued him from his erstwhile comrades, Operative Hughart told you:

'Thanks for the help. I just got back to base and everyone was acting crazy. They keep talking about some woman named Serafina. I realized it might be some kind of psy-op, so rather than blow my cover, I suited up and acted like everything was normal so I could try to figure out what was going on. It looks like this woman just teleported right into the base and started taking over minds, then set everyone looking for something. I checked it out, and the base commander opened the vault for her. She took some mystic thing that we were storing for Scirocco, but before I could find out more, the rest of the guys realized I wasn't one of them.

Look, since I helped you out, can I ask you to put a good word in with Scirocco for me? I heard you're working for Scirocco right now, and after a blunder like this, well, it's good for a guy to know people who can put in a good word for him.


It is as I feared. It is Serafina. It has to be. She once granted me the mantle of these powers, but now I am certain she has come to take them back. No doubt she thinks she has found a worthier successor to the mantle of the Four Winds. Well, that is unfortunate for her, for I feel no desire to relinquish my artifacts, and she does not know about you, my powerful new ally.

Mission name


Mission Objective(s)

Primary Enemies

Notable NPCs



Mission Objective(s)


  • This incarnation of Scirocco is not the same as Serafina's former master. It is most likely that the long-dead desert hero was.
  • Scirocco means Desert Wind.

External Links