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==== Blast Furnace ====
==== Blast Furnace ====
''Main article:'' [[Blast Furnace]]
[[File:BlastFurnace1.jpg|thumb|125px|{{center|Blast Furnace}}]]
[[File:BlastFurnace1.jpg|thumb|125px|{{center|Blast Furnace}}]]

Revision as of 14:14, 31 December 2013


Enemy Types


Blast Furnace

Main article: Blast Furnace

Blast Furnace

Blast Furnace is a mutant who can cause his body to burst into flame. Somewhat uncontrollable, he has taken to wearing armor to contain his awesome energies.


Scorch DoT(Fire)
The Hero's hands are engulfed in flames, igniting the target.

Combustion DoT(Fire)
You are taking Fire damage over time.

Fire Sword DoT(Fire)
The Hero can summon a fire sword that sets foes ablaze. Successful attacks will also do a slight damage over time.

Fire Sword Slice -DEF
The Fire Sword has lowered your defense.

Fire Sword Circle PBAoE Melee, Moderate DMG(Fire/Lethal)
Mastery of your Fire Sword has enabled you to make an attack on every foe within melee distance. This will slash and burn your enemies, dealing minor damage and setting them ablaze. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow

Fire Smash Melee Heavy Smash, Fire
Fire punch attack

Incinerate Melee, High DoT(Fire)
Intense concentration can allow you to Incinerate an opponent. This will set your foe ablaze, dealing damage over time. Damage: High(DoT), Recharge: Slow

Greater Fire Sword Melee, Superior DMG(Fire/Lethal)
Your mastery of fire allows you to create an enhanced Sword of Fire that can set foes ablaze. Successful attacks from the Greater Fire Sword will ignite your target, dealing damage over time. Damage: Superior, Recharge: Slow

Fire Breath DoT(Fire)
The Hero breaths forth a cone of fire that burns all foes within it's narrow cone. Very accurate and very deadly at medium range.

Healing Flames Self Heal, Res(Disorient)
You can concentrate for a few moments and to dramatically heal himself with Healing Flames. The power of the flames can also protect you from Disorientation for a while.

Fire Shield Toggle: Self +Res(Fire, Lethal, Smash, Cold)
While this power is active, you get a good resistance to Lethal, Smashing and Fire damage. Fire Shield also provides minimal resistance to Cold damage. Recharge: Very Fast

Resistance Res( S25 L25 F25 C25 E25 N25 T25 ) Auto Res Lethal, Smash, Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative Energy, Toxic, Radiation
Heroes are resistant to lethal, smashing, energy, fire and cold damage.

Fly Self Travel
Heroes can Fly!


Main article: Desdemona

The dauther of the original Desdemona, Eve Salvatore was destined to take up her mother's persona and pursue a life of crime. However, hers is a life of choices, and even the Arachnos' Fortunatas can't predict her destine accurately. As a Demon Summoning Mastermind she has the power to bend the wills of infernal entities to that of her own, a power that she has used to great effect in ridding the world of anyone who dared stand in her way.


Corruption Ranged, Minor DMG(Fire), Foe Minor DoT (Toxic), -Res
You lash our with your whip firing a bolt of hellfire from its tip corrupting your victim's very living essence dealing minor fire damage, minor toxic damage over time as well as reducing their damage resistance for a short time. Damage: Minor Recharge: Very Fast

Crack Whip Short Ranged (Cone), High DMG(Fire), Foe -Res, Knockdown, DoT(Toxic)
You channel hellfire into your whip and make an impressive sweep causing high fire damage to enemies within a wide cone and also cause some toxic damage over time. Whip Crack has a larger range than most melee cones. Targets that are struck will also have their resistance to damage reduced for a short time, may suffer toxic damage over time and may be knocked down. Damage: High, Recharge: Slow

Lash Close, High DMG(Fire), Foe -Res, Knockdown, Minor DoT(Toxic)
You channel unholy energies into your whip and Lash out at your foe dealing high fire damage causing toxic damage over time. Lash has longer range than most melee attacks will reduce the target's damage resistance and also has a chance to knockdown your target. Damage: High, Recharge: Moderate

Tar Patch Ranged (Location AoE), Target -Speed, -Res, -Fly
Drops a large patch of viscous Negative Energy which dramatically slows down enemies that run through it and reduces their damage resistance. Affected targets stuck in the Tar Patch cannot jump or fly. Recharge: Slow

Darkest Night Toggle: Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe -DMG -To-hit
While active, you channel Negative Energy onto a targeted foe. Darkest Night decreases the damage potential and chance to hit of the target, and all foes nearby, as long as you keep the power active. Recharge: Moderate

Summon Demonlings Summon Demonlings
Call forth up to three demonlings (depending on your level) to do your bidding. The first demonling is adept at manipulating fire, the second blasts your foes with cold attacks and the third is able to wield hellfire to deal fire/toxic damage. You may only have three demonlings under your command at any given time. If you attempt to summon more demonlings, you can only replace those that have been lost in battle. If you already have your maximum allowed amount, the power will fail. Recharge: Very Long

Summon Demons Summon Demons
Summons forth one to two Demons (depending on your level) to do your bidding. The first demon summoned is cloaked in hellfire and has skin as hard as stone while the second demon manipulates flame. You may only have 2 Demons under your control at any given time. If you attempt to call more Demons, you can only replace the ones you have lost in battle. If you already have your maximum allowed number, the power will fail. Recharge: Very Long

Summon Demon Prince Summon Demon Prince
Summons forth a foul Demon Prince from the deepest reaches of the Abyss. The Demon Prince is mighty among its kind and is a master of cold powers. It serves the conjuror only so that it may wreak havoc upon the material plane.� The Demon has some defense versus lethal, smashing, fire and cold attacks.� You may only have 1 Demon Prince under your control at any given time.� If you attempt to summon another Demon Prince the power will fail. Recharge: Very Long

Twilight Grasp Ranged, Foe -To-hit -DMG, Team Heal
You channel Negative Energy from the Netherworld through yourself to a targeted foe. Twilight Grasp drains the power from that target and slowly transfers it to you and all nearby allies. The targeted foe's chance to hit and damage are reduced, while you and your nearby allies are healed. Recharge: Moderate

No Resistances
Desdemona does not have any special Damage Resistances

Doc Quantum

Main article: Doc Quantum

Doctor Quantum has used his scientific genius to develop a means of wielding quantum energies to defeat super-powered menaces.


