Magic Salvage: Difference between revisions

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added a few links to what they create..
m →‎Magic Salvage Items: a couple of creation links
Line 82: Line 82:
'''Red Cap Salvage'''
'''Red Cap Salvage'''

Who mints the bizarre coins of the Red Caps?  What sinister council ordains their creation?{{clr}}
Who mints the bizarre coins of the Red Caps?  What sinister council ordains their creation?
{{Creation|[[Mystic Element]], [[Mystic Foci]]}}{{clr|Left}}

=== Crystal Codex Fragments ===
=== Crystal Codex Fragments ===
Line 89: Line 91:
'''Arcane Salvage'''
'''Arcane Salvage'''

It is said the Crystal Codex was written in the language of the gods.  Indeed, the shards seem capable of trapping immense power within them.{{clr}}
It is said the Crystal Codex was written in the language of the gods.  Indeed, the shards seem capable of trapping immense power within them.
This salvage does not appear to be used to create any components or base items.{{clr|Left}}<!-- I could not find anything that this item was used to create, corrections are appreciated - StarGeek -->

=== Crystal Skull ===
=== Crystal Skull ===
Line 96: Line 100:
'''Skull Salvage'''
'''Skull Salvage'''

Somehow this artifact takes power from the spirits of the dead and channels it into the Skulls' dark attacks.{{clr}}
Somehow this artifact takes power from the spirits of the dead and channels it into the Skulls' dark attacks.
{{Creation|[[Mystic Element]], [[Mystic Foci]]}}{{clr|Left}}

=== Demon Heart ===
=== Demon Heart ===
Line 103: Line 109:
'''Special Salvage'''
'''Special Salvage'''

Torn from the breast of a foul creature, this still reeks with vile steam.  Powerful mystics agree that there are only two final ways of eliminating a demon: ripping out its heart, or learning its true name.{{clr}}
Torn from the breast of a foul creature, this still reeks with vile steam.  Powerful mystics agree that there are only two final ways of eliminating a demon: ripping out its heart, or learning its true name.
This salvage does not appear to be used to create any components or base items.{{clr|Left}}<!-- I could not find anything that this item was used to create, corrections are appreciated - StarGeek -->{{clr|Left}}

=== Demonlogica ===
=== Demonlogica ===
Line 110: Line 118:
'''Arcane Salvage'''
'''Arcane Salvage'''

It is well known within the mystic community that the author of this book lost his mind just after completing it.{{clr}}
It is well known within the mystic community that the author of this book lost his mind just after completing it.{{clr|Left}}

=== Dread Tramalian ===
=== Dread Tramalian ===
Line 117: Line 125:
'''Legacy Chain Salvage'''
'''Legacy Chain Salvage'''

Rings such as these are passed down through the Legacy Chain, from father to son. They are half ward, half heirloom.{{clr}}
Rings such as these are passed down through the Legacy Chain, from father to son. They are half ward, half heirloom.{{clr|Left}}

=== Ectoplasm ===
=== Ectoplasm ===
Line 124: Line 132:
'''Arcane Salvage'''
'''Arcane Salvage'''

Some call it 'ectoplasm.' Others call it 'spectral blood.' Whatever the case, the properties of this rare ooze have only begun to be discovered.{{clr}}
Some call it 'ectoplasm.' Others call it 'spectral blood.' Whatever the case, the properties of this rare ooze have only begun to be discovered.{{clr|Left}}

=== Ectoplasmic Residue ===
=== Ectoplasmic Residue ===
Line 131: Line 139:
'''Arcane Salvage'''
'''Arcane Salvage'''

Wherever ghosts appear, this residue is left behind.  It has been put to all manner of uses, including contacting the dead.{{clr}}
Wherever ghosts appear, this residue is left behind.  It has been put to all manner of uses, including contacting the dead.{{clr|Left}}

=== Elemental Manual ===
=== Elemental Manual ===
Line 138: Line 146:
'''Legacy Chain Salvage'''
'''Legacy Chain Salvage'''

