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Repository of stuff for easy access.
Repository of stuff for easy access.
== Mu'Jadir's introduction to the Hazard-Guard ==
== SD chat ==
:Mu'Jadir: ... ah ... greetings.
:Grul stashes the drone
:Burnum: Oop? Oh....
:Grul: Hey ther!
:Scarsight: ...
:Burnum: G'day!
:Scarsight looks at Mu'Jadir from the corner of her eye
:Sight of Midnight watches
:Mu'Jadir: This is the Hazard Guard, I trust?
:Scarsight: ...
:Burnum: Nah, this is the YMCA, mate. 'azard Guard's next door. *he grins wide*
:Grul jabs Burnum
:Burnum: Ow!
:Grul: Hee.
:SystemPattern regards Mu'Jadir curiously.
:Mu'Jadir chuckles faintly.
:Burnum mutters. "Smartarse," he grins.
:SystemPattern: One of those trained by the Mu wizards, I suppose?
:Scarsight: ...
:Mu'Jadir: I was, yes.
:Burnum: ...a Mu? Someone wanna fill me in 'ere? Last I 'eard, they were 'rachnos.
:Mio Matsuda smiles at Mu'Jadir. "Welcome," she says pleasantly. "I trust you had no difficulty finding the place?"
:Sight of Midnight: *shakes his head slightly* Not all of them... Arachnos just likes to grab as many as they can and press them into service...
:Mu'Jadir: Thank you, Matsuda-san. Your directions were entirely accurate.
:Scarsight: Mu are an entirely different thing...
:Mu'Jadir inclines his head in Sight's direction. "You have the gist of it, sir."
:Burnum: Righto. Not like I'm an expert on these things...
:SystemPattern: They are, most accurately, a genetic inheritance overlaid with symbolic significance by their service to an ancient deity.
:Grul: The Mu have an ancient bloodline. Goes all th' way back to th' time when the Circle of Thorns lived above ground.
:Burnum ahs at the explanation. More the one given by Grul than SystemPattern.
:SystemPattern: The symbolic significance ties them more closely to the ability to use magic- particularly to use magic with military application.
:Mio Matsuda: Ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to introduce the newest addition to the Hazard-Guard ranks, Mu'Jadir. Please introduce yourselves, everyone.
:SystemPattern: As the ancient Mu were weapons in the hands of their goddess. Greetings, Mu'Jadir.
:Burnum blinks, a bit surprised the news, but waits his turn.
:Sight of Midnight: Alright. Welcome to the team... I'm Sight.
:Grul: Greetin's! I'm Grul!
:Scarsight: ...
:Scarsight remains silent
:Burnum: G'day, mate. They call me Burnum.
:SystemPattern: I am SystemPattern.
:Mu'Jadir nods at each introduction. "It is an honor to meet you all."
:Burnum: Whaddaya like to be called?
:Mu'Jadir turns his head slightly.
:Mio Matsuda glances back over her shoulder at Scarsight, catching her eye, then looking pointedly at Mu'Jadir.
:Mu'Jadir: I have been called Mu'Jadir for as long as I remember ...
:Mu'Jadir: ... though if you discover an acceptable abbreviation, I'll endeavor to answer to it.
:Burnum: I might just go with Mu, meself. You c'n just call me Burnum, or 'eavy B. *grins*
:Scarsight looks at Mio silently, then closes her eyes
:Mu'Jadir hehs. "I'd prefer something other than only my bloodline, if you please."
:Burnum: Well, don't know nothin' about your i guess...uhmm...Jay?
:Mu'Jadir chuckles. "Jay should do."
:Burnum: Jay it is, then!
:Grul: Hee. Good. Otherwise I was gonna suggest "Floaty".
:Burnum: Nice one!
:Mu'Jadir shakes his head slowly.
:Mio Matsuda turns her head to look at Mu'Jadir. "And the young woman to your right goes by the name 'Scarsight'," she says pleasantly. She gives Scar a sharp look.
:Mu'Jadir: Ah, indeed. A pleasure, and my apologies, since I appear to cause you discomfort.
:Scarsight says with a low tone, "None at all..."
:Mu'Jadir acknowledges Scar with a nod.
:Burnum: 'sides, if we 'ave any trouble with each other, we just go inta the Arena an' sort it out, ey?
