Operative Grillo

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Operative Grillo is a villain contact in the The Tangle neighborhood of Grandville.


Contact Introduced By


New Contact(s)


Operative Grillo is a scientist dedicated to the developments in science and technology to further the cause of Arachnos. He acts as the official Arachnos liason with Dr. Aeon in Cap au Diable through his proxies, and is involved with a number of secret Arachnos projects. He is a fervant supporter of Lord Recluse's vision - a technocratic world led by its greatest thinkers.

Initial Contact

Ah. Yes, I've been expecting you. I am Operative Grillo, the lead Arachnos developer for science and technology. I have need of assistance dealing with some matters vital to the security of Arachnos, and you've been identified as one of Lord Recluse's more capable lieutenants. Serve me well and you will serve Arachnos well, and what greater glory is there than that!


Operative Grillo sells the following items:

  • Inspirations
  • Level 45 Natural Single-Origin Enhancements at 200% cost
  • Level 50 Natural Single-Origin Enhancements at 200% cost

Badge Mission

Story Arc

Ancient History

Souvenir: Snake Talisman

This is an ancient Snake Talisman. You received it from one of the powerful Snakes in a tale you like to call:

Ancient History

It all started when Operative Grillo was called by Kalinda on Mercy Island about some Snake problems occurring there. Grillo sent you to speak with Mongoose, who told you about a new breed of Snake he had run into which was vastly more powerful than anything he had encountered before. You checked out the Snake pit he mentioned and found a nest of powerful Snakes who spoke of the return of Stheno and rise of the S'lisur. Operative Grillo mentioned how Arachnos came to the Rogue Isles and first encountered the Snakes, driving them deep underground.

Operative Grillo wanted you to know more about the history of the Snakes, and so sent you to speak with Regent Korol. Korol told you a story about how the Snakes ruled over the Rogue Isles and how early settlers paid homage to them. The Snakes unlocked the secrets of the earth and the world trembled at the tough of Stheno.

Operative Grillo spoke with the Arachnos Mystics and they mentioned how the Circle of Thorns may be keeping information on the Snakes as well. You invaded a Circle temple in the Nerva Archipelago and foudn the Lore of the S'silur, revealing how in ancient times a pregnant woman drank from the Well of Furies and was transformed by it. She became known as the Gorgon Stheno, sister of Medusa. Stheno fled across the ocean in search of a place where she could give birth to her progeny and came to the islands where the Rogue Islands now exist. The birth of her progeny exhausted her, and so she retreated underground to rest and recover for centuries. Operative Grillo told you this information would be useful in times to come.


Collect tech from Warhulks

Nemesis. I'd consider him and his troops comical if they weren't so deadly. Underneath their brass-plater armor you'll sometimes find technology more advanced than even Arachnos can produce. The Warhulks in particular are of interest to Arachnos, so much that we'd like to learn more about them. Of course, this involves engaging the Warhulks, destroying them, and getting tech samples from them. We've received word that Nemesis is raiding one of the local warehouses for supplies, and that their assault team includes a number of Warhulks. Intercept the Nemesis troops and collect tech samples from the Warhulks!

This warehouse raid is typical of their resupply tactics, a simple hit-and-run. You'll have 75 minutes before they escape!


If we can unlock the secrets of the Nemesis technology, we'll be unstoppable!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat 3 Warhulks(?)
Warhulk Tech Samples(?)
missed description


These tech samples are perfect! With the brilliance of the Arachnos technicians, we shall one day unlock the secrets of Nemesis!

You are doing well. Arachnos appreciates loyalty!


(Story Arc: Ancient History, mission 1 of 3)


Mission Objectives

  • Speak with Mongoose

"Yo. I remember when you was just a young punk runnin' through Mercy. Man, you're REAL bad now, eh? Well, this might be just what you need to prove that!

I seen some Snakes runnin' around some of the pits here on Mercy which ain't like nothin' I seen before. I'm talkin' about big, mean, and nasty. I thoght I'd take 'em for a new pair of boots, but then they start whuppin' me hard! I mean, they was fast and killer, and I had to beat tracks before I ended up as Snake chow. I reported it to Kalinda and she said she'd talk to someone higher up in Arachnos. Guess that's why you're here now.

Here's where the Snake hole is where I seen 'em. Deal with 'em if you can, and be quick about it. Last thing we need is some mutant Snakes chowin' down on all the fresh Zig rejects!"