Tomes like these are commonly found among the Legacy Chain.  They contain a mishmash of spells and diary entries dating centuries back.{{clr}}
Tomes like these are commonly found among the Legacy Chain.  They contain a mishmash of spells and diary entries dating centuries back.{{clr|Left}}

=== Etherium ===
=== Etherium ===
Line 145: Line 153:
'''Arcane Salvage'''
'''Arcane Salvage'''

Soft as cloth, this woven metal shimmers with a strange glow. It is almost as though it comes from another world entirely.{{clr}}
Soft as cloth, this woven metal shimmers with a strange glow. It is almost as though it comes from another world entirely.{{clr|Left}}

=== Fetish ===
=== Fetish ===
Line 152: Line 160:
'''Banished Pantheon Salvage'''
'''Banished Pantheon Salvage'''

It doesn't make sense that a simple stick like this could have the power to blur the barrier between the spirit world and this one, allowing the dark powers of the Banished Pantheon to bleed through.  It doesn't make sense, but it's true.{{clr}}
It doesn't make sense that a simple stick like this could have the power to blur the barrier between the spirit world and this one, allowing the dark powers of the Banished Pantheon to bleed through.  It doesn't make sense, but it's true.{{clr|Left}}

=== Fir Bolg Hand ===
=== Fir Bolg Hand ===
Line 159: Line 167:
'''Fir Bolg Salvage'''
'''Fir Bolg Salvage'''

Detached from the Fir Bolg, these twisted vines have lost all semblance of life.{{clr}}
Detached from the Fir Bolg, these twisted vines have lost all semblance of life.{{clr|Left}}

=== Fir Bolg Straw ===
=== Fir Bolg Straw ===
Line 166: Line 174:
'''Fir Bolg Salvage'''
'''Fir Bolg Salvage'''

Scarecrows walking and talking?  Balderdash!  It's just straw, right?{{clr}}
Scarecrows walking and talking?  Balderdash!  It's just straw, right?{{clr|Left}}

=== Ghost Trinket ===
=== Ghost Trinket ===
Line 173: Line 181:
'''Ghost Salvage'''
'''Ghost Salvage'''

Small possessions of the spirits sometimes manifest and drop into the physical world.  Studying these transmogrified relics often yields fascinating results.{{clr}}
Small possessions of the spirits sometimes manifest and drop into the physical world.  Studying these transmogrified relics often yields fascinating results.{{clr|Left}}

=== Glittershrooms ===
=== Glittershrooms ===
Line 180: Line 188:
'''Tuatha Salvage'''
'''Tuatha Salvage'''

These once-normal mushrooms became enchanted when accidentally caught in a Tuatha's spell.  Their properties are varied, but always yield fascinating results to those who know how to study them.{{clr}}
These once-normal mushrooms became enchanted when accidentally caught in a Tuatha's spell.  Their properties are varied, but always yield fascinating results to those who know how to study them.{{clr|Left}}

=== Hex ===
=== Hex ===
Line 187: Line 195:
'''Hellion Salvage'''
'''Hellion Salvage'''

Though largely unschooled in the ways of magic, the Hellions have deciphered a few symbols of power.  Their ignorance of the craft makes their use of such symbols all the more dangerous.{{clr}}
Though largely unschooled in the ways of magic, the Hellions have deciphered a few symbols of power.  Their ignorance of the craft makes their use of such symbols all the more dangerous.{{clr|Left}}

=== Magma ===
=== Magma ===
Line 194: Line 202:
'''Igneous Salvage'''
'''Igneous Salvage'''

This molten rock crackles and hisses with energy.  No matter how long you carry it, it never cools.{{clr}}
This molten rock crackles and hisses with energy.  No matter how long you carry it, it never cools.{{clr|Left}}

=== Necklace of Teeth ===
=== Necklace of Teeth ===
Line 201: Line 209:
'''Banished Pantheon Salvage'''
'''Banished Pantheon Salvage'''

This necklace is made of human teeth.  You don't want to know where or how the Shamans got them.{{clr}}
This necklace is made of human teeth.  You don't want to know where or how the Shamans got them.{{clr|Left}}

