Missions:A Woman's Scorn - Part Two: The Tower And The Devil

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Part Two: The Tower And The Devil


Tammy... I mean, Diabolique, wants to talk to you in person. If she is indeed behind these Apparitions, which she has yet to convince me of otherwise, then I see no other way to get answers out of her than to do as she wishes and meet with her.

Be cordial, but be careful. Find out as much as you can and then get out of there, even the smallest detail could hint at a greater magical secret.

  • She seems reasonable when not threatened.

Don't mistake your demeanor as a threat to her, the awful truth is she isn't threatened by anyone, and that's what concerns me.

If she is at the Westerman Building then she must be on the roof. Back before the Devouring Earth destroyed the city I discovered that the building was built at a major magical leyline nexus. The nexus point resides precisely at the top of the building and what's more, that building lies directly beneath the magical vortex over the Sunken City.

Whatever Diabolique is up to, that vortex and the Westerman Building are certainly part of it. All you need to do is find out what the connection is and then get out of there.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Diabolique has the answers we need. Meet her at the Westerman Building, it's the massive sky scraper in the middle of the Sunken City. But remember, she cares only about gaining more power and will do it by any means necessary. If you threaten her aspirations then she will seek to not only eliminate you, but enslave you to her will.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Diabolique atop the Westerman Building

Notable NPCs

  • Diabolique



Character. I'm surprised to see someone of your power working for a fool like Cerulean. You easily eclipse his might and yet you take his orders like he is some great mentor and you are his dotting pupil...

  • I didn't come here to get my ego stroked.
  • Cerulean is but a means to an end, nothing more
Of course, Cerulean is not why you came here...
Ah yes, that's right. The Apparitions. You want to know all about them, don't you?
They come from this vortex; a portal into the spiritual mirror of our own world. Something has ripped through the fabric between our worlds and the Apparitions have come pouring forth.
First they came in trickles, but now they come in droves, and like a spider and her web, I have positioned myself in the perfect place to snatch these spirits up and enslave them to my power. But even I cannot catch them all.
A few go free and cause mayhem and mischief. The rest... well, I have never had so much power as I do now.
  • So you aren't commanding the Apparitions to attack First Ward?
What use would I have for attacking the miserable denizens of First Ward? The only reason I'm here is to discover the source of this vortex and the origin of the Apparitions that come forth from it.
Diabolique emits a hallow and sickening laugh that echoes from beyond the grave.
You thought I was responsible for the Apparitions? Oh no... but I have learned their true origin.
If you want to see who is behind such a masterpiece of suffering, then I'll let you peer into the memories of one of them. I think you'll find what you experience most unsettling.
  • Show me these memories.