Gordon Stacy

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Gordon Stacy is a hero contact in Brickstown. Gordon Stacy is a Natural origin contact. His level range is 35-39.


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)

Tina Macintyre works for the Portal Corporation. She has the most current information on the trouble out on Peregrine Island caused by unstable dimensional technology. She can offer Gadget and Relic Enhancements.

The dimensional instabilities on Peregrine Island are getting worse by the day, Character. Be ready for anything.


Police Captain

Captain Gordon Stacy is one of the best and brightest that the Paragon City police force has ever fielded. In his younger days he worked a beat in Crey's Folly, helping to protect the Crey factories from vandalism and theft. But after busting up a few too many shady deals on Crey property, he became suspicious. Recently he has been very vocal in his condemnation of the corporate giant, an unpopular attitude that nearly cost him his promotion to captain.

Initial Contact


  • Inspirations
  • Level 35 Natural/Technology Dual Origin Enhancements (100% base costs) (Power 10 only)
  • Level 35 Natural/Magic Dual Origin Enhancements (100% base costs) (Power 10 only)
  • Level 40 Natural/Technology Dual Origin Enhancements (100% base costs) (Power 10 only)
  • Level 40 Natural/Magic Dual Origin Enhancements (100% base costs) (Power 10 only)
  • Level 35 Natural Single Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)
  • Level 40 Natural Single Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)

Badge Mission

Investigate the hacker known as The Doctor


I've been hearing rumblings on the Internet about a new hacker called The Doctor. This "Doctor" seems to be very anti-Crey, taking responsability for the attacks on Crey servers and posting some very amusing stories about Countess Crey on the various news sites. The Doctor hasn't caused any REAL damage yet, but I think it's only a matter of time before Crey themselves decide to get involved. I was hoping you could put on your investigation cap and check this one out for me. When Crey do start looking for this hacker, it could get messy.

Mission acceptance

Great, I knew I could count on you. The Doctor is very good at covering his tracks, but there is an abandoned warehouse that his IP adress has been tracked back to. My sources inside Crey tell me that they know about the warehouse as well, and will probably try and apprehend The Doctor for themselves. We all know how that will end up, so try to get to him before they do, ok?

Mission Objective(s)

  • Locate hacker before Crey can
    • Objective 1
    • Objective 2



This blue and silver key bears Crey corporate logo.

This blue and silver key bears Crey corporate logo.

Crey is up to no good!
You find that this computer seems to have some classified Crey documents on it. The file called "Crey Patent Application for Memory Transference Device" looks eerily similar to another file labelled "Patent Application for Memory Downloading Process". The second one was never filed, however, and belongs to a Dr. Carole Friedken.

They call me The Doctor
This computer has various news sites bookmarked on it. Checking through them they all seem to be about Dr. Carole Friedken, an elderly female scientist working. The last one is the most troubling, and describes her body showing up in the sewers of Paragon City five months after her disappearance.

You can never find me
There was a short message in a telnet window on the computer screen. It reads:

"Am I in that warehouse? Yes and no. I can see you in there, though, and I'm sure you've seen my enemies there as well. One thing is certain however, you will never find me there. But it's also the best place to look for me, or rather, for who I was."

Greetings from the Great Beyond
As you approached the computer, a message window opened and the following text appeared:

"What was it like? I really can't say. I live now in an artificial world of my own making, I'm not old anymore, and I'm much more focused. So many little things you miss, though. I'm just glad I was able to escape them in the first place.
You're a dear, but don't worry about me. They can't catch me. And with knowledgeable friends like Executable Number 6, I can fight against Crey's plans. And oh, do they have plans. Don't trust the Protectors, my friend. I think that's why I was murdered in the first place."

Badge: The Doctor's Ally

Completion of this mission earns a hero the The Doctor's Ally accomplishment badge.

The Doctor's Ally

You have uncovered the fate of Doctor Friedkin..


A computer hacker who isn't actually there, a dead scientist, and some kind of memory transferring machine? I don't think I like where this one was headed, Hero. Even if it means another "person" might be trying to keep an eye on Crey. The warning you received about the Paragon Protectors does seem to jibe with the way those "heroes" have been acting towards the hero community at large. Very interesting. I wonder if there might be more connections.

Story Arc

Revenant Hero Project

Souvenir: Invisible Falcon's Mask

You have kept this mask, belonging to one of the victims of the Revenant Hero project, as a reminder of when you stopped Crey's insane Hero cloning program.

It started with a lead from the Doctor, where you investigated a Crey facility where a file was stored that she could not access. You searched the various isolated computers in the complex until you came across the file, labeled "Project Locke". The file was encrypted with a secure encryption and needed to be deciphered.

