Arachnos Soldier (Power Set): Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 21:00, 24 March 2023

This article is about the power set. For the Epic Archetype, see Arachnos Soldier.


ParagonMarket ArchetypeEpic ArachnosSoldier.png

Arachnos Soldier is the initial primary power set for Arachnos Soldiers.

"Characters with Arachnos Soldier training begin their careers as Wolf Spiders. Wolf Spider characters have a strong mix of Melee and Ranged attacks and strong protective powers available via their power armor. Beginning at Level 24, the player has to choose whether he will progress down the "Crab Spider" or "Bane Spider" path. Crab Spiders gain access to the "backpack" and the powerful claw/cone attacks it provides, while the Bane Spider track provides stealth and a stronger focus on melee."

Possible Arachnos Assault Rifle Weapon Customizations.

Power Table

The Arachnos Soldier power set is the initial primary set for Arachnos Soldiers. The following table shows the level at which each power is available:

Power Level Effect
ArachnosSoldier Singleshot.png Single Shot 1 Ranged, Minor Damage (Lethal), Foe: -Defense
ArachnosSoldier Pummel.png Pummel 1 Melee, Minor Damage (Smashing), Foe: Disorient
ArachnosSoldier Burst.png Burst 2 Ranged, Moderate Damage over Time (Lethal), Foe: -Defense
ArachnosSoldier WideAreaWebGrenade.png Wide Area Web Grenade 6 Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe: Immobilize -Recharge -Fly
ArachnosSoldier HeavyBurst.png Heavy Burst 8 Ranged (Cone), High Damage over Time (Lethal), Foe: -Defense
ArachnosSoldier Bayonet.png Bayonet 12 Melee, Moderate Damage over Time (Lethal/Smashing)
ArachnosSoldier VenomGrenade.png Venom Grenade 12 Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate Damage over Time (Toxic), Foe -Resistance
ArachnosSoldier FragGrenade.png Frag Grenade 18 Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate Damage (Lethal/Smashing), Foe Knockback


ArachnosSoldier Bayonet.png Bayonet

Your weapon includes a bayonet attachment which you can use to stab at your enemies for lethal damage as well as causing them to bleed over time. NOTE: This power will deal critical damage if used after a successful Placate or while the user is hidden with the Bane Spider Cloaking Device.

Damage Moderate Damage over Time (Lethal/Smashing)
Recharge Medium
Minimum Level V archetypeicon arachnos soldier.png 8 (Arachnos Soldier)
Effects Melee
Enhancements TO Training Accuracy.png Enhance Accuracy
TO Training Damage.png Enhance Damage
TO Training Endurance Cost.png Reduce Endurance Cost
TO Training Attack Rate.png Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories IO Melee Damage.png Melee Damage

ArachnosSoldier Burst.png Burst

Quickly fires a Burst of rounds at a single target at long range. Damage is average, but the firing rate is fast. Can also reduce the target's defense.

Damage Moderate Damage over Time (Lethal)
Recharge Fast
Minimum Level V archetypeicon arachnos soldier.png 2 (Arachnos Soldier)
Effects Ranged
Foe: -Defense
Enhancements TO Training Accuracy.png Enhance Accuracy
TO Training Damage.png Enhance Damage
TO Training Defense DeBuff.png Enhance Defense Debuff
TO Training Endurance Cost.png Reduce Endurance Cost
TO Training Range.png Enhance Range
TO Training Attack Rate.png Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories IO Ranged Damage.png Ranged Damage
IO Defense DeBuff.png Defense Debuff
IO Accurate Defense Debuff.png Accurate Defense Debuff
IO Universal Debuff.png Universal Debuff

ArachnosSoldier FragGrenade.png Frag Grenade

Launches an M30 Grenade at long range from under the barrel of your rifle. The explosion from this grenade affects all within the blast and can knock them back. Note: If you take this power, you cannot take the Crab Spider version.

Damage Moderate Damage (Lethal/Smashing)
Recharge Long
Minimum Level V archetypeicon arachnos soldier.png 18 (Arachnos Soldier)
Effects Ranged (Targeted AoE)
Foe: Knockback
Enhancements TO Training Accuracy.png Enhance Accuracy
TO Training Damage.png Enhance Damage
TO Training Endurance Cost.png Reduce Endurance Cost
TO Training KnockBack Distance.png Enhance Knockback Distance
TO Training Range.png Enhance Range
TO Training Attack Rate.png Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories IO Damage.png Targeted AoE Damage
IO Knockback Distance.png Knockback

ArachnosSoldier HeavyBurst.png Heavy Burst

Fires a Heavy Burst of rounds at foes in a long cone in front of the user. Can also reduce the targets' defense.

