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== Badge Mission ==  
== Badge Mission ==  
=== Mission name ===
'''Mission Objective(s)'''
'''Notable NPCs'''

== Story Arc ==
== Story Arc ==
Souvenir: The Envoy's True Name
This magically warded piece of parchment contains the true name of a demon, a name you used to defeat the fiend known as
'''The Envoy of Shadows'''
It all started when rumors of strange rituals sent you to [[Talos Island]] to investigate the involvement of the [[Warriors]] and the [[Circle of Thorns]]. When you arrived you found the Circle of Thorns on the scene and all but one of the Warriors dead. He told a disjointed tale, but you were able to get the idea that the Warriors had summoned something extremely powerful, and that it had been met by members of the Circle of Thorns.
The Circle seemed to be moving quickly. They attacked a safe house holding [[Akarist]], a Mage who had left the Circle of Thorns and was helping the city. You set out to find him, but your first lead only turned up some of the books he was working on detailing the history of the Circle of Thorns and their war with the people of [[Mu]].
Your next lead was on the mark, and you were able to rescue Akarist himself. He told you that the reason he was kidnapped was so that the Circle could discuss tactics for negotiating with a Demon, since he had been one of their best at that.
Working with Akarist's expertise and [[MAGI|MAGI's]] knowledge you next disrupted a mass sacrifice of 13 police officers to satiate the Demon's demands.
The [[Envoy of Shadows]] had told the Circle that a being called [[Hequat]] was becoming active again in the world. Akarist informed you of the ancient goddess who had once raised a nation and ordered them to destroy [[Oranbega]] in ancient times, and that her return would prompt the Circle of Thorns to rash actions. You struck a circle ceremony to see what they'd found. While you didn't learn that Hequat was active, you did discover that the Circle had found Hequat did still exist.
Negotiations between the Circle and the Envoy of Shadow were proceeding quickly. To disrupt things and buy more time you struck and took a gift of new Thorn Blades that the Envoy had brought for the Circle. Though you were able to defeat the Envoy of Shadow, without his True Name you knew that the beast could never truly be beaten. You also found that the Circle knew this, and were researching the Demon's True Name themselves.
Acting on this, you infiltrated the depths of Oranbega and stole the Circle's information on the Envoy's possible True Name.
With the information you'd gathered Akarist and MAGI were able to find the Envoy of Shadow's True Name. Armed with it, you fought the Envoy again and struck it down forever. The Negotiations were broken off, and the Prince of Demons who had sent the Envoy of Shadow was denied entry into the world.

