Lt. Manuel Ruiz

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Lt Manuel Ruiz
File:Contact Lt Manuel Ruiz 01.jpg
Police Officer, Gang Unit
Zone Talos Island
Coordinates (220, 160, 7190)
Level Range 20-24
Introduced By == Level 15-19 ==
Olivia Chung
Dr. Ann-Marie Engles
Pavel Garnier
Juliana Nehring
== Level 20-24 ==
Dr. Cheng
Claire Childress
Polly Cooper
Kevin Cordell
Oswald Cuthbert
Wilson Eziquerra
Georgia Fields
Andrew Fiore
Vic Garland
Barry Gosford
Justin Greene
Oliver Haak
Piper Irving
Rondel Jackson
Josef Keller
Justine Kelly
Jake Kim
Lt. Col. Hugh McDougal
Andrea Mitchell
Melanie Peebles
Wilma Peterson
Cain Royce
John Strobel
Kirsten Woods
Introduces == Level 20-24 ==
Dr. Cheng
Claire Childress
Polly Cooper
Kevin Cordell
Oswald Cuthbert
Wilson Eziquerra
Georgia Fields
Andrew Fiore
Vic Garland
Barry Gosford
Justin Greene
Oliver Haak
Piper Irving
Rondel Jackson
Josef Keller
Justine Kelly
Jake Kim
Lt. Col. Hugh McDougal
Andrea Mitchell
Melanie Peebles
Wilma Peterson
Cain Royce
John Strobel
Kirsten Woods
== Level 25-29 ==
Ashwin Lannister
Laurie Pennington
Enemy Groups Tsoo
v  d  e

Lt. Manuel Ruiz is a hero contact in the New Thebes neighborhood of Talos Island at coordinates (220, 160, 7190). Lt. Manuel Ruiz is a Mutation origin contact. His level range is 20-24.


Contact Introduced By

Level 15-19

Level 20-24

Contact Introduces

Multiple contact options
Missing text
Single contact option
Missing text

Level 20-24

There's a wise old man named Dr. Cheng who knows just about everything there is to know about the Banished Pantheon and the Circle of Thorns. He has access to Training Enhancements.

Dr. Cheng is very wise, Hero. Pay close attention to his words.

Claire Childress is as much a part of the spirit world as our own. Some say she's flighty, but there are few in Paragon City who can provide more aid to one who seeks to battle the Freakshow or the Family. Claire has access to Training Enhancements.

+++ Missing Information +++

I'd love for you to meet Polly Cooper. She's a coordinator for the Civil Air Patrol, and she knows a lot about the Sky Raiders and the Lost. Polly has access to Training Enhancements.

Miss Cooper is very skilled at her job and should prove to be a valuable asset to you.

I know a guy named Kevin Cordell who runs a small security consulting business. He's heard about you and would like to talk sometime about the Sky Raiders and the Lost. Kevin used to be a hero, and he still has access to Training Enhancements.

Kevin is not easily impressed, but I think you will do just fine with him, Character.

I'd like you to meet Oswald Cuthbert. He's a probation officer and thus has a lot of contact with the sordid side of Paragon City. He often uses heroes like you to help him out with the Sky Raiders and the Council. Oswald can get you Training Enhancements.

Good choice, Character, and good hunting

Wil Eziquerra is an excellent reporter who specialized in stories on the Sky Raiders and the Council. His sources usually keep him stocked up with Training Enhancements.

Wil is going to be a great resource for you, Character.

I have to admit that Georgia Fields doesn't have the best reputation. No one really knows how she gets her information, but she's an excellent source on the Sky Raiders and the Lost. She is usually able to get her hands on training enhancements.

If you are careful, Georgia can be of great assistance to you.

I think you should meet Andrew Fiore. Not only can he sell you quality electronics, but he's got information about lots of less savory business deals. He's helped more than a few heroes, especially with information about the Freakshow and the Family. Andrew has a lot of sources that give him access to Training Enhancements.

