Tunnel Rat (Contact)

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Tunnel Rat

Human Smuggler
Zone Nova Praetoria
Coordinates (-4959, -76, 2675)
Level Range 1-10
Introduced By == Level 4 ==
Robert Flores
Introduces == Level 9 ==
Doctor Arvin
Enemy Groups None
v  d  e

Tunnel Rat is a Praetorian contact in the South Aetna neighborhood of Nova Praetoria at coordinates (-4959, -76, 2675).  Her level range is 1-10.


Contact Introduced By

Contact Introduces

Good luck with Arvin. Try not to be around if he gets his nose chomped off by a chomper.
Doctor Arvin is a very smart man, too smart, smells nice, but nice smells linger. Going to get himself into trouble one day, very big trouble. Sticks his nose where it doesn't belong, can't smell trouble like I can - can't see trouble like I can either.


Human Smuggler

Tunnel Rat has been given the task of helping get people out of Praetoria City. She spent most of her life living in the tunnels, giving her heightened vision in the dark and an incredible sense of smell.

Unfortunately, she must permanently wear a re-breather, due to all of the toxic fumes she has inhaled over the years.

Her time in the tunnels has made her an invaluable asset to the Resistance. Though she is one of the more... paranoid members, having seen many of her friends torn apart by ghouls.

Prior to Introduction

Missing Text

Initial Contact

The woman you see takes a long, deep breath within her mask before speaking.

Name's Tunnel Rat, good to meet you Character, heard all about you, all about you. Little information on me, very perceptive, always noticing things, all the time, every second of the day. Makes me a little nervous some

- !?!...!!...

It was nothing. Makes me a little nervous sometimes. You smell interesting, can't quite make it out. Are you here to help out or are you here to cause trouble? Hope it's not trouble for me, because I really hate it when that happens.

Oh, right, Robert Flores, cute guy, aims too high though, thinks he can impress Vetrano, nobody can impress Vetrano, she has standards that are way too high for her own good. You're here about getting that PPD guy out, right? I can help you, it's what I was given to do, and I do what I'm given to do, it's what makes me me, do you know what I mean?


What? What was that? Did you hear that?

Too Busy

Missing Too Busy Dialogue

Too Low Level

Missing Too Low Level Dialogue

No More Missions

We're all done, finished, that's it. Staying away from high-profile tasks for a while, think I'll just work on smuggling rats, or something.


Missing Store Unlock Dialogue

Story Arc

Getting Out Alive



Spare Rebreather

Tunnel Rat gave you this spare rebreather device, saying that, 'we'll all need this when the toxins from the tunnels are up in the air'. It reminds you of the time you worked with her, an experience you call...

Getting Out Alive

It began when you learned that a PPD officer, one Paolo Marino, wanted help in getting his family out of Praetoria. You located his father, a respected doctor within the city, and 'kidnapped' him to get him into the hands of the Resistance.

You and Tunnel Rat discovered afterwards that Paolo's brother was in the Syndicate. You went to Syfotine Industries and destroyed the computer that tracks all members of the Syndicate, allowing Paolo's brother to freely make contact with the Resistance.

Complications arose though; you discovered in the Syndicate base that they had the location of every single person the Resistance ever helped out of the city! The Syndicate planned on using this information to blackmail the Resistance into doing whatever they wanted. Tunnel Rat also found out that Paolo Marino was put in charge by the PPD to track down all the people that the Resistance had taken out of the city.

You attacked the Syndicate and recovered the list, saving all those people currently in hiding. You were faced with a decision within that base after confronting Paolo Marino - leave him to his work in the PPD, or force him to be with his family, despite the risks.

Tunnel Rat, however, did not care at all about the choice you made - she was just happy that things were finally calm, saying that she wasn't one for all these complicated problems that came up.


Alright, so you're on board now, which is great, because you're a lot more powerful than me. Totally can use that, let's see, was having problems with Paolo's family needing to be rescued, couldn't go in myself...but that's fine now, right? Because you're here to help save the day. Huh?!

