Brain Storm Idea Salvage

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Your experimentation created something that may be useful in an invention! Use these ideas at an invention table to create new salvage.


  • normal base salvage gives a 1 to 1 trade
  • component salvage gives a 1 to 3 trade
  • Invention Crafting tables are the only thing that can make this salvage, found under the 'convert' tab
  • a per character limit of 9999 Brainstorms exists.

Random Conversion:

10 for a 'Tech Uncommon Salvage'
40 for a 'Tech Rare Salvage'
2 for a 'Tech Common Salvage'
10 for a 'Arcance Uncommon Salvage'
40 for a 'Arcane Rare Salvage'
2 for a 'Arcane Common Salvage'
1 for a 'All Common Salvage'
5 for a 'All Uncommon Salvage'
20 for a 'All Rare Salvage'

See Also