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The Arachnos are a villain group in City of Heroes and City of Villians.

Villain Types



These attack drones are used to soften up super-powered targets. Arachnos considers them very expendable, and uses them to record and monitor a threat's abilities before more expensive troops-such as Tarantulas or Fortunatas-are deployed.


Arachnos Drone

File:Arachnos Arachnos Drone 01.jpg
Arachnos Drone

Arachnos no doubt stole the technology for these drones from the Rikti. Or perhaps they bargained for it. Lord Recluse will deal with anyone who gives him what he wants.


Flight Self fly
Arachnos Drones can Fly!

Disintegration Beam Ranged, Moderate Damage (energy)
This Arachnos Mobile Drones' beam is significantly less powerful (and cheaper) than the Sentry Drones'. It does Moderate Damage.

Resistance Auto Resist Lethal Smash Energy Fire Cold
Arachnos Mobile Drones Are resistant to lethal, smashing, energy, fire and cold damage

No Melee attacks
Arachnos drones don´t have any Melee attacks at all.


File:Arachnos Arachnobot 01.jpg

These attack drones are used to soften up super-powered targets. Arachnos considers them very expendable, and uses them to record and monitor a threat's abilities before more expensive troops-such as Tarantulas or Fortunatas-are deployed.


Chain gun -Defense
Your Defense has been reduced by the Submachine Gun.

Claw Moderate Lethal Damage
Vicious mechanical claws which can rake your opponent.

Full Auto Damage over Time (lethal)
You are being rattled by a Full Auto from an Assault Rifle.

Power Jumping Self Auto, +Jump, +Speed,
Arachnobots can jump very high and travel very fast

Wolf Spider

Wolf Spiders are little more than legalized thugs. Lord Recluse recruits legions of desperate souls to fill their ranks, then puts them through a rigorous training program that emphasizes loyalty, brutality, and discipline, in that order.


Pistol Ranged Lethal, Low Damage
Small caliber side arm.

Pulverize Disorient
You have been Disoriented.

Pummel Minor Smash Damage
When all else fails, you have only your two fists to depend on.

Wolf Spider Enforcer

Wolf Spiders are little more than legalized thugs. Lord Recluse recruits legions of desperate souls to fill their ranks, then puts them through a rigorous training program that emphasizes loyalty, brutality, and discipline, in that order.


Heavy Pistol Ranged Lethal, Medium Damage
Small caliber side arm.

Pulverize Disorient
You have been Disoriented.

Pummel Minor Smash Damage
When all else fails, you have only your two fists to depend on.

Wolf Spider Assault

Wolf Spider Assault troops are armed with submachine guns to hose down pesky super-types who stick their nose in Lord Recluse's business.


Brawl Minor Smash Damage
When all else fails, you have only your two fists to depend on.

Burst -Defense
Your Defense has been reduced by the Submachine Gun.

Heavy Burst -Defense
Your Defense has been reduced by the Submachine Gun.

Pulverize Melee, High Damage(Smash), Minor Disorient
You attempt to Pulverize your opponent. This attack is slower than Bash but causes more damage. It also has a chance of Disorienting your opponent for a brief time. Damage: High, Recharge: Moderate

Mu Striker

Strikers are descendant of the long lost Mu, drafted into Arachnos service to fight both mystic heroes and the troublesome Circle of Thorns.


Lightning Bolt Ranged, High Damage (energy), foe -Endurance
You can send a large blast of electrical energy at a foe, dealing heavy damage and draining some of Endurance. Lightning Bolt deals more damage than Charged Bolts, but recharges more slowly. Damage: High. Recharge: Moderate.

Lightning Blast High Damage (energy), foe -Endurance
A focused electrical blast that can travel great distancies with high Accuracy. Lightning Blast drains Endurance, and is best fired from a distance, as it can be interrupted. Damage: Extreme. Recharge: Slow.

No Melee attacks No Hand to Hand
This mob doesen´t have any Melee attacks at all

Crab Spider Slicer

Crab Spiders function much like SWAT teams in other cities, and are dispatched to deal with high-level threaths like super-types. They're equiped with full body armor, larger weapons and a set of mechanical spider arms that turn them into death-dealing machines.


Longfang -Defense
Your Defense has been reduced by the Submachine Gun.

Slice Melee, Heavy Damage (Lethal), Foe -Defense
You perform a Slice with your Claws, dealing a good ammount of damage. Damage: Moderate. Recharge: Fast.