=== Orichalcum ===
=== Orichalcum ===
Line 208: Line 216:
'''Circle of Thorns Salvage'''
'''Circle of Thorns Salvage'''

This is a crystal used in ancient times.  Engineers cannot account for its unusual strength, which is believed by some to be mystically enhanced.{{clr}}
This is a crystal used in ancient times.  Engineers cannot account for its unusual strength, which is believed by some to be mystically enhanced.{{clr|Left}}

=== Phantom Tears ===
=== Phantom Tears ===
Line 215: Line 223:
'''Ghost Salvage'''
'''Ghost Salvage'''

The teardrop of a ghost! Deep emotion is often what ties ghosts to this world.{{clr}}
The teardrop of a ghost! Deep emotion is often what ties ghosts to this world.{{clr|Left}}

=== Potion ===
=== Potion ===
Line 222: Line 230:
'''Arcane Salvage'''
'''Arcane Salvage'''

Potions such as these are very dangerous if you don't know what they do. Of course, for some groups like the Carnival, the choas is part of the fun.{{clr}}
Potions such as these are very dangerous if you don't know what they do. Of course, for some groups like the Carnival, the choas is part of the fun.{{clr|Left}}

=== Pumice ===
=== Pumice ===
Line 229: Line 237:
'''Igneous Salvage'''
'''Igneous Salvage'''

This chunk of rock is surprisingly light.  That could explain why the Pumicites move with such frightening speed.{{clr}}
This chunk of rock is surprisingly light.  That could explain why the Pumicites move with such frightening speed.{{clr|Left}}

=== Pumpkin Bomb ===
=== Pumpkin Bomb ===
Line 236: Line 244:
'''[[Fir Bolg]] Salvage'''
'''[[Fir Bolg]] Salvage'''

Like so much in [[Croatoa]], these pumpkins are not what they first appear. Transformed by the [[Fir Bolg]]'s magic, these explosive squash pack a real punch.{{clr}}
Like so much in [[Croatoa]], these pumpkins are not what they first appear. Transformed by the [[Fir Bolg]]'s magic, these explosive squash pack a real punch.{{clr|Left}}

===Red Cap Pouch ===
===Red Cap Pouch ===
Line 243: Line 251:
'''Red Caps Salvage'''
'''Red Caps Salvage'''

Curious rocks, leaves and powders fill this small pouch, but what is most disturbing are the hard little shards of white bone. Red Caps have been known throughout history as brutal creatures, and you have to wonder who those bones once belonged to.{{clr}}
Curious rocks, leaves and powders fill this small pouch, but what is most disturbing are the hard little shards of white bone. Red Caps have been known throughout history as brutal creatures, and you have to wonder who those bones once belonged to.{{clr|Left}}

=== Ring ===
=== Ring ===
Line 250: Line 258:
'''Circle of Thorns Salvage'''
'''Circle of Thorns Salvage'''

Rings are often said to be sources of power.  Those carried by the Circle of Thorns usually bear sigils intended to bind ghostly forms to the physical world.  It's hard to explain why.{{clr}}
Rings are often said to be sources of power.  Those carried by the Circle of Thorns usually bear sigils intended to bind ghostly forms to the physical world.  It's hard to explain why.{{clr|Left}}

=== Saber ===
=== Saber ===
Line 257: Line 265:
'''Ghost Salvage'''
'''Ghost Salvage'''

These ghostly blades appear to have no substance, but when weilded in fury they can cut through solid objects.  That's a mystery worth analysing.{{clr}}
These ghostly blades appear to have no substance, but when weilded in fury they can cut through solid objects.  That's a mystery worth analysing.{{clr|Left}}

=== Scent of Brimstone ===
=== Scent of Brimstone ===
Line 264: Line 272:
'''Circle of Thorns Salvage'''
'''Circle of Thorns Salvage'''