:SystemPattern: I fear that I am unfamiliar with what communities of Mu wizards exist- the bloodline, after all, has diffused widely, but there are some who appear to retain certain of the traditions of the Mu.
:SystemPattern: Could you tell us more of your history?
:Burnum listens in, curious.
:Mu'Jadir: Mine is brief, I'm afraid. I have been trained somewhat in the traditional Mu practices, but my training was only a few years along when others of my enclave turned on me and gave me over to the Circle of Thorns. I survived their attempt to ...
:Mu'Jadir: ... acquire ... my body, somehow. What transpired after, I have no recollection, until I awoke in a medical facility.
:Mu'Jadir: I met Matsuda-san shortly afterward; we spoke, and she bade me attend this encounter.
:SystemPattern: Odd. I would not expect the Circle of Thorns to be... cooperative... with the Mu.
:SystemPattern: They retain a hostility towards the Mu from their ancient war.
:Scarsight: Some are... Some aren't...
:Burnum: Well, you ain't workin' for 'rachnos, that's a good thing. Eh, go figger, Grul. Things seem t'be changin' of late.
:Grul nods
:Mu'Jadir: Indeed, I no longer pursue the study of Scirocco's art.
:Burnum: So you wanna 'elp the city?
:Mu'Jadir: I wish to gain power to repel those who would harm me, and no others.
:Burnum: ....sounds okay, I guess.
:SystemPattern: The Thorns would certainly be the most likely canidates- they crave the bodies of those with the blood of Mu.
:Mu'Jadir: This I know all too well, SystemPattern. I nearly died at their hands.
:Burnum: Yuck.
:SystemPattern nods.
:Burnum: Well, neither of those buggers are favorites of mine, so yer welcome 'ere, mate.
:Sight of Midnight: Yeah, you should be safe from them here.
:Scarsight looks at Mu'Jadir out of the corner of her eye questioningly
:Mu'Jadir: Welcome news indeed. I thank you once more.
:Grul clickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclick-BWEET!-
:Grul: > >
:Mu'Jadir seems to shift his attention briefly to Scarsight without turning his head, or moving at all for that matter
:Burnum: Good t'have ya on board, mate...what was that...?
:Sight of Midnight: What was that?
:SystemPattern turns to Grul.
:Grul drops his spydrone, which unfurls into a small, scorpionlike machine that crawls along the wall and squeezes into one of the airvents.
:Grul: *coughs*
:SystemPattern: An interesting device.
:Burnum watches it crawl away. "What's that when it's at 'ome, then? I don't want no surprises next time I get a shower 'ere."
:Mio Matsuda arches an eyebrow at Grul. "Was it supposed to do that?"
:Grul: ... Yes.
:Sight of Midnight: Was it supposed to do that... when we were watching?
:Grul: No.
:Burnum: :grins at Grul. "I mean this in the right way, mate...but you're a freak."
:Sight of Midnight: Ok....
:Mu'Jadir chuckles to himself
:SystemPattern: It has surveillance equipment- I presume it is used to monitor the base for security breaches.
:Burnum: So, Jay...what c'n you do?
:Grul: Yeh.
:Mu'Jadir: Not particularly much ... yet.
:Burnum: Well, if you do anything like the rest of your mob, you'll be a big 'elp.
:Mu'Jadir seems to tense up.
:Mu'Jadir: No. I shall not tread that path again.
:Burnum: Mean that in a good way, mate.
:Scarsight: ...
:Sight of Midnight: I know what you mean.... but we won't ask you to be like that.
:Mu'Jadir shakes his head slightly, as if shrugging something off. "I follow a different path now, a path of will and discipline."
:Sight of Midnight nods slightly
:Burnum: You'll do fine, mate. No doubts 'ere.
:Sight of Midnight: It's hard to change from something like that.... but we can help you do it.
:SystemPattern nods. "Acknowledged. What concrete effects can this path manifest?"
:Mio Matsuda chuckles softly. "Ah, System, ever the pragmatist," she murmurs. She smiles fondly at her fellow gynoid.
:Mu'Jadir: I, ah ... I have been able to impinge upon the minds of others...
:Burnum: Sister Psyche's gonna love you, then...
