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== Overview ==
'''The Family''' is an enemy group in City of Heroes and City of Villains.
== Background ==
The Family official info ( Copied from the City of Heroes official website []):
Despite a world of giant monsters, super-powered vigilantes, undead horrors, and alien invaders, there are those who believe the old values and established traditions are the most important things in life. These rough men by their nature live on the edges of law-abiding society. They deal in the illegal and the immoral, and create a space for themselves through the rule of the gun or knife. They profit by exploiting the weakness of others while maintaining a veneer of civility around the Sunday night dining table. They are ''''The Family'''' .
The origins of The Family can be traced directly to [[Paragon City]] in the 70s, and even more loosely back to the 20s and 30s. In the heyday of organized crime, Paragon’s underworld was controlled by the Sicilian Families: Blundetto, Bonanno, Dante, Denaro, Garibaldi, Genovese, Gravano, Gualtieri, Liggio, Marcone, Navarra, Troia, and Verandi. A who’s who of Italian names originally from Corleone and Capaci, and Palermo Centro and Santa Maria di Gesu. The Prohibition era was a boon to them, as Rhode Island was one of two states not to ratify the 18th Amendment to the Constitution (“Prohibition”), and 400 miles of Rhode Island’s un-policed coastline was a dream for rumrunners who smuggled in good quality liquor from Canada and the Bahamas.
Several of the families were rumored to be funded by some mysterious benefactor. He was some sort of wealthy industrialist (the stories say), who provided a significant investment of cash for them to run their rackets. In exchange, he gained influence over them and could potentially manipulate them for his ulterior motives. This benefactor may have also helped arm and equip the gangs, for they certainly had an easy time accessing military-grade munitions.
One of the families to gain prominence early was the Marcone family. They operated from a speakeasy called Caesar’s, which was visited every week by Prohibition agents … who delivered cases of wine, scotch, rye, and gin! The agents would then enjoy their fill of Marcone food and drink, sitting down in the cellar with the Marcones and their guests.
The Sicilian Families bought the police, owned the politicians, and put the fear of the mob into the hearts of the hardworking poor of Paragon City. They controlled the rackets, the speakeasies, the bootlegging, and the prostitution. Territory was fought over in quick and bloody strikes, but for the most part there was enough profit for everyone to fill their pockets and the families were held together by Old World traditions. The Sicilian Families rose to dominate the New England mafia, ruling from Paragon, Rhode Island.
Gang wars, gambling dens, and backroom deals were the order of the day – until it all changed with the birth of the [[Freedom Phalanx]] in the 1930s. [[Statesman]]’s team put tremendous pressure on the organized crime families, and rather than band together they tended to tear each other apart. Several families were destroyed in this era, any mysterious benefactors were scared off, and they lost control of the New England mafia – with control moving to Boston. A “tough-on-crime” mayor and city council was elected in 1936, and those who survived the mass-arrests scurried back into the shadows.
The crime lords nursed their wounds and slowly rebuilt their empires, bringing in their families, absorbing distant cousins, promoting proven soldiers. By the 1960s, the Sicilian Families were ready to plunder Paragon once again. At a sit-down at Bell Point in the heart of [[Independence Port]], territory was again divvied up and partitioned. Several families would stake their claims in Paragon, focusing on Independence Port and [[Steel Canyon]], a few would move out to the territory of [[Striga Isle]], while other families would move into the [[Rogue Isles]] in the wake of the lucrative mining and industrial ventures currently booming off the coast.
The Marcones rapidly moved into the Rogue Isles, where they took root before any of their rivals could find a niche. They bought their way into the docks, brought in drugs and prostitutes for the miners, and fought fiercely with anyone who got in their way. In Paragon, meanwhile, the other families formed partnerships with a number of drug cartels and street gangs.
One of the up-and-coming drug traffickers was a young hood named [[Harry Frost]]. Frost had a rap sheet for petty larceny, and was arrested several times for distribution of controlled substances, but the charges never stuck. He managed to avoid tangling with the street-oriented Super Groups, like the [[Regulators]], but still made a name for himself as a “go to” guy. When the Regulators and the [[Dawn Patrol]] teamed up and took their War on Drugs to the drug fields of South America and Central Asia the North American street dealers panicked. Many got out of the business or went into hiding, but long-range thinkers like Frost bided their time and made sure they were positioned to take advantage of the next big thing – it happened to be the first cut of [[Superadine]].
Harry became the contact point for Superadine. Numerous dealers crawled back out of the woodwork and lined up to be on his payroll. With such an ever-increasing street rep Harry could no longer keep a low profile, and his men began to clash with the various Super Groups in Paragon. Frost’s gang was known as the Frost Cartel, and they ran the entire supply chain for Superadine, acting as the contact and distribution point for the Sicilian Families.
At one point the Regulators managed to corner Frost and deliver him to the authorities. While he suffered a brief stint in prison, his lieutenants struck back hard at the Regulators. In the midst of a brutal ambush, the Illustrated Woman, aka Mina Horne, was killed. These events ratcheted up the tension between the groups. When Frost was released a short time later after several key witnesses disappeared, the animosity between him and [[Back Alley Brawler]] and the Regulators was extreme.
Back Alley Brawler redoubled his efforts to put a dent in the drug trade on Paragon’s streets. After a series of daring raids put the heat on the traffickers, the Regulators followed a tip to a front company for the Frost Cartel. In late 1982, the Regulators stormed a building that concealed a major distribution center for the Cartel, and they closed it down. Harry Frost had been at the site at the time, and he attempted to flee. Frost was chased to the roof by Back Alley Brawler, and during the confrontation Frost was accidentally killed, falling to his death. An investigation cleared the Back Alley Brawler of any suspicion, but Frost’s death would have major implications for the city.
Meanwhile, despite the Regulators efforts the Superadine flow didn’t stop. Several other dealers immediately filled Harry’s role – it was as if some mysterious benefactor was supplying them. The Regulators worked with the mystics in the [[Midnight Squad]] to finally track the drug back to a source – a secret laboratory beneath a skyscraper in Steel Canyon. They uncovered a well-funded, high-tech research center where the scientists were studying the effects of Superadine on a wide range of test subjects. The Regulators shut the facility down with the help of the Freedom Phalanx, and although the scientists were arrested, over the ensuing weeks they would vanish into the system – clearly they had powerful connections who could pull strings for them. Similarly, much of the equipment and research vanished in a cloud of “national security.”
The respite from the drug trade was very short lived. It wasn’t long before some powerful figure seemed to be approaching the various leaders of the Sicilian Families and bringing them together. Both branches of the families, in Paragon and the Rogue Isles, appeared to be working more smoothly together than ever before. Additionally, they redoubled their efforts to deal in Superadine. Amongst other possible sources, they seemed to have liberated some of the equipment the Regulators turned over to the authorities.
The Paragon Police Department noticed that the various families’ soldiers, capos, and underbosses appeared to be working for a common cause – a more rigid control of the underworld. They also reported a much higher rate of encountering super-powered individuals in any gathering of these Mafiosi. It was as if they had access to a cleaner strain of Superadine for themselves. Eventually it was confirmed that some sort of Capo di tutti Capi (“boss of all bosses”) had unified the dons and their respective forces, and they were now all considered part of a new organization: The Family.
In Paragon post-[[Rikti War]], The Family runs Independence Port, and has heavy influence in Steel Canyon. They also use Striga Isle as a way point between Paragon City and the Rogue Isles. The core of their business depends on the flow of Superadine. It is where they make their most profits, though of course they still deal heavily in racketeering, blackmail, selling illegal arms, trafficking in other soft and hard drugs, and prostitution. They also deal in burgeoning markets of pirated DVDs and electronics, and classic crimes of hijacking shipments, stealing cars (and car parts), and so forth. Because Superadine is so important to their cash flow, they are clearly connected to other criminal gangs such as the [[Trolls]] and the [[Skulls]], but the depths of those connections remains undiscovered.
Meanwhile, The Family in the Rogue Isles splintered into two warring factions with the conviction of their don, Manuel Marcone. Despite the long, drawn-out gang war, The Family’s power in the Rogue Isles is deeply entrenched.
== Villain types ==
=== Minions ===
=== Minions ===

==== Marcone ====
==== Marcone ====
[[File:Marcone3.jpg|100px|thumb| |<div style="text-align: center;border:none">Marcone</div>]]
The Family loyalists work for [[Emil Marcone]], de facto governor of [[Port Oakes]].  They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliere, [[Guido Verandi|Guido 'The Mooch' Verandi]].
{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons_ARBurst.png|22px]]| Revolver| Ranged, Lethal, Med Damage| Small caliber side arm.  Not very accurate.}}

The Family loyalists work for Emil Marcone, de facto governor of Port Oakes.  They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliore, Guido 'the Mooch' Verandi.
{{Power|[[File:Inherent_Brawl.png|22px]]| Brawl| Melee, Smash| When all else fails, use your own 2 fists. }}


[[Image:Inherent_Brawl.png|22px]] '''Brawl''' Melee Smash<br>
==== Marcone Muscle ====
When all else fails, use your own 2 fists.
[[File:MarconeMuscle1.jpg|100px|thumb| |<div style="text-align: center;border:none">Marcone muscle</div>]]

[[Image:AssaultWeapons_ARBurst.png|22px]] '''Revolver''' Ranged Lethal, Med Dam<br>
The Family loyalists work for [[Emil Marcone]], de facto governor of [[Port Oakes]].  They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliere, [[Guido Verandi|Guido 'The Mooch' Verandi]].
Small caliber side arm.  Not very accurate.

