Jake Montoya

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Jake Montoya

Jake Montoya is a hero contact in the Gruff neighborhood of Skyway City. Jake Montoya is a Science origin contact. His level range is 15-19.


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)

I have to admit that Georgia Fields doesn't have the best reputation. No one really knows how she gets her information, but she's an excellent source on the Sky Raiders and the Lost. She is usually able to get her hands on training enhancements.

If you are careful, Georgia can be of great assistance to you.


Retired Hero

Jake Montoya was once a well-known hero who fought under the name Red Tiger. After a nearly fatal injury cost him his leg, he chose early retirement and a prosthetic limb over a cybernetic replacement. But retirement from active duty doesn't mean he's turned his back on the city. Now he's one of many retired heroes who acts as a clearing house of information. He uses his experience and contacts to keep tabs on various villain groups, then organizes active heroes to deal with the situation. He's particularly interested in the Clockwork King, largely because he lost his leg while fighting him.

Initial Contact

I have heard of you. You sound like an up-and-comer to me. Prove me right.


Story Arc

Template:Mission StoryArc The Mind of a King


Break up the Trolls' contest of strength


The Trolls are running a contest of strength to determine which of their members will be promoted to leadership roles. The problem is, these contests are brutal fights that usually end with the winner going on a Superadine fueled rampage. Can you break up the Trolls' contest of strength? If you can, you'll probably save some lives. You only have 75 minutes to stop the Trolls' contest.

The Trolls probably have a cache of Superadine on hand for the winner. If you could destroy that, it would really ruin their contest.

Mission Objective(s)

Deep-throated hoots and cheers echo through the cavern.

  • Defeat Troll leaders, their crews - 1:15 timed
    • 4 drug caches to destroy

You stopped the Trolls' contest of strength.



Without a contest of strength, the Trolls' won't be promoting any new leaders. That should keep them from expanding for a while.

Go to Skyway City and stop the Troll rampages


Have you heard of those Troll rampages in Skyway City? According to my reports, each Troll takes a heavy dose of Superadine, enough to make him nearly insane with fury. Then they hit the streets and destroy everything in sight. It's some sort of recreation for them! I need you to get to Skyway City and stop the Troll rampages. If you can't, that zone won't be safe for people or property

Mission Objective(s)

  • Missing Objective


Missing debriefing

Stop the Trolls from hitting the party


I just got word from one of my informants that the Trolls have decided to bust up an underground dance party in Skyway City. It gets worse, though. The promoter running the show is the sister of a high-ranking Outcast gangster. If she gets hurt, the Outcasts will use it as a pretext to expand their war with the Trolls. Someone's got to stop the Trolls from hitting that party. You only have 1 hour to stop the Troll attack.

If the Outcasts have heard about this, there's a good chance you'll have to deal with them, too.

Mission Objective(s)

Any music that was playing here stopped a while ago. Now all you hear are the sounds of fighting and panic.

  • Rescue party goers from Trolls - 60 minutes timed
    • 3 hostages to save

You have rescued the hostages, preventing the war between the Trolls and the Outcasts from escalating.

Notable NPCs

  • Njorl (Trolls)
  • Ellie Ludinsky, music promoter (Hostage)
  • Paramedic (Hostage)
  • Partier (Hostage)


Temporary Power:

The Paramedic will give you a Med Kit after being rescued. This power will expire when the mission ends.

Med Kit Self Heal
This Med Kit allows you to heal ¼ of your hit points. The Med Kit has 8 uses.


That was well handled. The tensions between rival gangs are bad enough; the last thing we need is for them to find an excuse to escalate their fighting. Oh, I got a call from that music promoter you rescued. She says if you ever consider a career in music, she'll be your biggest fan.

Go to Skyway City and stop the Clockwork from causing traffic accidents


The Clockwork have been causing car crashes in Skyway City so they can make off with the wreckage. We can't let this continue! You've got to get to Skyway City and stop the Clockwork from causing these traffic accidents.

Some of the worst accidents have taken place in Vista Plaza and the Gruff. I recommend starting in those neighborhoods.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Combat Clockwork in Skyway City
    • Defeat 15 Clockwork

You have discouraged the Clockwork from causing traffic accidents in Skyway City.


Thanks for stopping the Clockwork from causing those car crashes. It's amazing to think that a few hunks of metal are worth more to the Clockwork King than a human life.

Recover the Clockwork power source


My best Clockwork source tells me that the Clockwork have developed a new, miniaturized power source. They're storing it at an abandoned warehouse. Will you recover that Clockwork power source for us? It could tell us a lot.

Keep your eye out for a safe; my source thinks that's where they're keeping the power source.

Mission Objective(s)

This warehouse looks old and unused. Rusty bits of old machines are scattered on the floor.

  • Defeat all robots in warehouse
    • Locate the power source

You defeated the Clockwork and found the power source.

Power source
To your eye, this device could not possibly be a power source. It shows no signs of energy emission, and it has no moving parts.

Notable NPCs



Why would the Clockwork be guarding this device if it couldn't possibly provide any power? As usual, their actions don't make any sense.

Get a sample of the Clockwork pistons


The Clockwork have been getting tougher recently. We think it might be the pistons they are using. Can you get us a sample of the Clockwork pistons?

We believe that Tarang Chonk is running the facility I am sending you to.

Mission Objective(s)

The doorknob has been removed, no doubt as part of the Clockwork's regular scavenging.

  • Get sample from the Clockwork
    • Seek Clockwork parts

You found the Clockwork pistons.

Notable NPCs

  • Box of parts



I'm not familiar with this metal, but I'll get it analyzed. Thanks a lot.

You say the Clockwork seemed to recognize you? That's so strange. Perhaps they share some sort of hive memory? After all the Clockwork King's remarkable innovations, I guess that shouldn't surprise me.

Hit the streets and show the Trolls you won't tolerate their thieving


I've been hearing a lot of reports about Troll robberies lately. As bad as the Troll are when they're hopped up on Superadine, they're even worse when they're in withdrawal! They'll knock over banks, newsstands, supermarkets; anything to get a quick fix! The worst thing is, these thefts usually end in violence. I need you to hit the streets and show the Trolls you won't tolerate their thieving.

Skyway City and Boomtown have been hit the hardest. If I were you, I'd probably start in one of those zones.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Combat Troll menace
    • Defeat 15 Trolls

You have discouraged the Trolls from stealing to pay for their Superadine.


Thanks. I'm sure Paragon City's businessmen can all breathe a sigh of relief.

Template:Mission Common Test Wave Scrambler against the Clockwork

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