Training Enhancement Costs: Difference between revisions

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→‎Tier One Enhancement Costs: updated, Power 10 properly shaded, prices and icons now centered, should have more coming soon
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== Tier One Enhancement Costs ==
== Tier One Enhancement Costs ==

Tier One is the baseline cost for enhancements.  Level 1 enhancements are sold at the starting contacts, while levels 5-20 are sold at Freedom Corp representatives and stores, excepting the stores in Talos and IP.
Tier One is the baseline cost for enhancements.  Level 1 enhancements are sold at the starting contacts, while levels 5-20 are sold at Freedom Corp representatives (i.e, Field and Basic Trainers) and stores other than the ones in Talos and IP.

{{StoreA Header}} Level 1 !! Level 5 !! Level 10 !!Level 15 !! Level 20
{{StoreA Header}}Level 1!!Level 5!!Level 10!!Level 15!!Level 20
{{StoreA RowP10||Icon=TO_Training_Accuracy.png|Type=Enhances Accuracy |Name=Training}}||96||576||1056||1536||2016
| [[Image:TO_Training_Accuracy.png|22px]] ||style="text-align:left" |Enhances Accuracy || Training: Accuracy ||  96 ||  576 ||  1056 ||  1536 ||  2016
{{StoreA Row|Icon=TO_Training_Confusion Duration.png|Type=Enhances Confuse Duration |Name=Training: Accuracy }}||56||280||560||840||1120
{{StoreA RowP10||Icon=TO_Training_Damage.png|Type=Enhances Damage |Name=Training: Confusion }}||100||500||1000||1500||2000
{{StoreA Row|Icon=TO_Training_Accuracy.png|Type=Enhances Accuracy|Name=Training: Accuracy }} || 96 || 576 || 1056 || 1536 || 2016
{{StoreA RowP10||Icon=TO_Training_Defense Buff.png|Type=Enhances Defense Buffs |Name=Training: Damage }}||70||350||700||1050||1400
{{StoreA RowP10|Icon=TO_Training_Confusion Duration.png|Type=Enhances Confusion Duration|Name=Training: Confusion }} || 56 || 280 || 560 || 840 || 1120
{{StoreA Row|Icon=TO_Training_Defense DeBuff.png|Type=Enhances Defense Debuffs |Name=Training: Defense Buff }}||73||365||730||1095||1460
{{StoreA Row|Icon=TO_Training_Damage.png|Type=Enhances Damage|Name=Training: Damage }} || 100 || 500 || 1000 || 1500 || 2000
{{StoreA RowP10||Icon=TO_Training_Endurance Cost.png|Type=Reduces Endurance Cost |Name=Training: Defense DeBuff }}||93||465||930||1395||1860
{{StoreA Row|Icon=TO_Training_Defense Buff.png|Type=Enhances Defense Buff|Name=Training: Defense Buff }} || 70 || 350 || 700 || 1050 || 1400
{{StoreA Row|Icon=TO_Training_Fear Duration.png|Type=Enhances Fear Duration |Name=Training: Endurance Reduction }}||46||230||460||690||920
{{StoreA RowP10|Icon=TO_Training_Defense DeBuff.png|Type=Enhances Defense DeBuff|Name=Training: Defense DeBuff }} || 73 || 365 || 730 || 1095 || 1460
{{StoreA Row|Icon=TO_Training_Flight Speed.png|Type=Enhances Flight Speed |Name=Training: Fear Duration }}||63||315||630||945||1260
{{StoreA Row|Icon=TO_Training_Endurance Cost.png|Type=Reduces Endurance cost|Name=Training: Endurance Reduction }} || 93 || 465 || 930 || 1395 || 1860
{{StoreA RowP10||Icon=TO_Training_Heal.png|Type=Enhances Heal |Name=Training: Flight Speed }}||100||500||1000||1500||2000
{{StoreA RowP10|Icon=TO_Training_Fear Duration.png|Type=Enhances Fear Duration|Name=Training: Fear Duration }} || 46 || 230 || 460 || 690 || 920
{{StoreA RowP10||Icon=TO_Training_Hold Duration.png|Type=Enhances Hold Duration |Name=Training: Healing }}||66||330||660||990||1320
{{StoreA RowP10|Icon=TO_Training_Flight Speed.png|Type=Enhances Flight Speed|Name=Training: Flight Speed }} || 63 || 315 || 630 || 945 || 1260
{{StoreA Row|Icon=TO_Training_Immobilization Duration.png|Type=Enhances Immobilization Duration |Name=Training: Hold Duration }}||73||365||730||1095||1460
{{StoreA Row|Icon=TO_Training_Heal.png|Type=Enhances Heal|Name=Training: Healing }} || 100 || 500 || 1000 || 1500 || 2000
{{StoreA Row|Icon=TO_Training_Intangibility Duration.png|Type=Enhances Intangibility Duration |Name=Training: Immobilization Duration }}||35||175||350||525||700
{{StoreA Row|Icon=TO_Training_Hold Duration.png|Type=Enhances Hold Duration|Name=Training: Hold Duration }} || 66 || 330 || 660 || 990 || 1320
{{StoreA Row|Icon=TO_Training_Interrupt Time.png|Type=Decreases Interrupt Time |Name=Training: Intangibility }}||60||300||600||900||1200