:Mu'Jadir hehs. "I should prefer to meet her when I have gained greater discipline."
:SystemPattern nods. "Potentially useful, then."
:Mu'Jadir: I am prepared to offer a demonstration, if you deem it suitable.
:Burnum: Sounds good. Ain't there been a rise in telepaths an' stuff lately as is? Yeah, I wanna see.
:Scarsight closes her eyes and shakes her head slightly
:Mu'Jadir: Hmm ... I have been aiding the peacekeepers in Kings Row of late. Perhaps one of the many thugs roaming the streets?
:Grul: We've got a teleporter to Kings here in th' base.
:Burnum: I'm up for that. Boss?
:Mu'Jadir: Unless any of you has a different suggestion.
:Mio Matsuda: Scarsight's one of our practitioners of the mystic arts, Mu'Jadir. We have another sorcerer in our ranks as well, who goes by the name "Vince". He has a rather unpredictable schedule, but I'll make a point of introducing you the next time he reports in.
:Scarsight: ...
:Mu'Jadir: Excellent! Thank you, Matsuda-san.
:Burnum finally seems to note Scarsight's reaction to all this, and frowns slightly.
:Burnum: So, King's Row? *he beams, clearly excited about seeing the newcomer in action*
:Mio Matsuda: I was actually thinking that we might have Mu'Jadir accompany us on patrol for a bit. Possibly assisting the PPD on Peregrine Island.
:Burnum: I like the sound o' that.
:Mu'Jadir: I would be honored.
:Sight of Midnight: *thinks for a few moments*
:SystemPattern: If I may take a moment to swap shells.
:Scarsight closes her eyes and crosses her arms against her chest
:Mio Matsuda: By all means.
:Scarsight: Count me out...
:Burnum: Come get some!
:Mio Matsuda smiles at SystemPattern.
:SystemPattern: I shall meet the remainder of you in Peregrine Island, then.
:Mio Matsuda: Is there a problem, Scarsight?
:Burnum grins almost ferally at the prospect, punching his hand with interest.
:Sight of Midnight: Alright... I can come along for a while at least. I might end up having to run though to deal with prorblems at some point, but hopefully not.
:Mu'Jadir seems startled for a moment, but only a moment
:Scarsight looks at Mu'Jadir and then at Mio
:Mu'Jadir: Fascinating!
:Mio Matsuda gazes back at Scarsight steadily.
:Sight of Midnight nods slightly
:Scarsight: Rather not set myself on the same field as him...
:Sight of Midnight: I'll try and keep you hidden.
:Burnum nudges Grul. "Wassat all about, then?" he whispers.
:Grul: Dunno..
:Grul > >
:Sight of Midnight: Hey 3.
:Grul bangs on the wall
:Burnum: 'ope it ain't a problem, then....guess we should get goin'...hey, three!
:Mu'Jadir: Greetings.
:Grul *skitterskitterskitter*
:Mio Matsuda: Wherever he was from before he came to us, Scar, he's a Hazard-Guardian now.
:Burnum: Those things are gonna give me the creeps, *he mutters, just looking around to see the little robotic intruders*
:3 Mile Isle: Something the matter Grul?
:Grul: Hm?
:Grul: Nah.
:Scarsight: That part doesn't matter to me Mio...
:Burnum: 'e's makin' more of them lil' robot thingys, 3. *He tries to keep the tone conversational as things play out with Mio and Scarsight*
:Mio Matsuda: Then what, exactly, is the problem?
:Scarsight: ...
:Sight of Midnight: Scar... come on...
:Mio Matsuda: 3, please allow me to introduce our newest member, Mu'Jadir. Mu'Jadir, 3 Mile Isle.
:Scarsight: I've never questioned your actions before... Mine aren't in need of question either...
:Mu'Jadir: Pleased to meet you, 3 Mile Isle.
:Mio Matsuda: They are when they threaten to undermine the unity of the team.
:3 Mile Isle: A pleasure to meet you.
:Burnum backs up a bit, at the increasingly serious tone of the other conversation going on.
:Scarsight Looks at Mu'Jadir and then at Mio again
:Scarsight: ....Forget I even said anything...
:Scarsight: Let's go...
:Burnum: ...right! Peregrine Island!
:Mio Matsuda nods briskly. "All right then. We're deploying to Peregrine Island to patrol. We'll be meeting SystemPattern there."

