Missions:Tip - 'I don't care. I want her dead!'

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I Don't Care. I Want Her Dead!

You overhear a transmission on your radio from a Longbow Officer.

From what you can make out from this radio broadcast, it sounds like Longbow is making a move against Polar Shift, a heroine who has gone too far. She recently bombed a Longbow base, because she claimed there was some sort of corruption from within and that their entire base had been compromised. You hear over the radio

'Team Alpha and Bravo converge on my location, we've located where she's hiding out. .......Yes, I know and I don't care. I want this crazy ice queen put down, protocol and laws be damned! Many good men and women died in that blast. I want her dead, you understand? You have permission to use lethal force on this scumbag!'

You could stop the Longbow Operative as this is a dark path for him, he must be shown that this path is a slippery slope to damnation. Also, you'll need to arrest the Vigilante heroine and show the Longbow Operative the error of his ways, even if it means knocking some sense into her.

Alternatively you could help out the fellow Vigilante. Longbow has gone too far and has taken a personal vendetta against a heroine who might have stepped over the line. You get a sense of a kindred spirit, someone who is willing to do whatever it takes to stop evil at its source. Paragon City needs heroes who are willing to make tough choices and sacrifices for the greater good, you can't let Longbow get their hands on her.

Hero Acceptance


Longbow has overstepped their boundaries and is seeking revenge on their fallen allies by going after Polar Shift, whom they believe bombed one of their bases. Polar Shift should be subject to a jury of her peers, not be victim to a bloodthirsty mob.

With that in mind this Longbow Officer must be stopped and Polar Shift must be brought to justice.

Stop Longbow Officer and arrest Polar Shift

Nobody is above the law. Not yourself, not Polar Shift and most certainly not Longbow. It's time to remind all parties involved where their duties and allegiances should lie, with the people of Paragon City.

Mission Objective(s)

You can hear Longbow agents barking orders as they search these halls for Polar Shift. You've got to hurry before they go to far.

  • Stop Longbow Officer and arrest Polar Shift
    • Stop Officer Jameson, Arrest Polar Shift

You put a stop to Officer Jameson and arrested Polar Shift.

Jameson's regrets…
'If only I had been there Rikti Assassin. I could have stopped the bombing....but, all my friends are dead because of her... I understand what you're trying to do...just don't let her get away. Please.'



Notable NPCs


You managed to stop the Longbow Officer, and his men from killing Polar Shift as well as arresting Polar Shift so she can stand trial for what she is accused of doing. Before she was handed off to the authorities, she rambled on about a Nemesis plot and his automatons replacing everyone.

Vigilante Acceptance


Longbow is hunting down this Hero of the city. She's done great things for Paragon City and you're not about to let them get their filthy hands on her. Polar Shift operates on a level similar to your own. Sometimes you've got to work on the outside of the law to do what's right.

You plan on saving Polar Shift before she's nabbed by Longbow.

Free Polar Shift from Longbow

Like Polar Shift, you are often forced to make tough decisions for the greater good. You can relate to her and know what it's like to feel vilified for doing what you know to be right. It's time to get your sister in arms out of there and away from Longbow's clutches.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Free Polar Shift from Longbow


Notable NPCs


Missing Debriefing