{{StoreA RowP10|Icon=TO_Training_Immobilization Duration.png|Type=Enhances Immobilization Duration|Name=Training: Immobilization Duration }} || 73 || 365 || 730 || 1095 || 1460
{{StoreA Row|Icon=TO_Training_Jump.png|Type=Enhances Jump |Name=Training: Activation Acceleration }}||40||200||400||600||800
{{StoreA RowP10|Icon=TO_Training_Intangibility Duration.png|Type=Enhances Intangibility Duration|Name=Training: Intangibility }} || 35 || 175 || 350 || 525 || 700
{{StoreA Row|Icon=TO_Training_KnockBack Distance.png|Type=Enhances KnockBack Distance |Name=Training: Jumping }}||33||165||330||495||660
{{StoreA RowP10|Icon=TO_Training_Interrupt Time.png|Type=Decreases Interrupt Time|Name=Training: Activation Acceleration }} || 60 || 300 || 600 || 900 || 1200
{{StoreA RowP10||Icon=TO_Training_Range.png|Type=Enhances Range |Name=Training: Knockback Distance }}||80||400||800||1200||1600
{{StoreA RowP10|Icon=TO_Training_Jump.png|Type=Enhances Jump|Name=Training: Jumping }} || 40 || 200 || 400 || 600 || 800
{{StoreA RowP10||Icon=TO_Training_Attack Rate.png|Type=Increases Attack Rate |Name=Training: Range Increase }}||93||465||930||1395||1860
{{StoreA RowP10|Icon=TO_Training_KnockBack Distance.png|Type=Enhances KnockBack Distance|Name=Training: Knockback Distance }} || 33 || 165 || 330 || 495 || 660
{{StoreA Row|Icon=TO_Training_Endurance Modification.png|Type=Enhances Endurance Modification |Name=Training: Recharge Reduction }}||80||400||800||1200||1600
{{StoreA Row|Icon=TO_Training_Range.png|Type=Enhances Range|Name=Training: Range Increase }} || 80 || 400 || 800 || 1200 || 1600
{{StoreA RowP10||Icon=TO_Training_Damage Resistance.png|Type=Enhances Damage Resistance |Name=Training: Endurance Modification }}||66||330||660||990||1320
{{StoreA Row|Icon=TO_Training_Attack Rate.png|Type=Increases Attack Rate|Name=Training: Recharge Reduction }} || 93 || 465 || 930 || 1395 || 1860
{{StoreA Row|Icon=TO_Training_Running Speed.png|Type=Enhances Running Speed |Name=Training: Resist Damage }}||66||330||660||990||1320
{{StoreA RowP10|Icon=TO_Training_Endurance Modification.png|Type=Enhances Endurance Modification|Name=Training: Endurance Modification }} || 80 || 400 || 800 || 1200 || 1600
{{StoreA Row|Icon=TO_Training_Sleep Duration.png|Type=Enhances Sleep Duration |Name=Training: Run Speed Increase }}||73||330||660||990||1320
{{StoreA Row|Icon=TO_Training_Damage Resistance.png|Type=Enhances Damage Resistance|Name=Training: Resist Damage }} || 66 || 330 || 660 || 990 || 1320
{{StoreA Row|Icon=TO_Training_Slow powers.png|Type=Enhances Slow Powers |Name=Training: Sleep Duration }}||73||365||730||1095||1460
{{StoreA RowP10|Icon=TO_Training_Running Speed.png|Type=Enhances Running Speed|Name=Training: Run Speed Increase }} || 66 || 330 || 660 || 990 || 1320
{{StoreA RowP10||Icon=TO_Training_Disorient Duration.png|Type=Enhances Disorient Duration |Name=Training: Slow }}||76||365||730||1095||1460
{{StoreA RowP10|Icon=TO_Training_Sleep Duration.png|Type=Enhances Sleep Duration|Name=Training: Sleep Duration }} || 73 || 330 || 660 || 990 || 1320
{{StoreA Row|Icon=TO_Training_Taunt Effectiveness.png|Type=Enhances Taunt Effectiveness |Name=Training: Disorient Duration }}||50||380||760||1140||1520
{{StoreA RowP10|Icon=TO_Training_Slow powers.png|Type=Enhances Slow powers|Name=Training: Slow }} || 73 || 365 || 730 || 1095 || 1460
{{StoreA Row|Icon=TO_Training_ToHit Buffs.png|Type=Enhances ToHit Buffs |Name=Training: Taunt Duration }}||73||250||500||750||1000
{{StoreA Row|Icon=TO_Training_Disorient Duration.png|Type=Enhances Disorient Duration|Name=Training: Disorient Duration }} || 76 || 365 || 730 || 1095 || 1460
{{StoreA Row|Icon=TO_Training_ToHit DeBuffs.png|Type=Enhances ToHit DeBuffs |Name=Training: ToHit Buff }}||53||365||730||1095||1460
{{StoreA RowP10|Icon=TO_Training_Taunt Effectiveness.png|Type=Enhances Taunt Effectiveness|Name=Training: Taunt Duration }} || 50 || 380 || 760 || 1140 || 1520
{{StoreA RowP10|Icon=TO_Training_ToHit Buffs.png|Type=Enhances ToHit Buffs|Name=Training: ToHit Buff }} || 73 || 250 || 500 || 750 || 1000
{{StoreA RowP10|Icon=TO_Training_ToHit DeBuffs.png|Type=Enhances ToHit DeBuffs|Name=Training: Accuracy DeBuff }} || 53 || 365 || 730 || 1095 || 1460