Energy Punch Disorient
An Energy Punch from the Hero has Disoriented you.

Power Thrust Melee, Minor DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback
A focused attack that violently shoves the target and sends him flying. Deals minimal damage, but can be very effective. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Moderate

Whirling Hands Disorient
A Whirling Hands attack from the Hero has Disoriented you.

Total Focus Melee, Extreme DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Disorient
Total Focus is complete mastery over Energy Melee. This is a very slow, but incredibly devastating attack that can knock out most opponents, leaving them Disoriented. Due to the exhausting nature of Total Focus, recharge time is very long. Damage: Extreme, Recharge: Long

Power Bolt Ranged Energy Knockback
A quick attack that rapidly hurls small bolts of energy at foes, sometimes knocking them down. Fast, but little damage.

Power Blast Ranged Energy/Smash, Knockback
A much more powerful, yet slower version of Power Bolt. Power Blast sends a focused beam of energy at a foe that can knock him back.

Power Burst Close, High DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback
A short range, but devastating attack. Damage: Heavy, Recharge: Slow

Energy Torrent Cone Energy/Smash, Knockback
Unleashes a cone of energy that knocks foes back.

Explosive Blast Targeted AoE Smash/Energy, Knockback
Hurls a blast of charged energy that violently explodes on impact, damaging all foes near the target.

Fly Self Travel
Heroes can Fly!



Main article: Flambeaux

Flambeaux is a fiery-haired hero who developed a process to turn her body energies into biochemical fire she can project at her enemies.


Combustion DoT(Fire)
You are taking Fire damage over time.

Fire Sword DoT(Fire)
The Legacy of Flame can summon a fire sword that sets foes ablaze. Successful attacks will also do a slight damage over time.

Flares DoT(Fire)
You have been set on fire by the Flares attack.

Fire Blast DoT(Fire)
You have been set on fire by the Fire Blast.

Fire Breath DoT(Fire)
The Legacy of Flame breaths forth a cone of fire that burns all foes within it's narrow cone. Very accurate and very deadly at medium range.

Blaze Close, High DMG(Fire)
A short range, but devastating flame attack. Damage: High, Recharge: Slow

Fire Ball DoT(Fire)
You have been set on fire by the Fireball.

Rain of Fire Ranged (Location AoE), Minor DoT(Fire)
Summons a Rain of Fire over a targeted location, burning foes within a large area. Damage: Moderate(DoT), Recharge: Long

Inferno PBAoE, Extreme DMG(Fire/Smash), Self -Recovery
Unleashes a massive fiery explosion to devastate all nearby enemies and set them ablaze. Inferno deals massive damage to all nearby foes, although the damage does vary. Activating this power leaves you drained of Endurance and unable to recover Endurance for a while. Damage: Extreme, Recharge: Very Long



Main Article: Frostfire

Leonard Calhoun used to imagine life as a hero. His strong elemental powers seemed to be just what the job required. Leonard made himself a costume and took up the name Frostfire, but he soon found that saving people wasn´t nearly as appealing as picking their pockets. Frostfire descended into a life of crime and began to gather together other misguided mutants such as himself. Thus, the Outcasts were born.


Incinerate DoT(Fire)
You are being Incinerated. It burns!

Blazing Aura DoT(Fire)
You are taking fire damage from FrostFire's Blazing Aura.

Chilblain Immobilize, DoT(Cold)
You are Immobilized and taking cold damage over time.

Chilling Embrace -Recharge, -SPD
You are slowed from FrostFire's Chilling Embrace.

Flashfire Disorient, DoT(Fire)
You are Disoriented and on fire!

Freeze Ray Hold, DoT(Cold)
FrostFire has Held you frozen in a block of Ice.

Freezing Touch Hold, DoT(Cold)
FrostFire has Held you frozen in a block of Ice.

Fire Ball DoT(Fire)
You are on fire!

Ice Blast Recharge, -SPD
FrostFire's Ice Blast has chilled you, slowing your attack and movement speeds.

Resistance Res( F25 C25 )
Auto, Self

Hollow Point

Hollow Point

Main Article: Hollow Point

Forgotten by his unit and left for dead behind enemy lines, for Hollow Point escaping from that hell was only the beginning of the war. One by one he is making those who abandoned him realize the scope of their mistake.


Burst Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe -DEF
Quickly fires a Burst of rounds at a single target at very long range. Damage is average, but the fire rate is fast. Can also reduce the target's defense. Damage: Moderate(DoT), Recharge: Fast

Buckshot Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockback
Good at close range. Fires a cone of Buckshot pellets and can knock some foes down. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Moderate

Ignite Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DoT(Fire)
Sprays a targeted location with accelerant from your flamethrower, igniting the location. Any foes that pass through the flames will be burned. Great for blocking doorways and small passages. Damage: Moderate(DoT), Recharge: Fast

M30 Grenade Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DMG(Lethal/Smash), Knockback
Launches a Grenade at long range from beneath the barrel of your Assault Rifle. This explosion affects all within the blast radius, and can knock them back. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow

Slug Ranged, High DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockback
Fires a single Slug at a targeted foe. Firing a single Slug is slower than firing a Burst, but deals more damage, is longer range, and can knock down foes. Damage: High, Recharge: Moderate

Flamethrower Ranged (Cone), Extreme DoT(Fire)
Spews forth a cone of flames from underneath the barrel of your assault rifle, setting foes on fire. Very accurate and very deadly at medium range. Damage: Extreme(DoT) Recharge: Slow

Full Auto Ranged (Cone), Superior DMG(Lethal), +Special
Opens up your assault rifle on Full Auto to lay down a massive spray of bullets at your target. Although very slow to reload, damage from this attack is massive, shredding all targets within the narrow cone of effect. There's a chance you may land a lucky shot for extra damage. Damage: Superior(DoT), Recharge: Slow

