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== Purples in Pool A ==
From [ Uberguy on the forum]:
There's no formal source for this information. However, there is quite a lot of circumstantial evidence that purples are part of Pool A.
* For a while, you could get Purples off of non-Gold AE ticket rolls. This was a bug. It possibly suggests the devs had to do something to stop Purples from appearing in the reward list, which otherwise mimicked Pool A drops.
* The predictable drop RNG bug caused some maps to have set patterns of exactly which mobs would drop Pool A recipes, and one of the things that could drop at the "Pool A" spot was Purples. Those same spots in the sequence never dropped costume recipes (which happened at different points in the sequence).
* Anecdotally, I have never seen nor heard of a purple and a pool A dropping at the same time. This is possible with other differing drop pools. For example, I have gotten an enhancement recipe and costume recipe off of the same mob defeat before, when solo. Of course, it's possible I have never heard of this simply because it is sufficiently rare.
[[User:Zombie Man|Zombie Man]] 08:37, 29 January 2010 (UTC)
== Levels ==
== Levels ==

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:: they are at your level when exemped. I got level 50's running Positron on Cat [[User:Catwhoorg|Catwhoorg]] 08:18, 9 July 2007 (EDT)
:: they are at your level when exemped. I got level 50's running Positron on Cat [[User:Catwhoorg|Catwhoorg]] 08:18, 9 July 2007 (EDT)
:: One of the things I do for the Taxibots is craft IOs for use by other members.  I enjoy doing time travel missions and exemplaring down to join some of the lower security levels members because the salvage and recipes that drop are at their level.  It allows me to create IOs ranging anywhere from 10 to 50 and saves me from having to go to Wentworths to buy the needed salvage or recipes to support my SG mates.  I've done several TFs since hitting 50 and, of course, was exemplared down to the maximum security level of the missions.  During the missions the recipes and salvage I picked up were in that range but the reward recipe I got at the end was a 50 level.  One thing I have noticed during all of this is .. I'll get salvage, I'll get recipes, but I don't recall ever getting any training, DO, or SO enhancements drops along the way.  Not sure if that was just coincidence or if they figured why bother since any I'd get would be useless to me anyway (except of course I COULD SELL THEM .. DEVS TAKE NOTE  lol). [[User:Taxibot Sara2.0|Taxibot Sara2.0]] 15:48, 23 June 2008 (UTC)Taxibot Sara.20
For Mission Reward, it seems to pick a pool based on the level of the contact, then scale it up to your level as best it can. I just ran a mission for a 30-34 contact (Tina Chung), on heroic, on level 32 character. The mission was level 32. I got a recipe that capped at 30 as a complete bonus (Regenerative Tissue, Heal/Recharge).
This was also my experience on the Katie Hannon TF during the Quick Katie era. Running it on Heroic on a level 33 character I got an Impeded Swiftness Chance of Smashing Damage recipe, also a 30 cap.--[[User:Alessar|Alessar]] 14:43, 23 June 2008 (UTC)

