User:StarGeek/Demo editing notes: Difference between revisions

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m →‎Move example list: fix pic link
m fix pic link
(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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Image:Warzone Agent Brinson.jpg|ENC_ATEASE
Image:Warzone Agent Brinson.jpg|ENC_ATEASE
Image:NPC Longbow Agent Longbright 01.jpg|WALKPOSTREADY
Image:Agent Longbright.jpg|WALKPOSTREADY
Image:Tsoo Sky Fall 01.jpg|ARMS_ON_ HIPS_ LOOK
Image:Tsoo Sky Fall 01.jpg|ARMS_ON_ HIPS_ LOOK
Image:Tsoo Yellow Ink Man 01.jpg|DEAL_A
Image:Tsoo Yellow Ink Man 01.jpg|DEAL_A
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Image:Tsoo Eagle Enforcer 01.jpg|RECEIVING_A
Image:Tsoo Eagle Enforcer 01.jpg|RECEIVING_A
Image:Freakshow Stunner Chief 01.jpg|C_FLYINGCYCLE
Image:Freakshow Stunner Chief 01.jpg|C_FLYINGCYCLE
Image:Nightstar.jpg|MENACE_A (also MENACE_A2, MENACE_A3, MENACE_B, MENACE_C?)
Image:Tsoo Far Fire 01.jpg |MEGA
Image:Tsoo Far Fire 01.jpg |MEGA
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Image:Tsoo Crane Enforcer 01.jpg|KNIFE_MENACE_A2
Image:Tsoo Crane Enforcer 01.jpg|KNIFE_MENACE_A2
Image:Kyle Peck.jpg|PROP_READY_1
Image:Kyle Peck.jpg|PROP_READY_1
Image:Council Empire Minion 01.jpg|LOITER_B
Image:Council Empire Minion.jpg|LOITER_B
Others (also see [ Cumulo Nimbus's Unofficial .cohdemo File Hacking Guide])
Others (also see [ Cumulo Nimbus's Unofficial .cohdemo File Hacking Guide])

Latest revision as of 10:32, 29 August 2012

Demo editing notes

Just some notes on demo editing. This is how I take screen shots now.

StarGeeks quicky demo file creator

First, I start with a simple .cohdemo file

0   0   Version 2
0   0   Map ''Name of map''
0   0   Time 10
0   CAM POS ''Camera XZY''
0   CAM PYR .25 ''Facing'' 0
0   1 NEW "Name of Target"                
0   1 NPC ''Model''    
0   1 POS ''Model XZY''
0   1 PYR 0 ''Facing'' 0                   
0   1 MOV ''Model action''                     
0   2 Player
0   2 NEW Dummy_Player
0   2 NPC Pet_NoCollision
0   2 POS ''Camera XZY''
0   2 PYR 0 0 0
30000 CAM POS ''Camera XZY''
0   CAM PYR 0 ''Facing'' 0

When I find something I want to get a screen shot of, I get just close enough to be able to see it (if it's dangerous) and I take a quick demo of it. I use a bind which I think I stole from Tony:

/bind <key>  "beginchat /demorecord "

When you hit the bind key, it sets up the /demorecord command, and I just type in unique name. After a second, I have a demostop bind set to shift+the same key I used to start the demorecord with.

Next, I load up the demo file in a text editor like notepad (I've become partial to Crimson Editor) as well as the above text. First, I replace the Name of Map with the map name from the new demo file (should be the second line, it'll have the same Map command). Then I find the NPC I'm looking to take a screen shot of. I replace Name of Target with the NPC's name (though this isn't really necessary), Model with the model's name, and Model XYZ with the numbers that indicate the NPC's current position (POS).

I then check the PYR numbers. I round the middle number to nearest number on the Model Facing chart below. This will make it easier to position the camera it the model is facing one of the 8 cardinal directions. Since Camera facing and Model facing are opposites, you can use the same number to make sure the camera is facing the NPC. For example, if the NPC is facing south (0), you can make the camera face north by using the same number (0).

Model Facing

2.356 3.1415 3.927
1.57075 + 4.71225
0.7853 0 5.4976

Camera Facing

5.4976 0 0.7853
4.71225 + 1.57075
3.927 3.1415 2.356

Next, I position the camera. I use the following chart to decide how to move the camera. If the NPC is facing east, for example, I subtract from the X coordinate. For most NPCs, I move the camera about 5 (yds?). The middle Z number also needs to be changed. I usually add between 4 and 5 points to the number the NPC has, depending upon how big it is.

Moving Camera

+x, -y -y -x, -y
+x . -x
+x, +y +y -x, +y

Move example list

Examples using images already in the wiki, so I can easily identify demo MOV commands.

Others (also see Cumulo Nimbus's Unofficial .cohdemo File Hacking Guide)

  • C_HOPAPEX (apex of hop, followed by arms out falling pos)
  • IWALKPREREADY (walking anim)