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{{otheruses4|1=the [[Primal Earth]] contact|2=the [[Praetoria]]n contact|3=Penelope Yin (Praetorian)}}
'''Penelope Yin''' can refer to:
* the younger [[Faultline]] contact [[Penelope Yin (Faultline)]].
* the [[NPC]] ally version of the Faultline contact [[Penelope Yin (Ally)]].
* the adult [[Freedom Phalanx]] member [[Penelope Yin (Freedom Phalanx)]].
* the adult version's task force [[Penelope Yin Task Force]].
* the [[Praetorian]] contact [[Penelope Yin (Praetorian)]].

== Overview ==
{{Infobox Contact
|name=Penelope Yin
|image=Penelope Yin 01.jpg
|img_capt=Trouble-prone Teenager
|introed=[[Jim Temblor]]
|intros=[[Doc Delilah]]
|enemies={{Enemy The Lost}}{{Enemy Vahzilok}}
|badges=[[File:Badge tourist 01.png|25px]] [[Rescuer]]
{{Contact Overview|City=H|Zone=Faultline|x=-900|y=0|z=-492.5|Pronoun=her|HoodYN=Y|Hood=Aftershock|OriginYN=N|LevelYN=Y|Level=15-19}}
Surrounding Penelope Yin and her [[Mr. Yin|father's store]] are a group of beneviolent [[Clockwork]] soldiers who have dubbed themselves as '''Penelope's Protectors'''.  They are basically renamed [[Clockwork#Minions|Clockwork minions]], and will not hesistate to defend Penelope from any potential harm from any enemy mobs.  They will con as Ally units to any Heroes in the zone, as well as to any other friendly groups in the zone, such as [[Longbow]] or the [[Paragon Police Department]].
Penelope also appears as an ally for [[The Lady Grey Task Force]] during the [[The Lady Grey Task Force#Agree to form a Task Force|Agree to form a Task Force]] mission for [[The Lady Grey]].  (Levels 45-50 for both Heroes and Villains)<br />
Please see her  [[Penelope Yin (Ally)|ally]] profile for more info.
Penelope Yin is supposedly, the single most powerful psychic on the face of the Earth, and as such is the target of several groups, including the Heroes, the Rikti, and the Clockwork King. The Clockwork King sees her as his "Clockwork Princess", and Penelope mentions several times that he is actually a very nice man to her, but has a real problem with Heroes. As such, he protects her whenever he can, developing a Psychic link with her that allows him to send, or come to her aid. The Rikti have interest in her because her mental abilities are the key to a successful portal back to their own world.
== Introductions ==
=== Contact Introduced By ===
* [[Jim Temblor]]
=== Contact Introduces ===
''Hey, do you remember Doc Delilah? Duh, everyone remembers her. Anyway, {{green|she wanted to talk to you about something.}}''
{{NewContact Doc Delilah}}
=== Information ===
'''Trouble-prone Teenager'''
The daughter of [[Mr. Yin|Wu Yin]], owner of Yin's Market, Penelope Yin is a normal girl with a penchant for having strange things occur around her.  Many of the heroes who had their bases in Overbrook prior to it's destruction had tales of strange things happening shortly after 'Perilous Penelope' swooped by on her scooter to drop off a delivery from her father's store.  Now that the city has begun reconstruction in Faultline, Penelope returned with her father to help re-open Yin's Market.  Shortly after their arrival, the local [[Clockwork]] began to protect Penelope from danger.  No one knows why the Clockwork keep their silent vigil over her safety, and [[the Clockwork King]] has issued no announcements on the subject.
=== Prior to Introduction ===
I'm sorry, {{Character}}. Yin's Market is closed, but it'll be open again when my dad gets back. He'll be back. Any day now.
=== Initial Contact ===
You're {{Character}}, right? Oh, man, did Jimmy Temblor send you?  He and Ann, err, '[[Fusionette]]' have been treating me like a little sister since before...
Um, actually, I kinda could use some help.  Well, not me, I mean.  It's just that my Dad, he's been kidnapped!
=== Greeting ===
* Welcome to Yin's Market!
* Hiya!
* Bet you've been busy!
=== Too Busy ===
Wait a second {{Character}}. Wow. You're really busy, aren't you? And a lot of it's really important stuff, too. My Dad will be okay for a little while and lots of people need your help. Finish up a few things and hurry back, okay?
=== Outlevelled Contact ===
Don't you worry about things. I've got some people coming to help me and my Dad soon. So, you go on and do some of the important stuff you need to do, okay?
=== No More Missions ===
Hey there, {{Character}}!  Yin's Market is open for business!
== Store ==
* [[Inspirations]] {{3insp}}
''You're the best! I know you'll find my dad!''