{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons_ARBurst.png|22px]]| Automatic Pistol| Ranged, Lethal, Med Dam|
Small caliber side arm.}}
{{Power|[[File:Fighting_Boxing.png|22px]]| Boxing| Melee, Smash, Foe Disorient| A decent punch that has a small chance to Disorient foes.}}
{{Power|[[File:Fighting_Kick.png|22px]]| Kick| Melee, Moderate Damage, Smash, Foe Knockdown|
A modest kicking attack that has a small chance to knock opponents down.}}

==== Marcone Blackjack ====
==== Marcone Blackjack ====
[[File:MarconeBlackjack1.jpg|100px|thumb| |<div style="text-align: center;border:none">Marcone blackjack</div>]]
The Family loyalists work for [[Emil Marcone]], de facto governor of [[Port Oakes]].  They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliere, [[Guido Verandi|Guido 'The Mooch' Verandi]].
{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons_ARBurst.png|22px]]| Revolver| Ranged Lethal, Med Dam| Small caliber side arm.  Not very accurate.}}
{{Power|[[File:MedievalWeapons_MaceSwing.png|22px]]| Blackjack| (Melee, Smash) Foe Disorient|
The Blackjack has Disoriented you. }}
{{Power|[[File:Inherent_Brawl.png|22px]]| Brawl| Melee, Smash| When all else fails, use your own 2 fists. }}

The Family loyalists work for Emil Marcone, de facto governor of Port Oakes.  They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliore, Guido 'the Mooch' Verandi.

==== Marcone Buckshot ====
[[File:MarconeBuckshot1.jpg|100px|thumb| |<div style="text-align: center;border:none">Marcone buckshot</div>]]

[[Image:MedievalWeapons_MaceSwing.png|22px]] '''Blackjack''' Disorient<br>
The Family loyalists work for [[Emil Marcone]], de facto governor of [[Port Oakes]].  They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliere, [[Guido Verandi|Guido 'The Mooch' Verandi]].
The Blackjack has Disoriented you.

[[Image:AssaultWeapons_ARBurst.png|22px]] '''Revolver''' Ranged Lethal, Med Dam<br>
''Powers <font color="red">(Levels 1-29)</font>''
Small caliber side arm.  Not very accurate.

[[Image:Inherent_Brawl.png|22px]] '''Brawl''' Melee Smash<br>
{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons_ShotgunBuckShot.png|22px]]| Shotgun| (Ranged) Cone, Lethal, Foe Knockdown| Good at close range.  Fires a cone of buckshot pellets and can knock some foes down.}}
When all else fails, use your own 2 fists.

{{Power|[[File:Inherent_Brawl.png|22px]]| Heavy Brawl| Melee, Smash| When all else fails, use your own 2 fists.}}

==== Marcone Gunner ====
{{Power|[[File:Fighting_Kick.png|22px]]| Kick| Melee, Moderate Damage, Smash, Foe Knockdown| A modest kicking attack that has a small chance to knock opponents down.}}

The Family loyalists work for Emil Marcone, de facto governor of Port Oakes.  They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliore, Guido 'the Mooch' Verandi.

==== Marcone Buckshot ====

[[Image:AssaultWeapons_ARBurst.png|22px]] '''Burst''' Lethal DoT, -DEF<br>Your defense has been reduced by the Tommy Gun.
The Family loyalists work for [[Emil Marcone]], de facto governor of [[Port Oakes]].  They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliere, [[Guido Verandi|Guido 'The Mooch' Verandi]].

[[Image:Inherent_Brawl.png|22px]] '''Rifle Butt''' Melee Smash<br>A smash with the butt of your rifle.
''Powers <font color="red">(Levels 30+)</font>''

{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons_ShotgunSlug.png|22px]]| Slug| Ranged, Lethal, Foe Knockdown| Fires a large slug at a single target at a very long range.  This very accurate weapon hits hard, and can knock down foes.}}

==== Marcone Muscle ====
{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons_ShotgunBuckShot.png|22px]]| 12 Gauge| (Ranged) Cone, Lethal, Foe Knockdown| Good at medium range.  Longer range and more deadly than most shotguns, the 12 Gauge shotgun fires a cone of buckshot pellets and can knock some foes down.}}

The Family loyalists work for Emil Marcone, de facto governor of Port Oakes.  They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliore, Guido 'the Mooch' Verandi.
{{Power|[[File:Fighting_Boxing.png|22px]]| Boxing| Melee, Smash, Foe Disorient| A decent punch that has a small chance to Disorient foes.}}

{{Power|[[File:Fighting_Kick.png|22px]]| Kick| Melee, Moderate Damage, Smash, Foe Knockdown| A modest kicking attack that has a small chance to knock opponents down.}}

[[Image:AssaultWeapons_ARBurst.png|22px]] '''Revolver''' Ranged Lethal, Med Dam<br>
Small caliber side arm.  Not very accurate.

==== Marcone Gunner ====
[[File:MarconeGunner1.jpg|100px|thumb| |<div style="text-align: center;border:none">Marcone gunner</div>]]

==== Marcone Buckshot ====
The Family loyalists work for [[Emil Marcone]], de facto governor of [[Port Oakes]].  They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliere, [[Guido Verandi|Guido 'The Mooch' Verandi]].
''Powers <font color="red">(Levels 1-29)</font>''

The Family loyalists work for Emil Marcone, de facto governor of Port Oakes.  They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliore, Guido 'the Mooch' Verandi.
{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons_ARBurst.png|22px]]| Burst| (Ranged) Lethal, Damage over Time, Foe -Defense| Your defense has been reduced by the Tommy Gun.}}

{{Power|[[File:Inherent_Brawl.png|22px]]| Rifle Butt| Melee, Smash| A smash with the butt of your rifle. }}

[[Image:AssaultWeapons_ShotgunBuckShot.png|22px]] '''Shotgun''' Cone Lethal, Knockback<br>Good at close range.  Fires a cone of buckshot pellets and can knock some foes down.

[[Image:Inherent_Brawl.png|22px]] '''Heavy Brawl''' Melee Smash<br>When all else fails, use your own 2 fists.
==== Marcone Gunner ====
[[File:MarconeGunner2.jpg|100px|thumb| |<div style="text-align: center;border:none">Marcone gunner</div>]]

[[Image:Fighting_Kick.png|22px]] '''Kick''' Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback<br>A modest kicking attack that has a small chance to knock opponents down.
The Family loyalists work for [[Emil Marcone]], de facto governor of [[Port Oakes]].  They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliere, [[Guido Verandi|Guido 'The Mooch' Verandi]].