Blood Widow

Blood Widows are Arachnos' beautiful but deadly assassins. Pray you do not feel their kiss.


Poison Dart Poison: Damage over Time (toxic), -Regeneration
You have been hit by a Poison Dart. You cannot regenerate your wounds while you take damage from this poison.

Swipe Damage over Time (toxic), -Recharge, -Speed
You are poisoned! Yor attack speed and Running speed are reduced.

Slice Toxic, Damage over Time, Slow
The poison on the blade is slowly damaging you and slowing your attacks and movement speed.

Lunge Damage over Time (toxic), -Recharge, -Speed
You are poisoned! Yor attack speed and Running speed are reduced.


Fortunatas are female Arachnos agents gifted with psychic powers. Those with aggressive abilities are tasked with taking down super-types, who often have little resistance to their deadly abilities.


Mental Blast -Recharge
The Mental Blast has slowed your attack rate.

No Melee attacks No Hand to Hand
This mob doesen´t have any Melee attacks at all


File:Arachnos Tarantula 01.jpg

The Tarantula Exoskeleton Armor was developed by an Orb Weaver cell named Weaver One. It grants the user incredible strength and wires him directly to his weapons systems. Rumor is that the pilot must undergo a terrible treatment of some sort to properly graft with the suit.


Venom Bolt -Damage, -Recharge, Damage over Time -Fly
The poison is coursing through your system, making it difficult to fly.

Claw Shred Cone Moderate Lethal Damage
You have been raked by a claw

Claw Pierce Moderate Lethal Damage
You have been raked by a claw

Fire Tarantula

File:Arachnos Fire Tarantula 01.jpg
Fire Tarantula

The Tarantula Exoskeleton Armor was developed by an Orb Weaver cell named Weaver One. It grants the user incredible strength and wires him directly to his weapons systems. Runor is that the pilot must undergo a terrible treatment of some sort to properly graft with the suit.


Plasma Cannon Damage over Time (fire)
The Plasma Cannon has set you on fire and you are burning.

Burning Claws Damage over Time (fire)
The Burning Claws have set you on fire .

Bane Spider Commando

Taken from the ranks of the Wolf Spiders, Bane Spider Commandos are given specialized assault training. They are vicious masters of combat that relish engaging the enemies of Arachnos.



Arachnobot Blaster

Arachnobot Blasters were created by Arachnos´ Orb Weavers to take down particularly powerful super-powered threaths.


Claw Moderate Lethal Damage
Vicious mechanical claws which can rake your opponent.

Energy Blast Medium Range, High Damage (Energy), Foe Knockback
A medium range, but devastating attack. Damage: High, Recharge: Slow

Energy Pulse Ranged, Moderate Damage over Time (Energy)
Multiple pulses of energy shoot forth damaging you. Damage Moderate (Damage over Time), Recharge: Slow.

Power Jumping Self Auto, +Jump, +Speed,
Arachnobots can jump very high and travel very fast

Arachnos Drone Coordinator

Arachnos no doubt stole the technology for these drones from the Rikti. Or perhaps they bargained for it. Lord Recluse will deal with anyone who gives him what he wants.


Disintegration Beam Ranged, Moderate Damage, Energy
This Arachnos Mobile Drones' beam is significantly less powerful (and cheaper) than the Arbiter Drones'. It does Moderate Damage.

Disruption Blast Ranged, Moderate Damage, Energy
This Arachnos Mobile Drones' beam is significantly less powerful (and cheaper) than the Arbiter Drones'. It does Moderate Damage.

No Melee attacks
Arachnos drones don´t have any Melee attacks at all.

Wolf Spider Tac Ops

Tactical Operators are Wolf Spiders who have shown keen tactical sense and lead small detachments of Wolf Spiders.


Poisonous Ray (Ranged), Damage over Time, Toxic, Foe -Defense
You have been poisoned and your Defense has been reduced.

Mace Beam Ranged, Moderate Damage (Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback
The Nulifier Mace is capable of firing a tremendous bolt of Force from the end of it. Arachnos Troopers call this the Power Blast. The Arbiters who invented it scoff at this simple term.

Pulverize Disorient
You have been Disoriented.

Mu Adept

The most gifted Mu strikers are given far more than promotions and new uniforms: they are given eldritch secrets to unlock their inner powers. As long as they continue to use them in Arachnos' service, of course.


Lightning Bolt Ranged, High Damage (energy), Foe -Endurance
Your endurance has been drained.

Cage of Lightning Sleep
You are trapped in a cage of lightning.

