Missions:The Power to Control - Part Two: In Due Time

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Part Two: In Due Time

The events that transpired with Belladonna are due to one thing and one thing alone, Character: Control. I allowed Belladonna to do what she wished, despite the dangers that some with it. And now we are all paying for it. The worst thing about this situation is that I must leave it up to you to handle these things. You should understand, Character, the amount of trust I'm giving you. I have already begun to stream to the media that you are putting down this threat. I know what it is that you want and I fully intend to give it to you.

That, really, is what this is all about. Every person, no matter who they are, wants something. You can, as in your case, give it to them - for a price. Or you can cut them down, if what they want conflicts with your own plans. In belladonna's case, it will be the latter. It is all about control and keeping it, Character.

Alright, Praetor Sinclair. Do you have a lead on the next Project Phoenix member?

That I do. There are four left, Character. One has been sighted again in the tunnels. Once more, I would deal with this myself, but Tilman requests that I deal with an urgent matter with her Seers and some other-worldly interference from psychics. As much as it pains me to do so, I must aid her. If I do not, then the balance she and I have will be shattered and become unpredictable. And that, Character, is what leads to situations that we have now.

The person you're after is codenamed Cockatrice. End him and in his last breaths make him wish that he never had the foolish idea to cross me.

Mission Objective(s)

The smell of the Resistance is heavy in the air. It looks like Cockatrice has met up with his new allies

  • Take down Cockatrice
    • Find the next assasin
    • Survive the Resistance ambush

It appears you walked into a trap intended for Praetor Sinclair!



Notable NPCs

Bug! Though she is suppossedly an NPC, Belladonna can be somehow aggroed, which will cause her to respond and attack players in return. Still, she can't be even targeted and much less defeated. Don't fight the ambushing Resistance near her.


As soon as you find Belladonna, you will be ambushed by five waves of Resistance fighters

Resistance Fighters Dialogue 

Before combat:

Resistance 1: Things are gonna get serious real soon.
Resistance 2: Yeah. Now that Belladonna's out in the open, it's gonna be a whole new ball game.

Combat start:

Resistance 2: Character? You're not supposed to be here! Where's Sinclair?!

Ambushes Dialogue 

Belladonna Vetrano: What... Character? No, this was supposed to be for Justin!
Resistance Fighter: We're bringing you down today, Sinclair!
Resistance Fighter: We got word that it ain't Sinclair, it's that big name Powers Division!
Resistance Fighter: Character? You're not supposed to be here! Where's Sinclair?
Resistance Fighter: You've taken down a lot of my friends, Character. I'm gonna make you pay!
Resistance Fighter: Today is the day you die, Character!


So, you saw Belladonna? I shouldn't be surprised this was a trap. I taught her everything she knows about deception. I apologize, Character, that this happened to you. Her ingratitude knows no bounds.

I wonder, Character, what your reaction would be to someone who could be perceived as your savior. I told you about her parents, yes? They lived outside of Praetoria, in the wilds infested by the nightmarish creatures created by Hamidon. Her life was nothing but fear and chaos. The only thing that she and her parents could rely upon was never knowing what would happen next. She lived in pure and utter anarchy. I rescued her from that, Character. Her parents refused to let me take her, refused to let their daughter live a better, safer life. And so, I did what I had to do in order to save her. She was barely nineteen when that happened; she remembers it well. And yet, here we are. She strikes against me, as if I am a monster, as if I am no better than the creatures that stalk her nightmares.

This, Character, is the reality the the Resistance would have us live. It is one that I intend to ensure never comes to fruition.

Part Three: Stronger than Family

When someone becomes a member of Project Phoenix, they swear an oath. An oath to follow my every command. This is not because I am some... power freak, like White or Keyes. No, this is done because I know what is best for the members of Project Phoenix. I am, in many ways, their father. Every single member of Project Phoenix must give up their own life when they join, adopting the name I give them. Belladonna was my Phoenix, until she betrayed me.