''Powers <font color="red">(Levels 30+)</font>''

==== Button Man Buckshot ====
{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons_ARBurst.png|22px]]| Burst| (Ranged) Lethal, Damage over Time, Foe -Defense| Your defense has been reduced by the Tommy Gun.}}

Organized crime has always had plenty of competition in Paragon City, but that doesn't stop young street toughs from wanting to swear allegiance to their Don and live like a wiseguy.  It helps to be a stone cold killer with a gun, like these guys.
{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons ARFullAuto.png|22px]]| Heavy Burst| (Ranged) Damage over Time, Lethal| You are taking Lethal Damage over Time from the Tommy Gun.}}

{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons ARFullAuto.png|22px]]| Full Auto| (Ranged) Damage over Time,  Lethal| You are taking Lethal Damage over Time from the Tommy Gun.}}

[[Image:AssaultWeapons_ShotgunBuckShot.png|22px]] '''Shotgun''' Cone Lethal, Knockback<br>Good at close range.  Fires a cone of buckshot pellets and can knock some foes down.
{{Power|[[File:Fighting_Boxing.png|22px]]| Boxing| Melee, Smash, Foe Disorient| A decent punch that has a small chance to Disorient foes.}}

[[Image:Power Missing.png|22px]]'''No Melee attacks'''<br>'' This mob doesen´t have any Melee attacks at all''
{{Power|[[File:Fighting_Kick.png|22px]]| Kick| Melee, Moderate Damage, Smash, Foe Knockdown| A modest kicking attack that has a small chance to knock opponents down.}}


==== Button Man Muscle ====
==== Button Man Muscle ====
[[File:ButtonMan1.jpg|100px|thumb| |<div style="text-align: center;border:none">Typical Family thug: a Button Man</div>]]
Organized crime has always had plenty of competition in [[Paragon City]], but that doesn't stop young street toughs from wanting to swear allegiance to their Don and live like a wiseguy.  It helps to be a stone cold killer with a gun, like these guys.
{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons_ARBurst.png|22px]]| Automatic Pistol| Ranged, Lethal, Med Dam|
Small caliber side arm.}}

Organized crime has always had plenty of competition in Paragon City, but that doesn't stop young street toughs from wanting to swear allegiance to their Don and live like a wiseguy.  It helps to be a stone cold killer with a gun, like these guys.
{{Power|[[File:Fighting_Boxing.png|22px]]| Boxing| Melee, Smash, Foe Disorient| A decent punch that has a small chance to Disorient foes.}}

{{Power|[[File:Fighting_Kick.png|22px]]| Kick| Melee, Moderate Damage, Smash, Foe Knockdown|
A modest kicking attack that has a small chance to knock opponents down.}}

[[Image:AssaultWeapons_ARBurst.png|22px]] '''Automatic Pistol''' Ranged Lethal, Med Dam<br>
Small caliber side arm.

[[Image:Fighting_Boxing.png|22px]] '''Boxing''' Disorient<br>
==== Button Man Buckshot ====
You have been Disoriented.

[[Image:Fighting_Kick.png|22px]] '''Kick''' Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback<br>
[[File:ButtonManBuckshot1.jpg|100px|thumb| |<div style="text-align: center;border:none">Button Man Buckshot</div>]]
A modest kicking attack that has a small chance to knock opponents down.

Organized crime has always had plenty of competition in [[Paragon City]], but that doesn't stop young street toughs from wanting to swear allegiance to their Don and live like a wiseguy.  It helps to be a stone cold killer with a gun, like these guys.

==== Button Man Gunner ====
{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons_ShotgunBuckShot.png|22px]]| Shotgun| (Ranged) Cone, Lethal, Foe Knockdown| Good at close range.  Fires a cone of buckshot pellets and can knock some foes down.}}

Organized crime has always had plenty of competition in Paragon City, but that doesn't stop young street toughs from wanting to swear allegiance to their Don and live like a wiseguy.  It helps to be a stone cold killer with a gun, like these guys.
{{Power|[[File:Power Missing.png|22px]]| No Melee attacks| | '' This gangster doesen´t have any Melee attacks at all''}}


[[Image:AssaultWeapons_ARBurst.png|22px]] '''Burst''' Lethal DoT, -DEF<br>
Your defense has been reduced by the Tommy Gun.

[[Image:Power Missing.png|22px]]'''No Melee attacks'''<br>'' This mob doesen´t have any Melee attacks at all''
==== Button Man Gunner ====
[[File:ButtonManGunner1.jpg|100px|thumb| |<div style="text-align: center;border:none">Button Man Gunner</div>]]
Organized crime has always had plenty of competition in [[Paragon City]], but that doesn't stop young street toughs from wanting to swear allegiance to their Don and live like a wiseguy.  It helps to be a stone cold killer with a gun, like these guys.

{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons_ARBurst.png|22px]]| Burst| (Ranged) Lethal, Damage over Time, Foe -Defense| Your defense has been reduced by the Tommy Gun.}}
{{Power|[[File:Power Missing.png|22px]]| No Melee attacks| | '' This gangster doesen´t have any Melee attacks at all''}}

=== Lieutenants ===
=== Lieutenants ===

==== Capo Gunner ====
==== Capo Gunner ====
[[File:CapoGunner1.jpg|100px|thumb| |<div style="text-align: center;border:none">A Capo Gunner and his Tommy Gun</div>]]

Each Capo controls his own crew of Button Men.  It's a kind of authority you don't earn unless you've proven yourself both ruthless and lucky.  Capos save the best weapons and women for themselves and are inevitably smart, tough fighters.
Each Capo controls his own crew of Button Men.  It's a kind of authority you don't earn unless you've proven yourself both ruthless and lucky.  Capos save the best weapons and women for themselves and are inevitably smart, tough fighters.


[[Image:AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png|22px]] '''Burst''' Lethal Damage, -Defense<br>
{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png|22px]]| Burst| (Ranged) Lethal, Foe -Defense| Your defense has been reduced by the Tommy Gun.}}
Your defense has been reduced by the Tommy Gun.

[[Image:AssaultWeapons ARFullAuto.png|22px]]'''Full Auto''' DoT Lethal Damage<br>
{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons ARFullAuto.png|22px]]| Full Auto| (Ranged) Damage over Time,  Lethal| You are taking Lethal Damage over Time from the Tommy Gun.}}
You are taking Lethal Damage over Time from the Tommy Gun.

[[Image:Power Missing.png|22px]]'''No Melee attacks'''<br>'' This mob doesen´t have any Melee attacks at all''
{{Power|[[File:Power Missing.png|22px]]| No Melee attacks| |'' This gangster doesen´t have any Melee attacks at all''}}


==== Capo Muscle ====
==== Capo Muscle ====
Line 124: Line 219:
Each Capo controls his own crew of Button Men.  It's a kind of authority you don't earn unless you've proven yourself both ruthless and lucky.  Capos save the best weapons and women for themselves and are inevitably smart, tough fighters.
Each Capo controls his own crew of Button Men.  It's a kind of authority you don't earn unless you've proven yourself both ruthless and lucky.  Capos save the best weapons and women for themselves and are inevitably smart, tough fighters.

{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons_ARBurst.png|22px]]| Automatic Pistol| Ranged, Lethal, Med Damage| Small caliber side arm.}}
{{Power|[[File:SuperStrength_Jab.png|22px]]| Jab| (Melee) Foe Disorient| You have been disoriented.}}
{{Power|[[File:SuperStrength_Punch.png|22px]]| Punch| Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback| A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.}}
{{Power|[[File:SuperStrength_Haymaker.png|22px]]| Haymaker| Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback| The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.}}
==== Marcone Hitman ====
[[File:MarconeHitman1.jpg|100px|thumb| |<div style="text-align: center;border:none">Marcone Hitman</div>]]
The Family loyalists work for Emil Marcone, de facto governor of Port Oakes.  They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliere, Guido 'the Mooch' Verandi.
''Powers <font color="red">(Levels 5-9)</font>''
{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons_ARBurst.png|22px]]| Automatic Pistol| Ranged, Lethal, Med Damage| Small caliber side arm.}}
{{Power|[[File:Inherent_Brawl.png|22px]]| Heavy Brawl| Melee, Smash| When all else fails, use your own 2 fists.}}
==== Marcone Hitman ====
[[File:MarconeHitman3.jpg|100px|thumb| |<div style="text-align: center;border:none">Marcone Hitman</div>]]

[[Image:AssaultWeapons_ARBurst.png|22px]] '''Automatic Pistol''' Ranged Lethal, Med Dam<br>
The Family loyalists work for Emil Marcone, de facto governor of Port Oakes. They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliere, Guido 'the Mooch' Verandi.
Small caliber side arm.

[[Image:SuperStrength_Punch.png|22px]] '''Punch''' Melee Smash, Knockback<br>
''Powers <font color="red">(Levels 10+)</font>''  
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.