* [[Inspirations]] (all)
''You're the coolest! Hey, do you need a side-kick? No, forget it. My Dad would totally flip out.''
* {{store Tec Sci|Level=15|Price=200}}
* {{store Tec Sci|Level=20|Price=200}}
== Story Arc ==
=== I Lost My Daddy! (15-19) ===
{{Souvenir Yin's market super-saver card}}
==== {{UL|Help Doc Delilah}} ====
My Dad and I were both kidnapped from the store. I got away because the [[Clockwork]] helped me, but [[the Lost]], they still have my Dad. I'm so worried about him, it hurts. I tried looking on my own, but if it weren't for the Clockwork, the Lost would have caught me. So I've been asking for help. I just got a call from [[Doc Delilah|Doctor Delilah Stein]] that she may have found something, but her call got cut off, and I know she's in trouble. Could you help her, {{Character}}?
'''Mission Acceptance'''
You are so awesome! Doc Delilah used to be a hero, too, but she's like, an archaeologist now.  he's digging all around here looking for stuff, so she's been everywhere and talked to a lot of people. I asked her to keep an eye out for anything about my Dad, just in case. So of course, she gets cornered by some Vahzilok somewhere without cell reception. She's okay right now, but those [[Vahzilok]] guys are really scary. You better get her out of there.
===== {{UL|Rescue Doc Delilah}} =====
'''Unnecessary Solicitation'''
I know that she can handle herself pretty well, but there's a lot of Vahzilok in there.
[[File:DestroyedHeroBase1.jpg|thumb|250px|right|{{center|The ruined hero base}}]]
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=Many old hero bases were lost when Faultline destroyed Overbrook.  If Penelope's right, Dr. Stein was investigating one when the Vahzilok arrived.|Primary=Rescue Doc Delilah|Secondary=Lead Doc Delilah out|Additional=|Completion=Doc Delilah asked you to take the info she'd found to Jim Temblor, while she went to talk to Penelope Yin.}}
{{Enemy Vahzilok}}
'''Notable NPCs'''
* [[Doc Delilah (Ally)|Doc Delilah]] (Ally, Escort)
{{NPC Text|title=Doc Delilah dialogue|text=
'''Before combat:'''
:Doc Delilah: ''"Well, what do you want?"''
:Vahzilok Minion: ''"Super parts! Super parts!"''
:Vahzilok Boss: ''"I like your lips, Dr. Stein. I'm going to take them.''"
:Doc Delilah: ''"You are a freak, and that is disgusting."''
'''Combat start:'''
:Vahzilok Minion: ''"Kill!"''
:Doc Delilah: ''"Excellent!"''
:Vahzilok Boss: ''"What a wide selection of parts!"''
'''Upon rescue:'''
:''"Thank you for the help, {{Character}}. I'm Dr. Delilah Stein."''
:''"Penelope Yin sent you? Well, that's just fantastic since I need to get some information to her."''
:''"By the way, do you know a man named Jim Temblor? I heard you worked with him recently."''
'''If lost:'''  ''What do you think I am, your sidekick?''
'''If refound:'''  ''I guess I must be out of practice.''
'''Upon reaching exit:'''  ''"Now, I'll go tell Penelope what I found out about her Daddy. Could you take this info by Jim Temblor?"''}}
{{Ambush|Upon the rescue of Doc Delilah, there will be an ambush by the [[Vahzilok]].
''"Don't let them escape!"''}}
{{Mission Clue|Name=Supergroup database|Text=This is some old data from one of the ruined superhero bases scattered throughout Faultline.  It clearly shows that Bill Temblor, the secret identity of the villain Faultline, had a cover job where he worked with numerous heroes as an advisor on scientific and mutant investigations.  Investigations where he often ended up foiling his supposed villainous co-conspirators like the [[Demon Digger]] and [[Historical Heroes and Villains#PsiCurse|Psicurse]].  Apparently, Bill Temblor was such a good friend to the city's heroes that there are records of heroes taking care of his son, Jim.  It doesn't seem to match the maniac who destroyed Overbrook at all.}}
===== {{UL|Talk to Jim Temblor}} =====
'''Unnecessary Solicitation'''
Doc Delilah called me. She stopped by the hospital to make sure she was okay, then she'll be by to tell me what she found. Why don't you go show that stuff to Jimmy? I know he'd like to see it.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Talk to Jim Temblor|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=}}
{{Mission Briefing|Type=Debriefing|Contact=Jim Temblor|Text=Doc Delilah found this?  Weird.  I remember this.  I remember all of this.  I remember my dad working with heroes, I remember being in hero bases.  I don't remember him ever building an earthquake machine, and without Mom around I was almost always with him.  This is how I remember it. But how can that be?