The current man we hunt is named Gorgon. He was once a member of the Syndicate, someone weak, someone petty, less than a man. I made him into something greater, into something legendary. But, like all the other members, he has succumbed to the lies of Belladonna. Like a son turned against a father by a traitorous sister.

I know the location of Gorgon. He has gone to meet with his former brother-in-arms, a brother who was suppossed to have shed when he joined Project Phoenix. I have done you the honor of informing TPN that you believe this new group may be part of the Syndicate, and that you plan to storm one of their main offices with help of the fish named Riptide.

Sounds like you've gone and planned out everything, Sinclair

That is the best way to handle things, Character. Careful planning, careful control. It prevents chaos, anarchy and other things that can lead to... undesired consequences. Riptide will be waiting for you in the office building. Show Gorgon no mercy, Character, and make sure to bring down his brother. The man is now wanted for many crimes within Imperial City, thanks to our mutual friend, Praetor Tilman.

Mission Objective(s)

The guards at the door quickly walked away when you entered. They seem to know that a fight is soon to come.

  • Bring down Gorgon and Adept Pham
    • Defeat Adept Pham, Defeat Gorgon

You've put down Gorgon and Adept Pham




Notable NPCs

Riptide Dialogue 

At the mission entrance:

Good seeing you again, Character.
Wish I could've been there when you handed Reese his head.

Ideological fools. They'll go the way of the Destroyers soon enough.


I'm activating the emergency teleporter, you'll have to handle the rest on your own!

Syndicate Dialogue 

Before combat:

Syndicate 1: Pietro has returned to us, more powerful than ever.
Syndicate 2: We will need his might to break away from the current Syndicate

Combat start:

Syndicate 2: Character! This is a new day for the Syndicate, you won't stop this!

Before combat:

Syndicate 1: Is it wise to go against the others?
Syndicate 2: It would be unwise NOT to. You see what's happening! The center has become weak!

Combat start:

Syndicate 2: We won't fall to you, Character!

Before combat:

Syndicate 1: No more working with the Resistance, now that Gorgon and Pham are taking back control.
Syndicate 2: I can't wait until I gut one of them. Their talk drove me insane.

Combat start:

Syndicate 2: Powers Division can't stop us now!

Bosses Dialogue 

Adept Pham:

Before combat: Much has changed with the Syndicate since my brother left. It's time that we take up arms and bring it back to what it once was.
Combat start: You will not stop this, Character!


Before combat: It's been too long... I'm finally free from Sinclair's iron fist.
Combat start: You won't bring me back to Sinclair!

Gorgon's Last Words
Gorgon collapsed to the ground and looked up to you. He removed his mask and uttered these final words...

So... Sinclair refused to let me go... he never could stand someone... going against his plans, having a will of their own. His eyes show no fear... but his plans, his movements, they show it all. He is terrified... terrified of losing control, losing his grasp on reality. Such a man... I could never continue to serve. I have... no regrets in my death... I can only... be happy that... I lived my last moments... free from him.


It is too bad that things had to end like this with Gorgon. He was a promising student, one who I rescued from mediocrity. If it were not for me, he would have spent his life licking the boots of those above him in the Syndicate, the boots of those who would never dare to get their hands dirty. No, I made Gorgon into something greater than he was before. Or, perhaps, I thought I did. His betrayal shows that clearly he was too weak to meet my standards in the first place. Unlike you, Character. Everything you have done up to this point has proven to me that you are a man who has the ability to know what you want and take it. You do not doubt yourself, you do not question your motives. That is a very powerful aspect to have. Very powerful.

TPN is running reports about your actions against Adept Pham and Gorgon. They hail it as your next blow against 'the mysterious group' that is arising. It is all too easy to control the people, Character, to make them think what you think. That is what makes them both a very powerful and very dangerous resource. Powerful in that they are easy to control, dangerous in that those people who are less than men can also control them. I should warn you now, Character, not to relay on the praise of people to get you power for too long. It is best for you to rely upon me. If we work together, I can help you become something far greater than you could ever imaginate.