Force Field Generator Place Drone: PBAoE, Team +DEF, +Res(Hold, Immobilize, Disorient)
You can build a Force Field Generator Drone. The Drone will generate a Dispersion Bubble that gives all nearby allies increased Defense against all attacks including Psionic. The Dispersion Bubble also protects allies from Immobilization, Disorient, and Hold effects. The Done will follow you and can be buffed and healed or even destroyed like any friendly entity. However, the Drone is not a Henchman and cannot be given commands. You can only ever have one Force Field Generator. Recharge: Very Slow

Seeker Drones Summon Seekers: Ranged Disorient, -DMG, -ACC, -Perception, Low DMG(Energy)
You create two Seeker Drones. These Seeker Drones will follow you until they detect an enemy and then they will zero in on their targets and detonate on impact. The small explosive flash of energy does only minor damage, but the concussion can weaken foes. Affected targets will have reduced Damage, Accuracy and Perception and may even be Disoriented for a short while. You can only ever have Two Seeker Drones out at one time and they can be destroyed by your foes. Recharge: Long

Triage Beacon Place Beacon: PBAoE +Regen
You can plant a Triage Beacon into the ground. The Beacon is immobile, but it emits a powerful healing aura. The Regeneration Rate of you, or your allies, will be greatly increased as long as you are near the Triage Beacon. The Beacon is invulnerable. Recharge: Very Long

No Resistances
Hollow Point does not have any special Damage Resistances



Main article: Maelstrom

Eddie 'Maelstrom' Polstra received his nickname due to the device on his chest that keeps him alive. His background as a soldier has given Maelstrom a strong sense of loyalty, but only to those who are willing to trust him back. What exactly Maelstrom is after is a mystery to all but him, though his determination will surely see his goals become a reality one day.


Front Kick Melee, High DMG(Smash), Knockback
You can perform a slow, high damage kick that will likely knock your target back. Damage: High, Recharge: Moderate

Pistol Whip Melee, Superior DMG(Smash), Foe Minor Disorient, +Special
You can perform a devastating kick that can severely Disorient most opponents. Eagle's Claw has an exceptionally good critical hit capability, better than other Martial Arts attacks, that can sometimes deal double damage. Damage: Superior, Recharge: Slow

Chemical Ammunition Ammo Change (Toxic), Special
You've swapped your ammunition and are now equipped with 'Chemical Rounds.' Most of your Dual Pistol attacks will have their secondary damage converted to toxic damage and inflict a minor damage debuff effect on the target.

Toxic Pistol Ranged, Minor DMG(Lethal/Special)
Quickly fires a round from one of your heavy automatic pistols. Damage is average, but the fire rate is very fast. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Very Fast NOTE: Changing your ammo type with the 'Swap Ammo' power will change your secondary damage from lethal to cold, fire or toxic.

Twin Pistols Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal/Special), Foe Knockback/Special
Dual Wield fires both pistols in rapid succession at its desired target. This power is slower than Pistols, but deals more damage, and the target may get knocked down by the force of the impact. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast NOTE: Changing your ammo type with the 'Swap Ammo' power will change your secondary damage from lethal to cold, fire or toxic. Additionally, changing your ammunition type will also change the secondary effect of this attack from Knockback to a minor attack speed and movement speed debuff if 'Cryo Ammo' is loaded, a minor damage over time effect if 'Incendiary Ammo' is loaded, or a -damage effect if 'Chemical Ammo' is loaded.

Empty Cells Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Lethal/Special), Knockback/Special
You empty the clips of both your pistols in an arc of suppression fire. This attack can blast multiple foes in the affected cone area, and has a small chance of knocking some foes down. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Moderate NOTE: Changing your ammo type with the 'Swap Ammo' power will change your secondary damage from lethal to cold, fire or toxic. Additionally, changing your ammunition type will also change the secondary effect of this attack from Knockback to a minor attack speed and movement speed debuff if 'Cryo Ammo' is loaded, a minor damage over time effect if 'Incendiary Ammo' is loaded, or a -damage effect if 'Chemical Ammo' is loaded.

Toxic Rain Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DMG(Lethal/Special), Knockback/Special
You fire your pistols faster than the human eye can follow, causing your bullet trajectory to arc, dealing moderate Lethal damage and possibly knocking your foes back. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow NOTE: Changing your ammo type with the 'Swap Ammo' power will change your secondary damage from lethal to cold, fire or toxic. Additionally, changing your ammunition type will also change the secondary effect of this attack from Knockback to a minor attack speed and movement speed debuff if 'Cryo Ammo' is loaded, a minor damage over time effect if 'Incendiary Ammo' is loaded, or a -damage effect if 'Chemical Ammo' is loaded.

Executioner's Shot Close, High DMG(Lethal/Special), Foe Knockback/Special
Executioner's Shot is a deadly close range attack. Foes struck by this attack will suffer lethal damage and will likely be knocked back by the impact of this attack. Damage: High, Recharge: Slow NOTE: Changing your ammo type with the 'Swap Ammo' power will change your secondary damage from lethal to cold, fire or toxic. Additionally, changing your ammunition type will also change the secondary effect of this attack from Knockback to a minor attack speed and movement speed debuff if 'Cryo Ammo' is loaded, a minor damage over time effect if 'Incendiary Ammo' is loaded, or a -damage effect if 'Chemical Ammo' is loaded.

Piercing Rounds Narrow Ranged (Cone), High DMG(Lethal/Special), Foes -Res(All)/Special
You fire your pistols with deadly precision in a very narrow cone, piercing your enemy. Piercing Rounds deals High lethal damage and reduces targets' Damage Resistance for a short time. Damage: High Recharge: Long NOTE: Changing your ammo type with the 'Swap Ammo' power will change your secondary damage from lethal to cold, fire or toxic. Additionally, changing your ammunition type will also change the secondary effect of this attack from a resistance debuff to a minor attack speed and movement speed debuff if 'Cryo Ammo' is loaded, a minor damage over time effect if 'Incendiary Ammo' is loaded, or a -damage effect if 'Chemical Ammo' is loaded.