Static Discharge DoT (Energy)
The Static Discharge is continuing to electrocute you.

Lightning Blast Ranged, High Damage (energy), Foe -Endurance
Your endurance has been drained.

No Melee attacks
This mob doesen´t have any Melee attacks at all

Night Widow

Night Widows are trained in stealth, infiltration, disguise and cold blooded murder. Most of their victims never see them coming.


Mental Blast Ranged Psionic, Foe -Recharge
The basic psionic attack does moderate damage and can slightly reduce a target's attack speed.

Poison Dart Poison: Damage over Time (toxic), Foe -Regeneration
You have been hit by a Poison Dart. You cannot regenerate your wounds while you take damage from this poison.

Swipe Damage over Time (toxic), Foe -Recharge, -Speed
You are poisoned! Yor attack speed and Running speed are reduced.

Lunge Damage over Time (toxic), Foe -Recharge, -Speed
You are poisoned! Yor attack speed and Running speed are reduced.

Crab Spider Longfang

Crab Spiders function much like SWAT teams in other cities, and are dispatched to deal with high-level threaths like super-types. They're equiped with full body armor, larger weapons and a set of mechanical spider arms that turn them into death-dealing machines.


Supression Damage over Time (energy)
The Suppressive Fire from the Crab Spider is all around you .

Fortunata Seer

Fortunata Seers can glimpse moments into the future. They use this ability to increase the defense of the more mundane troops they slavishly lead into combat.


Mental Blast -Recharge
The Mental Blast has slowed your attack rate.

Psionic Lance -Recharge
The Psionic Lance has reduced your attack rate.

Subdue Immobilize
You have been Subdued and are being held immobile.

Tarantula Mistress

A rare few Fortunatas volunteer for the Tarantula program. Those who survive integration with the machine are truly terrors to behold. Their specially-designed suits greatly amplify their psychic abilities, allowing them to not only comunicate the next few seconds of time to their allies, but also to distort reality for their foes as well.


Mental Blast -Recharge
The Mental Blast has slowed your attack rate.

Psychic Scream -Recharge
The Psychic Scream has reduced your Attack rate.

Telekinetic Blast Ranged, Moderate Damage, (smash/Psionic), Foe Knockback
You can use Telekinesis to Blast a targeted foe with the power of your mind. This attack deals Smashing and Psionic damage, and can knock your opponent back. Damage: Moderate. Recharge: Moderate

Claw Shred Cone Moderate Lethal Damage
You have been raked by a claw

Bane Spider Scout

Taken from the ranks of the Wolf Spiders, Bane Spider Scouts are given specialized covert operations training. They are elite spies used by Lord Recluse to monitor activities both in Rogue Isles and Beyond.


Arachnobot Disruptor

File:Arachnos Arachnobot Disruptor 01.jpg
Arachnobot Disruptor

Orb Weavers created the Disruptor arachnobots to capture their prey alive.


Wide Area Web Grenade Immobilize, -Fly, -Recharge
You have been caught in a web. You cannot move or fly and your attack speed is reduced.

Disruptor Bolt Ranged, High Damage (Energy), Foe -Endurance
You can send a large blast of energy at a foe, dealing heavy damage and draining some endurance. Damage: High, Recharge: Moderate.

Disruptor Blast Targeted Area of Effect (Energy), -Endurance
The Ball Lightning is continuing to electrocute you.

Disruptor Tesla Sleep
The Disruptor Tesla is holding you helpless.

??? Melee Lethal

Spiderlings Factory Summon
Arachnobot Disruptors can create Spiderlings.

Wolf Spider Huntsman

The most brutal and effective members of the Wolf Spiders are eventually promoted to Huntsmen. They're armed and armored for many situations, so tread lightly when they are around.


Frag Grenade Targeted Area of Effect Lethal/Smashing, Knockback
Launches an M30 grenade at long range from under the barrel of your Assault Rifle. The explosion of this grenade affects all within the blast and can knock them back.

Wide Area Web Grenade Immobilize, -Fly, -Recharge
You have been caught in a web. You cannot move or fly and your attack speed is reduced.

Venom Grenade -Damage, -Recharge
The poisonous gas has severely weakened your attacks and Slowed your attack speed.

Shotgun Lethal

Rifle Butt Melee Smash
A smash with the butt of your rifle.

??? Melee Smash

Mu Guardian

Mu Guardians pulse with the blood of their slaughtered ancestors in their veins. They have read unholy tomes, visited other planes of existence and performed dark sacrifices too terrible to mention to become the masters of the mystic arts.


