Lt. Col. Hugh McDougal

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Lt. Col Hugh McDougal
File:Contact Lt Col Hugh McDougal 01.jpg
Army Super-Powered Relations Officer
Zone Talos Island
Coordinates (205, 160, 5085)
Level Range 20-24
Introduced By == Level 15-19 ==
Fareed Abdullah
Tom Bowden
Guy Denson
Mark Freeman
== Level 20-24 ==
Jim Bell
Dr. Cheng
Polly Cooper
Kevin Cordell
Oswald Cuthbert
Dennis Ewell
Wilson Eziquerra
Georgia Fields
Tyler French
Barry Gosford
Justin Greene
Oliver Haak
Piper Irving
Rondel Jackson
Josef Keller
Justine Kelly
Amanda Loomis
Andrea Mitchell
Melanie Peebles
Hinckley Rasmussen
Cain Royce
Lt. Manuel Ruiz
John Strobel
Kirsten Woods
Introduces == Level 20-24 ==
Jim Bell
Dr. Cheng
Polly Cooper
Kevin Cordell
Oswald Cuthbert
Dennis Ewell
Wilson Eziquerra
Georgia Fields
Tyler French
Barry Gosford
Justin Greene
Oliver Haak
Piper Irving
Rondel Jackson
Josef Keller
Justine Kelly
Amanda Loomis
Andrea Mitchell
Melanie Peebles
Hinckley Rasmussen
Cain Royce
Lt. Manuel Ruiz
John Strobel
Kirsten Woods
== Level 25-29 ==
Collin Larson
Marvin Weintraub
Enemy Groups

The Family

Badges Pwnz Badge
v  d  e

Lt. Col. Hugh McDougal is a hero contact in the New Sparta neighborhood of Talos Island at coordinates (205, 160, 5085). Lt. Col. Hugh McDougal is a Technology origin contact. His level range is 20-24.


Contact Introduced By

Level 15-19

Level 20-24

Contact Introduces

Multiple contact options
Missing text
Single contact option
I have someone I want you to meet with.

Level 20-24

Have you ever read any of Jim Bell's articles in the paper? He's a great reporter who's been doing a lot of articles on the Tsoo and the Warriors. Jim has access to Training Enhancements.

Jim is outspoken and opinionated, but he is extremely well informed.

There's a wise old man named Dr. Cheng who knows just about everything there is to know about the Banished Pantheon and the Circle of Thorns. He has access to Training Enhancements.

Dr. Cheng is very wise, Hero. Pay close attention to his words.

I'd love for you to meet Polly Cooper. She's a coordinator for the Civil Air Patrol, and she knows a lot about the Sky Raiders and the Lost. Polly has access to Training Enhancements.

Miss Cooper is very skilled at her job and should prove to be a valuable asset to you.

I know a guy named Kevin Cordell who runs a small security consulting business. He's heard about you and would like to talk sometime about the Sky Raiders and the Lost. Kevin used to be a hero, and he still has access to Training Enhancements.

Kevin is not easily impressed, but I think you will do just fine with him, Character.

I'd like you to meet Oswald Cuthbert. He's a probation officer and thus has a lot of contact with the sordid side of Paragon City. He often uses heroes like you to help him out with the Sky Raiders and the Council. Oswald can get you Training Enhancements.

Good choice, Character, and good hunting

Do you ever read Dennis Ewell's columns? He's quite a writer, and he told me he'd like your help taking out the Tsoo and the Warriors. Dennis has access to Training Enhancements.

Dennis isn't convinced that the heroes of Paragon City are much better than the villains, but he is coming around.

Wil Eziquerra is an excellent reporter who specialized in stories on the Sky Raiders and the Council. His sources usually keep him stocked up with Training Enhancements.

Wil is going to be a great resource for you, Character.

I have to admit that Georgia Fields doesn't have the best reputation. No one really knows how she gets her information, but she's an excellent source on the Sky Raiders and the Lost. She is usually able to get her hands on training enhancements.

If you are careful, Georgia can be of great assistance to you.

There's an amazing guy named Tyler French who runs a youth sports program; it keeps troubled teens off the streets. He hears a lot and likes to help heroes out, especially with the Tsoo and the Warriors. Tyler has access to Training Enhancements.

Tyler is really great for the kids, Character. Help him out however you can.

I've been asked to introduce you to Lt. Gosford from the Paragon City Police Department. He runs a special unit that is focused on bringing down the Sky Raiders and the Council. Gosford's connections within the department give him access to Training Enhancements.