== Missions ==
== Missions ==

=== Mission name ===
=== Investigate the scene in Kings Row and recover the book ===
There have been rumours that the [[Warriors|Warrior]] leader King Thunder stole a book of magic rituals from the [[Circle of Thorns]]. According to the rumour, the Circle had only just acquired the book themselves, and were looking to get it back. That rumour just might match with a recent disturbance in [[Kings Row]]. The Warriors have been planning on some big rite to get, and there's word of Circle mystics watching those preparations closely. If this book is as powerful as rumours say it is, the Warriors are in way over their heads. I suspect this may all be part of a Circle plot of some kind. Could you investigate the ritual and try to recover the book?
Stay alert on this mission. I have the feeling that this is the start of something much larger.
You'll have three main things to do. First, look for the stolen book. Secondly, if the Circle are on the scene break up any ritual they may be performing. Finally, look for any clues about what the Warriors were trying to do and why the Circle wanted that book back.
'''Mission Objective(s)'''
The air is heavy with traces of greasy smoke and the scent of burned meat.
* Stop ritual in Kings Row
* Find the Book
* Look for Clues
From what I can make out of King Thunder's story, it sounds like the Warriors tried to summon something powerful, but it got free. The weird thing is it sounds like whatever they summoned, it went with the Circle of Thorns. Which also matches the ceremony you describe. It seems like whatever crossed over to this world, the Circle was trying to cover its tracks. I don't know what to make of it, but I think this is only the start of something big.
=== Look into Akarist's kidnapping ===
Though the city's mystics and occultists have been on high alert after you found that [[Warriors|Warrior]] summoning that had gone wrong, the [[Circle of Thorns]] have still accomplished a major kidnapping. Their target was a Circle of Thorns mage called [[Akarist]], who had defected from the Circle. Akarist has been in [[MAGI|MAGI's]] protective custody, helping with major mystical cases and working on a complete history of [[Oranbega]]. Late last night, Akarist's warded safe house was broken into, his guards incapacitated, and Akarist himself abuducted. Akarist's loss is a major blow, and the timing of it seems like more than a coincidence.
I have a clue to where Akarist may be. Your goal will be to go in and find him. It's unlikely the Circle will harm him yet, but if he's not found soon they may remove him from his body and place his soul into a crystal of torment. With all the help he's provided the city, he deserves better than that.
'''Mission Objective(s)'''
You follow the paths through caves and tunnels to a part of the lost city of Oranbega.
* Locate Akarist
* Find Akarist
Though Akarist was not there, you did find several books he had written.
I'm sorry, it looks like my information wasn't completely correct. Finding his books might be a good step, though. I'll talk with some of the dowsers I know, they may be able to get a better idea of where [[Akarist]] is by using those books. Talk to me shortly, there may be another chance to find Akarist soon.
=== Rescue Akarist ===
The [[Circle of Thorns]] is still holding [[Akarist]], the Circle defector they kidnapped right after they tricked the [[Warriors]] into summoning something for them. However, I think I've got a solid location on where they're holding him. If my resources are correct, he's not being held in [[Oranbega]], but in an abandoned office building here in the city. Can you rescue Akarist before the Circle can extract their revenge on him?
Once again, your main goal is to find and rescue Akarist. I just hope he's still in a human form when you reach him.
'''Mission Objective(s)'''
Long strips of paint peel off the walls in delicate flakes wth every step you take. The moldering carpet and paint flakes reveal a trail of other visitors to this place.
* Rescue Akarist
You have rescued Akarist from the Circle of Thorns.
Akarist says that the Warriors summoned a demon, didn't bind it, and now it's free and negotiating with the Circle of Thorns? This is bad, really bad. It's not over though. If the Circle felt that it needed Akarist's expertise in dealing with a demon, then they can't be that certain about the deal yet. I'll work with Akarist and every contact I have. With your help, this can be stopped. Talk to me soon for any new developments.
=== Disrupt the sacrifical tribute for the Envoy of Shadow ===
I've had a chance to talk to [[Akarist]] about the Demon the [[Circle of Thorns]] have summoned. He calls it the [[Envoy of Shadow]], and says that it's an emissary of the Demon Prince the Oranbegans dealt with before. He thinks that the thing will demand a human sacrificce as part of whatever bargain it's making, and probably a large one. Will you help stop the sacrifice to the Envoy of Shadow?
Akarist says that there's a chance the Envoy itself may be there to accept the sacrifices, so it would probably be a good idea to gather allies for this mission.
Akarist has pointed us towards where the ceremony will most likely take place, and it coincides with something else. I've just gotten word that 13 police officers haven't shown up for work today, but thta one of them got a call out on his radio that she was taken underground by Circle Sorcerers. Your main goal will be to find and rescue all of the kidnapped police and disrupt any sacrificial ceremony. Also, look for any evidence of what sort of deal the Envoy may be here to make. If the Envoy itself is there, Akarist warned that defeating it won't be enough to destroy it, but might give you an idea of how to fight it. Use your own discretion on that.
Akarist also sent this for you. It's something he's written about Demons and the sacrifices they demand. It might provide you with an insight to the Envoy of Shadow and what it's after.
'''Mission Objective(s)'''
The anguished cries of the City's defenders mix with the ancient chants of the Circle of Thorns.
* Stop Circle's sacrifice
* 8 victims to find