What was that?! Smelled something weird, really weird, too weird to be normal, too normal not to be weird...

Figure it out later, focus on working with Character.

So, the deal with rescuing people is that we can't rescue them. Seems backwards, it is backwards, that's what happens in this place, everything is backwards instead of forwards. We rescue them, they're seen as being on our side, that's not good, they get slammed, can't have that, no one wants to be on our side.

It's gotta look like we're kidnapping them, or else Loyalists start to think that the people we're rescuing are really on our side. That'd be awful, wouldn't it, people actually publically supporting us? ....what was that?

It was nothing, Tunnel Rat. What's our first step?

Says it's nothing, like he is used to it down here. Shake it off, shake it off, gotta move forward.

Paolo, smart guy, maybe little good looking, too suspicious though, just me, he left the location of his father behind a movie poster. Weird way to do things, don't think he's used to doing things in a shady manner, not like me, not like us, not like those who watch us. Got location for you to use, no time to risk you looking at movie posters. Here's location of where Paolo's father is, get him, get out. Just don't stay too long, smells stay longer than anything, someone like me, they'll smell you out, really quick, too quick to change what happens next.

Unsolicited Contact

Need to kidnap the good doctor, right? Can't wait any longer, need to get going on that, making me a little nervous that you're standing around like this...


Praetorian Clockwork

Mission Objective(s)

You enter the labs to see that they're guarded and maintained by the Clockwork. This may make things easier, at least.

  • 'Kidnap' Dr. Marino'

You managed to 'Kidnap' Dr. Marino!

Clockwork Dialogue 

Before combat:


Combat start:


Before combat


Combat start:

LAB.SFE = False. ATK = True

Dr. Marino Dialogue 

Before combat:

Hrm...yes, I'll need you to go and fetch me some more of these vials...

Combat start:

Character?! Here?!


The people I know won't allow this to take place, Character!
(I really appreciate all your help, please tell Paolo I'll see him soon.)


Tunnel Rat takes a few breaths before speaking.

Rescued Dr. Marino, really good. Still suspecting some problems, odd smells coming from that man.

Still, bigger problems are around, all around, everywhere you look. Need to figure out how to get out Paolo's brother, Giacomo, then Paolo himself. Not easy, getting PPD out, really hate that this was given to me. I never did anything wrong to be given the hard stuff. Why couldn't Flores do it, or Ricochet?

Taking that back on Ricochet, not her style to save people, more of a slammer, not a saver.

Here, way to contact me without meeting face to face, think it's much safer that way, lack of smell to hang around, draws attention.

Part Two: Complications

I don't know why I'm given the tough stuff. Why couldn't it be homeless people to save? Getting a little suspicious, always throwing the difficult assignments on me, like I'm the one who can handle it, but if I'm the best, who is the worst? I'm not that good, not really good, so if I'm seen as others as that good, is it bad? Bad for us, bad for me, bad for everyone?



Okay so the thing is, Paolo's brother, Giacomo, part of the Syndicate.

Bad news for us, makes things harder, Syndicate are known to be very sneaky, very suspicious, could possibly all be a trap, not something to put by the Syndicate.

Paolo says his brother can't get out on his own, Syndicate keeps tabs on everyone's movements. Very difficult, once in Syndicate, always in the Syndicate, you only get out if you die, or worse, well, there's not much worse to dying. Maybe. I'd have to think on it for a while, maybe getting chomped by ghouls? That would be worse, much worse, or maybe...

Okay, I get it. So what needs to happen to get Giacomo out of there?

Right, plan is simple, almost simple. But not simple enough to be called simple, just hard enough to be a pain.

Syndicate have tracking beacons on most of their higher operatives, Giacomo is a higher operative, very unfortunate for us, of course, he couldn't just be someone they don't care about. The computer controlling these tracking beacons is in Syfotine Industries. So you need to get in there and destroy that computer, that gives Giacomo a free pass to go anywhere he wants, at least until they get a back up system. But by then it'll be too late, unless it's all a trap, which case it's already too late for the both of us. Good thing to think of for our own futures.