Lightning Bolt Ranged, High Damage, Energy, Foe -Endurance
You can send a large blast of electrical energy at a foe. Lightning Bolt deals good damage and also drains some endurance.

Ball Lightning (Ranged), Targeted Area of Effect, Energy, Foe -Endurance
Hurls a highly charged ball of lightning that explodes on contact. Ball Lightning deals good damage in an area and also drains some endurance from each target it hits.

Static Discharge Damage over Time, Energy
The Static Discharge continues to electrocute you.

No Melee attacks
This mob doesen´t have any Melee attacks at all

Night Widow

Night Widows are trained in stealth, infiltration, disguise and cold blooded murder. Most of their victims never see them coming.


Smoke Grenade -Perception, -Accuracy
Your visual range and Accuracy have been reduced by the Smoke Grenade.

Mental Blast -Recharge
The Mental Blast has slowed your attack rate.

Psychic Scream -Recharge
The Psychic Scream has reduced your Attack rate.

Strike Toxic, Damage over Time, Slow
The poison on the blade is slowly damaging you and slowing your attacks and movement speed .

Slash Toxic, Damage over Time, Slow
The poison on the blade is slowly damaging you and slowing your attacks and movement speed .

Spin Toxic, Damage over Time, Slow
The poison on the blade is slowly damaging you and slowing your attacks and movement speed .

Eviscerate Toxic, Damage over Time, Slow
The poison on the blade is slowly damaging you and slowing your attacks and movement speed .

Stealth ???

Crab Spider Webmaster

Crab Spiders function much like SWAT teams in other cities, and are dispatched to deal with high-level threaths like super-types. They're equiped with full body armor, larger weapons and a set of mechanical spider arms that turn them into death-dealing machines.


Wide Area Web Grenade Immobilize, -Fly, -Recharge
You have been caught in a web. You cannot move or fly and your attack speed is reduced.

Supression Damage over Time (energy)
The Suppressive Fire from the Crab Spider is all around you .

Channelgun Ranged, High Damage, Energy, Foe -Endurance
Yor backpack has a built-in energy Channelgun which fires bolts of energy.

Slice Melee, Heavy damage, Lethal, Foe -Defense
Your Defense has been reduced by the Claws .

Arm Lash Toxic, Damage over Time, Slow
The poison on the blade is slowly damaging you and slowing your attacks and movement speed .

Fortunata Mistress

The most powerful of the Fortunatas are the Mistresses. These rare few have mastered numerous psychic abilities and risen to the top of Lord Recluse's beautiful Black Widows.


Mental Blast Ranged Psionic, Foe -Recharge
The basic psionic attack does moderate damage and can slightly reduce a target's attack speed.

Psychic Scream Cone Psionic, Foe -Recharge
The howl of Psionic energy resonates in the mind of all foes within its conical area of effect.

Tarantula Queen

What terrible process pushes a woman to become one of these unholy terrors is a subject of much speculation. What is known is that their suits are little different from Tarantula Mistresses. Instead, it seems the user somehow suffers the upgrade. Tarantula Queens are incredibly powerful, but also quite mad.


Psychic Scream -Recharge
The Psychic Scream has reduced your Attack rate.

Telekinetic Blast Ranged, Moderate Damage, (smash/Psionic), Foe Knockback
You can use Telekinesis to Blast a targeted foe with the power of your mind. This attack deals Smashing and Psionic damage, and can knock your opponent back. Damage: Moderate. Recharge: Moderate

Scramble Toughts Disorient
You have been Disoriented.

Psychic Wail -Recharge
The Psychic Wail has reduced your Attack rate.

Claw Shred Cone Moderate Lethal Damage
You have been raked by a claw

Claw Pierce Moderate Lethal Damage
You have been raked by a claw

Toxic Tarantula

The Tarantula Exoskeleton Armor was developed by an Orb Weaver cell named Weaver One. It grants the user incredible strength and wires him directly to his weapons systems. Runor is that the pilot must undergo a terrible treatment of some sort to properly graft with the suit.


Venom Burst Toxic, Damage over Time, Slow, -Defense
The poison on the venomous barb is slowly damaging you, slowing your attacks as well as your movement speed. Your defenses are reduced.

Cocoon Hold
You have been encased in a cocoon of webs and cannot move!

Web Spitter Immobilize, -Fly, -Recharge
You have been caught in a web. You cannot move or fly and your attack speed is reduced.