[[Image:SuperStrength_Haymaker.png|22px]] '''Haymaker''' Melee Smash, Knockback<br>
{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons SniperRifle.png|22px]]| Sniper Rifle| Ranged, Sniper, Lethal, Foe Knockdown| Sniper Rifle is a powerful piece of hardware. It is very accurate and has a verly long range. The impressive round can knock down its target. }}
The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.

[[Image:SuperStrength_Jab.png|22px]] '''Jab''' Disorient<br>
{{Power|[[File:Inherent_Brawl.png|22px]]| Heavy Brawl| Melee, Smash| When all else fails, use your own 2 fists. }}
You have been disoriented.


====Marcone Hitman====
==== Marcone Underboss ====
The Family loyalists work for Emil Marcone, de facto governor of Port Oakes.  They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliore, Guido 'the Mooch' Verandi.
The Family loyalists work for Emil Marcone, de facto governor of [[Port Oakes]].  They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliere, Guido 'the Mooch' Verandi.

''Powers'' (''Lower levels'')

[[Image:AssaultWeapons_ARBurst.png|22px]] '''Automatic Pistol''' Ranged Lethal, Med Dam<br>Small caliber side arm.
{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons_ARM30grenade.png|22px]]| Frag Grenade| (Ranged) Targeted Area of Effect, Lethal/Smash, Foe Knockback|The explosion from the Fragmentation Grenade affects all within the blast and can knock them back.}}

[[Image:Inherent_Brawl.png|22px]] '''Heavy Brawl''' Melee Smash<br>When all else fails, use your own 2 fists.
{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png|22px]]| Burst| (Ranged) Lethal, Foe -Defense| Your defense has been reduced by the Tommy Gun.}}

{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons ARFullAuto.png|22px]]| Full Auto| (Ranged) Damage over Time (Lethal)| You are taking Lethal Damage over Time from the Tommy Gun.}}

''Powers'' (''Higher levels'')
{{Power|[[File:SuperStrength_Jab.png|22px]]| Jab| (Melee) Foe Disorient| You have been disoriented.}}

{{Power|[[Image:AssaultWeapons SniperRifle.png|22px]]| Sniper Rifle| Ranged, Sniper, Lethal, Foe Knockdown| Sniper Rifle is a powerful piece of hardware. It is very accurate and has a verly long range. The impressive round can knock down its target. }}
{{Power|[[File:SuperStrength_Punch.png|22px]]| Punch| Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback| A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.}}

{{Power|[[Image:Inherent_Brawl.png|22px]]| Heavy Brawl| Melee, Smash| When all else fails, use your own 2 fists. }}
{{Power|[[File:SuperStrength_Haymaker.png|22px]]| Haymaker| Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback| The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.}}

{{Power|[[File:SuperReflexes FocusedFighting.png|22px]]| Focus| Toggle, Self +Defense| The Family Boss can Focus his Senses to predict and avoid attacks. }}

=== Bosses ===
=== Bosses ===

====Marcone Capo====
==== Marcone Consigliere ====
[[File:MarconeConsigliere1.jpg|100px|thumb| |<div style="text-align: center;border:none">Marcone Consigliere</div>]]
The Family loyalists work for [[Emil Marcone]], de facto governor of [[Port Oakes]].  They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliore, Guido 'the Mooch' Verandi.
{{Power|[[File:GravityControl Crush.png|22px]]| Crush| Ranged, Low Smash Damage, Foe Immobilize, -Fly| Creates a localized gravitational field strong enough to Immobilize a single foe. Crush can also bring down flying entities. This power is very accurate and deals some crushing damage over time.}}
{{Power|[[File:GravityControl GravityDistortion.png|22px]]| Gravity Distortion| Ranged, Foe  Hold| Causes a single foe to experience an intensely misshapen gravitation field, rendering them unable to take any action.}}
{{Power|[[File:GravityControl Propel.png|22px]]| Propel| Ranged, Smash, Foe Knockback| The Family Boss can open up a portal and pull in a heavy object that her can then levitate and Propel at foes.}}
{{Power|[[File:GravityControl CrushingField.png|22px]]| Crushing Field| Ranged, Damage over Time, Smash, Foe Immobilize, -Fly| You are being Crushed. You cannot move or fly.}}
{{Power|[[File:GravityControl GravityDistortionField.png|22px]]| Gravity Distortion Field| Ranged, Foe Hold| The Marcone Consigliere has Held you in a Gravity Distortion Field.}}
{{Power|[[File:GravityControl Singularity.png|22px]]| Singularity ''(Only Level 35+)''| Summon Singularity| Pet is a summoned entity that is created to assist the caster.}}
{{Power|[[File:SuperStrength_Jab.png|22px]]| Jab| (Melee) Foe Disorient| You have been disoriented.}}
{{Power|[[File:SuperStrength_Punch.png|22px]]| Punch| Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback| A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.}}
{{Power|[[File:SuperStrength_Haymaker.png|22px]]| Haymaker| Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback| The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.}}
{{Power|[[File:SuperReflexes FocusedFighting.png|22px]]| Focus| Toggle, Self +Defense| The Family Boss can Focus his Senses to predict and avoid attacks. }}
==== Marcone Capo ====
[[File:MarconeCapo1.jpg|100px|thumb| |<div style="text-align: center;border:none">Marcone Capo</div>]]
The Family loyalists work for [[Emil Marcone]], de facto governor of [[Port Oakes]].  They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliore, Guido 'the Mooch' Verandi.

The Family loyalists work for Emil Marcone, de facto governor of Port Oakes.  They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliore, Guido 'the Mooch' Verandi.

{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png|22px]]| Burst| (Ranged) Lethal, Foe -Defense| Your defense has been reduced by the Tommy Gun.}}

{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons ARFullAuto.png|22px]]| Full Auto| (Ranged) Damage over Time (Lethal)| You are taking Lethal Damage over Time from the Tommy Gun.}}

{{Power|[[File:SuperStrength_Jab.png|22px]]| Jab| (Melee) Foe Disorient| You have been disoriented.}}

In Paragon City you don´t become one of the most trusted advisors without a little super-powered expertise. Consiglieres have far more subtle powers than their Underboss counterparts, which match their more subtle responsibilities within the Family.
{{Power|[[File:SuperStrength_Punch.png|22px]]| Punch| Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback| A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.}}

{{Power|[[File:SuperStrength_Haymaker.png|22px]]| Haymaker| Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback| The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.}}

[[Image:GravityControl Propel.png|22px]] '''Propel''' Ranged Smash, Knockback<br>The Family Boss can open up a portal and pull in a heavy object that her can then levitate and Propel at foes.
{{Power|[[File:Leadership_Assault.png|22px]]| Assault (''Only level 10+'')| Point Blank Area of Effect, Ally +Damage +Resistance: Placate, Taunt| While this power is active, you and your nearby teammates deal more damage.}}

[[Image:GravityControl Crush.png|22px]] '''Crush''' Immobilize, -Fly<br>You have been crushed to the ground. You cannot fly and are Immobilized.
==== Consigliere ====
[[File:FamilyBoss1.jpg|100px|thumb| |<div style="text-align: center;border:none">A Family Boss tosses a coin...</div>]]

[[Image:GravityControl GravityDistortion.png|22px]] '''Gravity Distortion''' Hold<br>You are being held by a located Gravity Distortion and cannot move.
In [[Paragon City]] you don´t become one of the most trusted advisors without a little super-powered expertise. Consiglieres have far more subtle powers than their Underboss counterparts, which match their more subtle responsibilities within the Family.

[[Image:SuperStrength_Jab.png|22px]] '''Jab''' Disorient<br>You have been disoriented.