You took the file to the only person you knew could hack the encryption in a timely fashion, Citadel, the android Hero who survived the Rikti War. He decrypted the file, and you learned that Project Locke was the codename for a project where DNA is put into a template body to effectively clone a person. The file contained several hyperlinks to another document that was located off-site from the one you infiltrated.

Then you took the file to Mark Freeman, a hacker who could locate the physical location of the hyperlinks in the document. It took him a while, but he located the file in a Crey lab that was thought to be destroyed in the opening salvo of the Rikti War in Crey's Folly.

You located the facility, right where Mark Freeman said it would be, and within it you found a fully functioning Crey lab. On one of the computers you found the file referenced in the project Locke one, labeled Project Revenant Hero. This file was a goldmine, as it detailed Crey's involvement in kidnapping or killing heroes and steal their DNA and memories and putting them into Template bodies. The end result was that they created the Paragon Protectors. The evidence you have wouldn't stand up in court, as it was obtained illegally, and Crey's lawyers would have a field day with it, so you looked to other evidence.

You then followed up on the lead of a crazy streetperson called "The Can Man", who knew a secret way into the Paragon Protector base. Once inside the base you rumbled with several Paragon Protectors, searched it for more evidence, and came up with the location where the Revenant Hero Project was being run out of.

You attacked this facility and eventually brought Dr. Paul Summerfield to justice. Dr. Summerfield was Dr. Friedken's assistant who sold out her memory transference technology to Crey so they could perfect the Revenant Hero Project.


Investigate Crey Pharmaceuticals


There was a guy on the national news program 'Whistleblower' who had some interesting things to say about Crey Pharmaceuticals. His name was (PersonName) and he claims he worked for Crey, and saw an addictiveness study on their products that proved they are making their medicines addictive to increase their sales. I think this calls for an investigation of our own.

Be on your guard. We can be sure Crey knows about that broadcast, and the'll look to destroy any evidence that exists. If they get to the evidence before you do, this mission will be a failure.

There is no record of Denali Wiesen ever working for Crey, and of course they deny he ever did. I think that just adds more fuel to the fire.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Investigate Crey Pharmaceuticals

Addictiveness study
This is the study that (PersonName) was talking about. It raises many red flags as to how addictive Crey medicines actually are.


This is excellent. PersonName was 100% telling the truth. Now we just need to get this evidence out so the public can find out. I'll handle that, Hero, you already did your part. I wonder if our friend The Doctor would be willing to help deliver this particular piece of medicine?


The Crey ex-worker may have different names: Denali Wieson, Sean Posniewski and probably others.

Investigate a Crey repair facility


You know what's weird. The fact that you and I -know- that Crey is up to no good, but 90% of households have at least one Crey product in them, from TVs to coffee machines to alarm clocks. And 99% of all technical companies have Crey-made instruments. Let's say you and I look into one of Crey's repair centers to see exactly what is going on. You only have 90 minutes to investigate.

Mission acceptance

Need text

Mission Objective(s)

  • Investigate the repair facility
    • Objective 1
    • Objective 2



Data Collection Modules
This appears to be some sort of data collection module, with a slot in it for a tiny memory card.

Crey Technician Handbook
This is the handbook used by the Crey field techs. It goes into detail on how the tech is supposed to swap out the "fuzzy logic card" with an upgrade every time the device is maintained. Seems like overkill maintenance.


Ok, so based on what you found I think we can surmise that the Crey techs are instructed to swap out the memory cards on the data collection modules. These modules track everything the machine is used for, so any companies with Crey machines in it is basically telling Crey everything they do. The techs don't even know what's going on, because they think they're just swapping out fuzzy logic chips. That's evil. Crey will of course just claim it's related to calibration or repair, but I'm going to start puttingword out about this little trick. At the very last, I'll make sure that our "Doctor" friend knows what is going on.

Investigate the disappearance of the Invisible Falcon


A friend of mine used to work for the Securities and Exchange Comission, but when he investigated Crey his life fell apart. He tought they were responsible for what happened, and had a hero he was in contact with do some snooping. That hero was the Invisible Falcon, and was never heard from again. I am not even sure I believe the story, but maybe you could check it out? You'll have to make it quick, though. Crey won't take too kindly to your presence. I'd suggest you keep it to 90 minutes or less.

Mission acceptance

This all happened before the Rikti War, so it's a bit of a long shot that there's anything left to find. However, my friend did point me to the Crey facility where the Falcon last went.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Investigate the Invisible Falcon
    • Objective 1
    • Objective 2



The Falcon File
The details of this computer file are chilling, if impossible to substantiate. In memos, security footage, and after-action reports, the file details how the Invisible Falcon entered a Crey facility, and took several pictures of top-secret technologies and experiments. Despite his stealthy nature, he was monitored the entire way, and when he went to make his exit he was captured. There is mention of him being transferred to something called the Revenant Hero Project. All the evidence the Falcon had gathered was erased.