  • Defeat all Snakes in caves
Return of the S'silur
When investigating a problem with new mutant Snakes on Mercy Island, you heard one of them mention the return of the S'silur and Stheno


Stheno and S'lisur? This could be... problematic. Perhaps it is time to enlighten you to some ancient history. When Arachnos first came to the Rogue Isles, they encountered these creatures being worshipped like gods. Archnos drove them underground, but then looked into a bit more of their past. A few Arachnos operatives keep knowledge of these records, but perhaps this is something worth looking into again.

Excellent. You are a true soldier of Arachnos!

Ancient History (part one)
It all started when Operative Grillo was called by Kalinda on Mercy Island about some Snake problems occurring there. Grillo sent you to speak with Mongoose, who told you about a new breed of Snake he had run into which was vastly more powerful than anything he had encountered before. You checked out the Snake pit he mentioned and found a nest of powerful Snakes who spoke of the return of Stheno and rise of the S'silur. Operative Grillo mentioned how Arachnos came to the Rogue Isles and first encountered the Snakes, driving them deep underground.

Speak with Regent Korol

(Story Arc: Ancient History, mission 2 of 3)

Your recent encounter with the mutant Snakes on Mercy Island has uncovered smoe history which I thought was buried. I already told you of how the forces of Arachnos first encountered these creatures upon arriving on the Rogue Isles. Well there's more to it than that, and knowledge is the greatest tool to use against our enemies! While I'm not keen on her methods, she has produced results and is fluent in such lore. Speak with Regent Korol about the Snakes.


Regent Korol is a center of information for Arachnos, and this makes her valuable.

Mission Objective

  • Speak with Regent Korol

"Ah! How are you doing, my pet? I've been watching your progress through Grandville, and the experience has proved most entertaining!

You wish to know more about the Snakes, yes? I know of these creatures, of how they were once the dominant force of the Rogue Isles, of how early settlers of the islands would refer to them as gods and pay them tributes of blood. These Snakes, or S'silur as they call themselves worshipped the goddess Stheno. In their great temple beneath the island they unlocked the secrets of the earth. The world trembled at Stheno's touch!

Recently, I have sensed a stirring at the edge of my consciousness, a powerful psychic force. But when I have reached out for it, it slips away. Whatever it is, it's cunning and ancient. Beware!


Ancient earth gods. Remnants of lost civilizations. This is what we're dealing with here and this is what we should be prepared for.

Ancient History (part two)
Operative Grillo wanted you to know more about the history of the Snakes, and so sent you to speak with Regent Korol. Korol told you a story about how the Snakes ruled over the Rogue Isles and how early settlers paid homage to them. The Snakes unlocked the secrets of the earth and the world trembled at the tough of Stheno

Interrogate Crey scientists

(Escaped! Mission 1 of 3)

We've got a problem with one of the test subjects at one of our labs. The subject in question has strong teleportation powers, and thus is hard to track down. The last sighting of the teleporter was by the Crey labs - we suspect that Crey may have had a hand in his escape. Head to the Crey lab and find out where our missing teleporter disappeared to.


Crey is always trying to steal our projects for themselves. We tolerate their presence in Grandville because of their considerable wealth and sci-tech knowledge, but transgressions like this should not go unpunished.

Mission Objective(s)

Interrogate Crey scientists

  • Defeat Crey head scientist
The Escaped Test Subject
The Head Crey Researcher says: 'Alright! I'll talk! Trapdoor was quite the advanced teleporter, and we knew we had to get to him! We transferred him to one of our local labs for further study!'


It sounds as though we are well on the way to finding our missing test subject!

It all started when Operative Grillo sent you after an escaped test subject with advanced teleportation abilities. He was last seen near the local Crey offices. Breaking into the offices, you interrogated the head Crey researcher and found out Crey had transferred the teleporter to one of their local labs.

Take down Trapdoor

(Escaped! Mission 2 of 3)

Now that you've tracked down where Crey is keeping our escaped test subject, codenamed 'Trapdoor', we need to get a hold of him before Crey can escape with him! Head into the Crey facility and take down Trapdoor!


Trapdoor is fairly new to his powers, but he might be able to escape. We're working on a way to deal with that little problem.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Trapdoor and allies

Notable NPC's


He teleported away at the last minute? We were hoping he hadn't refined his abilities so much. Still, we have a contingency plan in place.

Escaped! (part two)
You attacked the Crey lab and managed to track down the escaped lab subject, codenamed 'Trapdoor'. However, he gained enough control of his teleportation powers to get away at the last minute! Operative Grillo seemed unperturbed however, mentioning something about a contingency plan.

