Missions:Common - Find the missing homeless people

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Find the missing homeless people

File:NPC Missing homeless person 01.jpg
Missing homeless person


A lot of homeless people have gone missing from a local shelter. An eyewitness reported seeing one of them dragged into the sewers. Please find the missing homeless people. If we're lucky, we can still save them.

Mission Acceptance

Get those people out safely, hero.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You have to find those missing homeless people.

Mission Objective(s)

You followed a bedraggled man into the sewers. You hope he's led you to the right place.

  • Escort missing people from sewer
    • 3 hostages to rescue
    • 3 hostages to lead out

You rescued the homeless.


The Lost

Notable NPCs

Ambush! After rescuing each Missing homeless person, there will be an ambush by The Lost.

Patrol dialogue 

Combat start:
"You want to be like us, hero?"
"We'll show you the path!"
"You'll be one of us soon."
"Anyone you find is a new recruit!"
"Get those heroes!"

The Recruiter dialogue 

Before combat: "Make sure the new blood is properly altered."
Combat start: "Heroes! Don't let them rescue the new blood!"

Missing homeless person dialogue 

Before combat:
Random Lost: "You'll be one of us soon."
Missing homeless person: "I just want to go!"
Combat start:
Random Lost: "Get those heroes!"
Upon rescue: "I was so scared."
If recaptured: "Please leave me alone!"
If lost: "I can't see you!"
If refound: "Whew, thanks."
Upon exit: "Thank you for getting me out of there."


Good work rescuing those people. We need to find out who brought them down there, and for what purpose.