Wow, so they are covering up something! Let me take a look at that file...Wait, this is blank! Oh, man, they must have security measures that prevent this type of info from leaving the premises. Well, I believe that you saw what you saw, but without hard evidence Crey will be able to deny any allegations. Crey may think they've won this round, but now at least we know about this "Revenant Hero Project", whatever that actually may be.

Look into the Freakshow attack on the Delgado-Harris corporation


The Delgado-Harris corporation are Crey's biggest competitor when it comes to military technology. Several of their plants recently have been attacked by Freakshow, and in the aftermath of the attacks, several key pieces of technology have gone missing. This is way too organized for any normal Freakshow attack, I want you to check into this.

Mission acceptance

Need text

Mission Objective(s)

  • Investigate the Delgado-Harris offices
    • X hostages to rescue
    • Objective 2




Crey's plans
Interrogating the captured Crey teams, you learn that they are the ones hiring the Freakshow to attack the Delgado-Harris offices of their choosing. Then Crey comes in under the cover of the Freakshow attack and steal what they need.


So Crey was hiring the Freakshow to go in, trash a Delgado-Harris operation, then they would send in these "retrieval teams" to steal the technology that Delgado-Harris was working on there? The limits to which they go to remain on top of their competition amazes me. Crey's provided enough evidence to keep the heat off themselves, but their stock price tends to drop each time you do battle with them. At this rate, you may be able to ruin them on Wall Street before the courts can take action.

Check out Crey lab for Rikti portal technology


My source inside Crey tells me that they are close to completing a working copy of a Rikti portal. This goes against the laws banning unapproved research on Rikti technology. I have the adress of the lab working on the device. I want you to go there and see if this rumor is true, so we can bring in the authorities and shut them down. You only have 90 minutes to look into this.

Mission acceptance

If they do have Rikti technology, bring me some evidence. Crey has been playing loose with the rules for too long.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Investigate Crey lab for Rikti tech
    • X Rikti portals to shut down
    • Objective 2




Portal piece
A piece of Crey technology obviously derived from banned Rikti tech.


Great job. With this evidence, we can show the feds exactly what Crey is up to. Another blow to their mighty empire. Crey will no doubt issue another press release about how this was the work of some "rogue scientists", but every piece of evidence like this that comes to light hurts them more.

Take on Protectors and Crey teams and try to form a connection between the two


We are still trying to link the Paragon Protectors to Crey directly. Right now we only know that Crey is the Protectors' biggest client, but I am sure there is more to this that Crey is letting on. That's usually how they work. Could you go out and take on some of the Protectors and Crey teams and try to form a connection between the two?

Mission acceptance

Need text

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat X Crey



Protector Orders
These orders are written on Crey letterhead, and signed by several members of the Crey Security organization. It lists several heroes marked as "known enemies of Crey Industries", and orders the Protectors to take "any possible measures" against them. You notice your name in the top tier of the enemy list.


Those orders you found are very interesting. They're not a concrete connection, but it definitely implies a lot. We have more pieces to the puzzle, and that's good. I'll get this along to our "Doctor" friend. Thanks for your efforts.

Show Crey where the real power in Paragon City lies


Crey is stepping up their efforts in Brickstown. Normally it might be a good thing to get some help protecting the city, but those Crey creeps have been harassing citizens and looking for excuses to attack heroes. There is an increase in their security patrols in the Seven Gates and Ziggurat neighborhoods, and that is a concern for everyone there. Perhaps you could show Crey where the real power in Paragon City lies?

Mission acceptance

You might want to concentrate your efforts in the Seven Gates and Ziggurat neighborhoods.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat 40 Crey




Good job, Hero. We can't let the Crey security terrorize our citizens.

Go to Crey's Folly and thin the Crey numbers a bit


Crey Industries has continued their illegal operations in Crey's Folly despite numerous cease-and-desist orders from the city. Now the whole area is getting overwhelmed with Crey agents and Paragon Protectors. Perhaps you should go to Crey's Folly and thin the Crey numbers a bit?

Mission acceptance

You might want to concentrate your efforts in The Circus or Tangle Town. Crey's working pretty hard in there.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take on Crey in Crey's Folly
    • Defeat 40 Crey




Crey's been flaunting the law in Crey's Folly even before the Rikti attacked. I hate to think of what mutated weirdness they could unleash out there now.

Mission name


Mission acceptance

Mission Objective(s)




External Links