[[Image:SuperStrength_Punch.png|22px]] '''Punch''' Melee Smash, Knockback<br>A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.
{{Power|[[File:GravityControl Propel.png|22px]]| Propel| Ranged, Smash, Foe Knockback| The Family Boss can open up a portal and pull in a heavy object that her can then levitate and Propel at foes.}}

[[Image:SuperStrength_Haymaker.png|22px]] '''Haymaker''' Melee Smash, Knockback<br>The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.
{{Power|[[File:GravityControl Crush.png|22px]]| Crush| Ranged, Low Smash Damage, Foe Immobilize, -Fly| Creates a localized gravitational field strong enough to Immobilize a single foe. Crush can also bring down flying entities. This power is very accurate and deals some crushing damage over time.}}

{{Power|[[File:GravityControl GravityDistortion.png|22px]]| Gravity Distortion| Ranged, Foe  Hold| Causes a single foe to experience an intensely misshapen gravitation field, rendering them unable to take any action.}}

{{Power|[[File:SuperStrength_Jab.png|22px]]| Jab| (Melee) Foe Disorient| You have been disoriented.}}

The Underbosses report directly to the Don, and each has control over a number of Capos. In Paragon City you don´t rise to the top without a little super-powered help, and many Underbosses have heightened abilities or access to specialized gear that helps them stay on top in their cutthroath business.
{{Power|[[File:SuperStrength_Punch.png|22px]]| Punch| Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback| A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.}}

{{Power|[[File:SuperStrength_Haymaker.png|22px]]| Haymaker| Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback| The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.}}

[[Image:AssaultWeapons_ARM30grenade.png|22px]] '''Frag Grenade''' Targeted AoE Lethal/Smashing, Knockback<br>The explosion from the Fragmentation Grenade affects all within the blast and can knock them back.
==== Underboss ====
[[File:FamilyBoss2.jpg|100px|thumb| |<div style="text-align: center;border:none">Family Boss: Both models can be used as Underbosses or Consiglieres</div>]]

[[Image:AssaultWeapons ARFullAuto.png|22px]]'''Full Auto''' DoT (Lethal)<br>You are taking Lethal Damage over Time from the Tommy Gun.
The Underbosses report directly to the Don, and each has control over a number of Capos. In [[Paragon City]] you don´t rise to the top without a little super-powered help, and many Underbosses have heightened abilities or access to specialized gear that helps them stay on top in their cutthroath business.

[[Image:AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png|22px]] '''Burst''' Lethal Damage, -Defense<br>Your defense has been reduced by the Tommy Gun.

[[Image:SuperStrength_Jab.png|22px]] '''Jab''' Disorient<br>You have been disoriented.
{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons_ARM30grenade.png|22px]]| Frag Grenade| (Ranged) Targeted Area of Effect, Lethal/Smash, Foe Knockback|The explosion from the Fragmentation Grenade affects all within the blast and can knock them back.}}

[[Image:SuperStrength_Punch.png|22px]] '''Punch''' Melee Smash, Knockback<br>A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.
{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons ARFullAuto.png|22px]]| Full Auto| (Ranged) Damage over Time (Lethal)| You are taking Lethal Damage over Time from the Tommy Gun.}}

[[Image:SuperStrength_Haymaker.png|22px]] '''Haymaker''' Melee Smash, Knockback<br>The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.
{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png|22px]]| Burst| (Ranged) Lethal, Foe -Defense| Your defense has been reduced by the Tommy Gun.}}

''Unknown Self Buff''
{{Power|[[File:SuperStrength_Jab.png|22px]]| Jab| (Melee) Foe Disorient| You have been disoriented.}}

{{Power|[[File:SuperStrength_Punch.png|22px]]| Punch| Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback| A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.}}

(Note: These use a blueish buff I have been unable to identify. Some say it could be Focused Fighting, but I have no means to know if this is the case or not)
{{Power|[[File:SuperStrength_Haymaker.png|22px]]| Haymaker| Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback| The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.}}
{{Power|[[File:SuperReflexes FocusedFighting.png|22px]]| Focus| Toggle, Self +Defense| The Family Boss can Focus his Senses to predict and avoid attacks. }}

=== Named Enemies ===
=== Named Enemies ===

==== Pitbull (lieutenant) ====
==== Button Man Quantum Gunner (Minion) ====
Pitbull is an enforcer for the Marcone Family in Port Oakes.  You've agreed to help the Marcones with a few problems they've been having, and Pitbull has been sent along to assist you.

Organized crime has always had plenty of competition in [[Paragon City]], but that doesn't stop young street toughs from wanting to swear allegiance to their Don and live like a wiseguy.  It helps to be a stone cold killer with a gun, like these guys.

[[Image:AssaultWeapons_ShotgunSlug.png|22px]] '''Slug''' Ranged Lethal, +KB<br>
Fires a large slug at a single target at a very long range.  This very accurate weapon hits hard, and can knock down foes.

[[Image:AssaultWeapons_ShotgunBuckShot.png|22px]] '''12 Gauge''' Cone Lethal, Knockback<br>
{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons ShotgunBuckShot.png|22px]]| Quantum Array Gun| (Ranged, Negative) Foe -Recharge, -Speed| Your attack and Movement rate have been slowed by the Quantum Array Gun.}}
Good at medium range.  Longer range and more deadly than most shotguns, the 12 Gauge shotgun fires a cone of buckshot pellets and can knock some foes down.

[[Image:SuperStrength_Jab.png|22px]] '''Jab''' Disorient<br>
==== Pitbull (Lieutenant) ====
You have been disoriented.
''Main Article:'' [[Pitbull]]

[[Image:SuperStrength_Punch.png|22px]] '''Punch''' Melee Smash, Knockback<br>
Pitbull is an enforcer for the Marcone Family in [[Port Oakes]].  You've agreed to help the Marcones with a few problems they've been having, and Pitbull has been sent along to assist you.
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.

[[Image:SuperStrength_Haymaker.png|22px]] '''Haymaker''' Melee Smash, Knockback<br>
The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.

{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons_ShotgunSlug.png|22px]]| Slug| Ranged, Lethal, Foe Knockdown| Fires a large slug at a single target at a very long range.  This very accurate weapon hits hard, and can knock down foes.}}
{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons_ShotgunBuckShot.png|22px]]| 12 Gauge| (Ranged) Cone, Lethal, Foe Knockdown| Good at medium range.  Longer range and more deadly than most shotguns, the 12 Gauge shotgun fires a cone of buckshot pellets and can knock some foes down.}}
{{Power|[[File:SuperStrength_Jab.png|22px]]| Jab| (Melee) Foe Disorient| You have been disoriented.}}
{{Power|[[File:SuperStrength_Punch.png|22px]]| Punch| Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback| A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.}}
{{Power|[[File:SuperStrength_Haymaker.png|22px]]| Haymaker| Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback| The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.}}

=== Elite Bosses ===
=== Elite Bosses ===
Line 236: Line 398:

==== Emil Marcone ====
==== Emil Marcone ====
[[File:EmilMarcone1.jpg|100px|thumb| |<div style="text-align: center;border:none">Emil Marcone</div>]]
[[Emil Marcone]] is the son of Manuel Marcone, the former Governor of [[Port Oakes]].  When Manuel was arrested by Interpol, [[Guido Verandi|Guido 'The Mooch' Verandi]] stepped up to take control, much to the chagrin of Emil.  Emil is now doing whatever he can to seize control from Guido.

[[Emil Marcone]] is the son of Manuel Marcone, the former Governor of Port Oakes.  When Manuel was arrested by Interpol, Guildo 'The Mooch' Verandi stepped up to take control, much to the chagrin of Emil.  Emil is now doing whatever he can to seize control from Guido.

{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons_ARM30grenade.png|22px]]| Frag Grenade| (Ranged) Targeted Area of Effect, Lethal/Smash, Foe Knockback|The explosion from the Fragmentation Grenade affects all within the blast and can knock them back.}}

[[Image:SuperStrength_Jab.png|22px]] '''Jab''' Disorient<br>
{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons ARFullAuto.png|22px]]| Full Auto| (Ranged) Damage over Time (Lethal)| You are taking Lethal Damage over Time from the Tommy Gun.}}
You have been disoriented.

[[Image:SuperStrength_Punch.png|22px]] '''Punch''' Melee Smash, Knockback<br>
{{Power|[[File:AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png|22px]]| Burst| (Ranged) Lethal, Foe -Defense| Your defense has been reduced by the Tommy Gun.}}
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.

[[Image:SuperStrength_Haymaker.png|22px]] '''Haymaker''' Melee Smash, Knockback<br>
{{Power|[[File:SuperStrength_Jab.png|22px]]| Jab| (Melee) Foe Disorient| You have been disoriented.}}
The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.

[[Image:AssaultWeapons_ARM30grenade.png|22px]] '''Frag Grenade''' Targeted AoE Lethal/Smashing, Knockback<br>
{{Power|[[File:SuperStrength_Punch.png|22px]]| Punch| Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback| A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.}}
The explosion from the Fragmentation Grenade affects all within the blast and can knock them back.

[[Image:AssaultWeapons_ARFullAuto.png|22px]] '''Full Auto''' DoT(Lethal)<br>
{{Power|[[File:SuperStrength_Haymaker.png|22px]]| Haymaker| Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback| The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.}}
You are taking Lethal Damage over Time from the Tommy Gun.