Bane Spider Executioner

Bane Spider Executioner

Only the most trusted Arachnos agents are allowed to lead the Bane Spiders. An agent must be ruthless and efficient to become one of Lord Recluse's personal guardsmen. It is a great honor to be promoted to the position of a Bane Spider Executioner.


Elite Bosses

Doctor Geist

Main Article: Doctor Geist

Doctor Geist is a mad scientist working for Arachnos on a project involving mutant spiders! He is also a long time rival of his former colleague, Doctor Creed.


Power Bolt Ranged, Smash/Energy, Foe Knockdown
A quick attack that rapidly hurls small bolts of energy at foes, sometimes knocking them down. Fast, but little damage.

Power Blast Ranged, Smash/Energy, Foe Knockback
A much more powerful, yet slower version of power bolt. Power Blast sends a focused beam of energy at a foe that can knock him back.

Explosive Blast (Ranged) Targeted Area of Effect, Smash/Energy, Knockback
Hurls a blast of charged energy that violently explodes on impact, damaging all foes near the target.

Arachnos Heavy Blaster

Lord Recluse discovered that Black Scorpion had built these enormous walking tanks to attack Mako in another of their inter-patron squabbles. Lord Recluse seized these monstruous war machines for his own use in Recluse's Victory. Loyalists like you will now be able to wield their destructive capabilities in battle! Their lack of speed is more than compensated for with its impressive firepower and heavy armor. The Arachnos Heavy Blaster is an awesome asset to any villain who's looking for an edge in battle.




Main Article: Barracuda

Barracuda, a former treasure hunter, Kelli Forston was infected by mysterious creatures known as the Coralax. What she found in the briny deep remains a mystery, but it turned her heart as dark and cold as the depths. In combat, she is almost as quick and savage as her bloodthirtsy mentor, Captain Mako.


Ice Mistral

Ice Mistral

Main Article: Ice Mistral

Irena Rudenko was chosen by on of the Monks of the Four Winds to become the Ice Mistral. receiving the power changed her; she retained the icy-cold aloofness and desire for mastery of the wing, but none of the control. Her own rage overrode the honor normally imbued to the Knights of the Wind and she went on a mad killing spree. Scirocco took her under his wing to protect her from the Monks - many of which have fallen trying to reclaim their lost power.


Bitter Ice Blast -Recharge -Speed -Accuracy
Your accuracy, attack rate and running speed are reduced by the Bitter Ice Blast.

Blizzard -Speed -Recharge
The Blizzard has reduced your attack rate and running speed.

Glacier Hold -Speed -Recharge
You are frozen in a Gladier. Once free, your Attack Rate and Running speed will be reduced slightly for a while.

Ice Storm Cold/Lethal
All foes that pass through this Storm will be shredded with shards of falling ice.

Snow Storm -Speed -Recharge
The chill from this Snow Storm has dramatically slowed your attack and movement speed.

Silver Mantis

Silver Mantis

Main Article: Silver Mantis

Tamura Shirai is fascinated with the smooth, sleek feel of metal. Funding the augmentation of her body to pure metal was an expensive proposition, however, so she tuned to crime. During one of her robberies, she encountered Black Scorpion, on a job for Lord Recluse. Tamura realized an opportunity when she saw it, and rather than fighting with Arachnos over the ill-gotten loot, formed an alliance that has lasted unto this day.




Main Article: Wretch

A twisted wreck of a human being, Wretch was horribly mutated in the same incident that slew Ghost Widow. He remains her loyal guardian and protector, using his immense strength and savage fury to protect her from all harm.


Black Scorpion

Black Scorpion

Main Article: Black Scorpion

Black Scorpion is a man encased in a large, bulky suit of high-tech battle armor. Huge and menacing, the armor is equipped with a functioning scorpion-like tail on the backside, and the right arm ends in an intimidating blaster cannon.


Captain Mako

Captain Mako

Main Article: Captain Mako

Gideon Ray is a savage Mutant who has evolved into what only can be described as a humanoid shark. His acts are even more terrible than his appearance, and few foes are even identifiable once Captain Mako is through with them. Mako is responsible for the death of Sharkhead Isle's most famous hero, Scrapyard.


Ghost Widow

Ghost Widow

Main Article: Ghost Widow

Beautiful, mysterious, and deadly. Ghost Widow appears to be an actual spirit from beyond the grave rather than a super with some sort of incorporeal power. Some have said she was once a rising star in the Night Widows when she was slain. Her thirst for vengeance must have been great, for she returned from the void and now serves at Recluse's side. There are rumors that her service isn't entirely voluntary, however.




