
From City of Heroes: Rebirth Wiki
Revision as of 12:41, 18 January 2007 by imported>Konoko (change userbox, need to shorten, waaaay too long)
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This user's main hero is a Controller.

This user's main villain is a Brute.

Characters and Info

City Game Tracker Profile (pictures)
City Game Tracker List (text)
City Info Terminal List (badges)

Real Life

Let's just say I don't do call centers. The only reason I got my first job in a call center doing tech support and customer service was my then greater than average computer knowledge (I knew what an INIT string for a modem was). I was great on the phone, friendly, got good reviews, but every time I had to repeat myself or try and explain the company's idiocies, I lost a part of my saint-like patience. After 2 years I finally had it, I started skipping calls from particular queues. 5 jobs and 3 years later and that hasn't changed. Thankfully I am now employed in the actual I.T. department installing software and setting up the physical hardware. Yay.

Someday I'll be a programmer, I'm in school for that, but we're learning about hardware and it's boring. Gimme the parts and I'll build it, even sort out the IRQs (even though we don't need to anymore). But ask me about C++ and I'll start vegging (is that a word?).

CoH Forums

Having 1/10th the posts of Catwhoorg, you can find me in Player Questions and the City Binder thread. I had to stop checking them every day for a short time, mostly due to the excessive amount of "When is Issue x coming out?", or "I know the devs won't reply, but can we get a dev reply for why Issue x is taking so long?" (this less than a month after Issue x-1 came out).

Paragon City

I have played almost exclusively on Champion since I started, this due to my RL friends getting me into the game and they were on that server. In fact, I still do.


Mr Hill
Deleted level 17 Blaster (AR/Dev). My first character. I started just after I4 (Arenas) had hit live, and it felt like City of Blasters. I got sick of it and opened the search window, counted the online heroes and chose the AT with the fewest online at that moment. Hence, my next character
Mrs Hill
Champion Level 42 Controller Illusion/Force Field. My second character, I played her for a long time, with numerous alts made and deleted. Her backstory I made at 14 was, and still is "Camera nut as a child, Mrs Hill learned to create her own bright lights. She uses her knowledge of light to bend light round herself and her friends." She also has my favorite outfit, which happens to be the first one I made. Ever. (besides Mr Hill obviously).
Konoko M.
Champion Level 50 Scrapper Martial Arts/Regeneration. I had just finished playing Oni, the PC version. You play a purple haired chick working for the 'authorities' who happens to be extremely adept at hand to hand combat. She can use any weapon she finds, but can only carry one at a time. If you can master attack strings and the timing, you can kick butt better than most Heroes. So anyways, I was curious how close to the main character, Konoko Mayazaki (spelling?) I could get using the costume creator. I was pretty far off, but it was still fun. As time went by I got sick of the semi-unsoloability of Mrs Hill and started playing Konoko more often. Round about level 22 my RL friend hit 50 and made a Warshade, showed me a squid, and I had to have one. So I played Konoko almost exclusively. After 500+ hours and spurts of PL'ing (thank you Rorsarch(spelling)), I finally dinged level 50 in Portal Corp off of some Possesed Scientists. We thought I would ding during a mission against Tyrant I was running with a friend, but I was about 5 kills off after the mission ended. (Statesman's Footstomp one shotted minions, ridiculous)
For those that have played Oni, I'm sorry, I mucked up her name. Her real name is Mai Hasegawa, and I somehow got the M as her surname. Ah well, no-one in game has to know that.
Incidentally, I've met several relatives of graphic designers for Oni in game that were glad to see her in CoH, and were sad that multiplayer never materialized. That would be wicked cool!
Champion Level 43 Controller Gravity/Kinetics/Psionic. Originally a place holder for when I5 and the archery sets hit live so I could make a character that uses a bow and be all like Teen Girl Squad ARROW'D! Then her battlecry would be MDG'D /em oh my stomach lining. But then she sat at level 2, I5 came and went, and archery didn't bode well with me. I had no clue the power of Kinetics at the time. I played her off and on for a while, then my best friend in game, Magnetix, showed me the power of Grav/Kin, and one day I remembered 'Hey, I have a Grav/Kin' so I started playing her. She became my favorite in place of my warshade
Champion Level 24 Warshade. Kei was made and remade several times. I had an interesting time with this one, I heard they were controllerish, and I had arrow'd to 20 and Mrs Hill had a blast in teams, so I got to 12 and died 3 times a mission. I can't remember when I got to 20 and got Dwarf form, but I ran missions for hours. At the same time I can't wait for more of the higher level powers, but I can't stand playing. They're like a jack-of-all-trades, good at everything, excellent at nothing. I can tank, but I can't herd and devastate like tankers and scrappers, lose health too fast. I can blast and own 5 solo spawns before my health gets too low, but the defeated mobs are too far apart to use Stygian Circle effectively. Human form is a joke, only there for the hold and mire and Stygian Circle. Also for Hasten, Superspeed, and the Stealth power. (yay stealthing missions).
Champion Level 29 Defender Empathy/Psionics. My most favorite character in teams, built for team support. The boosts to Hover and Psi attack delays in I8 will make her more offensive as well.
Carbon Cruiser
Freedom Level 7 Controller Gravity/Radiation. Another RL friend started playing Co* earlier this year, but I was never on when he was. He's up to level 22 on Freedom, and I decided to join him and expand my horizons. Champion is full and has been for 6 months, with any alts being on Champion because they're usually made when SG mates get bored and make alts at the same time, delting as necessary. So anyways, starting on Freedom because it has the highest server population. It feels like Champion did when I started. Lots of broadcast chatter in Atlas and KR.
Crazy Brenda
Dark/Elec defender, orignally named Kei, had up to 22 and deleted to make Kei the Warshade, which was stupid because I lost those 22 levels and now she's re-created at level 8. Stealing name from Brenda Hawthorn the villain. I've heard rumors that Dark/Elec defenders can herd, and someday I'll have enough levels to test that.
2 TA/Archery defenders both up to about 10 before deleting. I'm sure if I stuck it out and followed the Sharp Pointy Sticks and You guide I could take them higher. But I'm more interested in getting a villain to 50 before EAT's come out for them.
Several Blasters. Sometimes our SG decides to make new characters on a whim, some have survived past 8, most have not.


