Mender Lazarus

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Mender Lazarus

Mender of Ouroboros
Zone Ouroboros
Coordinates (483.0, 665.7, -767.7)
Level Range 30-39
Introduced By The Pilgrim
Introduces Mender Tesseract
Enemy Groups 5th Column
v  d  e

Mender Lazarus is a hero and villain contact in Ouroboros at coordinates (483.0, 665.7, -767.7). He is a task force contact.

Heroes and Villains can find him twice in the following mission.

  • Join Ouroboros mission from The Pilgrim (Levels 25-50), as an Hero level ally. He is labeled as a Hero, but his con level is more like a boss, more info needed.

Ally Description

Mender Lazarus is a time traveler who lost his sense of continuity some time ago. He is still a brilliant scientist and historian, he just occasionally puts the "effect" before the "cause".


Contact Introduced By


Mender of the Ourboros

Mender Lazarus is a time traveler who lost his sense of continuity long ago. He's from the time 7740 AD and in an attempt to find the ideal temporal node to effect the greatest change, Lazarus has sacrificed some of himself. Of all the Ouroboros, he has time traveled the most, but does not doubt or regret his decision to do so. He is still a brilliant scientist and historian, even though his sense of cause and effect might be reversed.

He's often distracted by phantom visions of possibility, prone to ramble off facts that aren't yet true or events that never actually happened. Mender Lazarus is so close to the edge of his time tether, that he can practically SEE the abyss. To prevent complete insanity, Lazarus wears protective oculars of Mender Silos' design to help filter out the shadow possibilities.

Prior to Introduction

Missing Prior to Introduction Dialogue

Initial Contact

Ah, Character, back for more, eh? I still tell the stories about how we teamed up against those Shivans! I never would have figured out that destroying the meteor would have been the key to succeeding, but you knew that somehow! What's wrong? Don't you remember me? You look puzzled... oh my... we haven't actually MET yet, have we? That's one of the funny things with Time Travel... for you this is our first meeting, but for me, we've met before. Don't think about it too hard, you'll only end up with a headache. Since this is your first exposure to time travel, I need to tell you about the Carbon Law. Carbon Law is the law of Time Travel that restricts how far forward or backward you can actually travel. In Earth years, this comes out to around 5,730 years, give or take 40 or so. Everyone is different. I'm from the 78th Century so I am at the limit of my 'tether.' I can travel back in time a little bit more, perhaps 3 or 4 years, but I dare not try anything further. When someone travels beyond their tether, he finds himself assimilated by the time stream, never to be heard from again. But you... you're native to THIS time, which means that your tether allows you the greatest access to the past of any member of Ouroboros, and you've proven time and time again that you can be counted on to get the job done. Oh great, I did it again didn't I? You will prove that you can be counted on... how's that? I have a nice easy task for you, if you have the time. Simple information extraction... except this information hasn't existed in the past 15 years. You'll need to go back in time to a point where the information existed on an unsecured computer. Break into the base it's in, retrieve the information from the computer, and defeat any guards in the area. Then just bring the information back here. Here's a quaint item for you to store the information on... they called it a 'floppy disk.' You'll need this to get the information from the computer. Off you go! Time waits for no one!

Mission Completion

Well done, Character, I knew you'd pull it off! Well, I knew it because you had already pulled it off by the time we first met, but I am starting to get a headache thinking about that. Speaking of headaches, you should probably talk to Mender Tesseract now. She can tell you about Temporal Scaling, which is why sometimes you won't be as powerful as you think you should be when you are traveling through time.

Below Level Requirement

This doesn't make any sense to me. My readings tell me that your Temporal Scaling isn't strong enough yet to support the mission I had planned for you. But you've already done the mission. I know. I was there.

Alright, then that means that I'm talking to a you that is not yet you, well 'my' you. Here's what you need to do. Take a look around and get to know this place. I don't know how you got here but remember it. Burn it into your mind, because at some point in your future, say when you're around level 30, I'm going to need you to come back here and help me. You have to remember that. Come back. Now good luck and watch out for that abyss behind you. There's no coming back from that.


  • None -- This character does not sell inspirations or enhancements.

Task Force

See Mender Lazarus Task Force.


From The Pilgrim: Join Ouroboros

Once free: Just like old times, eh?

If refound: I hate deja vu. Occupational hazard.


Lazarus is the name of the old man who was raised from the dead by Jesus in the New Testament of the Bible, and is recounted in the book of John 11:41-44.



This letter can be found in a 5th Column base, in one of the missions of the Mender Lazarus Task Force:

Dear Character...

While time traveling into the past, you visit a 5th Column base and in a crate you find a hand written letter adressed to Character...

"Character, did you even think that you were the one responsible for defeating the 5th Column? When I first learned this, I was equally surprised. I never believed that you had the conviction to see it through, given the moral ambiguities. I underestimated you then, something I've made a point to never do again.

I feel that you should know the truth behind Lazarus if you plan to continue working for him. Mender Lazarus is a lunatic, driven completely mad not by his extensive time traveling (as they would have you believe), but because of his "research" into temporal alterations. He meddles with time in ways that others wouldn't even consider. He has a shared temporal consciousness with his other selves throughout the time stream. He has even "volunteered" versions of himself to send off into the abyss to see what lies beyond. I wonder if he has eyes into the afterlife itself. The goggles that Silos made for Lazarus do more than hide the creatures from beyond time, they may well block visions from beyond the veil.

This is a dangerous group you ally yourself with, Character. Be wary. Be wise. Be willing to act.

Look for my letters and travel well"