Andrew is a businessman first, but it's in his best interest to keep the heroes he works with up to date on information.

I think you should talk to Vic Garland. He's a civil rights activist who's doing some important work against the Freakshow. He's also more than a little curious about the Family. He could really use your help. Vic has access to Training Enhancements.

Vic is uncompromising and fiercely loyal.

I've been asked to introduce you to Lt. Gosford from the Paragon City Police Department. He runs a special unit that is focused on bringing down the Sky Raiders and the Council. Gosford's connections within the department give him access to Training Enhancements.

Gosford is used to working with heroes. You will get along fine.

My friend Justin Greene has asked to see you. He's a coordinator for his local community watch group. He used to be a hero, so he knows how to help you clean up groups like the Sky Raiders and the Council. Justin has access to Training Enhancements.

I think Justin will like you a great deal, Character.

If you can gain his confidence, Oliver Haak is a rich source of information on the occult. Don't be put off by his demeanor, Character, I know that you will impress him. He can really help you out against the Banished Pantheon and the Circle of Thorns. Oliver has access to Training Enhancements.

Your actions will speak for you with Oliver.

I'd like you to go see my friend Piper Irving. She's an anthropologist working here in the city. She knows a ton about the obscure beliefs of the Banished Pantheon and the Circle of Thorns. Piper knows where to get Training Enhancements.

I am sure you will find Piper quite knowledgeable.

Detective Rondel Jackson is a great guy to talk to if you want the police perspective on groups like the Sky Raiders and the Council. He's also the one to talk to if you need Training Enhancements.
+++ Missing Information +++
Missing rest of text

I have no doubt you will enjoy working with Professor Keller

Although he is a bit eccentric, Joseph Keller has a great deal of knowledge. He can greatly aid anyone who wishes to go up against the Banished Pantheon or the Circle of Thorns. Professor Keller has access to Training Enhancements.

If you ever have a computer problem or want a lead on some computer related crime, you should talk to Justine Kelly. She's a whiz at technical stuff and a bit of an online hero in her own right. Lately she has been focusing her attention on the Sky Raiders and the Lost. Justine has access to Training Enhancements.

Justine is a very skilled young lady.

There's a noted weapons expert named Jake Kim who's in town trying to stop the spread of illegal weaponry. He is focusing his efforts on the Freakshow and the Family. Jake has access to Training Enhancements.

Jake has a very specific agenda, but he can still help you clean up Paragon City.

I've been asked to tell you that Lt. Colonel Hugh McDougal of the Pentagon's Hero Outreach Program would like to meet with you about the Freakshow and the Family. His military connections give him access to Training Enhancements.

This could provide excellent connections for you in the future, Character.

If you are looking for a partner to help you take down the Banished Pantheon, Andrea Mitchell would be a great choice. She is very dedicated and her connections are top notch. She also has a lot of interest in the Circle of Thorns. Andrea has access to Training Enhancements.

I have a good feeling about you and Andrea.

Melanie Peebles has the power to see things through her dreams. Her most recent dreams have been about the Sky Raiders and the Lost. Melanie has access to Training Enhancements.

Do not dismiss Melanie's guidance lightly.

Have you ever heard of Wilma Peterson from the Department of Waste Management? She's one of the folks in charge of disposing of hazardous waste, like Rikti technology. You should stop by and see her sometime; she's got her eye on the Freakshow and the Family right now. Wilma has access to Training Enhancements.

Treat Wilma with respect and you will have a solid contact.

Cain Royce is strongly committed to his crusade against the Banished Pantheon and the Circle of Thorns. You would do well to have him as an ally. Cain can get you Training Enhancements.

Paragon City's evil-doers will soon feel the weight of this choice.

I think you should talk to John Strobel from the Citizen Defense Coalition. It's a group of ex-military and law enforcement officers that helps heroes like you from time to time. Right now their attention is focused on the Sky Raiders and the Council. John has a few sources that can get him Training Enhancements.