== Monsters ==
== Monsters ==

Giant Monsters do not drop recipes. Do Monsters? -- [[User:Sekoia|Sekoia]] 13:46, 17 August 2007 (EDT)
Giant Monsters do not drop recipes. Do Monsters? -- [[User:Sekoia|Sekoia]] 13:46, 17 August 2007 (EDT)
== transcript of 'convert' recipe psuedo testing ==
This is a transcript of a conversation I overheard on Help about the Convert recipes, which needs entry in the article. I'll try and remember to pull out the important information later. --[[User:Konoko|Konoko]] 14:49, 19 September 2007 (EDT)
[Help] Gia Spot: Tech worktables and tech empowerement stations will make "Tech Power" components.
You received Invention: Endurance Reduction.
You received Invention: Healing.
You received Invention: Healing.
[Help] Gia Spot: The tier 1 worktables, I mean.
[Help] Tibedo: Nah nah, I meant -Conversion- recipes at Invention stations.
[Help] Tibedo: I just made one a minute ago from this thing using 4 Complex.. somethin' or the other.
You received Invention: Endurance Reduction.
You received Invention: Endurance Reduction.
You received Invention: Endurance Reduction.
[Help] Gia Spot: To clarify:  Your question is which of the conversion recipes at the invention table uses tech salvage to make Tech Power?
[Help] Tibedo: Yes. That's exactly right.
[Help] Electric Bunny: Teir 2 is Tech Power, right?
[Help] Tibedo: I made some base salvage from 6 Human Blood Samples and got Tech Material, which I don't have a use for right at this moment.
[Help] Tibedo: :shrug:
[Help] Tibedo: Or.. is it random?
[Help] Gia Spot: I don't know, I can't find a table on paragonwiki, and google is failing me.
[Help] Tibedo: I used 4 "Chemical Formula" and got Tech Power
[Help] Tibedo: I'm going to try again.
[Help] Electric Bunny: every single convert recipe says "Tier 2 Science Base Salvage"
[Help] Tibedo: It might just be random.
[Help] Tibedo: Yeah.
[Help] Tibedo: 's why I think it's random.
[Help] Gia Spot: Although there are 18 Level 1 Science Converts.  And 6 kinds of Tech Component.  18/6 =3.  So I'm guessing 3 of the level 1s make Power, 3 make Material, etc.
[Help] Tibedo: Lemme check.
[Help] Tibedo: I might just had gotten lucky
[Help] Nosgothian Apostate: I think it's random
[Help] Tibedo: But.. I did two sets of x6 Human Blood Samples, back to back, and both times I got Tech Material
[Help] Electric Bunny: Tech Material and Tech Power are Teir 1 base salvage
[Help] Gia Spot: Then the odds are that 3 conversion recipes from a given bracket (1, 26, 38) give one of the 6 given component types, then.  But i don't have the raw materials necessary to confirm that.
[Help] Electric Bunny: Hardware and Prototype are Teir 2
[Help] Gia Spot: Because it was probably an afterthought in the design process.
[Help] Gia Spot: Given that we already /had/ a conversion method via the worktables/empowerment stations.
[Help] Tibedo: Here we go, attempting the x4 Chemical Formula again, I have enough for three goes
Entering Bronze Way.
[Help] Tibedo: Tech Power, Tech Material, Tech Power
[Help] Tibedo: Randomly selected from a pre-determined list.
[Help] Nosgothian Apostate: weird
[Help] Tibedo: Those are the only two variants I've gotten thus-far though
[Help] Nosgothian Apostate: forthe first half or so of Organ Grinders I didn't get a singel ruddy merit
[Help] Nosgothian Apostate: now I'm getting them normally
[Help] Tibedo: Do you need 4 Tech Powers for a Teleporter?
[Help] Nosgothian Apostate: 6
[Help] Tibedo: -_-'
[Help] Tibedo: Thanks.
[Help] Tibedo: Tech Hardware, Tech Prototype ( 2 x6 Improvised Cybernetic conversions)
[Help] Nosgothian Apostate: when is the extended downtime due?
[Help] Tibedo: Over and done.
[Help] Tibedo: Was yesterday and this morning.
[Help] Nosgothian Apostate: thanks
[Help] Tibedo: yep.
[Help] Gia Spot: And none of the names I wanted were liberated, proving again that the universe is a cruel and cackling master.
[Help] Tibedo: I don't get it.. do I need to be level 38 for these Conversions that say [Level 38] and what-not?
[Help] Electric Bunny: I wouldn't imagine so, the [Level 38] part should be referring to what level range the salvage comes from
[Help] Gia Spot: Right, the level indicates the bracket in which the required salvage drops.
[Help] Gia Spot: If you're buying salvage from the Market to convert into components, you're better off paying for the 38+ salvage, since there's a lot more of it floating around for purchase.
[Help] Tibedo: BAH! 4 straight Tech Materials
[Help] Gia Spot: Not for nothing, but have you checked to see if you can get the components you need for less, in the market, than it is costing you to make them (combine cost + salvage sale cost, etc)?
[Help] Electric Bunny: to guaruntee(sp?) a Tech Power, I'd use a base crafting table instead.
[Help] Tibedo: Buying the conversion parts are cheaper, but that's only -IF- they convert to what you want
[Help] River Jayden: hardware performance question
[Help] Electric Bunny: buy a mac
[Help] Electric Bunny: just kidding, what's up?
[Help] River Jayden: running a laptop with ATI Radeon Mobility with 1 gig ram, most of the time FPS is decent arount 20 fps, sometimes more sometimes less, once every 15 mins or so, I will drop down to 1-3 fps for about 3-4 minutes, then things return to normal,
[Help] River Jayden: this has been an issue for last 3-4 issues, before an update it ran fine -- is this a known issue, or is there a fix?
[Help] Tibedo: holy <@*&$@#!>, you serious?
[Help] Tibedo: no wonder my game blows!
[Help] River Jayden: this is on minimum graphics -- have 1 gig
[Help] Tibedo: 512mb RAM here : /
[Help] Electric Bunny: First suspiscion is something running in the background, like a mcafee or norton updater
[Help] Electric Bunny: ... 2GB
[Help] Electric Bunny: or Java, or acrobat
[Help] River Jayden: -- reinstalled os, and pulled hdd and dropped in a nvidia based laptop - ran fine - only time it does this is on the ATI mobility 9000
[Help] River Jayden: only thing installe dis windows and COH
[Help] Electric Bunny: ... umm... buy a mac?....
[Help] Kitty Krusader: You know, xp and most games only handle 2 gigs lol
[Help] River Jayden: i am listening - dell d600 maxes at 1 gig
[Help] Electric Bunny: I have never owned an ATI card, heard horror stories about them
[Help] Kitty Krusader: I've owned both.  CoH burned out my geforce hell... I can't even remember what it was now.
[Help] River Jayden: - build a laptop?... ok Got it
[Help] River Jayden: - ok differnet question , anyone else run a laptop with a ATI Mobility 9000 card does or does not have the issue?
[Help] Electric Bunny: d600... that's a 4:3 laptop (vs the d620, 16:9
[Help] Tibedo: Ok, when you use a Worktable to create an item, is it, like, just that the blueprint becomes accessible and you can now buy/sell the item at any time like any other base placed item?
[Help] Kitty Krusader: No.
[Help] Tibedo: Oh <bleep!>, m'bad
[Help] Kitty Krusader: Worktable crafted items are placed as personal items and can only be placed once.  Then you have to edit the base and move it around.
[Help] Tibedo: Just saw the Personal Item thing light up
[Help] Kitty Krusader: If you "sell" you get th prestige back, but not the salvage used to create it.
[Help] Tibedo: Is it worth having a Mission Computer in a single-player operated Super Group base?
[Help] Electric Bunny: mission computer provides Control, right?
[Help] Kitty Krusader: The mission computer is needed for some task foruce, but until they fix the base kick bug, it's not gonna get used much.</pre>