* Look for clues
You have rescued the kidnapped officers and disrupted the sacrifice ceremony.
'''Notable NPCs'''
* [[Envoy of Shadows]]
You saved a lot of lives today, and may have disrupted the Envoy's negotiations. According to Akarist, that won't be enough to stop things, but it should slow them down. The Envoy can be defeated, but it can't be destroyed or banished, at least not yet. I'll also ask Akarist about this '[[Hequat]]' you found mentioned. Check with me again soon.
=== Disrupt the ritual and look for signs that Hequat is returning ===
[[Akarist]] was nearly overcome with fear when I told him about the message you found when you stopped that sacrifice. The [[Envoy of Shadows|Envoy's]] messge talked about this '[[Hequat]]' returning, and that concept really worried Akarist. He says that it's likely the [[Circle of Thorns]] try to confirm this on their own. This might match with reports the the Circle of Thorns have taken over a small office and are preparing some kind of ceremony there. The ceremony could have a darker purpose, too, so the best bet would be to break it up, and look for any clues. If theyre are trying to confirm that Hequat is active, then that's something we need to know, too.
Akarist says that if they are trying to determine that, the ritual will be well guarded, and you'd do well to bring allies.
Your main goal is to disrupt the ceremony itself, and to find any evidence that this Hequat is active.
Akarist has another message for you. This one's about Hequat, and why the Circle would be afraid of her. It's enough to make me afraid of the consequences if she really does return.
'''Mission Objective(s)'''
As you enter this office it seems that the world has gone completely silent, save for the soft chanting of Circle ceremonies.
* Disrupt ritual & look for clues
* Look for clues
You have stopped the ceremony and found a clue to the status of Hequat.
It's good that you hit that ritual, even if the results were inconclusive. [[Hequat]] still exists, though and that may be enough to lean the Circle towards working with the Envoy. If the Circle starts to consider accepting the deal, then we will have to move fast to stop them. Check with me soon, I'll keep looking into this.
=== Steal the Envoy's gifts to the Circle of Thorns ===
All of your work to stop the [[Envoy of Shadows]] and the [[Circle of Thorns|Circle]] from making a deal is paying off, but there has been a repercussion. The Envoy is preparing to accelerate the deal and is going to make a ceremonial gift of new Thorn Blades to the Circle of Thorns. I'd like you to disrupt this exchange, and take those Thorn Blades.
The Envoy itself is likely to be there, and defeating him will be necessary to break his ability to sense and retrieve the Thorn Blades. It might be a good idea to have allies with you for that reason, if you haven't already gathered some.
You'll have three things to do in this. First, you must get the Thorn Blades. Second, you need to defeat the Envoy of Shadow. You won't be able to stop him permanently, but the time it takes him to re-form himself will give us enough time to secure the Thorn Blades so they're invisible to him. Third, [[Akarist]] says that its very likely that the Circle will be trying to find some leverage on the Envoy. So, keep an eye out for what the Circle is up to.
Akarist has another message for you, this one about the Thorn Blades themselves and their importance in a deal with the Demon Prince.
'''Mission Objective(s)'''
These caverns reach deep into the earth, a network of twisted tunnels that are perfect for a being of darkness to make dread bargains.
* Defeat Envoy & its minions
* Find the last Blade!
* Seek clues
You have taken the Thorn Blades and found some valuable information.
'''Notable NPCs'''
* [[Envoy of Shadows]]
Those Thorn Blades will be well hidden and protected until they can be safely studied. Good work. From the notes you found it looks like the [[Circle of Thorns]] are trying to discover the true name of the [[Envoy of Shadows]]. Names are very important in magic, and having the fiend's true name could be a big advantage. Talk with me about this soon, there may be a way to use this information.
=== Strike Circle Naming Research and get Envoy's True Name ===
After you found out that the [[Circle of Thorns|Circle]] was looking for the [[Envoy of Shadows|Envoy of Shadow's]] true name when you captured the Thorn Blades, I spoke with [[Akarist]]. He agrees that finding the true name of the Envoy of Shadows could be the key to destroying the beat before it can complete a deal with the Circle of Thorns. If the Circle can find the Envoy's true name first, however, they will use it to secure a better deal for themselves, and from the outcome of the last time the Circle made deals with demons, I'm not sure I want to see what would happen if they got a good bargain. Akarist has narrowed down where the Circle would likely be working on discovering the Envoy's true name. The hard part will be goin in and getting it. Are you ready for that?
The Name research will be well guarded. Allies would be very useful to you.
There are two objectives for you to accomplish here. First, you must find what the Circle alrady knows about the Envoy of Shadow's True Name. Once we have that, Akarist and the [[MAGI]] researchers are confident that can work out the rest. Second, we don't want the Circle to discover the Envoy's True Name, so you need to disrupt any ceremonies or rituals they're performing and defeat the Circle members or minions performing it.
Akarist has also sent another message for you. This one is about True Names. It should give you an idea of how important getting the Envoy's True Name could be.
'''Mission Objective(s)'''
You descend once again into the far depths of [[Oranbega]].
* Stop lead researcher & his men
* Find clue to True Name
You have disrupted the Circle's research and found their information on the True Name of the Envoy of Shadows.
I'll get this information to MAGI immediately. Once we can figure out the True Name of the Envoy, we can bring this to an end. I should have another mission for you soon.
=== Send the Envoy of Shadow back to Hell ===