Oh, wait, that's my phone.<br />
Hey, Penny.<br />
Yeah, {{Character}}'s here.<br />
Sure.<br />
Yeah, Ann and I will be by later.  Ok, bye.
That was Penelope.  She Says that Doc Delilah told her something major.  She wants to see you.}}
Hey, {{Character}}!  I totally owe you for all this, but it was really worth it.  Doc Delilah had some big news.  But I think I'm going to have to ask for your help again, if that's ok?
You're the best! I know you'll find my dad!
==== {{UL|Hit the streets to get info from the Lost}} ====
What Doc Delilah found out was that those smelly guys with the weird minds, the Lost?  Well, she's talked to some of them, and she asked about what happened to my dad.  They told her that they went after Dad and me on purpose.  One of their big chiefs wanted us captured for something weird, I'm sure.  Anyway, the guy they ordered to do it was one of their own named 'Muxley.'  Doc said that Muxley's still in Faultline, but she doesn't know where. If you can find him, that's sure to lead to my Dad, right?
'''Mission Acceptance'''
Thank you sooooo much!  You are totally the best!  I think the way you do this kind of thing is by 'Hitting the streets,' right?
This would be so much easier if those Lost guys were normal.  But then, if there weren't so many of those weirdos around Dad, I could just talk to him.  It's driving me crazy!  I can talk to my friend Imani in Kenya, and my friend Yuki in Japan, and we can all hear each other fine, but my Dad's somewhere in the city and I can't talk to him because those Lost guys mess everything up with their crazy!  It's so unfair!
===== {{UL|Defeat Lost for Info}} =====
'''Unnecessary Solicitation'''
Like, I'm not a Hero or anything, but my guess is if you put some pressure on those Lost guys around here, they'll crack.  Call it a hunch.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Defeat Lost for Info|Secondary=Defeat 10 Lost|Additional=|Completion=One of the Lost you were fighting cracked, and told you where to find Muxley.}}
{{Mission Clue|Name=Muxley's location|Text=One of the defeated Lost told you the location of Muxley, one of their leaders.  He's hiding out in an abandoned floor of an old office building.  He didn't know the address, but you can figure out where to go.}}
===== {{UL|Find Muxley}} =====
'''Unnecessary Solicitation'''
I really hope my dad's there, or at least that this Muxley guy knows where Dad is.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=This building will probably be destroyed soon, but in the meantime strange things fester in the ruins.|Primary=Find Muxley|Secondary=Defeat Muxley|Additional=|Completion=You learned where to find Mr. Yin!}}
{{Enemy The Lost}}
'''Notable NPCs'''
* Muxley {{Named|Faction=The Lost|Type=Aberrant Eremite}}
''After you defeated Muxley, you learned where they were holding Mr. Yin, and more.''
{{Mission Clue|Name='Then it called to us...'|Text=After you defeated Muxley, he told you where you might be able to find Mr. Yin.  He also told you why the Lost had tried to abduct the Yins in the first place:
'We came to the ruins first because the time is near, and we feel it in the waters here.  But then it called to us.  It wants to be used again.  The ones marked by the Spider-Lord seek it for their master, and for their own desires.  The pirates of the air seek it only because they know it is valuable.  And we seek it to help bring about the new world.  And when it comes to light, it will need a new master, a new source of power.  The old man is only for control over the girl.  There is a reason the Brain-in-Brass protects her.'}}
{{NPC Text|type=villain|title=Muxley dialogue|text=
'''Before combat:'''  *Heh*heh*heh.<br />
'''Combat start:'''  Rackin' frackin' rausey-rakin'!}}
Yes!  You found Muxley!  Well, I know Dad wasn't there, but he did tell where to find him right?
Don't worry, Daddy, {{Character}} is gonna bring you home soon!
You're the coolest! Hey, do you need a side-kick? No, forget it. My Dad would totally flip out.
==== {{UL|Rescue Mr. Yin}} ====
Now that we know where Dad is, the only thing left is to get him.  '''This may be kinda rough, though.  You will be careful, right?  Or get, like a super-team or something?'''
'''Mission Acceptance'''
I think it's going to be pretty tough in there.  Just, like, be careful, okay?  I wouldn't want to be all sad because I got Dad back but you got killed and stuff.<br />
Oh, hey!  That's an idea!  Give me a second...
Okay, I asked [[the Clockwork King]] really nicely, and he's agreed to let you borrow some of the soldiers he has protecting me.  It's really big step for him.  I mean, he's kinda paranoid, sure, but deep down I think he's an okay guy.
''Penelope hands you a fistful of clockwork parts.''<br />
''You received [[Clockwork Connection]]''.