Cloaking Device Toggle: Self Stealth, +DEF
The Cloaking Device allows you to use an LCD body coating become partially invisible. While Cloaked you can only be seen at very close range. If you attack while Cloaked, you will be discovered. Even if discovered, you are hard to see and have a bonus to Defense. Unlike some stealth powers, the Cloaking Device has no movement penalty. Recharge: Slow

No Resistances
Maelstrom does not have any special Damage Resistances



Main Article: Mangle

Mangle was an unwilling attraction for a travelling freak show, but the chains couldn't contain his fury forever. Once free he waited in the shadows to repay his captors' "kindness" with blood.


Swipe Melee, Minor DMG(Lethal)
Two quick Swipes with your claws. Does minor lethal damage, but has a quick recharge rate. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Very Fast

Slash Melee, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe -DEF
You Slash at your foe with your claws, dealing a good amount of lethal damage, but with a longer recharge rate than Swipe or Strike . This attack can reduce a target's Defense, making him easier to hit. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast

Strike Melee, Moderate DMG(Lethal)
You perform a deadly Strike with your claws. This is a basic attack that deals a moderate amount of lethal damage. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast

Eviscerate Melee (Cone), Superior DMG(Lethal), +Special
You spin and slash violently, Eviscerating all foes in a wide arc in front of you. If executed while hidden, all affected targets have a chance to be hit with a Critical for extra lethal damage, however, there is also a very small chance you may land a Critical hit with Eviscerate, even if you are not Hidden. Damage: Superior, Recharge: Slow

Assassin's Claw Melee, Special DMG(Lethal)
A signature Stalker attack. This attack does moderate damage on its own as a frontal attack. However, if it is executed while you are Hidden, this attack will do tremendous lethal damage, as you impale your unsuspecting foe. This attack may be interrupted if you move or are attacked while executing this power. Damage: Special, Recharge: Slow

Shockwave Melee (Cone), Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockback
Projects a Shockwave of focused power that can travel a short distance. Shockwave travels in a wide arc in front of you dealing moderate lethal damage and, possibly knocking back foes. If executed while hidden, all affected targets have a chance to be hit with a Critical for extra damage. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow

Focus Ranged, High DMG(Lethal), Knockback
Projects a burst of Focused power over a short distance. Focus deals high lethal damage and can possibly knock down your foe. Damage: High, Recharge: Moderate

Quickness Auto: Self +Recharge, +SPD, Res (Slow)
Your Quick reflexes allow you to move faster than normal, as well as resist slow effects. This power is always on and permanently increases your attack rate and movement speed.

Focused Fighting Toggle: Self +DEF(Melee, Ranged), Res(Confuse), +Perception
You become more evasive to melee and ranged attacks. Your Focus also offers you resistance to Confuse effects and allows you to perceive stealthy foes.

Inner Focus Toggle: Self +DEF(Melee, Ranged, AoE), Res(Confuse), +Perception
You become more evasive to melee, ranged attacks, area effect attacks and cone shaped attacks. Your Focus also offers you resistance to Confuse effects and allows you to perceive stealthy foes.

Elude Self +DEF, +Special
You can improve your reflexes, making yourself so quick you can Elude almost any attack, be it ranged, melee, or area effect. Your running speed and jumping height are also increased. When Elude wears off, you are left drained of all Endurance and unable

Miss Thystle

Miss Thystle

Main Article: Miss Thystle

This woman was just born into the wrong family. Her parents being her role model, she decided that she wanted it all in life, without the hassle of working for it. Miss Thystle doesn't care how she gets what she wants, just as long as she gets it.


Jab Disorient
You have been Disoriented.

Punch Melee Smash, Knockback
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knocks foes off their feet.

Haymaker Melee Smash, Knockback
The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.

Knockout Blow Hold
The Hero has hit you with a Knockout Blow. You are Held.

Hand Clap Disorient
You have been Disoriented.

Foot Stomp PBAoE Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Knockback
Heroes can use their superior leg strength to stomp the ground, quaking the earth itself. This is a localized attack against everything in melee range.

Hurl Ranged, Moderate DMG(Smash), Knockback
You are able to tear up a chunk of ground beneath your feet and Hurl it at an enemy. This attack is close ranged, deals moderate damage, and can knock foes back. Damage: Heavy, Recharge: Moderate

Unyielding Toggle: Self +Res(Knockback, Sleep, Disorient, Hold, Immobilize, Smashing, Lethal Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative Energy, Toxic)
When you toggle on this power, you become Unyielding. You are resistant to Knockback, Sleep, Hold, Immobilize, Disorient effects, and Smashing, Lethal, Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative Energy and Toxic damage.

Unstoppable Self, +Res(Disorient, Sleep, Hold, Immobilize, All DMG but Psionics)
When you activate this power, you not only become extremely resistant to most damage, but also to Disorient, Immobilization, Hold, and Sleep effects. Endurance recovery is also increased. Unstoppable costs little Endurance to activate, but when it wears o

Resistance Auto Res Lethal, Smash, Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative Energy, Toxic, Radiation Res( S25 L25 F25 C25 E25 N25 T25 )
Villains are resistant to lethal, smashing, energy, fire and cold damage.



Main article: Overdrive

Overdrive is a high-energy physics engineer who developed a combat suit to battle villains who threaten the safety of the free world.

Polar Shift

Polar Shift

Main Article: Polar Shift

Polar Shift was orphaned when a tragic avalanche buried her parents' cabin. She barely survived by becoming one with the bone chilling ice, changing her life forever.


Combustion DoT(Fire)
You are taking Fire damage over time.

Fire Sword DoT(Fire)
A summoned fire sword that sets foes ablaze. Successful attacks will also do a slight damage over time.

Frost Breath DoT(Cold), -Recharge, -SPD
You are frozen by the Frost Breath. You are taking damage over time and your attack speed and movement speed are reduced.

Ice Bolt -Recharge, -SPD
Your Attack and Movement rate has been slowed.

Ice Blast -Recharge, -SPD
You have been frozen by an Ice Blast. Your movement Speed and Recharge rate are reduced.

Ice Storm DoT(Cold), -Recharge, -SPD
The Ice Storm is freezing you. You are taking Cold damage over time and your attack and movement speeds are reduced.