Latest revision as of 17:42, 3 November 2013

Purples in Pool A

From Uberguy on the forum:

There's no formal source for this information. However, there is quite a lot of circumstantial evidence that purples are part of Pool A.

  • For a while, you could get Purples off of non-Gold AE ticket rolls. This was a bug. It possibly suggests the devs had to do something to stop Purples from appearing in the reward list, which otherwise mimicked Pool A drops.
  • The predictable drop RNG bug caused some maps to have set patterns of exactly which mobs would drop Pool A recipes, and one of the things that could drop at the "Pool A" spot was Purples. Those same spots in the sequence never dropped costume recipes (which happened at different points in the sequence).
  • Anecdotally, I have never seen nor heard of a purple and a pool A dropping at the same time. This is possible with other differing drop pools. For example, I have gotten an enhancement recipe and costume recipe off of the same mob defeat before, when solo. Of course, it's possible I have never heard of this simply because it is sufficiently rare.

Zombie Man 08:37, 29 January 2010 (UTC)


Can someone explain how it picks what level recipe you get? Is it the level of the mob/TF you defeat, or your character's level? Or an adjusted level due to exemplaring? I haven't figured that out yet... -- Sekoia 20:44, 6 July 2007 (EDT)

From what I've seen so far:
  • Defeating mobs: Recipes dropped are according to the level of mob. For example, running my level 32 Dominator lackeyed to a level 46 villain, the recipes I was getting were all around level 45-48. I'm pretty sure the recipes dropped by mobs are still at the mob's level when examplared. (I know the salvage is.)
  • Completing Task Forces: Recipes dropped are according to your level. For example, if I run my level 50 Tank through the Katie Hannon Task Force, I get a level 50 recipe at the end. I'm not entirely certain, but I suspect that the Trial Completion drops are probably the same.
  • Not sure how it works on Mission Completion drops.
--Eabrace 05:09, 7 July 2007 (EDT)

they are at your level when exemped. I got level 50's running Positron on Cat Catwhoorg 08:18, 9 July 2007 (EDT)