== Kematki, redux ==
== Nifty AE missions ==
[ Monkey]
* 1005 - Opera of the Abyss
* 1012 - Saul Rubenstien's Discount Task Force
* 1297 - Redoubt Operations #1: Fires over Kalago
* 2007 - The Perfect Brew
* 2291 - The Footsteps Initiative
* 5241 - To Serve Man. Beep.
* 7254 - Hunting the Darkness
* 13216 - Brax and the Desert Guardians
* 49388 - The Daemon Seal
* 68930 - Pandas vs. Rikti
* 74200 - Your Princess Is In Another Castle
* 74812 - The Mother Goose Chronicles
* 94602 - The 5th Column's Bake Sale of Doom!
* 118690 - Sibling Rivalry
* 176819 - The Nerva System
<!-- To try:
#44337 - by TheLadyK
153712 Cathedral of Mild Discomfort
#64764 A Penny for Her Thoughts @Amperella

== Fun with Hellgate ==
==Archived PMs==
[ From this] ... [ to this]
Re: Off-VirtueVerse naming thread
From: Sleepy_Kitty
== Burnum in Tyrant's lair ==
o.o ah, right. Seems we're going with "City Library". It
[ At the entrance]
should have been set up already, but Wikia  has random
ppl taking vacations for the last 2 months. That and
[ Psyching up] [ for the fight]
we're semi feuding over ad placement  right now.
[ Burnum] and a [ rescued] [ Statesman]
=^^= when it does go up, there will be an announcement
about it though, both here and pw side.
== Costume specs and scales ==
=== Falgo ===
Re: PvPEC intro to base raids 4/13 canceled?
Magic Blaster Archery/Fire Manipulation [ Height] [ Scales]
From: Azrhiaz
<PRE>Height: almost 6'8"
Oh yes, definitely. We've gotten a great response to
these so the 13th will be postponed until test comes
back up.
|- valign=top
(Yeah, this one ain't happening again anytime soon)
Face:Young Face 5|Dark Eyes(006)
3/15 1pm pacific base raid event info
From: Azrhiaz
Detail1:Brow Spike(015.015)
Thank you for your interest and sign up for the March
Detail2:Large Goatee(016.015)
15th Intro to Base Raid event! This event will be
held on the Test server at 1pm pacific/4pm eastern.
UPPER BODY:Unique Tops
We will be meeting in Independence Port at the base
Tops:Patrician Toga(013.016)
entrance on the Training Room. I will be on a
Chest:Bare Chest Muscular|None
controller named Lumeir.
Chest Detail:None
Prior to the event, you will need to have Test
Gloves:Smooth/Bare|Bare Hands|None
accessible from your computer. If you have not
downloaded Test previously, please go to this thread
for directions on how to access test. There will be a
lengthy download if this is your first time there.
Once Test is downloaded, you will need to copy one of
your characters over. In the same thread, there is a
Boots:Hellenic Sandals
link to the character copy tool. You will sign in and
select a character to copy over. It will be an exact
duplicate of your character in the game, minus your
Bows:Mongolian Bow(015.010)
SG. You will need to copy over your character prior
to the 13th because that tool will be disconnected
temporarily after that by NcSoft. If you do not copy
your toon over by then, you will not be able to log
on to Test and participate in the fun!
You will also need to download [ Ventrilo client] so
Face:Young Face 5|Dark Eyes(006)
that you can participate in the conversation prior to