John is very patriotic and somewhat idealistic, but he's got a keen eye for trouble.

I've been asked to keep this very quiet, but someone from the CIA wants to meet you. Her name is Kirsten Woods and she knows quite a bit about the Sky Raiders. She also thinks there may be more to the Lost than meets the eye. As a CIA operative, Agent Woods has access to Training Enhancements.

Keep a low profile when you are working with Kirsten.

Level 25-29

I'd like you to introduce yourself to Ashwin Lannister from Hero Corps. They may be a for-profit organization, but they get the job done. He is currently focused on the Council and the Warriors. He has access to Training Enhancements.

Hero Corps doesn't always get the best press, but they are effective. Good luck, and keep your eyes open.

There's a woman named Laurie Pennington over at the Freedom Corps who'd like to meet you. Apparently, she's heard good things. She can provide excellent information about the Council and the Warriors. She has access to Training Enhancements.

The work that Laurie and the Freedom Corps are doing is exemplary.


Police Officer, Gang Unit

Gangs continue to be a problem in Paragon City, and it's Manuel Ruiz's job to deal with them. A highly decorated and dedicated officer, Lt. Ruiz made a name for himself when he went undercover for a year within the now defunct Brothers of Doom gang. The gang of super-powered thugs had menaced the city thoughout the 1980's, but thanks to Ruiz's bravery, they were brought down. Today, Lt. Ruiz manages other undercover officers. He also works with the city's heroes, since he realizes that costume-clad defenders are often the only thing standing between the city and utter chaos. While heroes seldom go undercover themselves, they can give his officers valuable support.

Prior to Introduction

I'm sorry, I just don't have time right now. But I know Active Contact needs some assistance.

Initial Contact

Missing Initial Contact Dialogue


Missing At Least One Greeting Dialogue

Too Busy

Take my advice, and go to work on some of your old cases.

No More Missions

The force has things covered on this end. Check with your other contacts.


Missing Store Unlock Dialogue

  • Inspirations (all)
  • Level 20 Mutation/Science Dual Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)
  • Level 25 Mutation/Science Dual Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)

Missing Store Unlock Dialogue

  • Level 25 Mutation Single Origin Enhancements (150% base costs)

Story Arc

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 26 Reward Merits.

The Tsoo Coup (20-24)


Tsoo Dagger

You've kept this ancient Tsoo dagger as a reminder of the time you thwarted:

The Tsoo Coup

It all began when you took to the streets to battle the Tsoo of Independence Port and Talos Island. During these skirmishes, you learned that the Tsoo were planning a takeover of Paragon City. You also discovered a tube containing the blueprints to five buildings. You took the blueprints to Agent Warren Trudeau of the FBI, who promised he would identify the buildings for you.

Shortly afterwards, your contact got word of a large shipment of artifacts in the hands of the Tsoo. You went to recover these artifacts, only to find out that the rumors were nothing but a trap designed to snare some of the more powerful members of the Warriors.

When Agent Trudeau learned the identities of the buildings, you realized that three were Family front companies and two were probable Warriors' hangouts. The Tsoo attacked them all within hours, but quick action on your part prevented the Tsoo from annihilating their targets.

Furious at his failure to take over the gangs of Paragon City, Tub Ci ordered a hit on you, but no one has yet been bold enough to take the contract.

Hit the streets of Talos Island and take down as many Tsoo as you can


I'm worried about the Tsoo. My sources tell me those power hungry gangsters have some big plan in the works, but nobody seems to know anything specific. I think you should hit the streets of Talos Island and take down as many Tsoo as you can. Maybe one of them will give us a clue about their next move. When you're done clearing Talos, move on to Independence Port.

Mission Acceptance

We're gonna need some solid stuff to go on, but I'm sure you can find it.