One of the things I do for the Taxibots is craft IOs for use by other members. I enjoy doing time travel missions and exemplaring down to join some of the lower security levels members because the salvage and recipes that drop are at their level. It allows me to create IOs ranging anywhere from 10 to 50 and saves me from having to go to Wentworths to buy the needed salvage or recipes to support my SG mates. I've done several TFs since hitting 50 and, of course, was exemplared down to the maximum security level of the missions. During the missions the recipes and salvage I picked up were in that range but the reward recipe I got at the end was a 50 level. One thing I have noticed during all of this is .. I'll get salvage, I'll get recipes, but I don't recall ever getting any training, DO, or SO enhancements drops along the way. Not sure if that was just coincidence or if they figured why bother since any I'd get would be useless to me anyway (except of course I COULD SELL THEM .. DEVS TAKE NOTE lol). Taxibot Sara2.0 15:48, 23 June 2008 (UTC)Taxibot Sara.20

For Mission Reward, it seems to pick a pool based on the level of the contact, then scale it up to your level as best it can. I just ran a mission for a 30-34 contact (Tina Chung), on heroic, on level 32 character. The mission was level 32. I got a recipe that capped at 30 as a complete bonus (Regenerative Tissue, Heal/Recharge).

This was also my experience on the Katie Hannon TF during the Quick Katie era. Running it on Heroic on a level 33 character I got an Impeded Swiftness Chance of Smashing Damage recipe, also a 30 cap.--Alessar 14:43, 23 June 2008 (UTC)


Giant Monsters do not drop recipes. Do Monsters? -- Sekoia 13:46, 17 August 2007 (EDT)

transcript of 'convert' recipe psuedo testing

This is a transcript of a conversation I overheard on Help about the Convert recipes, which needs entry in the article. I'll try and remember to pull out the important information later. --Konoko 14:49, 19 September 2007 (EDT)