Gosford is used to working with heroes. You will get along fine.

My friend Justin Greene has asked to see you. He's a coordinator for his local community watch group. He used to be a hero, so he knows how to help you clean up groups like the Sky Raiders and the Council. Justin has access to Training Enhancements.

I think Justin will like you a great deal, Character.

If you can gain his confidence, Oliver Haak is a rich source of information on the occult. Don't be put off by his demeanor, Character, I know that you will impress him. He can really help you out against the Banished Pantheon and the Circle of Thorns. Oliver has access to Training Enhancements.

Your actions will speak for you with Oliver.

I'd like you to go see my friend Piper Irving. She's an anthropologist working here in the city. She knows a ton about the obscure beliefs of the Banished Pantheon and the Circle of Thorns. Piper knows where to get Training Enhancements.

I am sure you will find Piper quite knowledgeable.

Detective Rondel Jackson is a great guy to talk to if you want the police perspective on groups like the Sky Raiders and the Council. He's also the one to talk to if you need Training Enhancements.
+++ Missing Information +++
Missing rest of text

I have no doubt you will enjoy working with Professor Keller

Although he is a bit eccentric, Joseph Keller has a great deal of knowledge. He can greatly aid anyone who wishes to go up against the Banished Pantheon or the Circle of Thorns. Professor Keller has access to Training Enhancements.

If you ever have a computer problem or want a lead on some computer related crime, you should talk to Justine Kelly. She's a whiz at technical stuff and a bit of an online hero in her own right. Lately she has been focusing her attention on the Sky Raiders and the Lost. Justine has access to Training Enhancements.

Justine is a very skilled young lady.

The INS has a woman named Amanda Loomis who works well with heroes. She is trying to keep the Tsoo situation from turning any uglier than it already has, and she also has a deep interest in the Warriors. Amanda should be able to get you Training Enhancements.

Amanda likes to use metaphors, but she understands the realities of Paragon City all too well.

If you are looking for a partner to help you take down the Banished Pantheon, Andrea Mitchell would be a great choice. She is very dedicated and her connections are top notch. She also has a lot of interest in the Circle of Thorns. Andrea has access to Training Enhancements.

I have a good feeling about you and Andrea.

Melanie Peebles has the power to see things through her dreams. Her most recent dreams have been about the Sky Raiders and the Lost. Melanie has access to Training Enhancements.

Do not dismiss Melanie's guidance lightly.

I know a rather interesting fellow named Hinckley Rasmussen. He works as a researcher for the Midnight Squad and takes an interest in helping heroes like you fight the Tsoo and the Warriors. Hinckley has access to Training Enhancements.

Cain Royce is strongly committed to his crusade against the Banished Pantheon and the Circle of Thorns. You would do well to have him as an ally. Cain can get you Training Enhancements.

Paragon City's evil-doers will soon feel the weight of this choice.

+++ Missing Information +++

Missing intro text

Missing rest of text

I think you should talk to John Strobel from the Citizen Defense Coalition. It's a group of ex-military and law enforcement officers that helps heroes like you from time to time. Right now their attention is focused on the Sky Raiders and the Council. John has a few sources that can get him Training Enhancements.

John is very patriotic and somewhat idealistic, but he's got a keen eye for trouble.

I've been asked to keep this very quiet, but someone from the CIA wants to meet you. Her name is Kirsten Woods and she knows quite a bit about the Sky Raiders. She also thinks there may be more to the Lost than meets the eye. As a CIA operative, Agent Woods has access to Training Enhancements.

Keep a low profile when you are working with Kirsten.

Level 25-29

You should go see Collin Larson. He's a cybernetics expert and a real friend to heroes everywhere. He knows a great deal about the Freakshow and the Family. He also has Training Enhancements.

Collin is well suited to work with a hero like you, Character.

There's a scientist named Marvin Weintraub who's quite the expert on advanced technologies, the Freakshow, and the Family. He also has training enhancements.

Marvin has done as much to help the heroes of Paragon City as anyone in the world.


Army Super-powered Relations Officer

The United States military has had a long relationship with heroes. Many serve as active soldiers, though most prefer to operate on their own. Lt. Colonel Hugh McDougal is one of many soldiers tasked with maintaining good relations between these freelancers and the military. McDougal likes his post a great deal, and he frequently goes above and beyond the normal call of duty. He often informs heroes about possible crimes and gives them other valuable, non-classified information. All the while, he keeps careful records, so that the government will have an accurate database of available assets should a catastrophe like the Rikti Invasion ever happen again.