Blizzard Ranged (Location AoE), Extreme DoT(Cold), Foe -ACC, -SPD, -Recharge, Knockback, Self -Recovery
The massive damage from the Blizzard can Slow the attack rate of all your opponents in a large area, reducing their Accuracy and possibly knocking them back. Activating this power leaves you drained of Endurance and unable to recover any Endurance for a while. Damage: Extreme(DoT), Recharge: Very Long

Bitter Ice Blast Ranged, Superior DMG(Cold/Smash), Foe -Recharge, -SPD, -ACC
A slower yet more powerful version of Ice Blast, Bitter Ice Blast deals much more damage and can also reduce your enemy's Accuracy. Like other Ice Blast powers, Bitter Ice Blast can Slow a target's movement and attack speed. Damage: Superior, Recharge: Slow



Main article: Ravenstorm

Joachim Matthias Reinhardt, an exchange student from Berlin, was obsessed with the dark matter that some Magic origin heroes were able to channel into magnificient powers. Unwilling to tread down a mystical road himself, Joachim was determined to find a way to summon this dark matter through technology. Eventually, he created his "Nano-Noir" technology, which allowed small nannites within his body to store the dark matter and release it on demand. Of all Paragon City's heroes, Ravenstorm is the most solitary. Many find it surprising that he has formed such a close friendship with Moonfire, the Kheldian hero stationed on Striga Isle. But perhaps he considers her, like himself, alone in the world.


Death Shroud Toggle: PBAoE Minor DoT(Negative)
You become a focus point for the Netherworld, allowing its Negative Energy to seep from your body. This will continuously damage all foes in melee range. Damage: Minor(DoT), Recharge: Fast

Thunder Kick Melee, Minor DMG(Smash), Minor Disorient
You can perform a strong Thunder Kick that hits so hard it can Disorient your target. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Fast

Storm Kick Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash)
You can unleash a roundhouse kick that pummels your foe for moderate damage. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Medium

Crippling Axe Kick Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Immobilize, -SPD, -Fly
You can perform a Crippling Axe Kick that deals minor smashing damage, but has a chance to Immobilize your target, as well as Slowing their run speed. Crippling Axe Kick may also knock some flying entities out of the sky. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast

Dragons Tail PBAoE Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback
This low spinning kick deals the same damage as Thunder Kick, but has a chance to hit all enemies in melee range. Successful hits will trip and knock down your opponents. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow

Crane Kick Melee, High DMG(Smash), Knockback
You can perform a slow, high damage kick that will likely knock your target back. Damage: High, Recharge: Moderate

Eagles Claw Melee, Superior DMG(Smash), Foe Minor Disorient, +Special
You can perform a devastating kick that can severely Disorient most opponents. Eagle's Claw has an exceptionally good critical hit capability, better than other Martial Arts attacks, that can sometimes deal double damage. Damage: Superior, Recharge: Slow

Torrent Ranged (Cone), Minor DMG(Smashing), Foe -ACC, Knockback
You summon a wave of mire that sweeps away foes within its arc. The attack deals minimal Negative Energy damage, but sends foes flying and reduces their Accuracy. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Slow

Dark Blast Ranged, Moderate DMG(Negative), Foe -ACC
A long range blast of dark energy. Deals moderate Negative Energy damage and reduces the target's Accuracy. You must be level 44 and have Torrent or Petrifying Gaze before selecting this power. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast

Tenebrous Tentacles Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Negative/Smash), Foe Immobilize, -ACC
You can create a cone shaped rift to the Netherworld that allows its native creatures to slip their oily Tentacles into our reality. These creatures will snare all foes within range, Immobilizing them while the Tentacles drain their life and reduce their Accuracy. You must be level 47 and have two other Darkness Mastery Powers before selecting this power. Damage: Moderate(DoT), Recharge: Slow

Focus Chi Self +DMG, +ACC
Tapping into your inner Chi greatly increases the amount of damage you deal for a few seconds, as well as slightly increasing your Accuracy. Recharge: Long

Dark Regeneration PBAoE Minor DMG(Negative), Self +HP
You can tap the dark essence of the Netherworld to drain a small amount of life from all enemies nearby, thus healing yourself. The more foes affected, the more you will be healed. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Slow

Shock Treatment

Shock Treatment

Main Article: Shock Treatment

A demented doctor and one too many sessions of shock therapy left this unstable girl with a permanent charge. Now she walks free cackling in delight as she gives the world a taste of her torment!


Ball Lightning Ranged, Targeted Area of Effect, Energy, Moderate Damage over Time, Energy, Foe -Endurance
Hurls a highly charged ball of lightning that explodes on contact. Ball Lightning deals good damage in an area of effect and drains some endurance from each target it hits.

Lightning Blast Ranged, High Damage (Energy), Foe -Endurance
A focused electrical blast that can travel great distancies with high Accuracy. Lightning Blast drains Endurance, and is best fired from a distance, as it can be interrupted. Damage: Extreme. Recharge: Slow.

Charged Brawl Melee, Minor Damage (Smash/Energy), Foe Sleep, -Endurance
Your fists become electrically charged and deliver a powerful punch. Charged Brawl can drain some Endurance from the target and may overload his synapses, leaving him writhing for a moment. A portion of drained Endurance may be returned to you. Disturbing an overloaded target will disperse the electrical charge and release him.

Havoc Punch Melee, Moderate Damage (Smash/Energy), Foe Sleep, -Endurance
The Havoc Punch is a slower attack than Charged Brawl, but makes up for it with a greater damage. Havoc Punch can drain some Endurance from your target and may overload his synapses, leaving him writhing for a moment. A portion of the drained Endurance may be given back to you. Disturbing an overloaded target will disperse the electrical charge and release him.

Jacobs Ladder (Melee, Cone, Energy) Foe -Accuracy
You are able to generate a strong current between your arms and snap a powerful bolt of electricity in an arc in front of you. This melee attack can electrocute all foes within the arc dealing High energy damage. Jacobs Ladder can drain some Endurance from your target and may overload his synapses, leaving him writhing for a moment. Disturbing an overloaded target will disperse the electrical charge and release him.