[Help] Gia Spot: Tech worktables and tech empowerement stations will make "Tech Power" components.
You received Invention: Endurance Reduction.
You received Invention: Healing.
You received Invention: Healing.
[Help] Gia Spot: The tier 1 worktables, I mean.
[Help] Tibedo: Nah nah, I meant -Conversion- recipes at Invention stations.
[Help] Tibedo: I just made one a minute ago from this thing using 4 Complex.. somethin' or the other.
You received Invention: Endurance Reduction.
You received Invention: Endurance Reduction.
You received Invention: Endurance Reduction.
[Help] Gia Spot: To clarify:  Your question is which of the conversion recipes at the invention table uses tech salvage to make Tech Power?
[Help] Tibedo: Yes. That's exactly right.
[Help] Electric Bunny: Teir 2 is Tech Power, right?
[Help] Tibedo: I made some base salvage from 6 Human Blood Samples and got Tech Material, which I don't have a use for right at this moment.
[Help] Tibedo: :shrug:
[Help] Tibedo: Or.. is it random?
[Help] Gia Spot: I don't know, I can't find a table on paragonwiki, and google is failing me.
[Help] Tibedo: I used 4 "Chemical Formula" and got Tech Power
[Help] Tibedo: I'm going to try again.
[Help] Electric Bunny: every single convert recipe says "Tier 2 Science Base Salvage"
[Help] Tibedo: It might just be random.
[Help] Tibedo: Yeah.
[Help] Tibedo: 's why I think it's random.
[Help] Gia Spot: Although there are 18 Level 1 Science Converts.  And 6 kinds of Tech Component.  18/6 =3.  So I'm guessing 3 of the level 1s make Power, 3 make Material, etc.
[Help] Tibedo: Lemme check.
[Help] Tibedo: I might just had gotten lucky
[Help] Nosgothian Apostate: I think it's random
[Help] Tibedo: But.. I did two sets of x6 Human Blood Samples, back to back, and both times I got Tech Material
[Help] Electric Bunny: Tech Material and Tech Power are Teir 1 base salvage
[Help] Gia Spot: Then the odds are that 3 conversion recipes from a given bracket (1, 26, 38) give one of the 6 given component types, then.  But i don't have the raw materials necessary to confirm that.
[Help] Electric Bunny: Hardware and Prototype are Teir 2
[Help] Gia Spot: Because it was probably an afterthought in the design process.
[Help] Gia Spot: Given that we already /had/ a conversion method via the worktables/empowerment stations.
[Help] Tibedo: Here we go, attempting the x4 Chemical Formula again, I have enough for three goes
Entering Bronze Way.
[Help] Tibedo: Tech Power, Tech Material, Tech Power
[Help] Tibedo: Randomly selected from a pre-determined list.
[Help] Nosgothian Apostate: weird
[Help] Tibedo: Those are the only two variants I've gotten thus-far though
[Help] Nosgothian Apostate: forthe first half or so of Organ Grinders I didn't get a singel ruddy merit
[Help] Nosgothian Apostate: now I'm getting them normally
[Help] Tibedo: Do you need 4 Tech Powers for a Teleporter?
[Help] Nosgothian Apostate: 6
[Help] Tibedo: -_-'
[Help] Tibedo: Thanks.
[Help] Tibedo: Tech Hardware, Tech Prototype ( 2 x6 Improvised Cybernetic conversions)
[Help] Nosgothian Apostate: when is the extended downtime due?
[Help] Tibedo: Over and done.
[Help] Tibedo: Was yesterday and this morning.
[Help] Nosgothian Apostate: thanks
[Help] Tibedo: yep.
[Help] Gia Spot: And none of the names I wanted were liberated, proving again that the universe is a cruel and cackling master.
[Help] Tibedo: I don't get it.. do I need to be level 38 for these Conversions that say [Level 38] and what-not?
[Help] Electric Bunny: I wouldn't imagine so, the [Level 38] part should be referring to what level range the salvage comes from
[Help] Gia Spot: Right, the level indicates the bracket in which the required salvage drops.
[Help] Gia Spot: If you're buying salvage from the Market to convert into components, you're better off paying for the 38+ salvage, since there's a lot more of it floating around for purchase.
[Help] Tibedo: BAH! 4 straight Tech Materials
[Help] Gia Spot: Not for nothing, but have you checked to see if you can get the components you need for less, in the market, than it is costing you to make them (combine cost + salvage sale cost, etc)?
[Help] Electric Bunny: to guaruntee(sp?) a Tech Power, I'd use a base crafting table instead.
[Help] Tibedo: Buying the conversion parts are cheaper, but that's only -IF- they convert to what you want
[Help] River Jayden: hardware performance question
[Help] Electric Bunny: buy a mac
[Help] Electric Bunny: just kidding, what's up?
[Help] River Jayden: running a laptop with ATI Radeon Mobility with 1 gig ram, most of the time FPS is decent arount 20 fps, sometimes more sometimes less, once every 15 mins or so, I will drop down to 1-3 fps for about 3-4 minutes, then things return to normal, 
[Help] River Jayden: this has been an issue for last 3-4 issues, before an update it ran fine -- is this a known issue, or is there a fix?
[Help] Tibedo: holy <@*&$@#!>, you serious?
[Help] Tibedo: no wonder my game blows!
[Help] River Jayden: this is on minimum graphics -- have 1 gig
[Help] Tibedo: 512mb RAM here : /
[Help] Electric Bunny: First suspiscion is something running in the background, like a mcafee or norton updater
[Help] Electric Bunny: ... 2GB
[Help] Electric Bunny: or Java, or acrobat
[Help] River Jayden: -- reinstalled os, and pulled hdd and dropped in a nvidia based laptop - ran fine - only time it does this is on the ATI mobility 9000
[Help] River Jayden: only thing installe dis windows and COH
[Help] Electric Bunny: ... umm... buy a mac?....
[Help] Kitty Krusader: You know, xp and most games only handle 2 gigs lol
[Help] River Jayden: i am listening - dell d600 maxes at 1 gig
[Help] Electric Bunny: I have never owned an ATI card, heard horror stories about them
[Help] Kitty Krusader: I've owned both.  CoH burned out my geforce hell... I can't even remember what it was now.
[Help] River Jayden: - build a laptop?... ok Got it
[Help] River Jayden: - ok differnet question , anyone else run a laptop with a ATI Mobility 9000 card does or does not have the issue?
[Help] Electric Bunny: d600... that's a 4:3 laptop (vs the d620, 16:9
[Help] Tibedo: Ok, when you use a Worktable to create an item, is it, like, just that the blueprint becomes accessible and you can now buy/sell the item at any time like any other base placed item?
[Help] Kitty Krusader: No.
[Help] Tibedo: Oh <bleep!>, m'bad
[Help] Kitty Krusader: Worktable crafted items are placed as personal items and can only be placed once.  Then you have to edit the base and move it around.
[Help] Tibedo: Just saw the Personal Item thing light up
[Help] Kitty Krusader: If you "sell" you get th prestige back, but not the salvage used to create it.
[Help] Tibedo: Is it worth having a Mission Computer in a single-player operated Super Group base?
[Help] Electric Bunny: mission computer provides Control, right?
[Help] Kitty Krusader: The mission computer is needed for some task foruce, but until they fix the base kick bug, it's not gonna get used much.