Unsolicited Contact

I'm nervous that you're here talking with me, why are you talking to me, isn't there more important things to do? I don't like this, getting a bad vibe, you should get away!



Mission Objective(s)

This part of the office seems too clean - the Syndicate have gone out of their way to hide their presence.

  • Destroy Syndicate's Tracking Computer
    • Destroy the Tracking Computer

You've destroyed the tracking computer, only to discover that the Syndicate was one step ahead of you!

After entering the mission:

Hrm... I wonder what you could be doing here, Character?

Don't you understand that it's bad for your health to stick your nose in Syndicate business?

Syndicate Dialogue 

Before combat:

What are the plans regarding the ghouls?
We know the PPD have trackers on them. We can use that to our advantage.

Combat start:

More trouble, as usal. Not surprising, we'll easily handle you.

Before combat

Refresh the positions, let's make sure the operations in Imperial are going smoothly.

Combat start:

Hrm, a member of Powers Division. How did you find out about Syfotine's tracker?

After destroying the tracking computer:

Destroying this computer doesn't matter. We already have the locations of every person the Resistance has funneled out of Praetoria. You lose, Character.

Syndicate's Tracking
You destroyed the tracking computer that the Syndicate had, but not before seeing a message appear on it.

Daniel Shapiro, VP of Public Relations in Syfotine Industries, has on him the location of every single person that the Resistance has helped to flee the city. He plans on using this list to force members of the Resistance to work for the Syndicate, acting as distractions for their own plots.


Good timing, Lar'Koline. Just talked with Paolo, said his brother is with his father now, we've got one of our trams ready to get them out of the city. Have a little complication with Paolo though.

Huh? Problem on your end? No, no no no no, no problems on your end! Why are you having problems on your end?! We're not supposed to have problems, knew this smelled bad from the beginning, had a feeling, gut feeling! I can't handle this, I'm not supposed to handle this, not meant to handle this! Just supposed to bring people from A to B, not fight a giant crusade!

Syndicate know where ALL of the people we've helped to rescue are?! No, no no no no no! What do we do?! Too many complications! We're all gonna get chomped!

Part Three: Praetoria's Best Officer

Ugggh, I don't like this! Paolo found out about issue, he's running over to deal with this VP now, but he can't deal with the VP, stupid stupid stupid!

Problem came up with Paolo, PPD launching campaign to search for all the people that we've gotten out of the city. Fate really hates us, really hates us, since the powers that be in PPD chose Paolo as the lead investigator on the assignment. Really annoying!

What does he do? I want him to run, and he decides to stay, we do all this hard work and now he's staying! Says he's going to make sure no one is found, giving up being with his family. What about the work that I did?! Just throwing it away?!

Anyway, Lar'Koline, we need to do something. Paolo found out the location of that VP who has the info, Daniel Shapiro, says he's going to tie this loose end up, but Paolo is an idiot.

You've gotta get to the lab where Shap is and get the information from him!

What about Paolo? He'll be there, right?

Just stop him from doing anything stupid, knew he would do something stupid like this, sensed it from the start. Don't really care if he's gonna choose to stay in Praetoria now, causing me too much trouble, just wanted this to be simple, really simple! What's important is getting that info from the VP, can't have us being used by the Syndicate, too much to handle, too much responsibility on my shoulders to keep all of us free from them.

Those Loyalists who are truly loyal to safety and peace of Praetoria would do well to speak with Provost Marchand about events that are happening.

Unsolicited Contact

Don't tell me you're here to say you can't do this, I don't need that, it's the last thing I need, the very last thing, right next to being chomped.

Contactng Provost Marchand 


Mission Objective(s)

Daniel Shapiro, VP of Public Relations in Syfotine Industries, is here somewhere with the list. You'll have to carve a path through the Syndicate to get to him and free the Resistance.

  • Retrieve Survivor List from the Syndicate
    • Deal with Paolo Marino