Dakota Berg

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Dakota Berg

FBSA Liason
Zone Brickstown
Coordinates (-375.6, 0.0, -398.2)
Level Range 30-40
Introduced By None
Introduces None
Enemy Groups Demon Hunter
The Family
Famous Singer
Freedom Phalanx
Paragon Police Department
v  d  e

Requires Who Will Die, Episode 4.

Dakota Berg is a hero contact in the Seven Gates neighborhood of Brickstown at coordinates (-375.6, 0.0, 398.2). His level range is 30-40. He is standing 691 yards south of the Monorail station. Dakota Berg is the fourth contact in the hero-side Who Will Die Signature Story Arc available on the Paragon Market or free with subscription.


Contact Introduced By

None; Dakota Berg is available through the Signature Story Arc Contact option.

Contact Introduces



FBSA Liason

FBSA Liason Dakota Berg was once the hero known as, 'Magman'. He was able to generate liquid magma from his hands after a freak scientific accident in the labs of SERAPH.

Unfortunately, such an ability comes with a price, which is the destruction of most environments that Dakota fought crime in. Several lawsuits were filed against Magman and eventually he had his hero license revoked. The FBSA has struck a deal with Dakota; he can work as one of their agents, with the majority of his paycheck going towards paying off the staggering amount of money he owes in property damage. He's going to be in the FBSA for quite a long time.

Content Not Purchased

You need to purchase the fourth episode of the first signature story arc, Who Will Die, or be a VIP in order to play Dakota Berg's story arc.

Prior to Introduction

Missing Prior to Introduction Dialogue

Initial Contact

  • None


This situation ain't gonna solve itself.

Too Busy

Missing Too Busy Dialogue

Story Arc



Letter from Malaise

You received a letter addressed to you some time after the incident with Sister Psyche and Malaise. The letter is entitled...


To my dear antagonist, I requested that this letter be sent to you after I died. Our first real scene together was back in Warburg, but did you know that I've seen you before? Yes, back when you raided that Rulu-Shin facility. Of course, I had a non-speaking role with you at that point. Ah, but I'm on a tangent.
I do wish at this moment that I would know how my death will come about. I could, of course, attempt to recount how I believe it will happen, how the story will come together. There's no harm in speculating this point, is there? Darrin Wade's plan to get Johnny Sonata to sing into the Dirge of Chaos will have gone off without a hitch. I'm sure it will cause quite a scene wherever I'm being kept, and that you will be there. Sister Psyche will attempt to shut down the source of the music by using her psychic powers to absorb all the negative energy. Ah! There is the rub. Her mental barriers will be extremely weakened, just as they were during that incident with Shadow Queen in the 80's.
I will be able to enter her mind, to see what she sees and make her fear what I want her to fear. My hand is trembling just at the very thought of it. You, of course, will investigate why Johnny Sonata, of all people, is involved in this. That would be when you discover that Darrin Wade is the true author in this story, though I've penned several chapters myself. Do you know Mr. Wade? He's a terribly interesting person. I wish I could be alive to see just how he is going to remake the world.
Of course, while you're out discovering the big twist to our story, I will have dismantled the majority of Sister Psyche's defenses and released the version of Aurora that is trapped in her mind. The real Aurora Borealis will be too weak to stop me inside of Sister Psyche's mind; she will determine that only an outside force can stop me, which, I really do hope, is you.
The story that I have written says that you will be soundly defeated by me within Sister Psyche's mind, despite your best efforts. Aurora Borealis will pull you out mere seconds before your destruction. The fake Aurora within Psyche will assume full control, but our dear Psyche will perform one last act; with her last bit of power, she will destroy me inside of her mind. I welcome the embrace of death, as any good protagonist should. My death will only cement this as my greatest work yet; the recreation of Sister Psyche as someone else entirely. I will have created a new life, my antagonist! No artist can make such a claim!
What happens next is left in the hands of Darrin Wade. Just know, my antagonist, that you cannot change this story. It is already written, and you can do nothing but play your role, but what a role you will play!
Jean-Pierre 'Malaise' Lourdin

You know, however, that Malaise is wrong. You were able to fight off Malaise's nightmares and stop fake Aurora from taking over Sister Psyche. His story is not written in stone; you still can stop whatever plot Darrin Wade has from happening, even if you don't know what it is. Template:Mission:Masterpiece (Hero) - Part 1: The Dive Template:Mission:Masterpiece (Hero) - Part 2: Behind the Curtain Template:Mission:Masterpiece (Hero) - Finale: The Artist's Debut

See Also