The smell is terrible, but arcane texts indicate that a whiff of brimstone can awaken dormant magic powers hidden within other objects.{{clr}}
The smell is terrible, but arcane texts indicate that a whiff of brimstone can awaken dormant magic powers hidden within other objects.{{clr|Left}}

=== Scrolls ===
=== Scrolls ===
Line 281: Line 289:
'''Banished Pantheon Salvage'''
'''Banished Pantheon Salvage'''

Banished Pantheon shamans draw sigils such as this one onto the skin of corpses.  Only then can they be animated.{{clr}}
Banished Pantheon shamans draw sigils such as this one onto the skin of corpses.  Only then can they be animated.{{clr|Left}}

=== Spark ===
=== Spark ===
Line 289: Line 297:

Dr. Aeon has done everything he can to keep knowledge of the [[Cap au Diable]] demons from Arachnos. If he knew you were carrying evidence of their existence, your life wouldn't be worth much.
Dr. Aeon has done everything he can to keep knowledge of the [[Cap au Diable]] demons from Arachnos. If he knew you were carrying evidence of their existence, your life wouldn't be worth much.

=== Spells of Power ===
=== Spells of Power ===
Line 296: Line 304:
'''Common Salvage'''
'''Common Salvage'''

These incantations are stronger than any you have found before.  Correctly done, they can enchant devices with deadly energies.{{clr}}
These incantations are stronger than any you have found before.  Correctly done, they can enchant devices with deadly energies.{{clr|Left}}

=== Spielman's Signet ===
=== Spielman's Signet ===
Line 303: Line 311:
'''[[Legacy Chain]] Salvage
'''[[Legacy Chain]] Salvage

Spielman was one of the original founders of the [[Legacy Chain]]; over the centuries, many of his descendants have died in the service of his cause.{{clr}}
Spielman was one of the original founders of the [[Legacy Chain]]; over the centuries, many of his descendants have died in the service of his cause.{{clr|Left}}

=== Spirit Guide ===
=== Spirit Guide ===
Line 310: Line 318:
'''Arcane Salvage'''
'''Arcane Salvage'''

Even death could not stop the scholar Randall from completing his great work. This essential mystic resource lists every spirit type, from the Spectral Pirates from Cap au Diable to the ghosts that haunt Croatoa.{{clr}}
Even death could not stop the scholar Randall from completing his great work. This essential mystic resource lists every spirit type, from the Spectral Pirates from Cap au Diable to the ghosts that haunt Croatoa.{{clr|Left}}

=== Static Charge ===
=== Static Charge ===
Line 317: Line 325:
'''[[Cap Au Demon]] Salvage
'''[[Cap Au Demon]] Salvage

For some reason, this static charge does not dissipate. It is as though it has a life of its own.{{clr}}
For some reason, this static charge does not dissipate. It is as though it has a life of its own.{{clr|Left}}

=== Talisman ===
=== Talisman ===
Line 324: Line 332:
'''Circle of Thorns Salvage'''
'''Circle of Thorns Salvage'''

Those who wear talismans such as this one seem to gain in magical power.  However, those around them often suffer decreased power.{{clr}}
Those who wear talismans such as this one seem to gain in magical power.  However, those around them often suffer decreased power.{{clr|Left}}

=== Tattoo ===
=== Tattoo ===
Line 331: Line 339:
'''Hellion Salvage'''
'''Hellion Salvage'''

This tattoo pattern if favored by the Hellions.  It is rumored to unlock hidden powers.{{clr}}
This tattoo pattern if favored by the Hellions.  It is rumored to unlock hidden powers.{{clr|Left}}

=== Thorn fragment ===
=== Thorn fragment ===
Line 338: Line 346:
'''Circle of Thorns Salvage'''
'''Circle of Thorns Salvage'''

This Thorn fragment seems to pulse in your hands. It must contain great power.{{clr}}
This Thorn fragment seems to pulse in your hands. It must contain great power.{{clr|Left}}

=== Tsoo Ink ===
=== Tsoo Ink ===
Line 345: Line 353:
'''Tsoo Salvage'''
'''Tsoo Salvage'''