Thunder Strike Melee (Area of Effect), High Damage, Smash/Energy, Foe Disorient, Knockback
A massive attack. You smash your foes with all the power of a lightning bolt. The pummeled victim takes tremendous damage and may be Disoriented. Any nearby foes may be knocked down and take some damage from the shockwave.

Chain Induction Melee, No Damage, Foe -Endurance, +Special
This Electric Melee attack deals moderate Smashing and Energy damage and may drain some of the targets Endurance. However, this attack also induces an unstable electric charge that may jump to another enemy target. The charge will jump randomly between multiple targets, until it inevitably dissipates. Enhancements and Fury will only boost the effectiveness of the initial attacks, not the jumping charge..

Lightning Clap Point Blank Area of Effect, Foe Disorient, Knockback
You can clap your hands together to release a violent Lightning Clap. The Lightning Clap can knock down most nearby foes, Disorienting many of them. Lightning Clap deals no damage.

Power Sink Point Blank Area of Effect, Self +Endurance, Foe -Endurance
Power Sink leeches energy directly from the bodies of all nearby foes, draining their endurance. Each foe you draw energy from increases your endurance. If there are no foes within range, you will not gain any endurance.

Charged Armor Toggle, Self +Resistance (Smash, Lethal, Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative Energy)
When you toggle on this power, you are surrounded in a charged field that makes you highly resistant to Smashing, Lethal Fire, Cold, Energy and Negative Energy damage.

Power Surge form

Power Surge Self: +Resistance (All -Psionics), +Resistance (Disorient, Sleep, Hold, Immobilize, Knockback, End Drain, Recovery DeBuff, Enemy Teleportation), +Endurance Recovery, Attack: Special EMP Pulse
When you activate this power, you transform your body into living Electricity and become extremely resistant to all damage but Psionics, as well as Disorient, Sleep, Hold, Immobilize, Knockback, End Drain, Recovery DeBuff, and enemy Teleportation. Your Endurance recovery is also increased. As Power Surge wears off, the charge in your body explodes in a massive EMP pulse. However, expending all this energy will leave you exhausted, and drained of almost all Health and Endurance.

EM Pulse (Point Blank Area of Effect, No Damage, Foe -Endurance) Foe Hold, -Regeneration
You are held immobile by the EM Pulse and your regeneration rate is reduced.

Resistance Res( S25 L25 F25 C25 E25 N25 T25 ) Auto Res Lethal, Smash, Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative Energy, Toxic, Radiation
Villains are resistant to lethal, smashing, energy, fire and cold damage.

Silent Blade

Silent Blade

Main article: Silent Blade

Silent Blade, a ruthless assasin turned mercenary, has taken a job by persons unknown. Unfortunately, the target is you!


Caltrops DoT(Lethal), -SPD
The caltrops are causing minor damage to you and slowing your running speed.

Gambler's Cut Melee, Minor DMG(Lethal), Foe -Def
You perform a quick slash with your Ninja Blade. This attack is very fast, but deals only minor lethal damage. This attack can reduce a target's Defense, making him easier to hit. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Fast

Divine Avalanche Melee, Minor DMG(Lethal), Self +DEF (Melee, Lethal)
You can use your Ninja Blade to parry incoming melee attacks and then quickly return the favor. Divine Avalanche does minor damage, but every successful hit will increase your Defense against melee and lethal attacks for a short while. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Fast

Sting of the Wasp Melee, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe -Def
You perform a standard attack with your Ninja Blade. This attack is slower than Gambler's Cut, but deals more lethal damage. Sting of the Wasp can reduce a target's Defense, making him easier to hit. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast

Flashing Steel Melee (Cone), Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe -Def
You swing your Ninja Blade in a wide arc in front of you, slicing multiple foes with lethal damage. This attack can reduce a target's Defense, making him easier to hit. If executed while hidden, all affected targets have a chance to be hit with a Critical for extra damage. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Moderate

Golden Dragonfly Melee, Extreme DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockback, -DEF
You perform a devastating Golden Dragonfly attack that deals a massive amount of lethal damage and can even knock a foe down to the ground and reduce his Defense. The power of this attack can actually extend a short distance through multiple foes. If executed while hidden, only some affected targets may be hit with a Critical, however, there is a chance you may land a Critical hit with Golden Dragonfly even if you are not Hidden. Damage: Extreme, Recharge: Slow

Soaring Dragon Melee, Superior DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockup, -DEF
You perform a powerful Soaring Dragon maneuver that deals a great amount of lethal damage, and can knock a target up into the air. This attack can reduce a target's Defense, making him easier to hit. Damage: Superior, Recharge: Moderate

Exploding Shuriken Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DMG(Lethal)
This small throwing star is rigged to explode on impact. You must have two other Weapon Mastery Powers before selecting this power. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Moderate

Shurikens Cone Lethal
Three thrown dagger that can hit multiple targets.

Kuji-In Sha Self Heal, Res(Toxic)
Kuji-In Sha invokes the power of Sha, or healing. Focusing your inner power, you can heal your body of its wounds and leave yourself resistant to the effects of Toxic damage for a while. Recharge: Long

Danger Sense Toggle: Self +DEF(Melee, Ranged, AoE), Res(DeBuff DEF), +Res(Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Immobilize, Confuse, Fear, Psionics), +Perception
Activating your Danger Sense enables you to be more evasive to melee, range and area effect attacks. This will increase your Defense versus melee as long as it is active. Danger Sense also grants you resistance to Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Immobilization, Confusion, Fear, and Defense DeBuffs as well as resistance to Psionic damage.

Kuji-In Retsu Self +DEF, + SPD, +Recovery, Res(DeBuff DEF), +Special
Kuji-In Retsu is the mastery of space and time. Focusing your power on Retsu enables you to control your own time to easily defeat your foes. Mastery of this power enables you to avoid almost any attack, be it ranged, melee, or area effect. Your running speed, jumping height and Endurance Recovery are also increased. Retsu also grants you high resistance to Defense DeBuffs. When Retsu wears off, you are left drained of all Endurance and unable to Recover Endurance for a while. Recharge: Very Long

Sky Dragon

Sky Dragon

Main article: Sky Dragon

Sky Dragon is a master of a mystical art known only to a few Eastern sorcerers. He has come to Paragon City to defeat villainy in all its forms.