Revision as of 20:26, 29 May 2006

Tier One Enhancement Costs

Tier One is the baseline cost for enhancements. Level 1 enhancements are sold at the starting contacts, while levels 5-20 are sold at Freedom Corp representatives (i.e, Field and Basic Trainers) and stores other than the ones in Talos and IP.

Icon Type Name Level 1 Level 5 Level 10 Level 15 Level 20
Enhances Accuracy Training 96 576 1056 1536 2016
Enhances Confuse Duration Training: Accuracy 56 280 560 840 1120
Enhances Damage Training: Confusion 100 500 1000 1500 2000
Enhances Defense Buffs Training: Damage 70 350 700 1050 1400
Enhances Defense Debuffs Training: Defense Buff 73 365 730 1095 1460
Reduces Endurance Cost Training: Defense DeBuff 93 465 930 1395 1860
Enhances Fear Duration Training: Endurance Reduction 46 230 460 690 920
Enhances Flight Speed Training: Fear Duration 63 315 630 945 1260
Enhances Heal Training: Flight Speed 100 500 1000 1500 2000
Enhances Hold Duration Training: Healing 66 330 660 990 1320
Enhances Immobilization Duration Training: Hold Duration 73 365 730 1095 1460
Enhances Intangibility Duration Training: Immobilization Duration 35 175 350 525 700
Decreases Interrupt Time Training: Intangibility 60 300 600 900 1200
Enhances Jump Training: Activation Acceleration 40 200 400 600 800
Enhances KnockBack Distance Training: Jumping 33 165 330 495 660
Enhances Range Training: Knockback Distance 80 400 800 1200 1600
Increases Attack Rate Training: Range Increase 93 465 930 1395 1860
Enhances Endurance Modification Training: Recharge Reduction 80 400 800 1200 1600
Enhances Damage Resistance Training: Endurance Modification 66 330 660 990 1320
Enhances Running Speed Training: Resist Damage 66 330 660 990 1320
Enhances Sleep Duration Training: Run Speed Increase 73 330 660 990 1320
Enhances Slow Powers Training: Sleep Duration 73 365 730 1095 1460
Enhances Disorient Duration Training: Slow 76 365 730 1095 1460
Enhances Taunt Effectiveness Training: Disorient Duration 50 380 760 1140 1520
Enhances ToHit Buffs Training: Taunt Duration 73 250 500 750 1000
Enhances ToHit DeBuffs Training: ToHit Buff 53 365 730 1095 1460