The research is complete. We have the [[Envoy of Shadows|Envoy of Shadow's]] True Name. If you're ready, it's time to end the [[Circle of Thorns|Circle's]] negotiations. It won't be easy, you'll be facing the Envoy of Shadow again as well as the representatives from the Circle of Thorns. If you're ready, I have all that you'll need to send the Envoy of Shadows back to Hell. I'll call for an emergency force field to give you time to get there. I'm counting on you to end this, once and for all.
You'll need to defeat the Envoy of Shadows and all of the Circle who are consorting with him to bring this to an end. I know you can do it. You've beaten him before. You can do it again.
I have these to give you from [[Akarist]] and the [[MAGI]] mystics. The True Name of the Envoy of Shadow, and the knowledge of how to use it. Good luck.

'''Mission Objective(s)'''
'''Mission Objective(s)'''

This will be decided here on the shores of the city you hold dear. The Envoy of Shadows waits somewhere ahead.
* Defeat the Envoy of Shadows
The Envoy of Shadow has been defeated, either destroyed utterly or banished back to the depths of Hell.

'''Notable NPCs'''
'''Notable NPCs'''
* [[Envoy of Shadows]]

You did it. The Envoy of Shadow is no more. Any bargains it was making with the Circle are broken, and the city is safe from an invasion of demons. You beat soemthing that was unbeatable and defeated something undefeatable, and you never desparied at the odds. You are a true hero.

== External Links ==
== External Links ==

Revision as of 10:10, 4 June 2006


Picture MIA

Cadao Kestrel is a hero contact in Founders' Falls. Cadao Kestrel is a Magic origin contact. His level range is 35-39.


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)

You've probably heard of Madeleine Casey. Don't let her job as a television soap star fool you. When it comes to the Carnival of Shadows, she has the early dirt. She loves to work with heroes, especially ones skilled with magic. Madeleine can provide Relic and Focus Enhancements.

Madeleine really is a 'Live Wire!'


Initial Contact


Badge Mission

Mission name


Mission Objective(s)


Notable NPCs


Story Arc

Souvenir: The Envoy's True Name

This magically warded piece of parchment contains the true name of a demon, a name you used to defeat the fiend known as

The Envoy of Shadows

It all started when rumors of strange rituals sent you to Talos Island to investigate the involvement of the Warriors and the Circle of Thorns. When you arrived you found the Circle of Thorns on the scene and all but one of the Warriors dead. He told a disjointed tale, but you were able to get the idea that the Warriors had summoned something extremely powerful, and that it had been met by members of the Circle of Thorns.

The Circle seemed to be moving quickly. They attacked a safe house holding Akarist, a Mage who had left the Circle of Thorns and was helping the city. You set out to find him, but your first lead only turned up some of the books he was working on detailing the history of the Circle of Thorns and their war with the people of Mu.

Your next lead was on the mark, and you were able to rescue Akarist himself. He told you that the reason he was kidnapped was so that the Circle could discuss tactics for negotiating with a Demon, since he had been one of their best at that.

Working with Akarist's expertise and MAGI's knowledge you next disrupted a mass sacrifice of 13 police officers to satiate the Demon's demands.