Question Tsoo in Talos Island

Unnecessary Solicitation

The seers over at MAGI have alerted me to a potential problem with the Tsoo. There's a huge concentration of Tsoo ancestral spirits over in Talos Island, and their presence threatens to tear apart the mystical fabric of that zone. I need a hero who can get to Talos Island and cull the numbers of the Tsoo. Maybe we can keep Talos Island in one piece.

Mission Acceptance

Helen Point and New Sparta are hotbeds of Tsoo activity. I recommend starting near those neighborhoods.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Question Tsoo in Talos Island
    • Defeat 20 Tsoo

You've defeated enough Tsoo in Talos Island.

Tsoo conversation
One of the Tsoo you took down bragged:

'You cannot possibly stop all of us! The Tsoo are taking over very soon! Tub Ci is gonna run all of Paragon City, and there is nothing you 'heroes' can do about it!'

Grill Tsoo in Independence Port

Unnecessary Solicitation

We need hard evidence on what the Tsoo are up to.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Grill Tsoo in Independence Port
    • Defeat 15 Tsoo

On the body of one of the fallen Tsoo, you found a tube containing several sets of blueprints.

You found this tube on a Tsoo gangster. It containing blueprints to five buildings in Paragon City.


I don't recognize any of the buildings in these blueprints that the Tsoo gangster was carrying. We'll have to continue this line of investigation.

Take the blueprints to Warren Trudeau


I know this guy in the FBI, Warren Trudeau. He might be able to ID the buildings the Tsoo are interested in. Take the blueprints over to Warren, won't you, Character?

Mission Acceptance

It's kinda scary how many blueprints are here. Looks like the Tsoo could be planning something big.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I called Warren to let him know you are coming. He's expecting those blueprints right away.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take blueprints to Trudeau

Warren Trudeau


If you found these blueprints on a Tsoo gangster, they're probably planning a strike. I'll have someone at the bureau compare the blueprints to the city planner's files. If a match comes up, I'll let you know.


Thanks for getting those blueprints over to Warren. I'm sure he'll be able to ID the buildings the Tsoo are interested in.

Search the Tsoo base for the artifacts


One of my sources called me with some disturbing news. It seems the Tsoo have amassed quite an impressive array of artifacts lately; it's the type of stuff the Outcasts and the Warriors go crazy over. Can you go search this Tsoo base for the artifacts? Thanks, Character. I hear the leader of the base is called Copperhead. See if you can find out what he's plotting.

Mission Acceptance

Warren hasn't yet been able to ID the buildings in those blueprints you found on the Tsoo. The minute I learn something, I'll let you know.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Have you been to that base yet? I want to know what the Tsoo are up to!

Mission Objective(s)

You hear the grunts and shouts of young men engaged in earnest battle. You may have stumbled into the middle of a gang war.

  • Defeat Copperhead and his crew
    • Search for clues

You defeated Copperhead and uncovered the trap laid for the Warriors.

These documents detail a five-pronged Tsoo strike against the Family and the Warriors.


Notable NPCs

Red Viper dialogue 

Upon Approach:

I knew you would appear as soon as we leaked the info, Character. You are, after all, so reliable.

Combat Start:

Make certain Character takes meals through a straw.

Copperhead dialogue 

Upon Approach:

Those foolish Warriors. I knew they would come after those artifacts! Right into my trap!.

Combat Start:

Looks like the trap caught more than Warriors; it caught Character as well!


So there were no artifacts at that Tsoo base at all, just a trap for the Warriors? Sorry I got you mixed up in this, but I think that your presence prevented the Tsoo from gaining further ground. According to these documents you found, the Tsoo are trying to take down both the Warriors and the Family! Character, we could be looking at a major showdown.

Stop the Tsoo from taking over all the gangs of Paragon City


Warren Trudeau just got back to me. He's ID'd all the buildings in those blueprints you found on the Tsoo. Three of them are front companies for Family operations. The other two are over on Talos Island. They're empty right now, which makes them perfect meeting places for the Warriors.