the event. Ventrilo has a chat option, so if you do
not have a microphone, you can listen in and type
Detail1:Brow Spike(015.015)
comments or questions, so don't sweat the headset if
Detail2:Large Goatee(016.015)
you don't have one. Our log in information is:
Host IP:
Port: 3424
there is no server password
Chest:Dress Shirt 2|None(004.004)
I suggest you do both of the above and make sure they
Chest Detail:None
work for you prior to the event. If you have issues
Gloves:Smooth/Bare|Bare Hands|None
with either, please send me a message via the forums
Belt:Simple Leather(009.009)
or in-game to @azrhiaz.
While we will have some salvage available, please copy
your toon to Test with some base components in your
inventory to make pylons (tech power, tech material,
mystic foci, mystic element). Empowerment stations will
be available for your use.
Bows:Mongolian Bow(015.010)
We suggest you review [ MCG_Warface's Guide to Base Raids.]
Again, thanks for your interest in this event! Should be fun!
( ::sigh:: )
=== Dhari ===
Magic Tanker Stone Armor/Stone Melee [ Scales]
Max height
SKIN COLOR (000)</pre>
|- valign=top
Ears:Imp Ear
Detail1:Viking Horns(061.060)
Detail2:Small Goatee(060.069)
Chest:Bare Chest Muscular|None
Chest Detail:None
Gloves:Smooth/Bare|Bare Hands|None
Belt:Heavy Leather(060.060)
Pants:Baggy Cargo|None(060.060)
Boots:Flat|Bare Feet|None
BACK DETAIL:None</pre>
Ears:Imp Ear
Detail1:Viking Horns(061.060)
Detail2:Small Goatee(060.069)
Chest:Dress Shirt 2|None(004.004)
Chest Detail:None
Gloves:Smooth/Bare|Bare Hands|None
Belt:Simple Leather(009.009)
=== Lim-Ku ===
Magic Defender Empathy/Energy Blast [ Scales]
Max height
SKIN COLOR (038)</pre>
|- valign=top
Face:Young Face 3|None
Ears:Elf Ear
Chest:Bare Chest Muscular|None
Chest Detail:None
Gloves:Smooth/Bare|Bare Hands|None
Belt:Tactical 1(089.007)
LOWER BODY:Kilts/Shorts
Kilts/Shorts:Boxing Shorts(102.118)
Boots:Flat|Bare Feet|None
BACK DETAIL:None</pre>
Face:Young Face 3|None
Ears:Elf Ear
Chest:Dress Shirt 2|None(004.004)
Chest Detail:None
Gloves:Smooth/Bare|Bare Hands|None
Belt:Simple Leather(009.009)
=== Ulft ===
Magic Scrapper Broadsword/Super Reflexes [ Height] [ Scales]
Height: just over 5 ft
SKIN COLOR (029)</pre>
|- valign=top
Face:Young Face 2|None
Chest:Bare Chest Muscular|Tribal(046)
Chest Detail:None
Gloves:Smooth/Bare|Bare Hands|Tribal(046)
Belt:Metal Band(042)
Pants:Insect Armor|None(044.044)
Boots:Flat|Bare Feet|Tribal(046)
Face:Young Face 2|None
Chest:Dress Shirt 2|None(004)
Chest Detail:None
Gloves:Smooth/Bare|Bare Hands|Tribal(046)
Belt:Simple Leather(009.009)
=== Uni ===
Magic Controller Gravity Control/Empathy [ Height] [ Scales]
Height: 6'6"
SKIN COLOR (039)</pre>
|- valign=top
HEAD:Masks with Hair
Face:Young Face 5|Star Eye(008)
UPPER BODY:Unique Tops
Tops:Patrician Toga(009.037)
Chest:Bare Chest Smooth|None
Chest Detail:None
Gloves:Smooth/Bare|Bare Hands|None
Belt:Martial Arts 3(037)
LOWER BODY:Kilts/Shorts
Kilts/Shorts:Formal Kilt(009.009)
Boots:Flat|Bare Feet|None
HEAD:Masks with Hair
Face:Young Face 5|Baroque(008)
Chest:Dress Shirt 2|None(004.004)
Chest Detail:None
Belt:Simple Leather(009.009)