Main Article: Scirocco

Imad Malak was not always an evil man. Evil came to him from without. He was traveling in the deep desert near the Baka Valley deep in the Middle East. There he discovered an ancient tomb and stumbled inside. The tomb was that of a long-dead desert hero, and contained several objects of power including the bottle of the djinn Serafina. Also within was the hero's scimitar that granted the weilder incredible powers. Malak took the sword and donned the mantle of Scirocco. Unforunately, he fell under a curse and was driven to commit acts of great evil. He sold the other objects off to the highest bidder, the bottle ending up with the Circle of Thorns. Once a hero of the people, he is now a dark stain on their proud heritage. Imad wishes nothing more than to find some way to rid himself of the curse and find redemption.


Flight Self fly
Scirocco can Fly!

Ball Lightning Targeted Area of Effect (Energy), Damage Over Time, Foe -Endurance
Hurls a highly charged ball of lightning that explodes on contact. Ball Lightning deals good damage in an area and also drains some endurance from each target it hits.

Cage of Lightning (Ranged, Energy) Foe Sleep, -Endurance
You are trapped in a cage of lightning.

EM Pulse (Energy) Foe Hold, -Endurance, -Regeneration
You are Held by the EMP Pulse and your Regeneration rate is reduced.

  • Desert Wind

Lord Recluse

Lord Recluse

Main Article: Lord Recluse

The Master of Evil, the Count of Cruel, the Archvillain of Anarchy. Lord Recluse has been called many things. But the people of the Rogue Isles know him as their lord and ruler. Lord Recluse has a mysterious tie with Paragon City's own Statesman - some even claim they were once close companions. Their hatred for one another certainly belies a secret perhaps best left buried.


Named Enemies

Wolf Spider Ghost (minion)

These Wolf Spiders have discovered a method to become living ghosts. Though they are not completely used to it, they have already begun to master their new ghostly powers.


Gloom Ranged, Damage over Time (Negative), Foe -Accuracy
Gloom slowly drains a target of life and reduces his chances to hit. Slower than Dark Blast, but deals more Damaga over Time.

Ghastly Blast (Ranged, Negative, Damage Over Time) Foe -Accuracy
Your Accuracy has been reduced by a Ghastly Blast.

Shadow Punch Melee, Smash/Negative, Low Damage, Foe -Accuracy
A basic punch draws power from the netherworld. Shadow Punch deals moderate damage and reduces the target's accuracy.

Smite Melee, Smash/Negative, Medium Damage, Foe -Accuracy
More powerful version of Shadow Punch, Smite deals more damage, but takes longer to recharge. Like Shadow Punch, Smite can reduce the target's accuracy.

Wolf Spider Huntsman Ghost (boss)

These Wolf Spiders have discovered a method to become living ghosts. Though they are not completely used to it, they have already begun to master their new ghostly powers.


Gloom Ranged, Damage over Time (Negative), Foe -Accuracy
Gloom slowly drains a target of life and reduces his chances to hit. Slower than Dark Blast, but deals more Damaga over Time.

Ghastly Blast (Ranged, Negative, Damage Over Time) Foe -Accuracy
Your Accuracy has been reduced by a Ghastly Blast.

Necroplasmic Grasp (Ranged) Damage over Time (Negative), Foe Hold
The Ghost has enveloped you in it's Necroplasmic Grasp. You are Held as your life is drained.

Shadow Punch Melee, Smash/Negative, Low Damage, Foe -Accuracy
A basic punch draws power from the netherworld. Shadow Punch deals moderate damage and reduces the target's accuracy.

Smite Melee, Smash/Negative, Medium Damage, Foe -Accuracy
More powerful version of Shadow Punch, Smite deals more damage, but takes longer to recharge. Like Shadow Punch, Smite can reduce the target's accuracy.


Arbiter Drone (guard)

These deadly Drones have been dispatched by the Arachnos to maintain control and order. The Drones quickly deal with any nearby threaths by simply vaporizing the target.


Imobile Immobilize
Guards are immobile.

Tactics +Perception
The Arachnos Drone is improving your Perception.

Arachnos Flyer (ship)

File:Arachnos Flyer.jpg
Arachnos Flyer

The Arachnos Flyers are used primarily for troop deployment. If you see one, run.

Named Bosses