The Players' Guide to the Cities/User Interface/Help Window/Nav

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The following appears in the Nav tab of the Help Window


The Compass shows the player which direction he's facing: North, South, East, or West. When a player selects a landmark on the Map, that landmark also appears on his Compass (See Zone Maps for more details).

Fog of War

If a player has never entered an area, it appears on the Map in gray (in a City Zone) or black (in a Hazard Zone, Trial Zone, or Mission Map). As a player enters these areas, their details are revealed on the Map. From this point on, the areas will remain revealed.


The default movement keys are:
W: forward
S: Backward
A: Left
D: Right
To change directions, a player holds down the right mouse key and moves the mouse in the direction he wishes to travel.
A player can customize the movement keys by clicking on Menu in the Status Window and selecting Options.

Light Rail

Note: The Light Rail section appears on the Hero Help only

Heroes can move from zone to zone through the intra-city Light Rail system. Monorails connect one City Zone to another City Zone. A hero can choose to go to any station along that Light Rail line.

There are two Light Rail lines that form concentric loops around the city. The lines, and the City Zones they connect are as follows:
Yellow: Atlas Park – Steel Canyon – Galaxy City – Kings Row – Skyway City
Green: Independence Port – Brickstown – Talos Island – Steel Canyon


Note: The Ferries section appears on the Villain Help only

villains can move from zone to zone through the ferry system. Ferries connect one City Zone to another City Zone. One ferry system allows a villain to choose which island he travels to. This ferry system connects Cap au Diable, Sharkhead, Nerva Archipelago, and St. Martial.


A Thumbtack is a temporary mark that a player can place on a City Map. In order to place a Thumbtack, the player needs to left click on a place on the open Map.

Zone Difficulty Levels

Each Zone has a recommended level range. Players cannot enter Hazard or Trial Zones that are above their Security Level, but players can travel through City Zone freely.

City Zones
Atlas Park 1 6
Galaxy City 1 6
Kings Row 5 10
Steel Canyon 10 16
Skyway City 13 19
Talos Island 20 27
Independence Port 22 29
Founders' Falls 31 39
Brickstown 30 38

Hazard Zones
Perez Park 7 14
Boomtown 11 19
Dark Astoria 21 29
Crey's Folly 30 38

Trial Zones
Faultline 14 19
Terra Volta 23 29
Eden 36 40
Sewers 36 40

Note: The following are the difficulty levels from the Villain version of the Help Window

City Zones
Mercy Island 1 to 8
Port Oakes 7 to 12
Cap au Diable 10 to 20
Sharkhead 20 to 30
Nerva Archipelago 25 to 40
St. Martial 30 to 40

PvP Zones
Bloody Bay 15
Siren's Call 25
Warburg 38

Zone Maps

Several important icons appear on Zone Maps:
City Zone door
Hazard/Trial Zone door
Light Rail station
Mission entrance
Team Leader

When a player clicks on one of these icons, it will appear as a Waypoint in the Compass. An indicator on the screen will tell the player how far away his Waypoint is.
Each icon also displays its name on a mouseover. Light Rail stations display the name of the Zone they connect to.