[[Image:AssaultWeapons_ARBurst.png|22px]] '''Burst''' -DEF<br>
{{Power|[[File:Leadership_Assault.png|22px]]| Assault| +Damage| Assault is an inherent power of Guido, which increases the damage of all of his surrounding allies.}}
Your defense has been reduced by the Tommy Gun.

[[Image:Leadership_Assault.png|22px]] '''Assault''' +DMG<br>
=== Named Bosses ===
Assault is an inherent power of Guildo, which increases the damage of all of his surrounding allies.

=== Named Bosses ===
* Buster (''Consigliere'', ''Underboss'')
* Big Tony (''Underboss'') (Found on [[Mercedes Sheldon#Check out the Cargo Ship|Check out the Cargo Ship]] mission from [[Mercedes Sheldon]])
* Denny Marcone (''Marcone Capo'') (CoV)
* Draco (''Consigliere'', ''Underboss'')
* Falco Marcone (''Marcone Capo'') (CoV)
* Frankie Frost (''Underboss'')
* Jimmy the Preacher (''Underboss'') (Found on [[Mercedes Sheldon#Get Answers From the Family|Get Answers From the Family]] mission from [[Mercedes Sheldon]])
* Joey "The Shirt" (''Underboss'')
* Marcone Consigliere (CoV)
* Micky 'The Magic Man' Maloney (''Underboss using both models in his various time shifts'') (Found on [[Mercedes Sheldon#Find 'The Magic Man'|Find 'The Magic Man']] mission from [[Mercedes Sheldon]])
* Mr. Crowe (''Consigliere'')
* Mr. Fawkes (''Consigliere'')
* Mr. Wolfe (''Underboss'')
* Paolo Marcone (''Marcone Capo'')(CoV)
* Sammy The Man (''Consigliere'')
* Tommy One Eye (''Underboss'')

* Buster (Underboss)
== Related Badges ==
* Denny Marcone
{{BadgeBox|Button Man Gunner}}
* Draco (Consigliere)
* Draco (Underboss)
* Falco Marcone
* Frankie Frost (Underboss)
* Joey "The Shirt" (Underboss)
* Mr. Crowe (Consigliere)
* Mr. Fawkes (Consigliere)
* Mr. Wolfe (Underboss)
* Paolo Marcone
* Sammy The Man (Consigliere)
* Tommy One Eye (Underboss)


Latest revision as of 22:19, 18 April 2014


The Family is an enemy group in City of Heroes and City of Villains.


The Family official info ( Copied from the City of Heroes official website [1]):

Despite a world of giant monsters, super-powered vigilantes, undead horrors, and alien invaders, there are those who believe the old values and established traditions are the most important things in life. These rough men by their nature live on the edges of law-abiding society. They deal in the illegal and the immoral, and create a space for themselves through the rule of the gun or knife. They profit by exploiting the weakness of others while maintaining a veneer of civility around the Sunday night dining table. They are 'The Family' .

The origins of The Family can be traced directly to Paragon City in the 70s, and even more loosely back to the 20s and 30s. In the heyday of organized crime, Paragon’s underworld was controlled by the Sicilian Families: Blundetto, Bonanno, Dante, Denaro, Garibaldi, Genovese, Gravano, Gualtieri, Liggio, Marcone, Navarra, Troia, and Verandi. A who’s who of Italian names originally from Corleone and Capaci, and Palermo Centro and Santa Maria di Gesu. The Prohibition era was a boon to them, as Rhode Island was one of two states not to ratify the 18th Amendment to the Constitution (“Prohibition”), and 400 miles of Rhode Island’s un-policed coastline was a dream for rumrunners who smuggled in good quality liquor from Canada and the Bahamas.

Several of the families were rumored to be funded by some mysterious benefactor. He was some sort of wealthy industrialist (the stories say), who provided a significant investment of cash for them to run their rackets. In exchange, he gained influence over them and could potentially manipulate them for his ulterior motives. This benefactor may have also helped arm and equip the gangs, for they certainly had an easy time accessing military-grade munitions.

One of the families to gain prominence early was the Marcone family. They operated from a speakeasy called Caesar’s, which was visited every week by Prohibition agents … who delivered cases of wine, scotch, rye, and gin! The agents would then enjoy their fill of Marcone food and drink, sitting down in the cellar with the Marcones and their guests.

The Sicilian Families bought the police, owned the politicians, and put the fear of the mob into the hearts of the hardworking poor of Paragon City. They controlled the rackets, the speakeasies, the bootlegging, and the prostitution. Territory was fought over in quick and bloody strikes, but for the most part there was enough profit for everyone to fill their pockets and the families were held together by Old World traditions. The Sicilian Families rose to dominate the New England mafia, ruling from Paragon, Rhode Island.

Gang wars, gambling dens, and backroom deals were the order of the day – until it all changed with the birth of the Freedom Phalanx in the 1930s. Statesman’s team put tremendous pressure on the organized crime families, and rather than band together they tended to tear each other apart. Several families were destroyed in this era, any mysterious benefactors were scared off, and they lost control of the New England mafia – with control moving to Boston. A “tough-on-crime” mayor and city council was elected in 1936, and those who survived the mass-arrests scurried back into the shadows.

The crime lords nursed their wounds and slowly rebuilt their empires, bringing in their families, absorbing distant cousins, promoting proven soldiers. By the 1960s, the Sicilian Families were ready to plunder Paragon once again. At a sit-down at Bell Point in the heart of Independence Port, territory was again divvied up and partitioned. Several families would stake their claims in Paragon, focusing on Independence Port and Steel Canyon, a few would move out to the territory of Striga Isle, while other families would move into the Rogue Isles in the wake of the lucrative mining and industrial ventures currently booming off the coast.

The Marcones rapidly moved into the Rogue Isles, where they took root before any of their rivals could find a niche. They bought their way into the docks, brought in drugs and prostitutes for the miners, and fought fiercely with anyone who got in their way. In Paragon, meanwhile, the other families formed partnerships with a number of drug cartels and street gangs.

One of the up-and-coming drug traffickers was a young hood named Harry Frost. Frost had a rap sheet for petty larceny, and was arrested several times for distribution of controlled substances, but the charges never stuck. He managed to avoid tangling with the street-oriented Super Groups, like the Regulators, but still made a name for himself as a “go to” guy. When the Regulators and the Dawn Patrol teamed up and took their War on Drugs to the drug fields of South America and Central Asia the North American street dealers panicked. Many got out of the business or went into hiding, but long-range thinkers like Frost bided their time and made sure they were positioned to take advantage of the next big thing – it happened to be the first cut of Superadine.

Harry became the contact point for Superadine. Numerous dealers crawled back out of the woodwork and lined up to be on his payroll. With such an ever-increasing street rep Harry could no longer keep a low profile, and his men began to clash with the various Super Groups in Paragon. Frost’s gang was known as the Frost Cartel, and they ran the entire supply chain for Superadine, acting as the contact and distribution point for the Sicilian Families.

At one point the Regulators managed to corner Frost and deliver him to the authorities. While he suffered a brief stint in prison, his lieutenants struck back hard at the Regulators. In the midst of a brutal ambush, the Illustrated Woman, aka Mina Horne, was killed. These events ratcheted up the tension between the groups. When Frost was released a short time later after several key witnesses disappeared, the animosity between him and Back Alley Brawler and the Regulators was extreme.

Back Alley Brawler redoubled his efforts to put a dent in the drug trade on Paragon’s streets. After a series of daring raids put the heat on the traffickers, the Regulators followed a tip to a front company for the Frost Cartel. In late 1982, the Regulators stormed a building that concealed a major distribution center for the Cartel, and they closed it down. Harry Frost had been at the site at the time, and he attempted to flee. Frost was chased to the roof by Back Alley Brawler, and during the confrontation Frost was accidentally killed, falling to his death. An investigation cleared the Back Alley Brawler of any suspicion, but Frost’s death would have major implications for the city.

Meanwhile, despite the Regulators efforts the Superadine flow didn’t stop. Several other dealers immediately filled Harry’s role – it was as if some mysterious benefactor was supplying them. The Regulators worked with the mystics in the Midnight Squad to finally track the drug back to a source – a secret laboratory beneath a skyscraper in Steel Canyon. They uncovered a well-funded, high-tech research center where the scientists were studying the effects of Superadine on a wide range of test subjects. The Regulators shut the facility down with the help of the Freedom Phalanx, and although the scientists were arrested, over the ensuing weeks they would vanish into the system – clearly they had powerful connections who could pull strings for them. Similarly, much of the equipment and research vanished in a cloud of “national security.”