Prior to Introduction

I'm afraid I don't have a spare moment just now. Report to Active Contact.

Initial Contact

Hello, Character. I have been fully briefed on your abilities and look forward to working together.


  • I hope you are ready for action, soldier.
  • I have some assignments for you.

Too Busy

You've got several jobs to do, soldier. I suggest you get started.

No More Missions

I don't have any more ops for you. Check with your other contacts.


You are doing your country proud, my friend. Let me outfit you with some of our latest tech. It's sure to tip the scales in your favor. If you need anything, call.

  • Inspirations (all)
  • Level 20 Technology/Science Dual Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)
  • Level 25 Technology/Science Dual Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)

You are fully deserving of your Security Level, Character. You may consider me your supply sergeant.

  • Level 25 Technology Single Origin Enhancements (150% base costs)

Badge Mission

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 1 Reward Merit through Flashback only.

Template:Mission Badge Pwnz

Story Arc

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 14 Reward Merits.

A Hand of Iron (20-24)


Iron Hand's Badge

Detective Jackson gave you Iron Hand's badge after you apprehended the disloyal agent. It's a constant reminder that life in Paragon City can be treacherous, even to hardened professionals.

A Hand of Iron

Your routine missions against the Freakshow were going well. Perhaps too well. Your contact informed you that your constant thwarting of Freakshow schemes had put an undercover cop in danger! The Freaks suspected they had a mole.

You hit the streets, defeating Freak after Freak in an attempt to divert suspicion from the mole. If you could only make your actions seem random, not directed, perhaps the Freaks would let their suspicions slide. In one battle, you recovered a list of names from a defeated Freak. You took the list to Det. Rondel Jackson, who was dismayed to learn that his officer's name was among those listed. It seemed the Freaks' suspicions might be on the money.

Det. Jackson asked you to rescue his agent, Iron Hand. After an intense battle with the Freaks, you learned that Iron Hand had indeed become one of them. His undercover persona had become his life.

Prevent Freakshow from making off with the electronics


The Freakshow have broken into a warehouse full of electronic parts, which they no doubt plan to use for their cybernetic enhancements. If you get over there right now, you may be just in time to prevent the Freakshow from making off with the electronics.

Mission Acceptance

Our informants are the only thing keeping us in step with the Freakshow.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I need you to stop the Freakshow from getting their hands on those electronics.

Mission Objective(s)

Smashed bottles and bad techno music betray the presence of the Freakshow.

  • Bust electronics thief, his crew

You have defeated the Freakshow.




With my information and your skill, we will certainly shut the Freakshow down.

Patrol the area and prevent the Freakshow assaults


The Freakshow have increased their activity in one of my patrol zones. It seems they're targeting specific business folk for assault. I need you to patrol the area and prevent the Freakshow assaults.

Mission Acceptance

This kind of activity hurts the economy of Paragon City, Character.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I need you on that patrol route, hero.

Mission Objective(s)

Note: This mission requires you to visit 5 locations scattered around Talos Island and click on the police call box there.


Thanks for stopping those Freakshow assaults, Character. If we let the Freaks intimidate Paragon City's business men, they may well achieve the anarchy they crave.

Hey, Character, I got a message from a friend of mine, Detective Rondel Jackson. Your recent Freakshow encounters have put one of his undercover agents in jeopardy. It seems the Freaks are beginning to suspect they have a mole, simply because you often happen to be at the right place at the right time.

Cull the numbers of the Freakshow


We need to divert suspicion from that undercover agent who infiltrated the Freakshow. I want you to go cull the numbers of the Freakshow. If you start taking on Freaks at random, they may begin to realize that you don't have inside information about their activities.

Mission Acceptance

If this doesn't work, Det. Jackson may have a hard time pulling his man out of their.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I need you to take out more Freakshow minions. They're still suspicious of our agent.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Divert suspicion from mole
    • Defeat 20 Freakshow

You found a list of names on one of the Freakshow you defeated.



List of names
You recovered this list of names from the body of one of the Freakshow members you defeated.


One of the Freaks was carrying this list? Hmm. I don't recognize any of the names, but I'll ask Det. Jackson. Maybe the list has something to do with that undercover agent he placed among the Freakshow.

Take the list to Det. Rondel Jackson


This list of names you found on the Freakshow may mean something to Det. Rondel Jackson. Would you take the list to Jackson? I need to hear his take on it.