The Envoy of Shadows had told the Circle that a being called Hequat was becoming active again in the world. Akarist informed you of the ancient goddess who had once raised a nation and ordered them to destroy Oranbega in ancient times, and that her return would prompt the Circle of Thorns to rash actions. You struck a circle ceremony to see what they'd found. While you didn't learn that Hequat was active, you did discover that the Circle had found Hequat did still exist.

Negotiations between the Circle and the Envoy of Shadow were proceeding quickly. To disrupt things and buy more time you struck and took a gift of new Thorn Blades that the Envoy had brought for the Circle. Though you were able to defeat the Envoy of Shadow, without his True Name you knew that the beast could never truly be beaten. You also found that the Circle knew this, and were researching the Demon's True Name themselves.

Acting on this, you infiltrated the depths of Oranbega and stole the Circle's information on the Envoy's possible True Name.

With the information you'd gathered Akarist and MAGI were able to find the Envoy of Shadow's True Name. Armed with it, you fought the Envoy again and struck it down forever. The Negotiations were broken off, and the Prince of Demons who had sent the Envoy of Shadow was denied entry into the world.


Investigate the scene in Kings Row and recover the book


There have been rumours that the Warrior leader King Thunder stole a book of magic rituals from the Circle of Thorns. According to the rumour, the Circle had only just acquired the book themselves, and were looking to get it back. That rumour just might match with a recent disturbance in Kings Row. The Warriors have been planning on some big rite to get, and there's word of Circle mystics watching those preparations closely. If this book is as powerful as rumours say it is, the Warriors are in way over their heads. I suspect this may all be part of a Circle plot of some kind. Could you investigate the ritual and try to recover the book?

Stay alert on this mission. I have the feeling that this is the start of something much larger.

You'll have three main things to do. First, look for the stolen book. Secondly, if the Circle are on the scene break up any ritual they may be performing. Finally, look for any clues about what the Warriors were trying to do and why the Circle wanted that book back.

Mission Objective(s)

The air is heavy with traces of greasy smoke and the scent of burned meat.

  • Stop ritual in Kings Row
  • Find the Book
  • Look for Clues


From what I can make out of King Thunder's story, it sounds like the Warriors tried to summon something powerful, but it got free. The weird thing is it sounds like whatever they summoned, it went with the Circle of Thorns. Which also matches the ceremony you describe. It seems like whatever crossed over to this world, the Circle was trying to cover its tracks. I don't know what to make of it, but I think this is only the start of something big.

Look into Akarist's kidnapping


Though the city's mystics and occultists have been on high alert after you found that Warrior summoning that had gone wrong, the Circle of Thorns have still accomplished a major kidnapping. Their target was a Circle of Thorns mage called Akarist, who had defected from the Circle. Akarist has been in MAGI's protective custody, helping with major mystical cases and working on a complete history of Oranbega. Late last night, Akarist's warded safe house was broken into, his guards incapacitated, and Akarist himself abuducted. Akarist's loss is a major blow, and the timing of it seems like more than a coincidence.

I have a clue to where Akarist may be. Your goal will be to go in and find him. It's unlikely the Circle will harm him yet, but if he's not found soon they may remove him from his body and place his soul into a crystal of torment. With all the help he's provided the city, he deserves better than that.

Mission Objective(s)

You follow the paths through caves and tunnels to a part of the lost city of Oranbega.

  • Locate Akarist
  • Find Akarist

Though Akarist was not there, you did find several books he had written.


I'm sorry, it looks like my information wasn't completely correct. Finding his books might be a good step, though. I'll talk with some of the dowsers I know, they may be able to get a better idea of where Akarist is by using those books. Talk to me shortly, there may be another chance to find Akarist soon.

Rescue Akarist


The Circle of Thorns is still holding Akarist, the Circle defector they kidnapped right after they tricked the Warriors into summoning something for them. However, I think I've got a solid location on where they're holding him. If my resources are correct, he's not being held in Oranbega, but in an abandoned office building here in the city. Can you rescue Akarist before the Circle can extract their revenge on him?

Once again, your main goal is to find and rescue Akarist. I just hope he's still in a human form when you reach him.

