User:Rugiel/Whiteboard: Difference between revisions

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* 2007
* 2007
* 2291
* 2291
* 5241
* 13216
* 13216
* 49388
* 49388

Revision as of 04:21, 23 April 2009

Repository of stuff for easy access.

Nifty AE missions

  • 1005
  • 1012
  • 1297
  • 2007
  • 2291
  • 5241
  • 13216
  • 49388
  • 74812
  • 94602
  • 104230

Yeah ... lets not

The setup:

I'm in front of my mission door in Pocket D when I get a blind invite from SomeRandomGuy (SRG; name changed to protect the stupid). I accept because SRG is someone I saw in Pocket D earlier, so perhaps he needs help with his event mission. No such luck; the mission is out in Sharkhead.

The punchline:

*blind invite*
[Team] SRG: hii
[Team] Thammas: Hi!
[Team] Thammas: Can I help you?
[Team] SRG: go to shark
[Team] Thammas: Why?
[Team] SRG: lets pwr lvl
[Team] Thammas: Umm.
[Team] SRG: lvl 22 stalker
[Team] Thammas: I think you have me confused with someone that wants to be powerleveled. Sorry.
*quit team*

Archived PMs

Re: Off-VirtueVerse naming thread
From: Sleepy_Kitty
o.o ah, right. Seems we're going with "City Library". It
should have been set up already, but Wikia  has random
ppl taking vacations for the last 2 months. That and
we're semi feuding over ad placement  right now.

=^^= when it does go up, there will be an announcement
about it though, both here and pw side.

Re: PvPEC intro to base raids 4/13 canceled?
From: Azrhiaz
Oh yes, definitely. We've gotten a great response to
these so the 13th will be postponed until test comes
back up.


(Yeah, this one ain't happening again anytime soon)

3/15 1pm pacific base raid event info
From: Azrhiaz
Thank you for your interest and sign up for the March
15th Intro to Base Raid event! This event will be
held on the Test server at 1pm pacific/4pm eastern.
We will be meeting in Independence Port at the base
entrance on the Training Room. I will be on a
controller named Lumeir.

Prior to the event, you will need to have Test
accessible from your computer. If you have not
downloaded Test previously, please go to this thread
for directions on how to access test. There will be a
lengthy download if this is your first time there.
Once Test is downloaded, you will need to copy one of
your characters over. In the same thread, there is a
link to the character copy tool. You will sign in and
select a character to copy over. It will be an exact
duplicate of your character in the game, minus your
SG. You will need to copy over your character prior
to the 13th because that tool will be disconnected
temporarily after that by NcSoft. If you do not copy
your toon over by then, you will not be able to log
on to Test and participate in the fun!

You will also need to download Ventrilo client so
that you can participate in the conversation prior to
the event. Ventrilo has a chat option, so if you do
not have a microphone, you can listen in and type
comments or questions, so don't sweat the headset if
you don't have one. Our log in information is:

Host IP:
Port: 3424
there is no server password

I suggest you do both of the above and make sure they
work for you prior to the event. If you have issues
with either, please send me a message via the forums
or in-game to @azrhiaz.

While we will have some salvage available, please copy
your toon to Test with some base components in your
inventory to make pylons (tech power, tech material,
mystic foci, mystic element). Empowerment stations will
be available for your use.

We suggest you review MCG_Warface's Guide to Base Raids.

Again, thanks for your interest in this event! Should be fun!


( ::sigh:: )