Dr. Trevor Seaborn: Difference between revisions

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m →‎Missions: updating link
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{{Mission Common Defeat Circle of Thorns to get one of their ancient weapons}}
{{Mission Common Defeat Circle of Thorns to get one of their ancient weapons}}
{{Mission Common Go to Perez Park and take back some territory from the Hellions}}
{{Mission Common Go to Perez Park and take back some territory from the Hellions}}
{{Mission Intro Speak to a Hero Corps Field Analyst}}
{{Mission:Common - Speak to a Hero Corps Field Analyst}}
{{Mission:Common - Talk to the Steel Canyon Security Chief}}
{{Mission:Common - Talk to the Steel Canyon Security Chief}}
{{Mission:Common - Talk to the Skyway City Security Chief}}
{{Mission:Common - Talk to the Skyway City Security Chief}}

Revision as of 01:17, 3 April 2012


Dr. Trevor Seaborn
Abnormal Psychiatrist
Zone Steel Canyon
Coordinates (-1611.5, 0, 1378)
Level Range 9-14
Introduced By == Level 5-9 ==
Laurence Mansfield
Paco Sanchez
Genevieve Sanders
== Level 10-14 ==
Carla Brunelli
Tristan Caine
Montague Castanella
Sanjay Chandra
Athena Currie
Everett Daniels
Lorenzo DiCosta
Jill Pastor
Kyle Peck
Alfonse Rubel
Wes Schnabel
Willy Starbuck
Wilson Zucco
Introduces == Level 10-14 ==
Carla Brunelli
Tristan Caine
Sanjay Chandra
Athena Currie
Everett Daniels
Lorenzo DiCosta
Jill Pastor
Kyle Peck
Alfonse Rubel
Wes Schnabel
Willy Starbuck
Wilson Zucco
== Level 15-19 ==
Kong Bao
Vitaly Cherenko
Virginia Hoffman
Thao Ku
Enemy Groups

Circle of Thorns

Badges Spelunker
v  d  e

Dr. Trevor Seaborn is a hero contact in the Steel Canyon Medical Center neighborhood of Steel Canyon at coordinates (-1611.5, 0, 1378). Dr. Trevor Seaborn is a Magic origin contact. His level range is 9-14.


Contact Introduced By

Level 5-9

Level 10-14

Contact Introduces

Multiple contact options
Missing text
Single contact option
Missing text

Level 10-14

There's a gun dealer named Carla Brunelli who would like to meet you. She's a very responsible, proactive woman who's helped a number of heroes in her time. She is deeply troubled by the Clockwork. Their presence in Skyway City means that she can usually be found there.

Carla is tough but fair.

I'd like you to go and talk to my friend Tristan Caine. He's an environmental activist who keeps a close eye on everything that might impact the city's welfare, including criminals. He might have some good tips for you on the Vahzilok. Tristan has a lot of political connections, so he keeps near the city's center in Skyway City.

Have you ever stopped by Sanjay's News? The owner, Sanjay Chandra, is a great guy, real civic minded. He's always looking for ways to help heroes with the Lost and the Skulls. Sanjay's got the scoop over in Skyway City.

Sanjay is one of the most polite people in all of Paragon City.

There's a talented young lawyer named Athena Currie who you should talk to. She's a big community activist and has had some serious run-ins with the Clockwork. Miss Currie practices law in Steel Canyon.

Athena can really use the help of a hero like you.

I know a lawyer, Everett Daniels, who's a pretty good guy. He goes after the big corporations and even the government sometimes, but he's usually on the right side of things. He's always got a lead on the Clockwork. Mr. Daniels' practice is in Skyway City.

Everett will get you into the thick of things.

I know a confidential informant named Lorenzo DiCosta. He can provide you with some solid leads on current Council activity. Lorenzo can be found on the streets of Skyway City.

Lorenzo is well placed to provide information; please don't judge him too harshly, Character.

I suggest you see if Jill Pastor from the FCC has anything for you. She's always looking for heroes to help her out with the Vahzilok. Jill's offices are in Skyway City.

