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Thousands were buried in Moth Cemetery, including many of the city's veterans.  It's a tragedy that the Banished Pantheon now uses their bodies to wreak havoc on the city they once fought to protect.
Thousands were buried in Moth Cemetery, including many of the city's veterans.  It's a tragedy that the Banished Pantheon now uses their bodies to wreak havoc on the city they once fought to protect.
=== Mission name ===
'''Mission Objective(s)'''
''(Entrance text)''
''(Objective complete)''
{{Mission Clue|Name=|Text=}}
'''Notable NPCs'''
'''Temporary Power:'''
(Info on how/when you get temp power plus link)

== External Links ==
== External Links ==

* {{NoFutureContact|City=h|ID=68}}
* {{NoFutureContact|City=h|ID=68}}

Revision as of 15:51, 21 August 2006


File:Contact Miriam Bloechl 01.jpg
Miriam Bloechl

Miriam Bloechl is a hero contact in the New Corinth neighborhood of Talos Island. Miriam Bloechl is a Magic origin contact. Her level range is 25-29.


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)

Allison King is psychic; She's quite adept at gathering information from people's minds. She has a great deal of knowledge about the Circle of Thorns and the Council. She works primarily with magic heroes, and has access to relic and focus enhancements.

Allison is kind, and caring. Take good care of her.



Miriam Bloechl is a psychic whom some people consider a hero in her own right. Her powers don't allow her to put on a costume and fight crime with her fists, but she can be a valuable resource to those who do. She has the power to bring forth psychic visions from any object she touches. Sometimes she can even establish a psychic link with the object's owner, divining his or her whereabouts and current activities. Miriam loves doing her part for the city's welfare, though she also sees paying clients: mostly civilians looking for lost loved ones or checking up on cheating husbands. After all, she's got to pay the bills somehow.

Initial Contact


  • Inspirations
  • Level 25 Natural/Magic Dual Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)
  • Level 30 Natural/Magic Dual Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)
  • Level 30 Magic Single Origin Enhancements (150% base costs)

Badge Mission

Template:Mission Badge Mystical Savior

Story Arc


Stop the ceremony and prevent the obelisk's destruction


You may not believe this, but I'm about to send you to help the Circle of Thorns. You see, the Circle's working a big ceremony to try to bind the soul of a deity. As if that wasn't bad enough, it's one of the deities the Banished Pantheon worships! So the Pantheon is moving on the their position, and they plan to destroy the obelisk the Circle is using to focus their spell. Now, here's the scary part. If that obelisk is destroyed, it could take an entire section of the city with it! I need you to stop that ceremony and prevent the obelisk's destruction.

If you can't keep that obelisk intact, I'm afraid this mission will be a failure.

You'll need to defeat everybody at that ceremony, but make sure the obelisk remains intact.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat all villains in area
  • Protect the obelisk


Good work. If that obelisk had been destroyed, the energy within could have leveled a good chunk of the city. I'll send some MAGI representatives out to collect the thing now. It really out to be under lock and key.


While one of the mission objectives is to defeat all villains, this is not actually the case.

Template:Mission Common Investigate the lost city of Oranbega

Unknown Mission 1


I've got a whole pack of missing people for you to find. It seems some New Age meditation group disappeared in a local nature preserve. According to the one member who escaped, they had been drawn to that place by their meditations. Before he ran for it, he saw some strange shambling forms and a witch doctor. Now, here's the strange part: this group's been under investigation for possible connections to the Circle of Thorns. Could you go to the preserve and find the missing group? You only have 90 minutes to find the victims.

This might get complex if the Circle of Thorns really does have a connection to this group. Just remember that your primary objective is to find these people before something happens to them. Fighting witch doctors or anything else is secondary.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Find the missing New Age group
  • Timed, 90 minutes
  • 4 missing people left

You have freed the missing new age group from the hands of the Banished Pantheon and the Circle of Thorns.


I've talked with the members of the group you saved, and they all spoke of feeling drawn to a place beneath the city. I also checked out the book they were using to identify the properties of crystals. It seems the Library of Congress has no record of the book, the authors, or the printer. I wonder if this group's disappearance was part of a larger plan. Of course, the important thing is that you got them back safely.

Unknown Mission 2


A prominent archaeologist, Dr. Maximillian Archos has been kidnapped by the Warriors. He seemed to be onto something involving Oranbega, the lost city of the Circle of Thorns that's buried underneath Paragon City. I don't have a lead on where Archos is being held, but you should 'interview' some Warriors and see if any of them know where he is being held.

When I say 'interview', I mean engage in combat and defeat, in case you didn't catch my meaning.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Interrogate Warriors
  • Defeat 30 Warriors

One of the defeated Warriors reveals the location of Dr. Archos.

Clue: Captured Warrior's Story

A captured Warrior told you:

'We heard about that Archos guy. Hey, if he knows how to get the layout on this Oranburger place, fine! Them Circle a' Thorns jerks have been messing with us too long. We figure we can pay 'em back in person and get some stuff to sell while we're at it, all the better. I'll tell you where Archos is. You don't have to get rough.'