Mrs. Hill
Champion Level 17 Ninja/Dark (deleted). During the short time I was in CoV beta, I fell in love with masterminds and had to make one on live. But after a while it got boring for some reason. It may have been my power choices (Teleport to place my pets like I would have in CoH on controllers but never did, then found no use for it). She was around for a loooong time before I deleted 2 months ago
Brenda Hawthorn
Champion Level 20 Thugs/Poison. When I7 went to test, I made one, re-made on live and played like I did Konoko to try and get to 50. However at the time I was extremely active in my hero SG's and none of my friends there played CoV much. After a few months and the level 20 grind and still no level 22 I kinda shelved her. Her outfit is great though, matches unenhanced Punks perfectly. And the poison set gives her street cred. Huckin logies at foes was great.
Brenda Crazy
Champion Level 37 Dark Melee/Electric Armor. Holy cow, brutes are excessively easy. I don't remember when Electric sets got added, but I wanted to make one, but didn't want to be FoTM and have elec/elec, so I went with Dark Melee. It was only after level 14 that I realized it was the opposite of a Dark/Elec Defender. (See Crazy Brenda/Kei). It's insane. Solo on Villainous, I was herding Cage Consortium guards in missions in Sharkhead. I'm definitely not godlike yet, I need more slots, but running from mission to mission hasn't happened since Konoko hit 30-ish.
False Arachnoid: Deleted level 12 Dark/Kinetics. She was fun, kinda. If I had stuck with it I feel like she could have been powerful. But alas.
Zim. Deleted concept for Invader Zim. Looked just like him (as much as you can in Co*). Robots/FF. My Assault bot was going to be named Gir. The drones were Dib, Gaz, would have been Tak. The Med Droids were MiniMoose and would have been Tacoman. I don't remember how high I was. But mayhem missions weren't out and I couldn't solo as fast as I liked. (my fault, I hadn't taken any attacks, I figured zim would command stuff, and in the show he didn't fair well in combat unless he cheated, (see planet snatchers))
Plant Lady. Created on my friends account for the express purpose of confusing Konoko so she could kill Longbow (still want that badge). Created with False Arachnoid, and still on friends account, haven't played much. I could make a backstory, she's Plant/Energy Dominator, energy from the sun for her plants and stuff...... yeah....
re-made on other friends account as Kitty Flying.