Fright Before Christmas

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Festive Holiday Enemies

Fright Before Christmas is a modified version of the Presents Winter Event introduced in Rebirth Issue 2 Edition 3. During the Fright Before Christmas, Mysterious Gifts appear throughout Paragon City and the Rogue Isles, courtesy of Gamester.

Upon opening a present, a hero or villain would find that if they were "nice," they would enjoy a nice reward. If they were "naughty," however, they would find themselves surrounded by Halloween enemies in festive attire, trying to push Halloween a little more into the winter holiday season!

Gamester's Presents

"Nice" presents can include additional instances of the Mystery Gift, Present inspirations, Candy Cane Salvage, Halloween Salvage or sometimes a Present and Salvage.

"Naughty" presents spawn groups of festive Trick or Treat enemies, whose spawn size is based on team members. Use caution when opening presents away from teammates. These enemies can drop both Candy Cane Salvage, and Halloween Salvage.

Giant Monsters

Main Article: Giant Monsters

The Giant Monster from Croatoa, Eochai, spawns in most zones (including the City of Villains zones) in both an orange and white variety. There are Event-specific badges for their defeat (which are different than the badges for the defeat of the regular Croatoan Eochai or standard Halloween Eochai).

Editor's Note:

In 2021 the White Eochai was not spawning and so needed to be manually spawned by gamemasters.


Badges are awarded for logging in during the event, defeating the festive enemies that jump out of boxes and the two Eochai GMs.

{{#ask:The Fright Before Christmas Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} The Fright Before Christmas

Twas the Fright Before Christmas and all through the City,
Many creatures were stirring, none of them pretty.
Presents were scattered waiting for clicks.
Proof that the Gamester was up to old tricks.
Villains were nestled all snug in their lairs, Nefarious plots their only cares.
My teammates and I had just gotten back From thwarting another Freakshow attack.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear, But Vampires and Witches at the wrong time of year

{{#ask:Bad Santa Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Bad Santa

You helped defeat a manifestation of the holiday Pumpkin King. Wonder where the real one is?

{{#ask:What's This Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} What's This

There's color everywhere. There's white things in the air.

{{#ask:Stocking Stuffers Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Stocking Stuffers

You defeated 50 holiday zombies. Now where to put the mess?

{{#ask:Damaged During Delivery Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Damaged During Delivery

You defeated 33 holiday delivery werewolves. Even the best werewolves have 98% chance of damaging goods.

{{#ask:Back for Blood Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Back for Blood

You defeated 25 holiday Vampires. When you thought all of the holiday shopping was done and you remembered what you forgot.

Candy Canes

Opening presents will also potentially award Candy Cane Salvage, which can be redeemed for a variety of badges, temp powers, and costume pieces from past winter events.

Special Salvage

A festive piece of peppermint candy to celebrate the holidays. Seek the Candy Keeper in the winter chalet in Pocket D, as he collects these candy canes in return for hard to aquire treasures.

The Candy Keeper

Candy Keeper

Main Article: Candy Keeper

The Candy Keeper allows players to turn in Candy Cane Salvage for a variety of rewards.

Temporary Powers
Costume Items
Invention Recipes

It should be noted that if you already have the badge, then the badge will not display, however the Costume Item or Temporary Power associated with that badge will still show up and you can trade in Candy Canes for them. This is different from Father Time's mission reward menu in which if you choose a reward for which you already have the badge, you'll get nothing.

Present Locations

NOTE: Not all the spawn sites for the Presents have been documented. If you have the /loc for a spawn site not shown in these images, let us know.

Hero Zone Maps

Villain Zone Maps

Praetorian Zone Maps

Coop/PVP Zone Maps

External Links

  • The event was introduced with a video.