From City of Heroes: Rebirth Wiki
Revision as of 18:08, 28 July 2012 by imported>SekoiaBot
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City Zones
- The Hollows – The contact, Lt. Wincott, has fallen back closer to the Atlas Park entrance and his position has been fortified by several Police drones.
Server Stability
- Fixed various server stability problems.
- Removed Disorient from Troll Minions.
- Removed Disorient from Stone Outcast Minions.
- Increased Recharge rate of Tsoo Caltrops (they throw them less often).
- Removed Disorient from Nemesis Minion Soldiers.
- Removed Disorient from Rikti Swords and replaced with low chance of Knockback.
- Reduced chance of Disorient for Rikti Pistols and Rifle.
- Significantly reduced Warrior Minion attacks chance for Disorient.
- Significantly reduced The Family Minion attacks chance for Disorient.
- Swapped Outcast/Shocker Lt and Boss (Bosses now have Hurricane. Lts now have Lightning Field).
- Decreased the Phase Shift time of Carnival Illusionists.
- Decreased the Phase Shift time of Carnival Illusionists Decoys.
- Increased the buff radius of Fulcrum Shift.
- Increase the Duration of Fulcrum Shift by 50%.
- Increased lifetime, Aggro and perception (aggressiveness) of Phantom Army.
- Reduced the Endurance Cost and Recharge Time of Tar Patch and Quicksand.
- Increased the effectiveness of their Slow effect.
- Reduced the Recharge Debuff effect of Granite Armor.
- Increased KnockBack of Ice Slick, Ice Patch and Blizzard.
- Fixed (Extended) the duration of Mez protection for Burn.
- Fixed (Extended) the duration of Mez protection for Medicine/Stimulant.
- Fixed Duration for Defender/Radiation Blast/Aim (set to 10 seconds like all other Aim powers).
- Set Recharge Time for Blaster/Voltaic Sentinel from 120 to 60 seconds (Defender version was already 60 seconds).