Annah is an NPC who stands on the south side of the Paragon City Monorail in Croatoa. She is not a contact, but she will grant a free costume slot if brought a complete set of costume Event Salvage from the Halloween Events. Her coordinates are (860.5, 0, 2252).
Costume Slot
- When Clicked
These are magical days indeed. To show your worth to the Ravenwing Cabal, I ask that you bring me some souvenirs of the season of the witch. These are costume pieces from some of the more popular costumes of the day. Bring me one Statesman Mask, one Lord Recluse Helmet, one Back Alley Brawler Gloves, and one Hamidon costume. If you do this, I will grant you access to another Costume Slot.
- "Give Annah the salvage"
Excellent, everything is here... now I will bestow upon you... an additional costume slot!
Talking to Annah again after redeeming salvage will give the following message:
I am afraid there is nothing more I can do for you.
Annah Daytime
Annah next to monorail station
Annah Nighttime
Annah next to monorail station
Zombie Apocalypse
Redeeming costume salvage with Annah appears to trigger a 20% chance for a Zombie Apocalypse event in both a hero and a villain zone. However, this has not been confirmed by a developer.
See Also
- Acantha for Praetorians
- Granny Beldam for Villains