Flight Self fly
Sky Dragon can Fly!

Exploding Shuriken Ranged, Targeted Area of Effect, Lethal
This small throwing star is rigged to explode on impact. You must have two other Weapon Mastery Powers before selecting this power. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Moderate.

Shurikens (Ranged) Cone, Lethal
Three thrown daggers that can hit multiple targets.

Thunder Kick (Melee, Smash) Foe Disorient
You are disoriented.

Storm Kick Melee, Smash
Unleashes a flurry of quick attacks to pummel you foe.

Crane Kick Melee, Smash, High Damage, Foe Knockback
A slow, high damage kick that can send your target flying!

Cobra Strike Melee, Smash, Foe Disorient
This focused attack can severely Disorient most targets as well as dealing some damage.

No Resistances
Sky Dragon does not have any special Damage Resistances



Main Article: Stalwart

Stalwart started off as a champion prize fighter. It took him only a short while to discover that his power and abilities never stopped growing by leaps and bounds. After a very brief but undefeated career Stalwart decided he was destined for greater things. Now he fights the evil of the world one left hook at a time.


Hurl Ranged, Moderate Damage, smash, Foe Knockback
You are able to tear up a chunk of ground beneath your feet and Hurl it at an enemy. This attack is close ranged, deals moderate damage and can knock foes back. Damage: Heavy. Recharge: Moderate.

Jab Melee, Smash, Foe Disorient
You have been disoriented.

Punch Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.

Haymaker Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback
The Haymaker is a slow attack, but it makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of knockback.

Hand Clap Area of Effect Disorient, Foe Knockback
The Longbow Warden can clap his hands together to send out a violent shockwave. The shockwave can knockdown most nearby foes and can Disorient many of those. Hand Clap deals no damage.

Temp Invulnerability Toggle, Self +Resistances (Smash, Lethal)
When you activate this power, you become highly resistant to Smashing and Lethal damage for a short duration. Recharge: Very Long.

Unyielding Toggle, Self +Resistance (Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Slow, Knockback)
When you toggle on this power, you become Unyielding. You are resistant to all damage except Psionics, as well as Knockback, Sleep, Hold, Immobilize, and Disorient effects. However, your defiant stature means you are more likely to be hit.



Main Article: Stardusk

With a tainted soul as dark and twisted as a dying star, this villain warps and weakens any who stands in her way.


Neutrino Bolt (Ranged, Energy, Foe -Defense)
A very quick, but low damage attack. Neutrino Blast can reduce the target's Defense.

X-Ray Beam (Ranged, Energy, Foe -Defense)
You can emit a beam of X-Ray energy from your eyes, dealing moderate Energy damage. This attack can bypass some defenses and can reduce the target's defense.

Electron Haze (Close, Cone, Energy, Foe -Defense, Knockback)
A short range conical blast of free electrons. This attack can bypass some of a target's defenses and reduce the target's Defense. It can also knock some targets down.

Cosmic Burst (Close, Energy, Foe Disorient, -Defense)
Cosmic Burst smashes the target with cosmic particles. The attack is very short range, but the damage is devastating and can leave most targets disoriented and with reduced defense.

Radiant Aura Point Blank Area of Effect, Ally Heal
You can use Radiant Aura to heal some of your wounds, and the wounds of your group. This power has a small radius, so your allies need to be near you if they wish to be affected. Recharge:Moderate.

Enervating Field (Anchor based Area of Effect, Foe -Damage, -Resistances)
While this power is active, you irradiate a targeted foe, and all foes nearby, with a deadly dose of radiation. This radiation weakens exposed targets, decreasing the damage of their attacks. It also significantly weakens their resistance, so they will take much more damage from other attacks.

Lingering Radiation Foe -Speed, -Recharge, -Regeneration
Stardusk can emit Lingering Radiation that reduces the attack rate, movement speed, and Regeneration rate of the target, and all nearby foes.

No Resistances
Stardusk does not have any special Damage Resistances

Elite Bosses


Main article: Maelstrom

Eddie 'Maelstrom' Polstra received his nickname due to the device on his chest that keeps him alive. His background as a soldier has given Maelstrom a strong sense of loyalty, but only to those who are willing to trust him back. What exactly Maelstrom is after is a mystery to all but him, though his determination will surely see his goals become a reality one day.


Front Kick Melee, High DMG(Smash), Knockback
You can perform a slow, high damage kick that will likely knock your target back. Damage: High, Recharge: Moderate

Chemical Ammunition Ammo Change (Toxic), Special
You've swapped your ammunition and are now equipped with 'Chemical Rounds.' Most of your Dual Pistol attacks will have their secondary damage converted to toxic damage and inflict a minor damage debuff effect on the target.

Toxic Pistol Ranged, Minor DMG(Lethal/Special)
Quickly fires a round from one of your heavy automatic pistols. Damage is average, but the fire rate is very fast. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Very Fast NOTE: Changing your ammo type with the 'Swap Ammo' power will change your secondary damage from lethal to cold, fire or toxic.

Twin Pistols Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal/Special), Foe Knockback/Special
Dual Wield fires both pistols in rapid succession at its desired target. This power is slower than Pistols, but deals more damage, and the target may get knocked down by the force of the impact. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast NOTE: Changing your ammo type with the 'Swap Ammo' power will change your secondary damage from lethal to cold, fire or toxic. Additionally, changing your ammunition type will also change the secondary effect of this attack from Knockback to a minor attack speed and movement speed debuff if 'Cryo Ammo' is loaded, a minor damage over time effect if 'Incendiary Ammo' is loaded, or a -damage effect if 'Chemical Ammo' is loaded.