Mission Objective(s)

Long strips of paint peel off the walls in delicate flakes wth every step you take. The moldering carpet and paint flakes reveal a trail of other visitors to this place.

  • Rescue Akarist

You have rescued Akarist from the Circle of Thorns.


Akarist says that the Warriors summoned a demon, didn't bind it, and now it's free and negotiating with the Circle of Thorns? This is bad, really bad. It's not over though. If the Circle felt that it needed Akarist's expertise in dealing with a demon, then they can't be that certain about the deal yet. I'll work with Akarist and every contact I have. With your help, this can be stopped. Talk to me soon for any new developments.

Disrupt the sacrifical tribute for the Envoy of Shadow


I've had a chance to talk to Akarist about the Demon the Circle of Thorns have summoned. He calls it the Envoy of Shadow, and says that it's an emissary of the Demon Prince the Oranbegans dealt with before. He thinks that the thing will demand a human sacrificce as part of whatever bargain it's making, and probably a large one. Will you help stop the sacrifice to the Envoy of Shadow?

Akarist says that there's a chance the Envoy itself may be there to accept the sacrifices, so it would probably be a good idea to gather allies for this mission.

Akarist has pointed us towards where the ceremony will most likely take place, and it coincides with something else. I've just gotten word that 13 police officers haven't shown up for work today, but thta one of them got a call out on his radio that she was taken underground by Circle Sorcerers. Your main goal will be to find and rescue all of the kidnapped police and disrupt any sacrificial ceremony. Also, look for any evidence of what sort of deal the Envoy may be here to make. If the Envoy itself is there, Akarist warned that defeating it won't be enough to destroy it, but might give you an idea of how to fight it. Use your own discretion on that.

Akarist also sent this for you. It's something he's written about Demons and the sacrifices they demand. It might provide you with an insight to the Envoy of Shadow and what it's after.

Mission Objective(s)

The anguished cries of the City's defenders mix with the ancient chants of the Circle of Thorns.

  • Stop Circle's sacrifice
  • 8 victims to find
  • Look for clues

You have rescued the kidnapped officers and disrupted the sacrifice ceremony.

Notable NPCs


You saved a lot of lives today, and may have disrupted the Envoy's negotiations. According to Akarist, that won't be enough to stop things, but it should slow them down. The Envoy can be defeated, but it can't be destroyed or banished, at least not yet. I'll also ask Akarist about this 'Hequat' you found mentioned. Check with me again soon.

Disrupt the ritual and look for signs that Hequat is returning


Akarist was nearly overcome with fear when I told him about the message you found when you stopped that sacrifice. The Envoy's messge talked about this 'Hequat' returning, and that concept really worried Akarist. He says that it's likely the Circle of Thorns try to confirm this on their own. This might match with reports the the Circle of Thorns have taken over a small office and are preparing some kind of ceremony there. The ceremony could have a darker purpose, too, so the best bet would be to break it up, and look for any clues. If theyre are trying to confirm that Hequat is active, then that's something we need to know, too.

Akarist says that if they are trying to determine that, the ritual will be well guarded, and you'd do well to bring allies.

Your main goal is to disrupt the ceremony itself, and to find any evidence that this Hequat is active.

Akarist has another message for you. This one's about Hequat, and why the Circle would be afraid of her. It's enough to make me afraid of the consequences if she really does return.

Mission Objective(s)

As you enter this office it seems that the world has gone completely silent, save for the soft chanting of Circle ceremonies.

  • Disrupt ritual & look for clues
  • Look for clues

You have stopped the ceremony and found a clue to the status of Hequat.


It's good that you hit that ritual, even if the results were inconclusive. Hequat still exists, though and that may be enough to lean the Circle towards working with the Envoy. If the Circle starts to consider accepting the deal, then we will have to move fast to stop them. Check with me soon, I'll keep looking into this.

Steal the Envoy's gifts to the Circle of Thorns


All of your work to stop the Envoy of Shadows and the Circle from making a deal is paying off, but there has been a repercussion. The Envoy is preparing to accelerate the deal and is going to make a ceremonial gift of new Thorn Blades to the Circle of Thorns. I'd like you to disrupt this exchange, and take those Thorn Blades.