Latest revision as of 02:15, 4 December 2013

Repository of stuff for easy access.

SD chat

Nifty AE missions

  • 1005 - Opera of the Abyss
  • 1012 - Saul Rubenstien's Discount Task Force
  • 1297 - Redoubt Operations #1: Fires over Kalago
  • 2007 - The Perfect Brew
  • 2291 - The Footsteps Initiative
  • 5241 - To Serve Man. Beep.
  • 7254 - Hunting the Darkness
  • 13216 - Brax and the Desert Guardians
  • 49388 - The Daemon Seal
  • 68930 - Pandas vs. Rikti
  • 74200 - Your Princess Is In Another Castle
  • 74812 - The Mother Goose Chronicles
  • 94602 - The 5th Column's Bake Sale of Doom!
  • 118690 - Sibling Rivalry
  • 176819 - The Nerva System

Archived PMs

Re: Off-VirtueVerse naming thread
From: Sleepy_Kitty
o.o ah, right. Seems we're going with "City Library". It
should have been set up already, but Wikia  has random
ppl taking vacations for the last 2 months. That and
we're semi feuding over ad placement  right now.

=^^= when it does go up, there will be an announcement
about it though, both here and pw side.

Re: PvPEC intro to base raids 4/13 canceled?
From: Azrhiaz
Oh yes, definitely. We've gotten a great response to
these so the 13th will be postponed until test comes
back up.


(Yeah, this one ain't happening again anytime soon)

3/15 1pm pacific base raid event info
From: Azrhiaz
Thank you for your interest and sign up for the March
15th Intro to Base Raid event! This event will be
held on the Test server at 1pm pacific/4pm eastern.
We will be meeting in Independence Port at the base
entrance on the Training Room. I will be on a
controller named Lumeir.

Prior to the event, you will need to have Test
accessible from your computer. If you have not
downloaded Test previously, please go to this thread
for directions on how to access test. There will be a
lengthy download if this is your first time there.
Once Test is downloaded, you will need to copy one of
your characters over. In the same thread, there is a
link to the character copy tool. You will sign in and
select a character to copy over. It will be an exact
duplicate of your character in the game, minus your
SG. You will need to copy over your character prior
to the 13th because that tool will be disconnected
temporarily after that by NcSoft. If you do not copy
your toon over by then, you will not be able to log
on to Test and participate in the fun!

You will also need to download Ventrilo client so
that you can participate in the conversation prior to
the event. Ventrilo has a chat option, so if you do
not have a microphone, you can listen in and type
comments or questions, so don't sweat the headset if
you don't have one. Our log in information is:

Host IP:
Port: 3424
there is no server password

I suggest you do both of the above and make sure they
work for you prior to the event. If you have issues
with either, please send me a message via the forums
or in-game to @azrhiaz.

While we will have some salvage available, please copy
your toon to Test with some base components in your
inventory to make pylons (tech power, tech material,
mystic foci, mystic element). Empowerment stations will
be available for your use.

We suggest you review MCG_Warface's Guide to Base Raids.

Again, thanks for your interest in this event! Should be fun!


( ::sigh:: )