{{PowerBox|Icon=Temporary WarWolfWhistle.png|Name=[[Clockwork Connection]]|Effect=Summon Gears|Desc=Penelope's strange connection to the [[Clockwork]] is enough for them to help you, but only to help her.  Call on them, and these Clockwork will come to your aid up to three times.}}
'''Unnecessary Solicitation'''
I know it's tough, but I also know you can do it.  I know what you're really like and I believe in you.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=Whatever use this place once had, now it's a vast nest of the Lost.  And somewhere inside, Penelope's father Wu Yin is held against his will.|Primary=Rescue Mr. Yin|Secondary=Lead Mr. Yin out|Additional=|Completion=You rescued Penelope's father Wu Yin from the Lost.}}
{{Enemy The Lost}}
'''Notable NPCs'''
* Slag of Skyway (Boss) {{Named|Faction=The Lost|Type=Aberrant Eremite}}
* Gruesome of Galaxy (Boss) {{Named|Faction=The Lost|Type=Aberrant Rector}}
* Blast of Hollows (Boss) {{Named|Faction=The Lost|Type=Aberrant Rector}}
* Ruffcut of Perez (Boss) {{Named|Faction=The Lost|Type=Aberrant Rector}}
* Ant of Atlas (Boss) {{Named|Faction=The Lost|Type=Aberrant Eremite}}
* Blubber of Steel (Boss) {{Named|Faction=The Lost|Type=Aberrant Rector}}
* Dastard of Fault (Boss) {{Named|Faction=The Lost|Type=Aberrant Rector}} (Guarding Mr. Yin)
* [[Mr. Yin]] (Captive)
{{NPC Text|type=villain|title=Random chatter|text=
'''Before combat:'''<br />
Lost minion 1:  The conclave is about to begin.<br />
Lost minion 2:  Leaders have gathered from 7 zones.<br />
'''Combat start:'''<br />
Lost minion 1:  No! Not now!}}
{{NPC Text|type=villain|title=Slag of Skyway dialogue|text=
'''Before combat:'''  Can you feel it? Like a fire upon the moon...<br />
'''Combat start:'''  We will use her power to clear the path.}}
{{NPC Text|type=villain|title=Gruesome of Galaxy dialogue|text=
'''Before combat:'''  When the change comes, all must be ready.<br />
'''Combat start:'''  The old world will be wiped away.}}
{{NPC Text|type=villain|title=Blast of Hollows dialogue|text=
'''Before combat:'''  Soon, the true ones will come.<br />
'''Combat start:'''  Nothing shall remain the same.}}
{{NPC Text|type=villain|title=Ruffcut of Perez dialogue|text=
'''Before combat:'''  Nothing of this world will remain.<br />
'''Combat start:'''  You will only be the first to perish.}}
{{NPC Text|type=villain|title=Ant of Atlas dialogue|text=
'''Before combat:'''  The old man will draw out the girl.<br />
'''Combat start:'''  The new world has no place for you.}}
{{NPC Text|type=villain|title=Blubber of Steel dialogue|text=
'''Before combat:'''  The time comes soon: the heavens shake.<br />
'''Combat start:'''  Die: Heretic!}}
{{NPC Text|title=Mr. Yin and Dastard of Fault dialogue|text=
'''Before combat:'''<br />
Mr. Yin: When can I see my daughter?"''<br />
Lost minion: You'll see her soon enough."''<br />
Dastard of Fault: When we wish it."''<br />
'''Combat start:'''<br />
Mr. Yin: 'ey, you're a Hero! Get me out of here!<br />
Lost minion: No!<br />
Dastard of Fault: Don't let Yin escape!<br />
'''Upon rescue:'''  Did my daughter send you? She's a very resourceful girl!<br />
'''If lost:'''  {{Character}}, where did you go?<br />
'''If recaptured:'''  {{Character}}! They have me!<br />
'''If re-rescued:'''  That was too close!<br />
'''Upon reaching exit:'''  You helped me out big time! When my store is open, I want you to come by!}}
{{Ambush|Upon rescuing Mr. Yin, there will be three waves of ambush by [[The Lost]].<br />''"{{Character}} escapes with Yin!"''}}
Upon completion of this mission, you receive the Rescuer Badge.
YOU DID IT!<br />
YoudiditYoudiditYoudidit!<br />
Dad's home and safe and everything!  You saved him, {{Character}}!  He's already getting the shop open, can you believe it?  Oh, that's right, he wanted me to tell you that you can go in any time you want.  But that's not important.  Dad's home and he's safe, and it's all because of you.
Thank you, {{Character}}. Thank you.
[[Category:Hero Contacts]]
[[Category:NPC Allies]]
[[Category:Badge Contacts]]

Latest revision as of 13:23, 13 August 2013

Penelope Yin can refer to: