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imported>Excalibur Bane
The Story Of The Blue Omega
imported>Excalibur Bane
(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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This is just a place to plop down my character concept and background information that's been rolling around since I started playing about two months ago. He's a Level 46 Blaster, using Energy Blast and Energy Manipulation. I switched servers to Virtue, and lost my Blue Sentinel name, so I had to make it Blue Omega and that required a good bit of addition revision. A work in progress, as always I suspect.
==The Story Of The Blue Omega==
A brilliant elderly scientist, Dr. Jeremy Stanfield, worked for Portal Corporation on Peregrine Island, in Paragon City. He was the chief scientist and team leader on one of the Black Operation teams assigned to analyzing and assessing items brought through the portal system by Heroes from different dimensions for any technological or scientific value that could be gleaned from them for use in military or civilian applications. These teams worked in secret above the law and without the consent of any law enforcement or government agencies, including those in Paragon City. Security was top notch in the facility on Peregrine Island, making it virtually impossible for anyone to get any kind of imformation out of the facility and into the hands of those who might expose what Portal was doing.
A brilliant elderly scientist, Dr. Jeremy Stanfield, worked for Portal Corporation on Peregrine Island, in Paragon City. He was the chief scientist and team leader on one of the Black Operation teams assigned to analyzing and assessing items brought through the portal system by Heroes from different dimensions for any technological or scientific value that could be gleaned from them for use in military or civilian applications. These teams worked in secret above the law and without the consent of any law enforcement or government agencies, including those in Paragon City. Security was top notch in the facility on Peregrine Island, making it virtually impossible for anyone to get any kind of imformation out of the facility and into the hands of those who might expose what Portal was doing.

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Thus was the Blue Omega born. The doctor could not hide his identity, as Hero Corps required one to disclose their indentity, but he suspected if Portal Corporation ever learned of the theft of their various items from his old lab, they would not work too hard to prosecute him because of his knowledge of said lab and the illegal uses of items recovered from other dimensions. He could easily go public with that knowledge and it would destroy Portal as a company. Nevertheless, he is weary of Portal,  in the event that Portal should send some of their agents out to try to silence him and the dangerous knowledge that he has.
Thus was the Blue Omega born. The doctor could not hide his identity, as Hero Corps required one to disclose their indentity, but he suspected if Portal Corporation ever learned of the theft of their various items from his old lab, they would not work too hard to prosecute him because of his knowledge of said lab and the illegal uses of items recovered from other dimensions. He could easily go public with that knowledge and it would destroy Portal as a company. Nevertheless, he is weary of Portal,  in the event that Portal should send some of their agents out to try to silence him and the dangerous knowledge that he has.

Recently, The Blue Omega has reached the highest status within Freedom Corps, Security Level 50. He has also spent much time battling the Rikiti in the Warzone. Lady Grey herself was kind enough to lend him a suit of their advanced infantry armor and, with some modfication, Dr. Stanfield was able to integrated most of Blue's systems into the armor and modifty it to his own uses and it has made his suit that much more powerful then it has ever been.

<More work on mid-story, destruction of Skull gang. Better elaboration on age on how he's able to do it with the suit. Give wife a name. Spelling and grammar check. Check that Galaxy has Skulls. Other misc things.>
<More work on mid-story, destruction of Skull gang. Better elaboration on age on how he's able to do it with the suit. Give wife a name. Spelling and grammar check. Check that Galaxy has Skulls. Other misc things.>

Latest revision as of 07:14, 15 July 2008

This is just a place to plop down my character concept and background information that's been rolling around since I started playing about two months ago. He's a Level 46 Blaster, using Energy Blast and Energy Manipulation. I switched servers to Virtue, and lost my Blue Sentinel name, so I had to make it Blue Omega and that required a good bit of addition revision. A work in progress, as always I suspect.

The Story Of The Blue Omega

A brilliant elderly scientist, Dr. Jeremy Stanfield, worked for Portal Corporation on Peregrine Island, in Paragon City. He was the chief scientist and team leader on one of the Black Operation teams assigned to analyzing and assessing items brought through the portal system by Heroes from different dimensions for any technological or scientific value that could be gleaned from them for use in military or civilian applications. These teams worked in secret above the law and without the consent of any law enforcement or government agencies, including those in Paragon City. Security was top notch in the facility on Peregrine Island, making it virtually impossible for anyone to get any kind of imformation out of the facility and into the hands of those who might expose what Portal was doing.

Dr. Stanfield had a home in King's Row where he had been working for several months, using his own limited money, to develop a next generation enviromental suit, that he would bring to market and make the fortune he had always dreamed of, for himself and his wife, Rebecca. He wanted nothing but the best for his wife and he wanted to give her all the things in the world that she desired, so deep was his love for her.

The new suit, which after he had been working on for months, he had come to affectionately call "Blue" because of the unique hue of it due to the special kind of titanium used in it, was almost perfect. It protected the wearer against virtually any kind of hostile environment. Be it a hostile atmosphere with crushing pressure, or an enviroment contaminated by biological or chemical weapons, it provided complete protection against virtually any scenario likely to be encountered on the planet. It's power source was a self contained minature fusion reactor. Unfortunately, like all enviromental suits, it was vulnerable to excessive physical damage and a breach in the suit would kill the wearer in most cases but this was an acceptable flaw, and one that could not be easily remedied, so Dr. Stanfield continued work on the suit. It took nearly three years and half a million dollars to develop the suit, he had also been scavenging parts from the Portal facility at work whenever the opportunity presented itself. Replacing certain items with others, altering log files for items recieved and shipped out from the facility and bribing certain security officals to allow him to take parts out of the facility for "personal use".

Dr. Stanfield created a suit that would protect whoever wore it from nearly everything concievable, but he never imagined that his wife would need such a suit. On the day his suit was completed, his wife was returning home from shopping in Galaxy City for the celebration they planned together when she was accosted by a gang of local Skulls, they robbed her, raped her and murdered her before they were done. Her broken, desicrated body lay broken in an alley for over an hour before it was discovered.

It was not long before the Paragon Police showed up at the Doctor's door with the news of his wife's murder. For weeks afterwards, he mourned the loss of his wife and withdrew from the public. Portal gave him as much time as he needed. As time passed, his grief slowly changed into rage and fury against the gang of Skulls that violated and robbed him of his beloved wife. He gained a whole new sense of purpose, instead of the wealth he desired for himself and his wife, his life centered around vengeance and taking revenge on the vile scum who murdered his wife. He had a plan, and he intended to see that it came to fruitition.

With his goal in mind, he set about redesigning Blue to correct the problem with physical damage and transform it from a simple enviromental suit into a weapon of pure vengeance. He returned to work and continued scavenging and stealing the parts he needed from Portal to adjust the suit to fit it's new purpose. As well, he sold his house in King's Row to raise the money needed to buy those parts he could not obtain from Portal. He moved his workshop from his home to an abandonded warehouse on the outskirts of Perez Park where he could work in secret without being disturbed.

He replaced the titanium plating on Blue with a liquid coating of the strongest substance known to man, Impervium. This allowed the suit to take considerably more damage then the original specification allowed before a breach occured. He fitted the arms, hands and wrists of the suit with particle vents that allowed him to form energy fields into any shape he desired as well as to discharge energy from the wrists and hands. Small scale gravity wave generators were placed throughout the suit to allow limited directional flight, for the purpose of long distance travel.

The new additions to Blue provided a brand new challenge to overcome, the backpack fusion generator was never designed to handle this kind of drain and simply couldn't handle powering all of the suits functions. This made the suit virtually useless if all of it's systems couldn't be powered simultaneous in a combat situation. A new power source was needed.

Weeks went by as he tried to figure out a solution to the problem. As it turned out, the solution came to him. An item came into the lab at Portal for anaylsis by his team, Artifact 1025-89. It was an incredible powerful, yet extremely small power source. An Omega particle. Previously, only theoretical by some of the world's top scientists. There was now proof that it was possible and it had in fact been created, albeit in another dimension. But there was a problem, the Omega particle that had been recovered by heroes wasn't producing any energy after it had been brought through the portal into our dimension. The Heroes that recovered it, reported it powering a large scale Clockwork in it's home dimension. Despite the hardwork of Dr. Stanton and his team, they simply couldn't get it to display any kind of energy characterstics. So the Omega particle was logged, tagged and scheduled to be shipped out to one of many of Portal's storage facilities where most of the inert items that are recovered are sent to rot away, lost to time.

Knowing this item could most definately power Blue if it worked, he stayed behind at the lab one night to try a theory he thought could work, but had kept from his team and Portal because if they knew it worked, he would never be able to get anything so valuable out of the Portal lab. Using a low power resonating field, he matched the frequency of the field to the same frequency that the portal used when opening to it's home dimension, thereby recreating the conditions of it's home dimension within the containment field. Sure enough, the Omega particle sprange to life and began emitting enormous amounts of energy. Every instrument in the lab read the power output as off the scale.

He quickly erased all records and measurements of the Omega particle while it was active. The next day, it was an easy matter for him to bribe his usual source to let him have the seemingly worthless Omega particle as he had done for so much other "junk" that was being shipped to Portal storage. He quickly whisked it away to his workshop. It was a simple matter to install the Omega particle into the suit, all it required was a standard lithium-ion battery pack to power the resonating field that activated the Omega particle. It had no trouble powering the suit and then some. After several weeks of testing, anaylsis of trial data and adjustments the suit was ready.

The police never did get any suspects in Rebecca's, but it didn't take him long once he hit the streets in Blue to beat the truth out of the local Skulls as to who was responsible. The suit's ability to form energy fields worked out far better then he hoped, it allowed him to dispense powerful melee attacks to cripple thugs and villains and discharge energy at fleeing criminals. Finally, he made his way to the top of the food chain in Galaxy City and found the group that had murdered and tortured his wife. They were led by a prominent skull by the name of Ripstalker. He lost control when he finally saw the man that destroyed his life and robbed him of everything he held dear, he swept down with blood filled vision, overloaded an energy discharge and blasted the leader so hard he was blown from his shoes and killed. He fled from the scene as quickly as Blue allowed him, fast enough that the other Skulls could not get a good look at his suit. He couldn't shake the vision of Ripstalker broken on the ground, bleeding from his head.

He had gotten his revenge, but at what cost? He wrestled with his guilt and his rage at the same time, he had killed a man. That's not justice, that's revenge. Is this what he had become? A murderer? No, it was an accident. A loss of control. Only temporary. He swore that from that day forward he would never let his emotions gain control of him again.

With his revenge over, he had no place at Portal anymore, he had lost his passion for science. A week later, he quit his job at Portal and signed up for a Hero License.

Thus was the Blue Omega born. The doctor could not hide his identity, as Hero Corps required one to disclose their indentity, but he suspected if Portal Corporation ever learned of the theft of their various items from his old lab, they would not work too hard to prosecute him because of his knowledge of said lab and the illegal uses of items recovered from other dimensions. He could easily go public with that knowledge and it would destroy Portal as a company. Nevertheless, he is weary of Portal, in the event that Portal should send some of their agents out to try to silence him and the dangerous knowledge that he has.

Recently, The Blue Omega has reached the highest status within Freedom Corps, Security Level 50. He has also spent much time battling the Rikiti in the Warzone. Lady Grey herself was kind enough to lend him a suit of their advanced infantry armor and, with some modfication, Dr. Stanfield was able to integrated most of Blue's systems into the armor and modifty it to his own uses and it has made his suit that much more powerful then it has ever been.

<More work on mid-story, destruction of Skull gang. Better elaboration on age on how he's able to do it with the suit. Give wife a name. Spelling and grammar check. Check that Galaxy has Skulls. Other misc things.>