The respite from the drug trade was very short lived. It wasn’t long before some powerful figure seemed to be approaching the various leaders of the Sicilian Families and bringing them together. Both branches of the families, in Paragon and the Rogue Isles, appeared to be working more smoothly together than ever before. Additionally, they redoubled their efforts to deal in Superadine. Amongst other possible sources, they seemed to have liberated some of the equipment the Regulators turned over to the authorities.

The Paragon Police Department noticed that the various families’ soldiers, capos, and underbosses appeared to be working for a common cause – a more rigid control of the underworld. They also reported a much higher rate of encountering super-powered individuals in any gathering of these Mafiosi. It was as if they had access to a cleaner strain of Superadine for themselves. Eventually it was confirmed that some sort of Capo di tutti Capi (“boss of all bosses”) had unified the dons and their respective forces, and they were now all considered part of a new organization: The Family.

In Paragon post-Rikti War, The Family runs Independence Port, and has heavy influence in Steel Canyon. They also use Striga Isle as a way point between Paragon City and the Rogue Isles. The core of their business depends on the flow of Superadine. It is where they make their most profits, though of course they still deal heavily in racketeering, blackmail, selling illegal arms, trafficking in other soft and hard drugs, and prostitution. They also deal in burgeoning markets of pirated DVDs and electronics, and classic crimes of hijacking shipments, stealing cars (and car parts), and so forth. Because Superadine is so important to their cash flow, they are clearly connected to other criminal gangs such as the Trolls and the Skulls, but the depths of those connections remains undiscovered.

Meanwhile, The Family in the Rogue Isles splintered into two warring factions with the conviction of their don, Manuel Marcone. Despite the long, drawn-out gang war, The Family’s power in the Rogue Isles is deeply entrenched.

Villain types




The Family loyalists work for Emil Marcone, de facto governor of Port Oakes. They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliere, Guido 'The Mooch' Verandi.


Revolver Ranged, Lethal, Med Damage
Small caliber side arm. Not very accurate.

Brawl Melee, Smash
When all else fails, use your own 2 fists.

Marcone Muscle

Marcone muscle

The Family loyalists work for Emil Marcone, de facto governor of Port Oakes. They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliere, Guido 'The Mooch' Verandi.


Automatic Pistol Ranged, Lethal, Med Dam
Small caliber side arm.

Boxing Melee, Smash, Foe Disorient
A decent punch that has a small chance to Disorient foes.

Kick Melee, Moderate Damage, Smash, Foe Knockdown
A modest kicking attack that has a small chance to knock opponents down.

Marcone Blackjack

Marcone blackjack

The Family loyalists work for Emil Marcone, de facto governor of Port Oakes. They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliere, Guido 'The Mooch' Verandi.


Revolver Ranged Lethal, Med Dam
Small caliber side arm. Not very accurate.

Blackjack (Melee, Smash) Foe Disorient
The Blackjack has Disoriented you.

Brawl Melee, Smash
When all else fails, use your own 2 fists.

Marcone Buckshot

Marcone buckshot

The Family loyalists work for Emil Marcone, de facto governor of Port Oakes. They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliere, Guido 'The Mooch' Verandi.

Powers (Levels 1-29)

Shotgun (Ranged) Cone, Lethal, Foe Knockdown
Good at close range. Fires a cone of buckshot pellets and can knock some foes down.

Heavy Brawl Melee, Smash
When all else fails, use your own 2 fists.

Kick Melee, Moderate Damage, Smash, Foe Knockdown
A modest kicking attack that has a small chance to knock opponents down.

Marcone Buckshot

The Family loyalists work for Emil Marcone, de facto governor of Port Oakes. They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliere, Guido 'The Mooch' Verandi.

Powers (Levels 30+)

Slug Ranged, Lethal, Foe Knockdown
Fires a large slug at a single target at a very long range. This very accurate weapon hits hard, and can knock down foes.

12 Gauge (Ranged) Cone, Lethal, Foe Knockdown
Good at medium range. Longer range and more deadly than most shotguns, the 12 Gauge shotgun fires a cone of buckshot pellets and can knock some foes down.

Boxing Melee, Smash, Foe Disorient
A decent punch that has a small chance to Disorient foes.

Kick Melee, Moderate Damage, Smash, Foe Knockdown
A modest kicking attack that has a small chance to knock opponents down.

Marcone Gunner

Marcone gunner

The Family loyalists work for Emil Marcone, de facto governor of Port Oakes. They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliere, Guido 'The Mooch' Verandi.

Powers (Levels 1-29)

Burst (Ranged) Lethal, Damage over Time, Foe -Defense
Your defense has been reduced by the Tommy Gun.

Rifle Butt Melee, Smash
A smash with the butt of your rifle.

Marcone Gunner

Marcone gunner

The Family loyalists work for Emil Marcone, de facto governor of Port Oakes. They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliere, Guido 'The Mooch' Verandi.

Powers (Levels 30+)

Burst (Ranged) Lethal, Damage over Time, Foe -Defense
Your defense has been reduced by the Tommy Gun.

Heavy Burst (Ranged) Damage over Time, Lethal
You are taking Lethal Damage over Time from the Tommy Gun.

Full Auto (Ranged) Damage over Time, Lethal
You are taking Lethal Damage over Time from the Tommy Gun.

Boxing Melee, Smash, Foe Disorient
A decent punch that has a small chance to Disorient foes.

Kick Melee, Moderate Damage, Smash, Foe Knockdown
A modest kicking attack that has a small chance to knock opponents down.

Button Man Muscle

Typical Family thug: a Button Man

Organized crime has always had plenty of competition in Paragon City, but that doesn't stop young street toughs from wanting to swear allegiance to their Don and live like a wiseguy. It helps to be a stone cold killer with a gun, like these guys.


Automatic Pistol Ranged, Lethal, Med Dam
Small caliber side arm.

Boxing Melee, Smash, Foe Disorient
A decent punch that has a small chance to Disorient foes.

Kick Melee, Moderate Damage, Smash, Foe Knockdown
A modest kicking attack that has a small chance to knock opponents down.

Button Man Buckshot

Button Man Buckshot

Organized crime has always had plenty of competition in Paragon City, but that doesn't stop young street toughs from wanting to swear allegiance to their Don and live like a wiseguy. It helps to be a stone cold killer with a gun, like these guys.


Shotgun (Ranged) Cone, Lethal, Foe Knockdown
Good at close range. Fires a cone of buckshot pellets and can knock some foes down.

No Melee attacks
This gangster doesen´t have any Melee attacks at all

Button Man Gunner

Button Man Gunner

Organized crime has always had plenty of competition in Paragon City, but that doesn't stop young street toughs from wanting to swear allegiance to their Don and live like a wiseguy. It helps to be a stone cold killer with a gun, like these guys.


Burst (Ranged) Lethal, Damage over Time, Foe -Defense
Your defense has been reduced by the Tommy Gun.

No Melee attacks
This gangster doesen´t have any Melee attacks at all


Capo Gunner

A Capo Gunner and his Tommy Gun

Each Capo controls his own crew of Button Men. It's a kind of authority you don't earn unless you've proven yourself both ruthless and lucky. Capos save the best weapons and women for themselves and are inevitably smart, tough fighters.


Burst (Ranged) Lethal, Foe -Defense
Your defense has been reduced by the Tommy Gun.

Full Auto (Ranged) Damage over Time, Lethal
You are taking Lethal Damage over Time from the Tommy Gun.

No Melee attacks
This gangster doesen´t have any Melee attacks at all

Capo Muscle

Each Capo controls his own crew of Button Men. It's a kind of authority you don't earn unless you've proven yourself both ruthless and lucky. Capos save the best weapons and women for themselves and are inevitably smart, tough fighters.


Automatic Pistol Ranged, Lethal, Med Damage
Small caliber side arm.

Jab (Melee) Foe Disorient
You have been disoriented.

Punch Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.

Haymaker Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback
The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.

Marcone Hitman

Marcone Hitman

The Family loyalists work for Emil Marcone, de facto governor of Port Oakes. They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliere, Guido 'the Mooch' Verandi.

Powers (Levels 5-9)

Automatic Pistol Ranged, Lethal, Med Damage
Small caliber side arm.