Mission Acceptance

Hopefully, Jackson will be able to make some sense of those names.

Unnecessary Solicitation

We need another opinion on that list of names.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Deliver list to Det. Jackson

Rondel Jackson


Hmm, it looks like the Freaks put together a list of possible moles in their operation. Wait a minute! This guy, that's our undercover cop! His code name is Iron Hand. Thanks, Character, I will try to pull him out of their right away.


So, the Freaks might be wise to that undercover agent? That doesn't sound good for this Iron Hand fellow. I'll see if there's anything else you can do to help.

Go talk to Det. Jackson


You should go talk to Det. Jackson. He's concerned about Iron Hand, that undercover agent he placed with the Freakshow. It sounds like the agent's in danger, and Det. Jackson could really use your help.

Mission Acceptance

Thanks, Character. Please do anything Jackson asks of you.

Talk to Det. Jackson

Unnecessary Solicitation

Have you talked to Det. Jackson yet? I told him to expect you!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Det. Jackson

Rondel Jackson


Thanks for meeting with me. I haven't heard from Iron Hand all day, and he's not responding to his pager. His last known location was a Freakshow hideout. Please get over there and see if you can find any sign of him. If you learn anything, report back to me.

Defeat base leader and his crew

Unnecessary Solicitation

Have you located Iron Hand yet? Check out that hideout.

Mission Objective(s)

These sewers have been blocked off by piles of debris. It looks like the Freaks don't want to be found.

  • Defeat base leader and his crew

After questioning the Freakshow gangers, you learn that Iron Hand has left the base. He's with a group of Freaks who are hell-bent on some secret objective.



Notable NPCs


Before Combat: I wish we could have gone along on that raid, sounded like fun.
Combat Start: Looks like we might get lucky after all!

Take info to Det. Jackson

Unnecessary Solicitation

You should talk with Det. Rondel Jackson.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take info to Det. Jackson

Rondel Jackson


Iron Hand's with that group? Oh, man. Word on the street is that they're going to assault a Council base. I need you to head over there and get Iron Hand to safety.

Rescue Iron Hand

Unnecessary Solicitation

You need to locate Iron Hand! He could be in serious trouble!

Mission Objective(s)

The sounds of battle ring out from the base. In this melee, it won't be easy to get Iron Hand out unscathed.

  • Rescue Iron Hand

You have defeated the Freakshow and apprehended Iron Hand.



Notable NPCs

Minion Battle 

Before Combat

Council Minion: You pests have made a serious mistake.
Freakshow Minion: Did anyone ever tell you those uniforms make you look like mama's boys?

Combat Start

Council Minion: No one can defy the Council and live!
Freakshow Minion: Hey! This is our party!

Iron Hand 

Before Combat: Ha, those cops still think I work for them! How stupid can they be?
Combat Start: I'll never go back to the life of law! I am Freakshow now!


Det. Jackson wanted me to pass this on to you. He said that Iron Hand was deep undercover for a while, but they never thought they'd lose him like that. It happens every once in a while, most frequently with the Freakshow. Their hedonistic lifestyle makes it easy for them to ferret out agents, and even easier for the agents to succumb to their self-indulgent ways. Jackson wanted to extend his thanks to you for your help, and your discretion.

Here, take Iron Hand's police badge. He won't be needing it, now that he's joined the Freakshow. And you should have a reminder of the price we all pay to make this city safe.


Go to Independence Port and show the Family they don't own the docks


It seems Independence Port is at the center of the Family's Superadine ring. I want to bust that ring wide open! Get over to Independence Port and show the Family that they don't run the docks.

Mission Acceptance

Bell Point and Patriot Wharf are hotbeds for drug runners. You might want to start in one of those areas.

Unnecessary Solicitation

The Family is still moving drugs through Independence Port. I want it stopped, Character.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Fight Family in Independence Port
    • Defeat 20 Family

You have discouraged the Family from selling drugs in Independence Port.


The Family


The Family is at the very heart of the Superadine trade. If we can stop them, we may win Paragon City's war on drugs.

Go to Independence Port and stop the Family protests


I guess you've heard that a Family captain, Johnnie Two Shoes, is being tried tomorrow for murder and conspiracy? Well, I can assure you the thugs over in Independence Port are aware of it! They've been protesting by wreaking havoc on city property. Someone's got to get over to Independence Port and stop the Family protests. Can you do it?