Damage High Damage over Time (Lethal)
Recharge Medium
Minimum Level V archetypeicon arachnos soldier.png 8 (Arachnos Soldier)
Effects Ranged (Cone)
Foe: -Defense
Enhancements TO Training Accuracy.png Enhance Accuracy
TO Training Damage.png Enhance Damage
TO Training Defense DeBuff.png Enhance Defense Debuff
TO Training Endurance Cost.png Reduce Endurance Cost
TO Training Range.png Enhance Range
TO Training Attack Rate.png Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories IO Damage.png Targeted AoE Damage
IO Defense DeBuff.png Defense Debuff
IO Accurate Defense Debuff.png Accurate Defense Debuff
IO Universal Debuff.png Universal Debuff

ArachnosSoldier Pummel.png Pummel

You can smash your opponents in close combat with the butt of your sub-machine gun to deal minor smashing damage. Pummel has a high chance to disorient your foe for a brief time. NOTE: This power will deal critical damage if used after a successful Placate or while the user is hidden with the Bane Spider Cloaking Device.

Damage Minor Damage (Smashing)
Recharge Fast
Minimum Level V archetypeicon arachnos soldier.png 1 (Arachnos Soldier)
Effects Melee
Foe: Disorient
Enhancements TO Training Accuracy.png Enhance Accuracy
TO Training Damage.png Enhance Damage
TO Training Endurance Cost.png Reduce Endurance Cost
TO Training Attack Rate.png Increase Attack Rate
TO Training Disorient Duration.png Enhance Disorient Duration
Set Categories IO Melee Damage.png Melee Damage
IO Disorient Duration.png Stuns

ArachnosSoldier Singleshot.png Single Shot

A quick single shot from the Arachnos Sub machinegun. Extremely accurate.

Damage Minor Damage (Lethal)
Recharge Fast
Minimum Level V archetypeicon arachnos soldier.png 1 (Arachnos Soldier)
Effects Ranged
Foe: -Defense
Enhancements TO Training Accuracy.png Enhance Accuracy
TO Training Damage.png Enhance Damage
TO Training Defense DeBuff.png Enhance Defense Debuff
TO Training Endurance Cost.png Reduce Endurance Cost
TO Training Range.png Enhance Range
TO Training Attack Rate.png Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories IO Ranged Damage.png Ranged Damage
IO Defense DeBuff.png Defense Debuff
IO Accurate Defense Debuff.png Accurate Defense Debuff
IO Universal Debuff.png Universal Debuff

ArachnosSoldier VenomGrenade.png Venom Grenade

This poisonous grenade causes toxic damage over time and weakens the resistance of all foes within the area of effect. NOTE: If you take this power, you cannot also take the Crab Spider version.

Damage Moderate Damage over Time (Toxic)
Recharge Long
Minimum Level V archetypeicon arachnos soldier.png 1 (Arachnos Soldier)
Effects Ranged (Targeted AoE)
Foe: -Resistance
Enhancements TO Training Accuracy.png Enhance Accuracy
TO Training Damage.png Enhance Damage
TO Training Endurance Cost.png Reduce Endurance Cost
TO Training Range.png Enhance Range
TO Training Attack Rate.png Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories IO Damage.png Targeted AoE Damage

ArachnosSoldier WideAreaWebGrenade.png Wide Area Web Grenade

Launches a Grenade at long range from under the barrel of your Assault rifle. It explodes into a field of sticky webs which slow and can immobilize all foes within its radius.

Recharge Medium
Minimum Level V archetypeicon arachnos soldier.png 6 (Arachnos Soldier)
Effects Ranged (Targeted AoE)
Foe: Immobilize -Recharge -Fly
Enhancements TO Training Accuracy.png Enhance Accuracy
TO Training Endurance Cost.png Reduce Endurance Cost
TO Training Immobilization Duration.png Enhance Immobilization Duration
TO Training Range.png Enhance Range
TO Training Attack Rate.png Increase Attack Rate
TO Training Slow powers.png Enhance Slow
Set Categories IO Immobilization Duration.png Immobilize
IO Slow.png Slow Movement
IO Universal Debuff.png Universal Debuff


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It is provided for historical purposes.

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