Jill is very serious about catching the bad guys and is willing to give valuable info to any hero who can get the job done.

There's an EPA investigator named Kyle Peck who's known for working well with heroes. I'm sure he'd be happy to help you out as well, and, more importantly, I think you could help him against the Vahzilok. Kyle's connections keep him in Steel Canyon most of the time.

Kyle is fiercely dedicated. As long as you show commitment to helping Paragon City, you will have a strong ally.

There's this kid, Alfonse Rubel, who's a courier. He zips all over the city, delivering important packages and messages. He sees a lot of what's going down with the Lost and the Skulls. Al's route has him in Steel Canyon for the next few days.

Alfonse is almost always on the move. If you catch him at rest, he can help you out.

I know a private eye named Wes Schnabel who wants to talk to you about the Council. He's always looking for new contacts and good heroes to work with. He usually takes cases in Steel Canyon.

Schnabel is a good, old-fashioned gumshoe.

You ever meet Willy Starbuck? He's a small time hustler, but he knows a lot about the Council, and he's willing to talk. You should stop by and introduce yourself. Willy grifts over in Steel Canyon.

Willy has the kind of mind that can lead you right to the heart of trouble.

I suggest you meet Wilson Zucco. He's an ex-gang member who's turned his life around, and he knows the Lost and the Skulls better than anyone. He also has a great deal of information on the Vahzilok. Wilson keeps an eye on the Lost from within Steel Canyon.

Wilson is one of the only people in the city who bridges the gap between the law and the streets.

Level 15-19

There's a Hmong businessman named Kong Bao who's a real leader in his community. You should talk to him. I'm sure you'd find him quite helpful, especially when it comes to the Tsoo and the Circle of Thorns. Mr. Kong has strong ties to Skyway City.

You will be helping a great man, Character.

Have you ever met Vitaly Cherenko, the mystic healer? He's a walking hospital, only he uses magic instead of bandages. You should talk to him and see if you can help each other defeat the Tsoo and the Circle of Thorns. Vitaly can usually be found in Skyway City.

Many people don't understand the work Vitaly is doing, but that doesn't mean it's not important.

You'd never guess it to look at her, but the sculptor Virginia Hoffman really knows a lot about what's going on in this town, especially with the Tsoo and the Circle of Thorns. You should talk to her. Ms. Hoffman lives in Steel Canyon these days.

Virginia is very eccentric, but she has a good heart and is really interested in doing the right thing.

+++ Missing Information +++

Missing intro text

Missing rest of text


Abnormal Psychiatrist

Dr. Trevor Seaborn is one of Paragon City's many doctors to specialize in abnormal psychiatry. With such a large population of criminals with severe pathologies, there is always work to be done. Dr. Seaborn focuses his research on trying to understand the criminal mind, and he often works with police to create profiles of wanted criminals. He also has a good working relationship with many of the city's heroes, offering them advice about how to better confront the insane villains who threaten Paragon City every day.

Wrong Side

I don't talk to villains, Character.

Prior to Introduction

I'm terribly sorry, but I just can't spare a moment right now. Go see Active Contact if you need some information.

Initial Contact

It is troubling that we have to focus so much of our energy on the symptoms, but I hope you can assist me in getting to a place where we might be able to address the disease itself.


  • Things are crazy today. Help me out.
  • I believe there are some matters that you can assist me with.

Too Busy

You should clear out your caseload before looking for more work.

No More Missions

I've got no more cases for you, Character. See one of your other contacts instead.


You have proven a valuable asset so far, my friend. Let's take a look at the newest meds in my store. Call me if you need some professional help.

The time has come for us to fully trust each other in this endeavor. My best Enhancements are available to you.

  • Level 15 Natural/Magic Dual Origin Enhancements (150% base costs)

Badge Mission

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 1 Reward Merit through Flashback only.