Take down Trapdoor

(Escaped! Mission 3 of 3)

Trapdoor won't get away this time. I've had the boys at the lab whip up simething new: a Teleport Suppression Device! It sets up a passive teleporation disruption field keyed to Trapdoor's DNA signature which disables long-range teleport so he cannot escape this time. Our operatives have spotted Crey smuggling him off the island. We've got a boat waiting at the docks. Intercept the ship and take down Trapdoor once and for all!


Analysis of Trapdoor's inherent advanced teleportation abilities can unlock many interesting new developments for Arachnos. You've been given the tools necessary to ensure success in this mission - be sure you catch him this time!

Teleport Suppressor
This is a device created by Arachnos capable of shorting out Trapdoor's long-range teleportation abilities.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Trapdoor and allies



Notable NPC's


Perfect. Trapdoor is nicely secured back in our Arachnos laboratories, and steps have been taken to ensure that he doesn't escape again.

He definitely has powerful teleportational abilities. It's amazing what power the Well can grant its users... erm, forget I said that.

Kidnap scientists from Council


It's a sad twist of fate that there are some scientific minds which meet pinnacles of brilliance without actually achieving enlightenment - the vision Lord Recluse shares. Like ripe fruits from a tree, their discoveries must be harvested by Arachnos so we can achieve our future goals. We've been monitoring a number of SERAPH and DATA scientists, waiting for the right time to strike, to liberate their discoveries from their chained minds. Unfortunately, their knowledge is highly coveted by many ambitious organizations, and sometimes we must fight to get what is rightfully ours. Recently, the Council has 'acquired' one of our targets and is attempting to wrest information from him as we speak. The Council does not share our vision - the secrets these scientists have is rightfully ours. Head to the Council base and kidnap that scientist for Arachnos!

Mission Acceptance

The Council has strong discipline, but are misguided. Show them the way of true power.

Mission Objective

  • Kidnap scientist from Council
    • Kidnap SERAPH scientist

Arachnos operatives meet you to take the SERAPH scientist to Grandville!


The SERAPH scientist is currently undergoing Arachnos doctrination as we speak. Soon he will be more than willing to share his scientific discoveries, and the glory of Arachnos will be ensured!

Speak to Kalinda


The Snakes of Mercy Island. Remember them? Fascinating creatures. There are many theories about how these creatures came about, of which I'm sure you're already aware of most. The more danagerous of the specimens there seem to be causing problems again. You've never had trouble dealing with them before, so I'll send you to talk to Kalinda about the recent problems we've been having on Mercy.

Mission Acceptance

Kalinda will give you the details of the mission. Deal with whatever the problem is, then report back to me.

Mission Objectives

  • Speak to Kalinda

"Greatings, VILLAINNAME. As you may be aware, I am charged by Arachnos to recruit newcomers to Mercy Island. Recently, we've had problems with people... disappearing. Reports indicate many of the disappearances occurred around known Snake holes. We've had some villains return to the Arachnos medical bays saying they were overwhelmed by Snakes in the darkness, more powerful than any they've encountered before. If there is indeed a new, more deadly variety of Snakes, they must be taken care of. Mercy island is meant to be a testing ground, not a slaughterhouse. Head over to the Snake pit where most of these disappearances have occurred and deal with the problem."

  • Defeat all Snakes




You've taken care of the Snakes Mongoose found? Good work, but I fear this may be part of a larger problem we will need to solve.

Snake Fest
It all started when Operative Grillo told you about some problems on Mercy Island. Kalinda had reported higher than usual Snake activity which resulted in many disappearances. Some of the villains who returned to the Arachnos medlab reported deadly Snakes who were much more powerful than any they'd seen before. You invaded one of the Snake holes where many of the disappearances had occurred and found a number of these new and deadly Snakes.

Speak to Mongoose


This rise in Snake activity on Mercy has me a bit concerned. While you have taken care of the one Snake hole, I think it is a symptom of a larger problem. I would like one of our Grandville scientists, a fellow by the name of Dr. Forrester, to look into this matter. He requested delivery of some DNA samples taken from these mutant Snakes, preferably one of their leaders. A Snake hunter known as Mongoose has tracked down another Snake hole containing these deadlier Snakes. Head over to Mercy Island to speak with Mongoose.

Mission Acceptance

Mongoose will help you track down another Snake pit where you can get DNA samples from teh Snakes. When you've done that, take the DNA samples to Dr. Forrester in Grandville.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Speak to Mongoose

"Yo, VILLAINNAME. Didn't expect to see you again, but I guess the Snake problems say otherwise.