This ink is used in the tatooing of the Green Ink Men, famous for their supernatural strength.{{clr}}
This ink is used in the tatooing of the Green Ink Men, famous for their supernatural strength.{{clr|Left}}

=== Tuatha Furs ===
=== Tuatha Furs ===
Line 352: Line 360:
'''Tuatha Salvage'''
'''Tuatha Salvage'''

The Furs of these proud beasts bear an unusual scent, the artifact of their origins in the spirit realm.{{clr}}
The Furs of these proud beasts bear an unusual scent, the artifact of their origins in the spirit realm.{{clr|Left}}

=== Ur-Metal ===
=== Ur-Metal ===
Line 359: Line 367:
'''Arcane Salvage'''
'''Arcane Salvage'''

This rare ore comes from mines in another dimension.{{clr}}
This rare ore comes from mines in another dimension.{{clr|Left}}

=== Verminous Victuals ===
=== Verminous Victuals ===
Line 366: Line 374:
'''Cabal Salvage'''
'''Cabal Salvage'''

It takes a strong stomach to look at this vile stew.  You can't be sure, but it appears that a Red Cap hat floats within the broth.{{clr}}
It takes a strong stomach to look at this vile stew.  You can't be sure, but it appears that a Red Cap hat floats within the broth.{{clr|Left}}

=== Weapon of Mu ===
=== Weapon of Mu ===
Line 373: Line 381:
'''Common Salvage'''
'''Common Salvage'''

This rare weapon is an artifact of ancient [[Mu]].  It has survived the millenia because of its arcane energies.  If this power is transferred to another shell it can make a powerful device.{{clr}}
This rare weapon is an artifact of ancient [[Mu]].  It has survived the millenia because of its arcane energies.  If this power is transferred to another shell it can make a powerful device.{{clr|Left}}

=== Witch's Hat ===
=== Witch's Hat ===
Line 380: Line 388:
'''Cabal Salvage'''
'''Cabal Salvage'''

The inner band of this hat is covered with small sigils of power.  If you hold them in the darkness, these sigils faintly glow.{{clr}}
The inner band of this hat is covered with small sigils of power.  If you hold them in the darkness, these sigils faintly glow.{{clr|Left}}

==See Also==
==See Also==

Revision as of 21:28, 18 January 2008


These are the magic salvage items you can collect

Magic Salvage Items


Arcane Salvage

The runes around this stone make it a powerful source of protection against dark magic.

Note: This salvage was used in the creation of the following items: Mystic Element, Mystic Foci, Arcane Glyph.
As of Issue 13, it can only be used to create Brain Storm Idea Salvage.

Ancient Weapon

Warriors Salvage

This dagger glows with a sickly light. Few of the weapons the Warriors wield are magical, but the gang has been accused of spreading cursed relics throughout Paragon City. This blade could be one such item.

Note: This salvage was used in the creation of the following items: Arcane Essence, Arcane Glyph.
As of Issue 13, it can only be used to create Brain Storm Idea Salvage.

Arcane Powder

Tsoo Salvage

This fine powder is used in the creation of the tattoos that adorn the Tsoo's Yellow Ink Men. These tattoos give them enhanced mental powers, allowing them to dominate their foes.

Note: This salvage was used in the creation of the following items: Mystic Element, Mystic Foci, Magical Ward.
As of Issue 13, it can only be used to create Brain Storm Idea Salvage.

Astrology Book

Special Salvage

This tome, penned in the early sixth century, insists that insight and understanding of the world can be found in the stars.

Note: This salvage was used in the creation of the following items: Seer Desk, Viewing Portal.
As of Issue 13, it can only be used to create Brain Storm Idea Salvage.


Warriors Salvage

From the runes, it seems clear that this bracer has magical properites. It is not known where the Warriors get their steady supply of illegal artifacts, but some have theorized that it is at the hands of a demon.

Note: This salvage was used in the creation of the following items: Mystic Element, Mystic Foci, Arcane Glyph.
As of Issue 13, it can only be used to create Brain Storm Idea Salvage.