Mission Acceptance

Tempers are particularly high in Wave Landing and Crey Cove. I recommend starting in one of those neighborhoods.

Unnecessary Solicitation

The Family is still protesting the trial of Johnnie Two Shoes. Somebody has to stop it before the destruction gets out of hand.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Fight Family in Independence Port
    • Defeat 20 Family

You have discouraged the Family from protesting the trial of Johnnie Two Shoes.


The Family


The Family hates to see one of their men put in jail. Thanks for keeping them from taking it out on the city, Character.

Head off the Freaks' violence


There are rumors around that the Freakshow is planning something in Talos Island to protest the capture of Upstart, one of their faction leaders. So far, they don't seem to have any plans, but if the number of Freaks reaches a critical mass, they won't need a plan to set the whole zone on fire. It would be a good thing if you could head off the Freaks' violence. I've heard that a lot of them are congregating near New Thebes and Argo Highway, but you can probably find Freakshow all over.

Mission Acceptance

As I mentioned, the Freaks don't seem to have a plan, yet, so there's still time. A few public defeats by heroes such as yourself should cool them down.

Unnecessary Solicitation

+++ Missing Information +++

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Freakshow in Talos Island
    • Defeat 20 Freakshow

+++ Missing Information +++




You've reminded the Freakshow that the city's protectors are watching. The people of Paragon City owe you again.

Infiltrate the Freakshow and recover the stolen Chameleon Suit


The Freakshow are always on the lookout for new technology they can put to use causing mayhem. Their leader, a man called Dreck, recently ordered the Freakshow to steal a holographic disguise suit that was in development over at the university. They got away with one of the two prototypes, but the second one was saved by a quick-thinking student. That's where you come in. I want you to infiltrate the Freakshow and recover the stolen Chameleon Suit.

Mission Acceptance

The Chameleon Suit only has a limited power supply. It should last about 15 minutes.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You have no time to waste on this one, Character. You need to act quickly to get that Chameleon Suit back.

Temporary Power

Upon accepting this mission, a hero will receive the Freakshow Disguise temporary power.

Freakshow Disguise Self Stealth
This suit can cause you to look like a member of the Freakshow without actually undergoing the hazardous cybernetic surgery. You can pass completely unnoticed by the Freakshow. However, if you take any aggressive actions, your cover will be blown, and the diguise will no longer be effective. Disables the use of Stealth related powers while worn. This disguise will last one hour of real time.

Mission Objective(s)

Nothing seems unusual to you about this sewer section, but you know that somewhere within lurks an army of dangerous Freaks.

  • Recover stolen Chameleon Suit

You have recovered the stolen suit.



Notable NPCs


Before Combat: With this suit, City Hall won't know what hit 'em!
Combat Start: I don't want that suit leaving these tunnels!

Stolen Chameleon Suit
This version of the suit has been modified by the Freakshow to imitate specific members of the Paragon City government.


If the Freakshow had used that disguise to infiltrate City Hall, I can't even imagine the chaos they could have caused. You have the city's gratitude, Character.

Investigate the warehouse and destroy any Superadine you find


We have an opportunity to strike a powerful blow against the Family, but you'll have to act quickly. We have traced a significant portion of their Superadine operation through a warehouse in Independence Port. I need you to investigate that warehouse and destroy any Superadine you find. We think they may be aware of our surveillance. You only have 75 minutes to investigate the warehouse.

Mission Acceptance

This could be big, Character. We've been trying for years to get evidence on the Family's drug dealing.

Unnecessary Solicitation

We need to know if the Family is really moving Superadine out of that warehouse. If we miss this opportunity, we will regret it.

Mission Objective(s)

An acrid chemical smell pervades this area.

  • Investigate Family warehouse (Timed, 75 minutes)
    • 4 Drugs, 2 Labs, 5 Chemicals, Evidence

You have destroyed the Family's Superadine lab.


The Family

Family Patrol 

Before Combat

Family Minion 1: Georgie just called. He thinks some punk hero may have been tipped off.
Family Minion 2: Don't worry. We can stand up to any hero.

Combat Start

Family Minion 1: You're cruisin' for a bruisin'!
Family Minion 2: You're history, pal!

You found records of the Family's connection to this warehouse.

Family files
These files prove conclusively that the Superadine lab you destroyed was owned and operated by ranking Family members. This evidence, along with your testimony, should be enough to put these evildoers in jail.


That was a Herculean effort, Character. Shutting down that warehouse will put a huge dent in the Family's Superadine operation.