So, we got more problems with these mutant Snakes. These things have started popping up all over Mercy, and it usually ends up with some poor villain fresh from the Zig gettin' dragged screamin' into one of the Snake pits. I'd laugh, but I know that next time it could be me! Grillo told me you're wanting to hunt down some of these things. I spotted some of those freaky mutant Snakes up in Mercy proper, so head over to the Snake pit there. And tell Grillo I appreciate the big payoff for helpin' him out!"

  • Defeat Snake leader and minions

Get those DNA samples for Grillo!



Snake DNA
This is Snake DNA tissue, gathered from one of the new, deadly Snakes threatening Mercy Island.
  • Take Snake DNA to Dr. Forrester

Dr. Forrester: "These are DNA samples from those mutant Snakes? Give me a minute...

Fascinating! Simply fascinating! This Snake DNA matches those of the regular, weaker Snake specimens normally found on Mercy Island, but is ten times stronger - it's as if these new Snakes you encountered come from a 'pure strain' of Snake... a proto-Snake if you will!

Additionally, the version you brought me is molecularly unstable - it looks like thse new Snakes have had their age artificially accelerated! I haven't seen such works since I did some consulting at the local Crey labs!"


So we're dealing with a new, stronger version of Snake, and one which has been tampered with to boot. Dr. Forrester saw this technique at the local Crey lab? Perhaps it's time to pay our friends at Crey a visit.

Snake Fest (part two)
Grillo feared the recent Snake uprisings were signs of a greater problem, and so wanted you to collect some DNA samples from these Snakes. He sent you to Mongoose on Mercy Island, who tracked down another pit containing these new Snakes. Heading in, you got the DNA samples you needed and took them to Dr. Forrester in Grandville. Dr. Forrester reported the DNA samples from the new Snakes match the earlier Snakes of Mercy Island but are in a purer form, as if from a 'proto-Snake'. The also have a very unstable molecular structure, as if the Snakes had their age artificially accelerated. Forrester mentioned that he hadn't seen such a technique put in place since he had done some consulting at the local Crey labs.

Kidnap Dr. Wells


The local Crey laboratories are quite well-funded and equipped. They might have what it takes to accelerate the aging of these new breed of Snakes. But to what purpose? What does Crey hope to gain out of it? Perhaps they wish to find a new type of shock troop? If so, why do these Snakes still talk about the coming of Stheno and dress in such archaic verstments? It's time to find out. We've located the head scientist at the Crey metabolism acceleration labs - he should be able to tell us what's going on with the Crey projects! Kidnap Dr. Wells from Crey labs!

Mission Acceptance

Dr. Wells is an excellent researcher, but will not last long under Arachnos interrogation. If he cooperates, perhaps we will be able to offer him a position amongst the Arachnos technicians.

Mission Objective

  • Kidnap Dr. Wells




I trust the Crey guards didn't give you too much trouble? And Dr. Wells was treated well? Dr. Wells is quite the accomplished scientist, and I won't have him mistreated!

Snake Fest (part three)
Grillo decided to follow up on Forrester's claims about Crey's involvement on metabolism acceleration. He found that Dr. Wells was heading up the relevant Crey lab and sent you on a mission to kidnap Wells for Arachnos interrogation.

Investigate unsanctioned project


The interrogation of the Crey scientist Dr. Wells has revealed some interesting things regarding the situation with the new Snakes on Mercy Island. Apparently, some of the leading scientists he had been working with on metabolism accelteration had recently been transferred to a top-secret Crey facility on Mercy Island. However, follow-up with Countess Crey and the local Crey security chief has revealed there is no sanctioned Crey facility there! Crey wants to get to the bottom of this as well.

Crey has uncovered the transfer of tech equipment and personnel to this supposed 'secret project', but none of it was sanctioned by Crey. It was all covered up under voluminous paper trails, deleted computer files, and forged documents! However, we did manage to recover some deleted files from one of the computers which points to an abandoned office on Mercy Island. This is our best lead for tracking down who is behind these new Snakes! Head to the office building on Mercy Island and investigate this unsanctioned Crey project!

Mission Acceptance

A renegade Crey project team. Mutated Snakes. This is proving more and more interesting the further we go. I'd watch out for members of this project trying to stop you, VILLAINNAME.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Investigate unsanctioned project


  • Small ambush (two +1 minions while solo on Ruthless) upon zoning into Mercy Island. Be nice to the new characters and defeat them before proceeding.



Notable NPC's



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