Template:Mission Badge Spelunker


Template:Mission Common Find out more about the Hellions' connection to the Outcasts by finding a Hellion who will talk Template:Mission Common Clear the Hellions out of Black Ice Template:Mission Common Defeat Circle of Thorns to get one of their ancient weapons Template:Mission Common Go to Perez Park and take back some territory from the Hellions

Speak to a Hero Corps Field Analyst


This might interest you, Character. Hero Corps has begun a new service to help heroes who are looking for more difficult challenges. You should talk to one of their Field Analysts and see if it interests you.

Mission Acceptance

Remember that this whole thing is completely optional. You can ignore it if you like, but you should know about it.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Remember that this whole Field Analyst thing is completely optional. You can ignore it if you like, but you should know about it.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Speak to Hero Corp Analyst

Hero Corps Field Analyst


Thank you for seeing me, Character. Hero Corps is dedicated to helping all of the city's Heroes, and we're unveiling a new service to help you reach for the highest possible levels of achievement. If you want to face more difficult foes and challenges than a Hero of your level normally would, let us know, and we'll get the word around to all of your contacts. They'll make sure to give you the toughest assignments possible. If you later decide that you'd like to tone your challenges back down to normal or take them even higher, you can always speak to one of our Field Analysts such as myself, and we'll be happy to help you change things either way.

Thanks for visiting with us, Character. Remember that Hero Corps is here to help Heroes!


It's an interesting service, if you're looking for more difficult challenges. It's completely optional, though, so don't worry about it if it doesn't interest you.

Talk to the Steel Canyon Security Chief

Talk to Security Chief


There is trouble in Steel Canyon. Get your assignment from the Security Chief.

Mission Acceptance

You will probably be dealing with the Outcasts, so be ready for anything.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Don't let the Security Chief down, Character.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Security Chief in Steel Canyon

Security Chief (Steel Canyon)


Here is some info on the area. I need you to get out on the streets and contain the Outcasts. They can usually be found in Blyde Square or the Copper District.

Steel Canyon briefing
Steel Canyon is the financial district of Paragon City. Many national banks, insurance companies, and investment firms have their headquarters in this zone. In fact, so much money flows through Steel Canyon, Paragon City ranks among America's richest cities. Success has spurred the construction of so many skyscrapers that the place looks like a canyon made of concrete, glass and metal. The zone isn't without its dangers, though. The Outcasts have claimed the area as their own, and they've recruited a lot of kids with mutant powers related to the elements. That's what the Outcasts love best—beating down their enemies with the power of the elements.

Keep peace in Steel Canyon

Unnecessary Solicitation

Deal with the Outcasts for Security!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Keep peace in Steel Canyon
    • Defeat 10 Outcasts

You have defeated 10 Outcasts.




Well done; those Outcasts are a powerful bunch. It seems the number of mutants in the city is increasing rapidly.

Talk to the Skyway City Security Chief

Talk to Security Chief


The Trolls are rampaging again! The Security Chief asked for you by name. Find him, and get your assignment.

Mission Acceptance

These rampages are happening more and more. Something has to be done!

Unnecessary Solicitation

+++ Missing Information +++

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Security Chief

Security Chief (Skyway City)


Take this and get on the streets immediately. Stop those Trolls! They've caused a lot of havoc in Vista Plaza and the Astral District.

Skyway City briefing
Back in the 1970's, there was a huge drive to create highways to relieve congestion in the city. No one would need to drive on the surface streets - instead, we would drive above them! So the city started building high spanning bridges everywhere, and Skyway City quickly turned into one big highway in the sky. Now this zone is home to a street gang that likes to camp out underneath bridges: the Trolls. These are thugs who've mutated, thanks to taking a bit too much Superadine. But watch out; the drug has given many of them inhuman strength and resistance.

Stop rampage in Skyway City

Unnecessary Solicitation

+++ Missing Information +++

Mission Objective(s)

  • Stop rampage in Skyway City
    • Defeat 10 Trolls

You have stopped the rampage.


Good job today. There must be some link between Superadine and these rampages. The Trolls need to be cut off from their supply.

External Links