The Envoy itself is likely to be there, and defeating him will be necessary to break his ability to sense and retrieve the Thorn Blades. It might be a good idea to have allies with you for that reason, if you haven't already gathered some.

You'll have three things to do in this. First, you must get the Thorn Blades. Second, you need to defeat the Envoy of Shadow. You won't be able to stop him permanently, but the time it takes him to re-form himself will give us enough time to secure the Thorn Blades so they're invisible to him. Third, Akarist says that its very likely that the Circle will be trying to find some leverage on the Envoy. So, keep an eye out for what the Circle is up to.

Akarist has another message for you, this one about the Thorn Blades themselves and their importance in a deal with the Demon Prince.

Mission Objective(s)

These caverns reach deep into the earth, a network of twisted tunnels that are perfect for a being of darkness to make dread bargains.

  • Defeat Envoy & its minions
  • Find the last Blade!
  • Seek clues

You have taken the Thorn Blades and found some valuable information.

Notable NPCs


Those Thorn Blades will be well hidden and protected until they can be safely studied. Good work. From the notes you found it looks like the Circle of Thorns are trying to discover the true name of the Envoy of Shadows. Names are very important in magic, and having the fiend's true name could be a big advantage. Talk with me about this soon, there may be a way to use this information.

Strike Circle Naming Research and get Envoy's True Name


After you found out that the Circle was looking for the Envoy of Shadow's true name when you captured the Thorn Blades, I spoke with Akarist. He agrees that finding the true name of the Envoy of Shadows could be the key to destroying the beat before it can complete a deal with the Circle of Thorns. If the Circle can find the Envoy's true name first, however, they will use it to secure a better deal for themselves, and from the outcome of the last time the Circle made deals with demons, I'm not sure I want to see what would happen if they got a good bargain. Akarist has narrowed down where the Circle would likely be working on discovering the Envoy's true name. The hard part will be goin in and getting it. Are you ready for that?

The Name research will be well guarded. Allies would be very useful to you.

There are two objectives for you to accomplish here. First, you must find what the Circle alrady knows about the Envoy of Shadow's True Name. Once we have that, Akarist and the MAGI researchers are confident that can work out the rest. Second, we don't want the Circle to discover the Envoy's True Name, so you need to disrupt any ceremonies or rituals they're performing and defeat the Circle members or minions performing it.

Akarist has also sent another message for you. This one is about True Names. It should give you an idea of how important getting the Envoy's True Name could be.

Mission Objective(s)

You descend once again into the far depths of Oranbega.

  • Stop lead researcher & his men
  • Find clue to True Name

You have disrupted the Circle's research and found their information on the True Name of the Envoy of Shadows.


I'll get this information to MAGI immediately. Once we can figure out the True Name of the Envoy, we can bring this to an end. I should have another mission for you soon.

Send the Envoy of Shadow back to Hell


The research is complete. We have the Envoy of Shadow's True Name. If you're ready, it's time to end the Circle's negotiations. It won't be easy, you'll be facing the Envoy of Shadow again as well as the representatives from the Circle of Thorns. If you're ready, I have all that you'll need to send the Envoy of Shadows back to Hell. I'll call for an emergency force field to give you time to get there. I'm counting on you to end this, once and for all.

You'll need to defeat the Envoy of Shadows and all of the Circle who are consorting with him to bring this to an end. I know you can do it. You've beaten him before. You can do it again.

I have these to give you from Akarist and the MAGI mystics. The True Name of the Envoy of Shadow, and the knowledge of how to use it. Good luck.

Mission Objective(s)

This will be decided here on the shores of the city you hold dear. The Envoy of Shadows waits somewhere ahead.

  • Defeat the Envoy of Shadows

The Envoy of Shadow has been defeated, either destroyed utterly or banished back to the depths of Hell.

Notable NPCs


You did it. The Envoy of Shadow is no more. Any bargains it was making with the Circle are broken, and the city is safe from an invasion of demons. You beat soemthing that was unbeatable and defeated something undefeatable, and you never desparied at the odds. You are a true hero.

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