Broken Mask

Banished Pantheon Salvage

At the moment, this ritual mask is small enough to fit in your hands. When animated by a member of the Banished Pantheon, such masks become greatly enlarged, and glow with an unearthly light.

Note: This salvage was used in the creation of the following items: Magical Artifact, Magical Ward.
As of Issue 13, it can only be used to create Brain Storm Idea Salvage.


Circle of Thorns Salvage

The ancient symbol on this charm is one of protection, often pictured on relics from the Oranbegan era.

Note: This salvage was used in the creation of the following items: Mystic Element.
As of Issue 13, it can only be used to create Brain Storm Idea Salvage.


Wailers Salvage

This Walier claw is sharp and tinged a sickly red color, as though it has been used to slice through flesh.

Note: This salvage was used in the creation of the following items: Mystic Element, Mystic Foci, Arcane Essence, Arcane Glyph.
As of Issue 13, it can only be used to create Brain Storm Idea Salvage.


Red Cap Salvage

Who mints the bizarre coins of the Red Caps? What sinister council ordains their creation?

Note: This salvage was used in the creation of the following items: Mystic Element, Mystic Foci.
As of Issue 13, it can only be used to create Brain Storm Idea Salvage.

Crystal Codex Fragments

Arcane Salvage

It is said the Crystal Codex was written in the language of the gods. Indeed, the shards seem capable of trapping immense power within them.

This salvage does not appear to be used to create any components or base items.

Crystal Skull

Skull Salvage

Somehow this artifact takes power from the spirits of the dead and channels it into the Skulls' dark attacks.

Note: This salvage was used in the creation of the following items: Mystic Element, Mystic Foci.
As of Issue 13, it can only be used to create Brain Storm Idea Salvage.

Demon Heart

Special Salvage

Torn from the breast of a foul creature, this still reeks with vile steam. Powerful mystics agree that there are only two final ways of eliminating a demon: ripping out its heart, or learning its true name.

This salvage does not appear to be used to create any components or base items.


Arcane Salvage

It is well known within the mystic community that the author of this book lost his mind just after completing it.

Dread Tramalian

Legacy Chain Salvage

Rings such as these are passed down through the Legacy Chain, from father to son. They are half ward, half heirloom.


Arcane Salvage

Some call it 'ectoplasm.' Others call it 'spectral blood.' Whatever the case, the properties of this rare ooze have only begun to be discovered.

Ectoplasmic Residue

Arcane Salvage

Wherever ghosts appear, this residue is left behind. It has been put to all manner of uses, including contacting the dead.

Elemental Manual

Legacy Chain Salvage

Tomes like these are commonly found among the Legacy Chain. They contain a mishmash of spells and diary entries dating centuries back.


Arcane Salvage

Soft as cloth, this woven metal shimmers with a strange glow. It is almost as though it comes from another world entirely.


Banished Pantheon Salvage

It doesn't make sense that a simple stick like this could have the power to blur the barrier between the spirit world and this one, allowing the dark powers of the Banished Pantheon to bleed through. It doesn't make sense, but it's true.

Fir Bolg Hand

Fir Bolg Salvage

Detached from the Fir Bolg, these twisted vines have lost all semblance of life.

Fir Bolg Straw

Fir Bolg Salvage

Scarecrows walking and talking? Balderdash! It's just straw, right?

Ghost Trinket

Ghost Salvage

Small possessions of the spirits sometimes manifest and drop into the physical world. Studying these transmogrified relics often yields fascinating results.


Tuatha Salvage

These once-normal mushrooms became enchanted when accidentally caught in a Tuatha's spell. Their properties are varied, but always yield fascinating results to those who know how to study them.


Hellion Salvage

Though largely unschooled in the ways of magic, the Hellions have deciphered a few symbols of power. Their ignorance of the craft makes their use of such symbols all the more dangerous.


Igneous Salvage

This molten rock crackles and hisses with energy. No matter how long you carry it, it never cools.