Heavy Brawl Melee, Smash
When all else fails, use your own 2 fists.

Marcone Hitman

Marcone Hitman

The Family loyalists work for Emil Marcone, de facto governor of Port Oakes. They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliere, Guido 'the Mooch' Verandi.

Powers (Levels 10+)

Sniper Rifle Ranged, Sniper, Lethal, Foe Knockdown
Sniper Rifle is a powerful piece of hardware. It is very accurate and has a verly long range. The impressive round can knock down its target.

Heavy Brawl Melee, Smash
When all else fails, use your own 2 fists.

Marcone Underboss

The Family loyalists work for Emil Marcone, de facto governor of Port Oakes. They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliere, Guido 'the Mooch' Verandi.


Frag Grenade (Ranged) Targeted Area of Effect, Lethal/Smash, Foe Knockback
The explosion from the Fragmentation Grenade affects all within the blast and can knock them back.

Burst (Ranged) Lethal, Foe -Defense
Your defense has been reduced by the Tommy Gun.

Full Auto (Ranged) Damage over Time (Lethal)
You are taking Lethal Damage over Time from the Tommy Gun.

Jab (Melee) Foe Disorient
You have been disoriented.

Punch Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.

Haymaker Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback
The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.

Focus Toggle, Self +Defense
The Family Boss can Focus his Senses to predict and avoid attacks.


Marcone Consigliere

Marcone Consigliere

The Family loyalists work for Emil Marcone, de facto governor of Port Oakes. They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliore, Guido 'the Mooch' Verandi.


Crush Ranged, Low Smash Damage, Foe Immobilize, -Fly
Creates a localized gravitational field strong enough to Immobilize a single foe. Crush can also bring down flying entities. This power is very accurate and deals some crushing damage over time.

Gravity Distortion Ranged, Foe Hold
Causes a single foe to experience an intensely misshapen gravitation field, rendering them unable to take any action.

Propel Ranged, Smash, Foe Knockback
The Family Boss can open up a portal and pull in a heavy object that her can then levitate and Propel at foes.

Crushing Field Ranged, Damage over Time, Smash, Foe Immobilize, -Fly
You are being Crushed. You cannot move or fly.

Gravity Distortion Field Ranged, Foe Hold
The Marcone Consigliere has Held you in a Gravity Distortion Field.

Singularity (Only Level 35+) Summon Singularity
Pet is a summoned entity that is created to assist the caster.

Jab (Melee) Foe Disorient
You have been disoriented.

Punch Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.

Haymaker Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback
The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.

Focus Toggle, Self +Defense
The Family Boss can Focus his Senses to predict and avoid attacks.

Marcone Capo

Marcone Capo

The Family loyalists work for Emil Marcone, de facto governor of Port Oakes. They're being challenged by the Marcone's former chief consigliore, Guido 'the Mooch' Verandi.


Burst (Ranged) Lethal, Foe -Defense
Your defense has been reduced by the Tommy Gun.

Full Auto (Ranged) Damage over Time (Lethal)
You are taking Lethal Damage over Time from the Tommy Gun.

Jab (Melee) Foe Disorient
You have been disoriented.

Punch Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.

Haymaker Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback
The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.

Assault (Only level 10+) Point Blank Area of Effect, Ally +Damage +Resistance: Placate, Taunt
While this power is active, you and your nearby teammates deal more damage.


A Family Boss tosses a coin...

In Paragon City you don´t become one of the most trusted advisors without a little super-powered expertise. Consiglieres have far more subtle powers than their Underboss counterparts, which match their more subtle responsibilities within the Family.


Propel Ranged, Smash, Foe Knockback
The Family Boss can open up a portal and pull in a heavy object that her can then levitate and Propel at foes.

Crush Ranged, Low Smash Damage, Foe Immobilize, -Fly
Creates a localized gravitational field strong enough to Immobilize a single foe. Crush can also bring down flying entities. This power is very accurate and deals some crushing damage over time.

Gravity Distortion Ranged, Foe Hold
Causes a single foe to experience an intensely misshapen gravitation field, rendering them unable to take any action.

Jab (Melee) Foe Disorient
You have been disoriented.

Punch Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.

Haymaker Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback
The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.


Family Boss: Both models can be used as Underbosses or Consiglieres

The Underbosses report directly to the Don, and each has control over a number of Capos. In Paragon City you don´t rise to the top without a little super-powered help, and many Underbosses have heightened abilities or access to specialized gear that helps them stay on top in their cutthroath business.


Frag Grenade (Ranged) Targeted Area of Effect, Lethal/Smash, Foe Knockback
The explosion from the Fragmentation Grenade affects all within the blast and can knock them back.

Full Auto (Ranged) Damage over Time (Lethal)
You are taking Lethal Damage over Time from the Tommy Gun.

Burst (Ranged) Lethal, Foe -Defense
Your defense has been reduced by the Tommy Gun.

Jab (Melee) Foe Disorient
You have been disoriented.

Punch Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.

Haymaker Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback
The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.

Focus Toggle, Self +Defense
The Family Boss can Focus his Senses to predict and avoid attacks.

Named Enemies

Button Man Quantum Gunner (Minion)

Organized crime has always had plenty of competition in Paragon City, but that doesn't stop young street toughs from wanting to swear allegiance to their Don and live like a wiseguy. It helps to be a stone cold killer with a gun, like these guys.


Quantum Array Gun (Ranged, Negative) Foe -Recharge, -Speed
Your attack and Movement rate have been slowed by the Quantum Array Gun.

Pitbull (Lieutenant)


Main Article: Pitbull

Pitbull is an enforcer for the Marcone Family in Port Oakes. You've agreed to help the Marcones with a few problems they've been having, and Pitbull has been sent along to assist you.


Slug Ranged, Lethal, Foe Knockdown
Fires a large slug at a single target at a very long range. This very accurate weapon hits hard, and can knock down foes.

12 Gauge (Ranged) Cone, Lethal, Foe Knockdown
Good at medium range. Longer range and more deadly than most shotguns, the 12 Gauge shotgun fires a cone of buckshot pellets and can knock some foes down.

Jab (Melee) Foe Disorient
You have been disoriented.

Punch Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.

Haymaker Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback
The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.

Elite Bosses

Emil Marcone

Emil Marcone

Emil Marcone is the son of Manuel Marcone, the former Governor of Port Oakes. When Manuel was arrested by Interpol, Guido 'The Mooch' Verandi stepped up to take control, much to the chagrin of Emil. Emil is now doing whatever he can to seize control from Guido.


Frag Grenade (Ranged) Targeted Area of Effect, Lethal/Smash, Foe Knockback
The explosion from the Fragmentation Grenade affects all within the blast and can knock them back.

Full Auto (Ranged) Damage over Time (Lethal)
You are taking Lethal Damage over Time from the Tommy Gun.

Burst (Ranged) Lethal, Foe -Defense
Your defense has been reduced by the Tommy Gun.

Jab (Melee) Foe Disorient
You have been disoriented.

Punch Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.

Haymaker Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback
The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.

Assault +Damage
Assault is an inherent power of Guido, which increases the damage of all of his surrounding allies.

Named Bosses

  • Buster (Consigliere, Underboss)
  • Big Tony (Underboss) (Found on Check out the Cargo Ship mission from Mercedes Sheldon)
  • Denny Marcone (Marcone Capo) (CoV)
  • Draco (Consigliere, Underboss)
  • Falco Marcone (Marcone Capo) (CoV)
  • Frankie Frost (Underboss)
  • Jimmy the Preacher (Underboss) (Found on Get Answers From the Family mission from Mercedes Sheldon)
  • Joey "The Shirt" (Underboss)
  • Marcone Consigliere (CoV)
  • Micky 'The Magic Man' Maloney (Underboss using both models in his various time shifts) (Found on Find 'The Magic Man' mission from Mercedes Sheldon)
  • Mr. Crowe (Consigliere)
  • Mr. Fawkes (Consigliere)
  • Mr. Wolfe (Underboss)
  • Paolo Marcone (Marcone Capo)(CoV)
  • Sammy The Man (Consigliere)
  • Tommy One Eye (Underboss)

Related Badges

{{#ask:Button Man Gunner Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Button Man Gunner

The Family owes you a favor.

{{#ask:Gangbuster Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Gangbuster

The Family knows better than to mess with you.

{{#ask:Untouchable Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Untouchable

You have shown that no matter the bribe or threat, you will stand before organized criminals and take them on.