Mission Objective(s)

  • Rescue Dr. Archos

You have rescued Dr. Archos.

Notable NPCs

  • Seneschal (Slasher Elite)
  • Dr. Archos (Hostage)

Clue: Location of Oranbega Map Room

After you freed him from the Warriors, Dr. Archos told you:

Yes, I know a great deal of Oranbega. I'm grateful that you could protect me, those Warrior fools were trying to pry out what I've learned. I have discovered not just an entrance to Oranbega that the Circle knows nothing about, but down on those lost streets I've discovered something else. A map room that details the layout of the entire city! I can tell you how to get there.

Mission Objective(s)

As you enter the Map Room, you found no trace of Dr. Archos, but many signs of the Circle's minions. You can only assume he's trapped deeper inside.

  • Defeat lead mystic, his coven
  • Find the map

You realize the map you found is a fake. Dr. Archos had lead you into a trap.

Notable NPCs

  • Dr. Archos (Agony Mage)

Clue: False Map of Oranbega

This map of the Lost city of Oranbega seems quite accurate at first, but as you look at it the map begins to fade away. It's some sort of fake!


I can't believe it. Dr. Archos was a Circle agent all along. The entire thing was a set up to catch you in Oranbega on the promise of a map that probably never existed. The Circle has played us all for fools, but I'm just glad you were able to win through.

Unknown Mission 3


There have been some disturbing disappearances of late. Citizens with some minor mystical connections have been disappearing from their homes, sometimes even from locked rooms with no sign of forced entry. My investigation found some spectral residue, leading me to suspect that the Circle of Thorns is behind these abductions. You've got to rescue those abductees from the Circle. You only have 90 minutes to rescue the victims.

There have been rumors lately about the Circle planning a ritual in the old Shady Pines Graveyard. That could be where you'll find these missing people.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Stop Polentes & his coven
  • Timed, 90 minutes
  • Disrupt portal
  • 6 people to save

You have disrupted the portal and saved all the potential sacrifices.


You've foiled the plans of the Circle of Thorns yet again. You saved a lot of innocents today, and kept the circle from completing whatever strange pact they were trying to make. I am still puzzled why they chose their targets for the sacrifice, but the important thing now is that all are safe thanks to your valiant efforts.

Unknown Mission 4


Some Banished Pantheon worshippers stole a number of Civil War Antiques from the Paragon City Museum. According to the curator, those antiques belonged to a group of soldiers assigned to battle a strange outbreak of witchcraft during the 1860's. The items were all rumored to be magical wards or talismans of some kind. After reading some accounts, that outbreak sounds a lot like the work of the Pantheon's cultists. I need you to recover those antiques from the Banished Pantheon. Whatever they're planning, I want it stopped before it begins. In order to do so, you'll have to act quickly. I doubt you'll have more than an hour to recover everything.

Any power those antiques may have had is probably long gone by now, but studying them could help the Pantheon's cultists to overcome such protections in the future. You must recover all four of them before the Pantheon can learn too much

Mission Objective(s)

  • Recover antiques from Pantheon
  • Timed, 60 minutes
  • 4 antiques remaining

You have recovered the antiques and foiled the plans of the Banished Pantheon.

Clue: Medal

The back of this medal is etched with tiny runes. If you look at it in dim light, you can see that the runes possess a faint glow.

Clue: Leather talisman

This small pouch is meant to be worn around the neck. Its power is gone, but you still feel a bit stronger while holding it.

Clue: Union army cap

The name 'Jack Sterling' is embroidered on the lining of this worn cap. Faint traces of mystical sigils decorate the interior.

Clue: Metal case

This metal case is just large enough to hold a small book. Its surface is dented from dozens of impacts, and the inside is etched with faded wards.


Well, I did some research, and I think I know what the Pantheon was up to. They needed those items to perform a ritual of vengeance against the descendants of those soldiers. Thanks to you, those people will never have to know they were in danger.

Go to Dark Astoria and combat the undead


I hate to ask this of you, but the more I hear about Dark Astoria, the more worried I become. The entire zone is overrun with the walking dead creations of the Banished Pantheon. Recently, the reports from the few brave souls who dared to enter have spoken of unspeakable hordes of the Pantheon's creatures. If the city is ever to reclaim Astoria, it will only be through the concerted efforts of it's heroes. Will you enter Dark Astoria and combat the hordes of the undead?

You might want to concentrate your efforts on Moth Cemetery or Dido's View. Those neigborhoods are simply overrun.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Combat Pantheon in Dark Astoria
  • Defeat 30 Banished Pantheon

You have defeated enough of the Banished Pantheon in Dark Astoria.


Thousands were buried in Moth Cemetery, including many of the city's veterans. It's a tragedy that the Banished Pantheon now uses their bodies to wreak havoc on the city they once fought to protect.

Mission name


Mission Objective(s)

(Entrance text)

(Objective complete)


Notable NPCs

Temporary Power:

(Info on how/when you get temp power plus link)

[[Image:]] '


File:BadgeImage BadgeName



External Links