Necklace of Teeth

Banished Pantheon Salvage

This necklace is made of human teeth. You don't want to know where or how the Shamans got them.


Circle of Thorns Salvage

This is a crystal used in ancient times. Engineers cannot account for its unusual strength, which is believed by some to be mystically enhanced.

Phantom Tears

Ghost Salvage

The teardrop of a ghost! Deep emotion is often what ties ghosts to this world.


Arcane Salvage

Potions such as these are very dangerous if you don't know what they do. Of course, for some groups like the Carnival, the choas is part of the fun.


Igneous Salvage

This chunk of rock is surprisingly light. That could explain why the Pumicites move with such frightening speed.

Pumpkin Bomb

Fir Bolg Salvage

Like so much in Croatoa, these pumpkins are not what they first appear. Transformed by the Fir Bolg's magic, these explosive squash pack a real punch.

Red Cap Pouch

Red Caps Salvage

Curious rocks, leaves and powders fill this small pouch, but what is most disturbing are the hard little shards of white bone. Red Caps have been known throughout history as brutal creatures, and you have to wonder who those bones once belonged to.


Circle of Thorns Salvage

Rings are often said to be sources of power. Those carried by the Circle of Thorns usually bear sigils intended to bind ghostly forms to the physical world. It's hard to explain why.


Ghost Salvage

These ghostly blades appear to have no substance, but when weilded in fury they can cut through solid objects. That's a mystery worth analysing.

Scent of Brimstone

Circle of Thorns Salvage

The smell is terrible, but arcane texts indicate that a whiff of brimstone can awaken dormant magic powers hidden within other objects.


Tsoo Salvage

These scrolls record the spells the Tsoo use to summon their ancestors.

Note: This salvage was used in the creation of the following items: Arcane Essence, Arcane Glyph, Magical Ward.
As of Issue 13, it can only be used to create Brain Storm Idea Salvage.


Banished Pantheon Salvage

Banished Pantheon shamans draw sigils such as this one onto the skin of corpses. Only then can they be animated.


Cap Au Demon Salvage

Dr. Aeon has done everything he can to keep knowledge of the Cap au Diable demons from Arachnos. If he knew you were carrying evidence of their existence, your life wouldn't be worth much.

Spells of Power

Common Salvage

These incantations are stronger than any you have found before. Correctly done, they can enchant devices with deadly energies.

Spielman's Signet

Legacy Chain Salvage

Spielman was one of the original founders of the Legacy Chain; over the centuries, many of his descendants have died in the service of his cause.

Spirit Guide

Arcane Salvage

Even death could not stop the scholar Randall from completing his great work. This essential mystic resource lists every spirit type, from the Spectral Pirates from Cap au Diable to the ghosts that haunt Croatoa.

Static Charge

Cap Au Demon Salvage

For some reason, this static charge does not dissipate. It is as though it has a life of its own.


Circle of Thorns Salvage

Those who wear talismans such as this one seem to gain in magical power. However, those around them often suffer decreased power.


Hellion Salvage

This tattoo pattern if favored by the Hellions. It is rumored to unlock hidden powers.

Thorn fragment

Circle of Thorns Salvage

This Thorn fragment seems to pulse in your hands. It must contain great power.

Tsoo Ink

Tsoo Salvage

This ink is used in the tatooing of the Green Ink Men, famous for their supernatural strength.

Tuatha Furs

Tuatha Salvage

The Furs of these proud beasts bear an unusual scent, the artifact of their origins in the spirit realm.


Arcane Salvage

This rare ore comes from mines in another dimension.

Verminous Victuals

Cabal Salvage

It takes a strong stomach to look at this vile stew. You can't be sure, but it appears that a Red Cap hat floats within the broth.

Weapon of Mu

Common Salvage

This rare weapon is an artifact of ancient Mu. It has survived the millenia because of its arcane energies. If this power is transferred to another shell it can make a powerful device.

Witch's Hat

Cabal Salvage

The inner band of this hat is covered with small sigils of power. If you hold them in the darkness, these sigils faintly glow.

See Also