Make it clear that the Freaks don't belong anywhere near the reactor


The Terra Volta reactor powers the force fields that keep the civilized parts of the city safe, so it's become quite a target for extermist groups like the Freakshow. I need you to get over to Terra Volta and make it clear that the Freaks don't belong anywhere near that reactor. Reactor technicians have reported seeing Freakshow near the Challenger Technology Complex and the Raysun Petroleum facility. Maybe you should start in one of those areas.

Terra Volta's pretty scary these days. I'd recommend taking some allies with you.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Combat Freakshow in Terra Volta
    • Defeat 20 Freakshow

Missing Mission Completion Text




It's heroes like you who keep Terra Volta running. You've done good work today.

Show the Family that extortion isn't welcome


I've been hearing a lot of complaints about the Family lately. It seems those thugs think they can bully any business owner in town. I want you to hit the streets and show the Family that extortion isn't welcome in this town.

The Family has controlled the businesses in Independence Port for some time. I'd suggest starting your sweep around there.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Combat Family menace
    • Defeat 20 Family

Missing Mission Completion Text


The Family


The Family may think they run things in this town, but they are sorely mistaken. Thanks for making that clear.

Stop the destruction


I just got a call from the Paragon City Museum of Art and Antiquities. It seems the Freakshow just stormed into one of their storage warehouses, and they're busting up everything in sight. I need you to get over there and stop them from destroying those items. Can you do it?

The Freaks have been there for a while, so I don't expect you to save everything inside. But if you can't save at least one important item, we'll have to consider this mission a failure.

Mission Acceptance

I don't know what the Freakshow's aim is here. Proceed with caution.

Unnecessary Solicitation

That museum warehouse is still under attack by the Freakshow.

Mission Objective(s)

You hear a voice yell out, 'When was the Ming Dynasty, anyway?'

  • Defeat all Freaks, save any item
    • 3 items in jeopardy

You have saved some of the art from the Freakshow.



Ambush Waves 

Freakshow Minion: Gonna smash!

Notable NPCs


You saved a lot of important items from the Freakshow, Character. You should be proud. As for the Freakshow's aim, well, I guess they didn't have one, apart from rampant destruction. That's how the Freaks entertain themselves. It's too bad it's the rest of society that pays the price.

Stop the Tsoo attacks on the Family


I hear the Tsoo are planning to attack a couple of key Family front business today. I need you to get over to Independence Port and stop the Tsoo attacks on the Family. We can't let innocent people get caught up in this gang war.

Mission Acceptance

Just don't expect the Family to be grateful for your intervention.

Bust gang leaders, their crews (1st Warehouse)

Unnecessary Solicitation

You're needed at those offices, Character.

Mission Objective(s)

The lock has been forced, and the door hangs dizzily on one hinge.

  • Bust gang leaders, their crews
    • Locate the office manager, 4 bombs to disarm

You defeated the Tsoo and the Family.


The Family

Notable NPCs

  • Office manager (Non-Escort Hostage)
Gang Leaders 

Before Combat

Family Gang Leader: We're gonna make mincemeat outta you!
Tsoo Gang Leader: We hear you, Chao-xing.

Office manager 

Upon Rescue: Until today, I thought this was a legitimate business. Obviously, I couldn't have been more wrong! If you want me to testify, it's the least I can do.

The office manager's story
When you rescued the office manager, he told you:

'Until today, I tought this was a legitimate business. Obviously, I couldn't have been more wrong! If you want me to testify, it's the least I can do!'

Bust gang leaders, their crews (2nd Warehouse)

Unnecessary Solicitation

Get to that second office and defuse the situation.

Mission Objective(s)

You hear a spray of bullets ricochet off the walls.

  • Bust gang leaders, their crews
    • 4 bombs to disarm

You defeated the Family and the Tsoo.


The Family

Notable NPCs

Minion Battle 

Before Combat

Tsoo Minion: You will fall before us!
Family Minion: These jokers don't know who they're messing with.

Combat Start

Tsoo Minion: The Tsoo will not be stopped.
Family Minion: You're going down, punk.

Boss Battle 

Before Combat

Two Faced Leo: Pound these suckers into the next week!
Guotin: You cannot possibly stand before us.

Combat Start

Two Faced Leo: Character leaves in a body bag!
Guotin: All of them must fall!


That office manager you rescued is going to testify, that means a lot of Family bosses put in jail. Outstanding work, Character. Just outstanding!

External Links