It looks like the Tsoo are planning a major hit on both the Family and the Warriors. Character, get out there and stop the Tsoo from taking over all the gangs of Paragon City!

Mission Acceptance

See if you can get some more heroes to help you with this one. I am afraid that if the Tsoo are successful, Tub Ci will be mayor of Paragon City tomorrow.


While the following missions have primary objectives involving the gang leaders, none of the missions have named bosses. Clearing the final room will fulfill the primary objective.

Bust gang leaders, their crews

Unnecessary Solicitation

I need you and anyone who can help you to stop the Tsoo before it's too late! Hurry!

Mission Objective(s)

You enter with caution. This place has long been a suspected hideout of the Family.

  • Bust gang leaders, their crews
    • Unlock back room

You defeated all the villains in the first building.

You found this small brass key while searching a desk in the Family's lair.


Family & Tsoo Dialogue 

Random Family:

Family #1: I can't believe the Tsoo are making a power play like this.
Family #2: Make sure Johnny No-Nose gets outta here before they find him!
Combat Start:
Family #1: Lets take care of Character first!

Gang Leaders:

Tsoo Boss: Family Scmamily.
Family Boss: We will always rule this town!

Bust gang leaders, their crews

Unnecessary Solicitation

One down, four to go! Hurry!

Mission Objective(s)

The lobby has been ripped apart, tables and chairs thrown every which way.

  • Bust gang leaders, their crews
    • Unlock back room

You defeated all the villains in the second building.

You found this small copper key after defeating one of the Family's thugs.


Family & Tsoo dialogue 

Random Family Dialogue:

Family #1: They'll never get their hands on Tony as long as I've got the key.
Family #2: You said it, brother.
Combat Start:
Family #1: Character knows too much!

Family #1: I heard that they are going after Johnny No-Nose and Marko Slow-Eye as well!.
Family #2: We gots to keep everyone away from da boss!

Gang Leaders:

Tsoo Boss: We're taking over this town.
Family Boss: We're not gonna play ball with you losers.

Bust gang leaders, their crews

Unnecessary Solicitation

Sounds like Marko Slow-Eye is their next target. Sorry, Character, but if I were you, I wouldn't expect him to be grateful for your interference.

Mission Objective(s)

On the floor, you spot a set of wire clippers and an annotated set of floor plans. Perhaps the Tsoo are setting up a more explosive hit than normal.

  • Bust gang leaders, their crews
    • Disarm bomb, Unlock back room

You defeated all the villains in the third building.

You found this small iron key while searching a desk in the Family's lair.


Family & Tsoo dialogue 

Random Family Dialogue:

Family #1: Man, the Tsoo are just trying to take out every one of us.
Family #2: This is beginning to suck.

Gang Leaders:

Tsoo Boss: I really, really hope you accept the consequences.
Family Boss: Is this some kind of joke?

Bust gang leaders, their crews

Unnecessary Solicitation

You've two more places to get to! Both are on Talos Island.

Mission Objective(s)

You're in Warrior territory now, and they won't be happy to see you.

  • Bust gang leaders, their crews

You defeated all the villains in the fourth building.


Warriors & Tsoo dialogue 

Random Warrior Dialogue:

Warrior #1: We must stop the Tsoo incursion!
Warrior #2: Spread out and search the base!

Warrior #3: The Tsoo are proving to be worthy, but dishonorable, adversaries!
Warrior #4: I cannot believe that they would be so bold today.

Combat Start:
Warrior: Ah, Character! Do you wish our wrath as well?

Gang Leaders:

Tsoo Boss: You guys make me laugh.
Warrior Boss: We will crush your pathetic coup!.

Bust gang leaders, their crews

Unnecessary Solicitation

This last place is an office building, so there might be innocents around. Protect them above all else.

Mission Objective(s)

This ordinary office building houses the final battle of this marathon campaign. The Tsoo are almost thwarted.