Empty Cells Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Lethal/Special), Knockback/Special
You empty the clips of both your pistols in an arc of suppression fire. This attack can blast multiple foes in the affected cone area, and has a small chance of knocking some foes down. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Moderate NOTE: Changing your ammo type with the 'Swap Ammo' power will change your secondary damage from lethal to cold, fire or toxic. Additionally, changing your ammunition type will also change the secondary effect of this attack from Knockback to a minor attack speed and movement speed debuff if 'Cryo Ammo' is loaded, a minor damage over time effect if 'Incendiary Ammo' is loaded, or a -damage effect if 'Chemical Ammo' is loaded.

Toxic Rain Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DMG(Lethal/Special), Knockback/Special
You fire your pistols faster than the human eye can follow, causing your bullet trajectory to arc, dealing moderate Lethal damage and possibly knocking your foes back. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow NOTE: Changing your ammo type with the 'Swap Ammo' power will change your secondary damage from lethal to cold, fire or toxic. Additionally, changing your ammunition type will also change the secondary effect of this attack from Knockback to a minor attack speed and movement speed debuff if 'Cryo Ammo' is loaded, a minor damage over time effect if 'Incendiary Ammo' is loaded, or a -damage effect if 'Chemical Ammo' is loaded.

Cloaking Device Toggle: Self Stealth, +DEF
The Cloaking Device allows you to use an LCD body coating become partially invisible. While Cloaked you can only be seen at very close range. If you attack while Cloaked, you will be discovered. Even if discovered, you are hard to see and have a bonus to Defense. Unlike some stealth powers, the Cloaking Device has no movement penalty. Recharge: Slow

Resistance Resistance
Rooftop Resistance



Main article: Maelstrom

Eddie 'Maelstrom' Polstra received his nickname due to the device on his chest that keeps him alive. His background as a soldier has given Maelstrom a strong sense of loyalty, but only to those who are willing to trust him back. What exactly Maelstrom is after is a mystery to all but him, though his determination will surely see his goals become a reality one day.


Storm Kick Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash)
You can unleash a roundhouse kick that pummels your foe for moderate damage. Storm Kick has a greater then average chance to score a critical hit. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Medium

Dragon's Tail PBAoE Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback
This low spinning kick deals slightly more damage than Thunder Kick, but has a chance to hit all enemies in melee range. Successful hits may trip and knock down your opponents. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow

Crane Kick Melee, High DMG(Smash), Knockback
You can perform a slow, high damage kick that will likely knock your target back. Damage: High, Recharge: Moderate

Chemical Ammunition Ammo Change (Toxic), Special
You've swapped your ammunition and are now equipped with 'Chemical Rounds.' Most of your Dual Pistol attacks will have their secondary damage converted to toxic damage and inflict a minor damage debuff effect on the target.

NO2 Ammunition Ammo Change (Cold), Special
You've swapped your ammunition and are now equipped with 'Cryo Rounds'. Most of your Dual Pistol attacks will have their secondary damage converted to cold damage and inflict a minor slow effect on the target. In order to earn this power, you must purchase the Swap Ammo power.

Shredder Round Ranged, Minor DMG(Lethal/Special)
Quickly fires a round from one of your heavy automatic pistols. Damage is average, but the fire rate is very fast. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Very Fast NOTE: Changing your ammo type with the 'Swap Ammo' power will change your secondary damage from lethal to cold, fire or toxic.

Twin Pistols Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal/Special), Foe Knockback/Special
Dual Wield fires both pistols in rapid succession at its desired target. This power is slower than Pistols, but deals more damage, and the target may get knocked down by the force of the impact. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast NOTE: Changing your ammo type with the 'Swap Ammo' power will change your secondary damage from lethal to cold, fire or toxic. Additionally, changing your ammunition type will also change the secondary effect of this attack from Knockback to a minor attack speed and movement speed debuff if 'Cryo Ammo' is loaded, a minor damage over time effect if 'Incendiary Ammo' is loaded, or a -damage effect if 'Chemical Ammo' is loaded.

Toxic Rain Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DMG(Lethal/Special), Knockback/Special
You fire your pistols faster than the human eye can follow, causing your bullet trajectory to arc, dealing moderate Lethal damage and possibly knocking your foes back. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow NOTE: Changing your ammo type with the 'Swap Ammo' power will change your secondary damage from lethal to cold, fire or toxic. Additionally, changing your ammunition type will also change the secondary effect of this attack from Knockback to a minor attack speed and movement speed debuff if 'Cryo Ammo' is loaded, a minor damage over time effect if 'Incendiary Ammo' is loaded, or a -damage effect if 'Chemical Ammo' is loaded.

Executioner's Shot Close, High DMG(Lethal/Special), Foe Knockback/Special
Executioner's Shot is a deadly close range attack. Foes struck by this attack will suffer lethal damage and will likely be knocked back by the impact of this attack. Damage: High, Recharge: Slow NOTE: Changing your ammo type with the 'Swap Ammo' power will change your secondary damage from lethal to cold, fire or toxic. Additionally, changing your ammunition type will also change the secondary effect of this attack from Knockback to a minor attack speed and movement speed debuff if 'Cryo Ammo' is loaded, a minor damage over time effect if 'Incendiary Ammo' is loaded, or a -damage effect if 'Chemical Ammo' is loaded.

Piercing Rounds Narrow Ranged (Cone), High DMG(Lethal/Special), Foes -Res(All)/Special
You fire your pistols with deadly precision in a very narrow cone, piercing your enemy. Piercing Rounds deals High lethal damage and reduces targets' Damage Resistance for a short time. Damage: High Recharge: Long NOTE: Changing your ammo type with the 'Swap Ammo' power will change your secondary damage from lethal to cold, fire or toxic. Additionally, changing your ammunition type will also change the secondary effect of this attack from a resistance debuff to a minor attack speed and movement speed debuff if 'Cryo Ammo' is loaded, a minor damage over time effect if 'Incendiary Ammo' is loaded, or a -damage effect if 'Chemical Ammo' is loaded.

Marked For Death PBAoE Special
Marks an enemy for Death. If you are hit by Time To Die while marked, you are instantly killed.

Enraged PBAoE Special
Marks an enemy for Death. If you are hit by Time To Die while marked, you are instantly killed.

Time to Die PBAoE Special
Marks an enemy for Death. If you are hit by Time To Die while marked, you are instantly killed.

Resistance Resistance
Archvillain resistance.