Missions:Tip - Easy Job, Easy Money!

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Easy Job, Easy Money! (40-50)

Rogue Morality Mission

You are personally contacted by a lowly Arachnos operative during your travels. The man hands you a device - a hologram. When you ask what exactly is here, he informs you that it is for your eyes only. The operative walkds away, leaving you with the device. You set it down and activate it, causing the image of an Arbiter of Arachnos to appear.

Greetings Character, I am Arbiter Becklo. Despite previous...actions on your part with Arachnos, we wish to offer you a job, a very well-paying one at that - and quite simple as well. It requires someone such as yourself who is rather powerful and isn't afraid of...well...let's say, crossing a few lines.

If you are interested, you can come contact me as an Arachnos base we have set up outside of Warburg - I'll have one of our men personally fly you over there from St. Martial.

There I will give you the exact details - it is not safe to release them in the currect state of our...conversation.

I look forward to doing business with you. Good day Character.

One constant of Arachnos is how well they'll usually pay merceneraries in their employ - it gives them plausible deniability and a steady stream of support in their various small civil wars. It is somewhat...concerning that Arbiter Becklo wasn't willing to give you the details of what exactly the mission is. If you are going to go through with this, it would be best to first check in to the situation to ensure you aren't working into some sort of trap.

WARNING: This is a Morality Mission. Completing this mission will change your alignment to Rogue. Being a Rogue means you will be able to move between Paragon City and the Rogue Isles.

  • Look into taking the job!

WARNING: This is a Morality Mission. Completing this mission will change your current alignment of Villain to Rogue, removing any progress you may have made on any other alignments.

Are you sure you want to do this?

  • Look into taking the job!

You put out a call to some of your reliable contacts to find out everything you can about this Arbiter Becklo.

Soon enough you have all the information you need, including where he is at this very moment - Warburg. Becklo is a respected Arbiter, known for his extreme loyalty to Arachnos (as all Arbiters are) as well as being Arbiter Daos's' 'go to' person for solving conflicts between the patrons - in other words, a man who has a reputation within Arachnos for being trustworthy. Of course, this is being trustworthy...within Arachnos..so how much that actually means is debatable.

At any case, even if it is a trap, it would be easy enough to get out of it from within Warburg - what do you have to lose?

  • Rendezvous with Arbiter Becklo!

You'll have to head towards the Arachnos Flyer within St. Martial, where becklo assured you that a pilot would be waiting to personally fly you out towards their location within Warburg. Then it's just a matter of making the deal and going through it - nothing that should be too difficult for you.

Mission Objective(s)

You arrive at the Arachnos site in Warburg, noticing that Arachnos has their full guard up, just in case any other supers try to break into this warehouse.

  • Make a deal with Arachnos!
    • Speak with Arbiter Becklo!
    • Withstand the Arachnos assault!
    • Deal with Blast Furnace!
    • Defeat the lead Arachnos agent within the warehouse!
    • Destroy the generator to weaken Crichton!
    • Speak with Blast Furnace!

Blast Furnace falls to the ground, his armor cracking in several places before he is teleported away. Maybe that will teach him not to test the limits of you 'charity'!



Notable NPCs

Random dialogues 

Upon spawn

Bane Spider Commando: Word is Character has been hired up by Becklo.
Fortunata: Speak of the devil! Becklo is waitong for you, Character.

Fortunata: It's a good day to be a member of Arachnos.
Bane Spider Commando: Got that right. Little nervous about being in Warburg though...

Conversation with Arbiter Becklo 

Arachnos Arbiter

Assault group dialogues 

Upon putting down Arbiter Becklo's offer

Fortunata: Assaulting an Arbiter is a serious offense! Get Character, alert the base inside!
Bane Spider Commando: Hey! There's Character.
Bane Spider Commando: We've got some problems here!
Mu Striker: What's up, Character? Heard you're gonna help us solve that Bane Spider problem.
Tarantula: Assaulting an Arbiter is a serious offense, Character!

Assault Wave #2

Bring Character to justice!

Assault Wave #3

Don't let Character get away!

Assault Wave #4

Keep the pressure on Character, he can't survive forever!

Assault Wave #5

Keep attacking!

Assault Wave #6

Throw everything you've got at Character!

Assault Wave #7

This is it! We stop Character here and now!

1st conversation with Blast Furnace 

Warehouse guard dialogues 

Warehouse guards #1

Crab Spider Slicer: You hear the noise outside?
Bane Spider Commando: Kinda sounded like Character. I think?

Upon approach

Crab Spider Slicer: It's Character! Alert the others, take him out!

Warehouse guards #2

Crab Spider Slicer: How're we looking on time?
Tarantula: We can get the missiles armed and ready shortly, provided the front team stopped Character.

Warehouse guards #3

Crab Spider Slicer: Hero work isn't your gig, Character, so just keep your nose out of business!

Executioner Crichton dialogue 

On spawn

Just a little further and we'll be set to go - with or without Character's help!

Upon approach

So someone's playing the good guy today? You're in for a REAL rude surprise, Character!

Combat start

Malta has a lot of real interesting tech here...why don't I show you!
*click* There we go...hah!

After activating his invincible generator

What's wrong, Character? Come on! Hit me!
You're in for it now!

After destroying the generator

W-what?! Wait...no! My shields!

After defeat

You're only...making this worse...Character...!

2nd conversation wth Blast Furnace 

On spawn

Blast Furnace: Character! Well...looks like you didn't need my help after all.

After clicking him