  • Bust gang leaders, their crews
    • 6 hostages remaining

You have prevented the Tsoo from taking over the gangs of Paragon City.

Notable NPCs

  • 6 Office Workers (Hostages)


Warriors & Tsoo dialogue 

Random Warrior Dialogue:

Warrior #1: The Tsoo have attempted the unthinkable.
Warrior #2: They will surely pay for this in Hades.

Rescued Hostages:

Thank you, Character! Those gangsters are crazy!

Gang Leaders:

Teal Death: Character may have shut down our other operations, but we can still take you down.
Heracles: Vile knave! You shall not win the day!
Combat Start:
Teal Death: That's Character! The one who has ruined everything!
Heracles: Trespasser! Prepare to be run through!!.


To be honest, for a minute there I wasn't sure you could thwart the Tsoo campaign to take over the other gangs. Guess you showed me!

You did an excellent job today, Character. If not for you, the Tsoo would have quickly established utter dominance over the streets of Paragon City. I heard through the grapevine that their leader, Tub Ci, ordered a hit on you. Don't worry, no one has been bold enough to step forward and take that contract. Not after the world of hurt you put on the Tsoo today.


Go to Independence Port and take back some territory from the Tsoo


The Tsoo have been gaining a lot of territory in Independence Port, and it's causing a lot of problems. The port is Family territory, and every time the two gangs meet, it ends in violence. I need you to get over to Independence Port and take back some territory from the Tsoo. It could stop a lot of needless bloodshed.

The Tsoo have been making headway in Bell Point and Wave Landing. Maybe you should start in those neighborhoods.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take territory in Independence Port
    • Defeat 20 Tsoo


The Tsoo are bound and determined to tread on every other gang's toes. Let's just make sure they don't leave a wave of destruction in their wake. Template:Mission Common Go to Talos Island and cull the numbers of the Tsoo Template:Mission Common Hit the streets and take on a few Tsoo

Recover the stolen artwork from the Tsoo


An exhibit of artwork by the painter Jessica Frank has been stolen. I've learned that the Tsoo were behind it, and they have the art stored in a warehouse. I need someone to recover the stolen artwork from the Tsoo.

Mission Acceptance

Jessica Frank's work isn't very valuable, but I've heard the theft was ordered by Tub Ci himself.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You need to recover that stolen artwork before the Tsoo can sell it.

Mission Objective(s)

The crates that line the walls are probably full of stolen goods.

  • Defeat art thief and his crew
    • 4 paintings to find

You beat the Tsoo and recovered the stolen art.

Editor's Note:
  • The name of the artist and the painting series can vary. Known combinations:
    • Endless Night by Jessica Frank
    • Darkest Hubris by Lupe Luz
    • Darkest Hubris by Ezekial Kadahti
  • The name of the boss can vary. Known names: Fire Lion, Iron Reaver, Storm Strider, Mad Thunder.



Notable NPCs

Tsoo Patrol 

Before Combat

Tsoo Minion 1: Be warned: it is rumored that Character has learned of this theft.
Tsoo Minion 2: I fear no hero!

Tsoo Boss 

Before Combat: I do not understand what Tub Ci wanted with all of these.
Combat Start: I will clear my mind through your violent death.

Endless Night No. 1
This painting of a mist shrouded, alien landscape gives you the creeps.
Endless Night No. 2
This painting shows a twisted, ghost-like creature.
Endless Night No. 3
This painting of a nightmarish landscape makes you ill at ease.
Endless Night No. 4
This disturbing painting shows two strange, unearthly creatures locked in combat.


Wow, look at this painting! Is that a Tsoo ancestral spirit? Yes, look at the exhibit tag. It actually describes the process for summoning such a spirit. No wonder the Tsoo wanted to keep these paintings from being displayed! Template:Mission Common Show the Warriors they aren't the ruling power in Talos Island Template:Mission Common Take the fight to the Warriors

External Links